100m Yuan Wife: Buy One Get One

Chapter 411: The So-Called Doughty

Chapter 411: The So-Called Doughty

Two days after the wedding, Cheng Anya and Third Young Master Ye took Ning Ning to the Zhang family for the ceremony. He had regarded Commander Zhang as his great grandfather and Zhang Penghui and Jiang Lixue as his G.o.dparents. The ceremony was very formal and lively. Cheng Anya specially left him in the Zhang family for two days for him to be closer to them. He was also sensible to postpone his trip to England. Cheng Anya and Third Young Master Ye planned to go to France for their honeymoon.

Because they were newly-weds, it was better for Ning Ning to stay in the Zhang family for a while. Ye Wei and Eleven were sensible enough to not go back to the mansion to disturb Third Young Master Ye. They planned to go back to the previous mansion that they were living in.

Before leaving, Ye Wei asked Third Young Master Ye, “Is it appropriate for the Zhang family to regard Ning Ning as their family?”

Third Young Master Ye pursed his lips and pondered. His eyes were full of hesitation. He said, “Ning Ning’s ident.i.ty was originally a secret. It’s still a long time since he will grow up and become more mature. I don’t know what his fate with the Zhang family is like. We’ll wait and see if he’ll become close to them or not. It’s fine if they are not. But if they are, Ning Ning will deal with this problem by himself. He knows his place. The political influence of the Zhang family will not be weakened. Commander Zhang is a smart person. How could he not know about Ning Ning’s ident.i.ty? Since he doesn’t mind, he has probably guessed that Ning Ning won’t return to City A for a few years. He did say that he will go to England after two weeks. From his gaze, I knew that he had guessed it. Even if he didn’t know that Ning Ning has such strong backing, he would have guessed that I am one of the leaders of the Dragon Gate. He is a man with a transparent personality and won’t take Ning Ning as his own family without any reason. Anyway, there is no harm for Ning Ning to be close to the Zhang family. I feel that Zhang Penghui and his wife really love Ning Ning. Let it be. It’s his own business. Let him deal with it.”

However, Eleven thought about something else. In the future, Ning Ning would definitely be part of the terrorist organization. The influence of the organization was still a little weak in the business world. If there was support from the Zhang family, it could really rule both the business world and the underworld.

Ye Wei nodded. “In that case, let him be. I guess Ning Ning would like to have a closer relations.h.i.+p with the Zhang family. I guess this boy… You will know what he’s thinking of since he’s your son.”

She made her words clear. Third Young Master Ye and Cheng Anya smiled at each other, but they didn’t say anything. Ye Wei said while winking, “Louis is dead and both of you can now finally have peace. Have a good time during your honeymoon. But third brother, you can only watch and not do anything. Will this honeymoon be sweet?”

Cheng Anya was slightly embarra.s.sed. Ye Wei was the only one in the world that dared to say that. Several people left and Ye Wei suddenly asked, “Third brother and third sister-in-law, we won’t be sending both of you off tomorrow.”

“Sure, don’t need to send us. I told Ning Ning not to send us as well. By the way, Wei Wei, Ning Ning will leave in half a month. How about you?” Cheng Anya asked. “Will you be waiting for Eleven to leave together with Ning Ning?”

Eleven shook her head and said slowly, “We’ll need to do something in City A first. We’ll leave in two days, back to England as well.”

“Then, help me take care of Ning Ning over there.” Cheng Anya was still a little uneasy. She didn’t know when she’d get to see her son again.

“Don’t worry, third sister-in-law. Chu Li and Bai Ye regard Ning Ning as their own child. They wouldn’t bear to see him work too hard. He’s not having the same training as us and he will be able to call you when he has time. He will survive well even if we don’t take care of him. Just wait and see. Another monster of the Ye family will be born in a few years.”

Third Young Master Ye and Cheng Anya smiled. Eleven said, “He might not even need a few years. A few years later, the one in your belly might be different.”

Cheng Anya touched her belly that was still flat and smiled gently. As long as she could give birth safely, she was willing to give birth to an abnormal superman. Some of them bid goodbye with laughter while Eleven and Ye Wei got into the car.

Ye Wei twisted her tired shoulder. “Finally, I’ve settled my mind. Is this considered as the rainbow after the rain for third brother and third sister-in-law?”

Once Louis died, the world seemed to be really peaceful.

“Are we doing it tonight?” Eleven asked while driving. Ye Wei smiled. “Of course, how long have I not moved my muscles?”

“You haven’t moved your muscles for a long time. Mo Jue has done it for you.”

“Eleven, be kind!”

Eleven nodded. Ye Wei took the computer from the car boot and located the position of their target. “300 Ringwood Avenue, Li Rou Hotel.”

“What a ladylike name.”

Ye Wei pursed her lips and smiled. “I look ladylike too.”

“…Very ladylike.”

Ye Wei contentedly put on the ladylike looking mask. Upon looking at her, Eleven said calmly, “Wei Wei, the last time you used this mask was when you had to act as a good woman.”

“Ah, why does black-bellied Chu always let me do this kind of unkind thing?” Ye Wei pretended to shout and changed into the mask of another famous person. Eleven glanced at her and smiled.

When they arrived at the destination, the two gorgeous ladies got out of the car. Li Rou Hotel was the top hotel in City A. It was the birthday party of a politician in City A that day and the banquet was lively. The whole venue was heavily guarded. Many armed bodyguards patrolled the venue and searched for suspicious people.

Ye Wei and Eleven held the invitation in their hand and entered the venue easily. Beauty Ye hooked her arm and gave one of the two gla.s.ses of champagne in her hand to Eleven. They dispersed after they clinked gla.s.ses.

Neatly and nonchalantly.

The birthday party was attended by a lot of senior officials and several big shots of the arms industry.

The arms industry had always been inseparable from politics. If there was any industry that makes the most money in the world, arms smuggling would be number one. This was a lucrative industry and many people wanted to take a share.

The easiest way for arms dealers to smuggle arms was to bribe the local government officials to escort them and then share the profits. If the politicians were short of money, the fastest way to get money was also to find arms dealers to sponsor them. Profits and power were inseparable.

Ye Wei calmly walked around the venue, smelling good, wearing expensive accessories, and looking intimidating. Ye Wei was dressed in a light blue dress, exposing her round shoulders. The faint beautiful sight in front of her chest made her look even more enchanting. Many men coveted her beauty when she walked past them.

“Mister Zhou, I haven’t seen you for a long time. My father is very concerned about you and sends you his regards.” Ye Wei approached a group of people. An old man was chatting with several senior officials. She joined in while laughing and clinked her gla.s.s. She behaved exactly like a socialite.

The old man nodded back politely, and Ye Wei left with a smile. Someone around asked, “Whose daughter was that?”

The old man spread out his arms. “I don’t know!”

Everybody was drinking and chatting together. In a short while, Ye Wei had already checked out the whole venue. She put down her gla.s.s and whispered, “Eleven, there are three people on the stairs, four people in the east, and two people hidden in the banquet.”

“I saw them too.” Eleven’s voice was cold. Ye Wei smiled and hid at the corner while drinking her champagne enchantingly. However, she stared at a middle-aged man who was not far away.

The man was fierce and he looked scary. He had thick black hair, which was a little curly, and a pair of ferocious eyes. He was talking to the host of the party and his eyebrows were filled with ferocity.

He was surrounded by four people, who were closely protecting him at a meter away. At the stairs, corners, and within the venue, there were all his protectors, including the Interpol and his own bodyguards.

This man was an arms dealer in the Middle East. He had secret data of the First Terrorist Organization and even stole the information about the virus weapon data of the organization. Both the data and information were stored in a chip, which he had with him.

Chu Li had issued a death order and demanded that they must get the chip. The data inside was the data of the terrorist organization’s transactions with the governments of various countries. Once this virus weapon entered the black market, the consequences would be unimaginable.

There were spies at the British headquarters, which caused incalculable damage. The only thing they could do now was to take it back immediately to quell the chaos and catch the thieves internally. The compet.i.tion between the Mafia was very intense, especially during when there were wars between the First Terrorist Organization, the Mafia, and the Dragon Gate. All the major international gangs and major military fire merchants took advantage of the opportunity and got themselves involved in the war as well. They stirred up trouble constantly and spy wars were even more exciting. It was chaotic and this situation would last for a while.

Ye Wei and Eleven both understood that the arms dealer was just a bait. After the chip had fallen into his hand, it meant that he was in the hands of the Interpol. However, he would rather die than hand over the chip. He had planned to let the Interpol protect his safety and hand over the chip obediently only after he had reached the United States.

City A was the last station. They would fly directly to the United States next.

The Interpol had caught many people from gangs and terrorist organizations using this bait as everyone wanted this chip. In their eyes, the chip was a priceless treasure.

“Wei Wei, pay attention to the waiter on your right. His goal is the same.”

“I see.” Ye Wei took a sip of champagne and glanced to the right as if nothing had happened. A waiter approached. She smiled and beckoned him to come. She put down her gla.s.s and smiled gently.

The waiter nodded, pa.s.sed by, but did not stop. Ye Wei took out a lipstick and was about to take action. However, she heard laughter coming from a young master. He said, “Beauty, do you want to dance?”

Ye Wei was upset. She had missed such a great opportunity. She smiled and rejected him politely. “I’m sorry, I’m tired. I want to rest.”

“Are you Old Ge’s friend?”

Ye Wei smiled and heard Eleven’s voice. All the information about this handsome young man was briefly introduced to her. She smiled. “Mister Chen is so forgetful. We have met each other before in Red Beauty.”

“Oh, Red Beauty.” Young Master Chen stared at her from head to toe as if he was trying to recollect and recognize her. Ye Wei asked, “Is Young Master Chen here on behalf of your father?”

“Yes. You look unfamiliar. I know all of Old Ge’s friends.”

“There’s a banquet every day. How can you remember everyone?”

“It would leave a deep impression on me if I have seen such a beautiful lady like you before,” Young Master Chen said with a smile. Ye Wei had a bad feeling about this. She might give herself away if she continued talking. She smiled gorgeously and said, “Let’s dance.”

“It’s my pleasure.”

The beautiful woman and handsome man entered the dance floor with Tango. Ye Wei bypa.s.sed the topic and kept talking about unrelated matters. However, she scanned the whole place with her eyes and calculated the timing secretly. Suddenly, she sprained her foot and moaned in pain. Young Master Chen immediately took her to the side and Ye Wei continued to cry out in pain. Young Master Chen hurriedly said, “I’ll help you sit over there and then ask someone to apply some ointment for you.”


As soon as Young Master Chen left, Ye Wei stood up quickly. The whole venue was heavily guarded. There were many Interpol in their plain clothes and top killers all around. It was not easy for her to take action. No wonder the people in the previous several stations were arrested so easily.

“Eleven, aim properly.”


As Ye Wei walked as if nothing had happened, she twisted her lipstick that wasn’t a lipstick. She opened it, lit it, flicked her index finger, and a bunch of red cigarette b.u.t.ts flew into the man’s pocket that was several meters away.

She continued to walk as if nothing had happened. In the same way, she flicked out four red cigarette b.u.t.ts. Moments later, the party was in chaos. Ye Wei ignored it and went up to the second floor in a flash.

“Fire! Fire!”

“Someone fight the fire!”

Eleven was just behind the arms dealer. The smoke ring that Ye Wei had created surrounded him and the crowd in this area became disorganized. Suddenly, a gunshot was fired. The whole venue was even more disordered. People pushed, squeezed, and screamed.

There was a chaotic mixture of the Arabic language and the screams of women. The sound of fire-fighting was noisy.

Eleven held onto two women’s wrists and threw them at the arms dealer and she also fell down together with them. Because the people were too disorderly and ran around, the bodyguards and the police were scattered. Eleven’s movement was very fast. With a blade in her hand, she checked out the arms dealer’s body and cleverly cut open the bag in his unders.h.i.+rt while feigning a fall. The chip fell out and she reached for it before standing up and walking toward the corridor as if nothing had happened.

It didn’t even take her five seconds to obtain the chip.

Standing on the second floor, Ye Wei could see her clearly. Eleven flicked her index finger while back-facing her. She could not even see Ye Wei. However, the chip accurately penetrated the air for more than ten meters from the lower floor and flew toward Ye Wei.

Ye Wei reached out, caught the chip, opened the lipstick again, and smiled enchantingly. The tube of the lipstick was empty. She blew against it and a silver needle went straight into the middle of the arms dealer’s eyebrows.

His eyes popped open and he fell to the ground.

Ye Wei turned around nonchalantly and shot with her silver gun. As if she had eyes on the back of her head, she shot backward with her left hand. The waiter who was about to shoot her was shot and he fell to the ground.

“Dare to compete in gun skills with me? You are seeking for your own death!” She walked toward the elevator.

The police downstairs shouted, “She’s on the second floor! Get her!”

“Inform the hotel to block all possible ways to leave this building!”

The sound of the gunfire began.

It was chaotic.

There was chaos on the lower floor. The man guarding the elevator would definitely not let them go. Ye Wei didn’t ask more and just stunned them with one hand. She entered the elevator and pressed the b.u.t.ton for every floor once. Then, she came out of the elevator and let it go up. She forced open the door of the elevator and jumped down. There were no obstacles along the way at all.

When the police were still searching for her around the elevator floor by floor, Ye Wei was already in the car driven by Eleven and had left the scene quickly.

“Check the goods,” Eleven said. Ye Wei turned on the computer and inserted the chip. After a while, she raised her head and said, “No problem.”

“How many people did Brown catch along the way?” Ye Wei switched off the computer and asked suddenly. Eleven thought about it and pursed her lips. “I don’t know the details. There should be at least twenty people.”

“Great. He’s getting better and better at catching people.” Ye Wei chuckled and raised her eyebrows happily. “But he still has to admit defeat when he meets us.”

Suddenly, Ye Wei’s cell phone rang. It was a number that she had not seen before. She raised her eyebrows. Only a few people knew that phone number. Generally speaking, she would know who had called and there was never a foreign number calling her on that phone.

“Who is that?”

“I’m guessing,” Ye Wei replied and answered the call. “h.e.l.lo.”

“Very nice.” The cold voice of Mo Jue came from the phone. It sounded a little chilly and scary. Ye Wei paused and smiled. “Yo, Gorgeous Mo Jue is also here. Where are you hiding? Why didn’t I see you?”

“The waiter you killed is my man.” Mo Jue’s voice was very calm and gentle. It was hard to decipher his expression and she only felt the silence.

“I’m sorry. Your man is amateurish and slow to shoot.” Ye Wei laughed wildly. If she hadn’t seen the waiter from the reflection of the mirror, she…

Mo Jue, you are really capable!

It seemed that he was also merciless to her. It was good. They’re even.

“Wei Wei, I didn’t know that it was you,” Mo Jue said. That was his explanation after the long silence.

Ye Wei smiled enchantingly as if she had heard something pleasant. “Gorgeous Mo Jue, don’t. Even if you know it’s me, you can still do it. It doesn’t matter. Let’s see who would win the fight!”

Mo Jue had quieted down again and Ye Wei laughed even more enchantingly. It was really hard to talk to Mo Jue on the phone. He didn’t talk much and there would be pauses here and there. Suddenly, she said, “I hope you are not stalling time to locate me. Don’t. I can tell you that if you want to know.”


“Then, why did you call me? To waste my time? The chip is with me. I’m sorry to let you go back empty-handed.” Ye Wei smiled happily, but her clenched fist revealed her real thoughts.

She had almost crushed the chip in her hand.

“I will get the chip!” Mo Jue’s voice was cold and cruel. If one listened carefully enough, one would hear a trace of suppressed anger in his voice. He seemed to be gnas.h.i.+ng his teeth.

Ye Wei laughed. “You lost. The thing is already in my hands. Do you want to take it back? Gorgeous Mo Jue, if I was alone, you might succeed. If you want to take the chip from me, you’d better do it together with your good brother.”

“Do you?” Mo Jue’s voice was flat and slow.

Eleven, who was listening to their conversation, almost laughed out loud, while Ye Wei was calm. “If you can get the chip, I will let you do me.”