100m Yuan Wife: Buy One Get One

Chapter 496: Unt.i.tled

Chapter 496: Unt.i.tled

Eleven looked at Meng Lianying coolly and mockingly whilst Meng Lianying vehemently denied everything. Eleven knew there was something fishy and said, “You know best whether I am spouting nonsense. Please do not be of the opinion that you have killed everybody else and the truth hence lays dormant. Wei Wei and I aren’t dead, and it was a coincidence that Wei Wei and I were helping Chu Li and Jason disrupt the activity of the Eastern European terrorists back then. Halfway through the operation, we were ambushed by the forces of the drug lords, so Wei Wei and I went separate ways as she had to draw them away. We arranged to rendezvous in a hut, and I happened to encounter Mo Ye who was on the verge of dying and saved him out of convenience. I checked the bullet in him, and it was a specialty bullet used by Russian Operatives. I was extremely baffled at why you had taken part in the operation back then. If I am not wrong, you shot Mo Ye. Did you?”

“No!” Meng Lianying immediately denied as she seemed even more fl.u.s.tered. Meng Lianying stepped back as Eleven confronted her closely.

“No?” Eleven smiled casually. “Who are you lying to? I wasted the other two operatives who were with you, and you were the ONLY one who could shoot Mo Ye. How ironic indeed.”

If Mo Ye knew the truth behind his blindness back then, and how the woman who shot him was the precious darling he long held in his hands, the look on his face would be undoubtedly spectacular.

Meng Lianying was about to rebut, but she could only open her mouth but eventually remained silent. Eleven knew that her guess was spot on. Back then, Ye Wei and her had many questions about what transpired as everything unfolded too quickly. As pieces of the puzzle fell into place five years later, she understood what she did not understand back then.

“So what if you know the truth? Even if you went up to tell him that, would he believe you?” Meng Lianying coldly laughed as she asked in return. “He does not even know these things.”

“Meng Lianling, there is something I still do not understand. Since everything was thrown into the open, she decided to clear the air. “The Eastern Europeans had us surrounded for many days, and I, back then, could not understand why they decided to hold their positions. While they were searching every day, they seemed to be going about business as usual and were not seriously searching for our location. If they were h.e.l.l bent on searching for us, they would have undoubtedly located us. If my guess was correct, you were orchestrating them and long knew that we were hiding in a safe house back then. I was thinking that you definitely wanted to kill me, and Mo Ye was your target as well. Since you want to kill the both of us, why did you simply surround us and not attack us? You instead attempted a diversion and deliberately put Wei Wei in danger so that I would leave? To think you even went as far to deceive Mo Ye and claim that you were Meng Lianling? You clearly wanted him dead back then, but why did you hold back and instead hung around him for years to the point you went rogue from your organization.”

“Keke… I don’t understand what you do not understand too. You were right that I knew you two were in the hut back then. I deliberately encircled you and opted not to attack as I wanted to see how much longer you could last. Further developments became even more interesting as you took on Meng Lianling’s name. Haha… and you seem to have taken a liking to Mo Ye. As it was not long after you had killed my sister, I utterly hate you and wanted to make your life a living h.e.l.l by taking him away from you as the worst possible punishment that could be inflicted on you,” Meng Lianling coldly and viciously replied. She only wanted to break them apart back then.

She hence had everybody stop attacking Big Boss Mo and Eleven, instead directing all their firepower at Ye Wei. When Eleven got word that Ye Wei was grievously wounded, she would naturally leave. Mo Ye’s blindness made it extremely easy for her to break them up.

It was extremely easy to disguise one’s voice. As Eleven was ill then, she sounded much lower and one could not tell her original voice. She deliberately caught a cold so that she could sound much lower. Once she recovered after falling asleep for days, she would be able to nicely complete her lie.

After she schemed for Eleven to leave, she deliberately took a bullet and even had her men pursue them. Mo Ye had no choice but to leave Eastern Europe with her.

This allowed him to miss his scheduled time with Eleven, and Eleven would return to never find Mo Ye once Ye Wei was safe.

She initially wanted to separate the two of them so that Eleven would regret for the rest of her life. Little did she expect herself to really take a liking towards Mo Ye. Mo Ye also mistakenly a.s.sumed that she was the woman who went through thick and thin with him, and he doted on her to the skies.

As Meng Lianling was the person who doted on her, she was rarely doted upon since young and naturally became enamored with her feelings for Mo Ye. As her feelings for Mo Ye deepened, she decided to play her own game and killed everybody else who knew the truth.

As there was indeed a Meng Lianling, Mo Jue would be able to confirm all the information when he looked up the names of Russian operatives. As she orchestrated everything perfectly, she could never mention before Mo Ye that she had a sister.

Eleven using Meng Lianling’s name was by chance. As Mo Ye and her were chance acquaintances, she naturally could not tell him the truth. As she had a very deep impression of Meng Lianling back then, Eleven used Meng Lianling as a cover that Meng Lianying exploited.

This strange combination of circ.u.mstances led to the situation that the three of them found themselves in.

The killer falling in love with the target, the benefactor repaying kindness with ingrat.i.tude…

Eleven coldly laughed. Back then, when Mo Ye was blind and Ye Wei encountered a mishap, Meng Lianying was behind it all. She had planned everything too well, and Mo Ye had hidden everything too well. The extremely chaotic situation then, along with The Top Terrorist Organization’s sudden involvement in the firearms and constant conflict around the world left Ye Wei and her up to their ears. When they had the time to revisit what happened, two years had pa.s.sed and they had no proof of what happened. The delay continued until today.

When she saw Mo Ye in City A, she felt that he was familiar. As Mo Ye went from teenager to young adult in five years, his twenty year old self voice and twenty five year old self voice changed. While she was unable to tell that, she only knew that he gave her an extremely familiar feeling as he seemed like that person.

They were at once together and acted as though they were discussing life but never identifying the other person. That was the biggest irony.

She could only say that this all was fated to be.

Indeed, whatever that wasn’t hers was never hers. Even though they stood before each other, the two of them were akin to strangers.

Even so, they became rivals and she hated him to the core.

“I do not believe that your plan was completely perfect. Mo Ye must have had suspicions about you and asked you details about what happened before. How did you know exactly what happened between us?” She was extremely surprised at how she knew everything to the last detail.

“Since you do not know, I’ll let you admit defeat a tad more willingly. After Mo Ye went blind, I secretly installed a bug in his pendant and then secretly removed it. I had an extremely clear idea of what went on between the two of you. If you want to put a finger to your defeat, blame it on how you unintentionally mentioned Meng Lianling’s name. If it weren’t for that name, it would have been impossible for me to keep everything under wraps so well. It was your own undoing.”

“Your own undoing. Karma will eventually strike,” Eleven coldly said. She suddenly moved her feet and opened her fingers as she clawed at Meng Lianying’s throat.

Meng Lianying quickly backed off and kicked at Eleven. Eleven did not take her on and instead pulled a gun on her. “Don’t you move!”

As Meng Lianying woke up early to exercise, and given how nothing like this had ever happened on the island, she naturally would not bring a gun along with her during her morning routines. She could only pa.s.sively obey. Eleven suddenly grabbed her and pointed the gun to her head as she dragged her in the direction of the yacht.

Eleven had actually heard the sound of cars. Ye Wei was the first to stop her chopper on the beach. When she saw Eleven holding Meng Lianying hostage instead of the other way round, she heaved a sigh of relief.

Meng Lianying, not knowing what was going on, screamed for Ye Wei to save her.

As Ye Wei’s lips curled into a smile, everybody else followed. She panicked, and Eleven saw her and then dragged Meng Lianying onto the yacht…

“Wei Wei, save me!”

Ye Wei was unfazed as Mo Jue and Mo Ye led a group of men in black. When Mo Ye saw Meng Lianying being taken hostage, he was shocked and, thinking it was Ye Wei’s idea, stared at Ye Wei furiously.

Ye Wei showed an unruly smile, “Why are you staring at me? If you suck, just admit it.”

Mo Jue grabbed Ye Wei so that she would not speak. As Mo Ye was at the verge of flying into a rage, whatever she said would be used against her. Ye Wei pouted as ten-over guns behind Mo Ye were pointed at Eleven.

Eleven pulled Meng Lianying before her. “Tell them to back off.”

“Ye, save me! She’s mad, she’s mad…” Meng Lianying screamed and showed panic and pity. She seemed utterly adorable to the point people wished they would be able to protect her.

“Let her go! This has nothing to do with her. If you want to vent your anger, come at me,” Mo Ye flatly said.

Eleven suddenly pointed the gun at the back of Meng Lianying’s shoulder and pulled the trigger emotionlessly. The bullet hit Meng Lianying and blood splattered onto Eleven’s windbreaker. Meng Lianying screamed agonizingly…

Ye Wei was shocked. Goodness, what was she up to? She was so tough that she did not even greet nor threaten. Wasn’t she afraid that Big Boss Mo would waste her since she directly fired?

“Stop it!” Mo Ye’s face paled as he looked at Eleven with hate. Eleven coldly smiled. “If you did not say this, I would not have considered harming her. I do not wish to repeat myself one more time – get your men to back off.”

Not wanting to challenge Eleven’s patience, Mo Jue had his men back off. “All of you f*** off from here and don’t hang around!”

The men, not daring to say anything, quickly backed away.

Ye Wei applauded at how it felt to have a trump card in her hands.

“Miss Meng, this gunshot is insufficient to even repay the interest of your debt towards me,” Eleven coldly smiled as she grabbed her throat. Eleven pointed the gun in another direction and aimed at her other shoulder. “I would suggest that your men better not act too hastily. I have the fastest fingers here.”

“She does not owe you anything! It’s ME who owes you something.”

“Shut up!” Eleven bellowed. “You can now ask her what she exactly owes me. I’ll leave it to her to tell you instead.”