100m Yuan Wife: Buy One Get One

Chapter 158: Unt.i.tled

Chapter 158: Unt.i.tled

As the night fell, Ye Chen and Cheng Anya discussed for a moment more before he carried her up to rest.

“Third Young Master Ye, will I still be your princ.i.p.al secretary after my leg has recovered?” Cheng Anya smiled. As she had a son, the relations.h.i.+p between the two of them became a little sensitive. There was also uncertainty as to whether they would continue working together.

“Why not?” Ye Chen raised his brows and seemingly laughed. “Didn’t you sell your soul to me for three years?”

“What a terrible way to put it!” Miss Cheng rolled her eyes. How was a contract the same as the deed to sell oneself?” She suddenly smiled sweetly. “It is also quite easy for my son to redeem me!”

Third Young Master Ye’s lips curled into a happy smile. “That little cutie couldn’t wait for you to sell your soul to me!”

“That little traitor!” Cheng Anya laughed. What she had feared the most was, indeed, her son hoping she would sell her soul to Ye Chen.

“You are such a tough person, and I do not want to make life easy for Yang Zekun!” Ye Chen squeezed the words through his teeth. He became unhappy as he thought of how she had put up an act together with Yang Zekun.

By virtue of ability, Cheng Anya was indeed a talented and hard-to-come-by secretary. As Third Young Master Ye was somebody who would get the most bang for his buck, he would not pa.s.s her over that easily.

“Get out!” Cheng Anya seemingly wanted to hit him. She knew that he had nothing good to say.

If one was praising somebody, would it be better to say a few nice words?

After Third Young Master Ye left, Cheng Anya took the computer. With a body clock that was upside down, she was especially awake in the night. This had not changed for years.

She had wanted to snooze after reading a book, but she went online only to be deluged by news about Ye Chen and Yun Ruoxi.

Cheng Anya read the news articles one by one as she propped her head up.

The wedding banquet was extremely happening. Ye Chen was absent, Old Master Yun was enraged, and photos of Old Master Yun raging at Old Master Ye were even published. The photos were exceptionally clear. One was hopping mad, the other stoic.

Photographs of Yun Ruoxi’s teary meltdown were also published on the internet. Despite being dressed in a white gown, she cried until her eyes were swollen. Her predicament made her pitiful and garnered others’ sympathy.

It was said that the wedding banquet ended with the butler of the Ye family claiming that Third Young Master Ye had a last-minute engagement and could not make it for the wedding. That was the official narrative. However, the wedding banquet was annulled and Miss Yun was so emotional that she ran headlong into a pillar. Thankfully for her, her third auntie was quick enough to block her and prevent the loss of two lives.

Miss Yun’s headlong run into the pillar spurred a lot of discussion topics regarding the wedding banquet.

The official narrative was no longer official.

News about Third Young Master Ye refusing the wedding had spread.

Why did the media frantically report about the change at the wedding? What were the reasons that caused the seemingly loving couple to suddenly bear a deep grudge against each other?

The shocking turn of events at the wedding of tyc.o.o.ns’… Third Young Master Ye refusing the wedding… What now for Miss Yun?

With an irresponsible Third Young Master Ye who knocked Miss Yun up, how would Miss Yun feel? What lay ahead for the unborn child?

Famous newspapers and magazines covered the news with shocking headlines that accused Third Young Master Ye of being irresponsible and forcing a rich man’s daughter to her doom. With popular opinion this one-sided and sympathizing with Miss Yun’s plight, many righteously pinned the blame on Third Young Master Ye and harshly judged his character.

Cheng Anya felt terrible as she saw the flurry of reports that took it out on Third Young Master Ye. She seemingly saw Third Young Master Ye on the stand and face the scorn and ridicule from the people below.

“What a load of bull!” Cheng Anya said coldly. They had no right to judge Third Young Master Ye’s character.

Despite the deluge of news reports, GK International Media had not reported on the wedding debacle between Third Young Master Ye and Miss Yun. Cheng Anya felt weird as GK International Media was the most authoritative media outlet.

When did Klose become such a saint?

After working as his secretary for a year, she knew he had a tense relations.h.i.+p with Third Young Master Ye. Although she did not completely read the mind of this mentally unsound person, she was almost always spot-on. Given that GK was one of the most authoritative newspapers, it went without saying that GK would have reported on such sensational news and made a killing from it. How could he let such an opportunity pa.s.s by?

The most typical response would have been for Klose to give it primetime coverage, call Ye Chen and gloat at his misfortune, then top it off by asking Ye Chen how he felt about it. That was more in line with Klose’s style.

Cheng Anya felt very weird that there was not a single whimper from GK even up until now.

Forget it. For all one knew, Klose might have had his head caught in a door and suddenly became normal and stopped engaging in such damaging activities. On second thought, it did not seem too plausible. Cheng Anya was too lazy to get to the root of it!

“When does this cacophony end?” Cheng Anya frowned. Yun Ruoxi was no fool. She would a.s.sociate Ye Chen with her and Ning Ning once she recovered from her grief and realized that Cheng Anya and Ning Ning were also missing.

G.o.d knows what insane stunt she would pull!

Her running into the pillar without hesitation implied an atypical determination.

Moreover, the Yun and the Ye families would not let the matter slide, which coincided with her broken leg. What bad luck!

She was considering going overseas for a moment to shy away from the flurry of events. However, on second thought, she could not bear to leave Third Young Master Ye to shoulder these groundless accusations.

She browsed another site out of boredom. This site she visited had an interesting backstory. Hearsay had it that it was started by a rich man’s daughter out of boredom. It was an extremely saucy website that focused on megastars, socialites, rich and eligible bachelors and the like…

Third Young Master Ye was the most searched and had the most hits on this website. Simply put, this website had put a mega spotlight on him.

The hottest post on the site was the marital disengagement between Third Young Master Ye and Yun Ruoxi.

The t.i.tle of the post was extremely shocking.

It went against the major sentiments and trends propagated by the major newspapers.

Shocking Marital Disengagement at Tyc.o.o.ns’ Wedding—Third Young Master Ye Is the Biggest Cuckold

As Cheng Anya read the t.i.tle of the post, her eyes twitched extremely hard. This was the most shocking headline she had read so far!


It was the norm for Third Young Master Ye to make cuckolds out of other men. Yun Ruoxi couldn’t have two-timed and made him a cuckold?

Miss Cheng found her thoughts getting a little devilish and quickly opened the post.

One could tell how sticky the thread was given it had more than five thousand replies since it was posted slightly more than two hours ago. One could also tell how much people loved to indulge in gossip.

The OP of the thread had a very characteristic name, I Am A Beautiful Money Boy.

Cheng Anya almost spat upon seeing the name. As she recalled her first meeting with Third Young Master Ye, she had mistaken him as a money boy. It seemed that Third Young Master Ye and money boy were synonymous!

This ‘Beautiful Money Boy’ introduced himself as the hottest attraction at some pub in City A. He attached a very clear photo of the pub as proof.

Cheng Anya knew the pub, which was not unfamiliar to anybody who had spent enough time in town. The pub was a high-cla.s.s stable that serviced rich, lonely women in City A. The stable had high-cla.s.s money boys who were well-qualified, cultured, and asked for a high price for their services. One such money boy requested a hefty hundred thousand yuan for a night’s service—nothing short of exorbitant.

This website specialized in the sauciest gossip and had a targeted reader base. People who patronized the website included socialites, rich housewives, movie stars, etc. They took turns to spread each other’s gossip by posting with alternate online ident.i.ties. Despite the usage of alternate ident.i.ties, it was, nevertheless, interesting as the incidents were real.

This famous pub was mentioned numerous times as it was patronized by many wealthy housewives. They enjoyed the experience and came back to share their experiences. What was more interesting was that many who followed the thread went to experience it for themselves and returned to share their experiences too.

This was something Li Yun had shown her out of boredom. As Cheng Anya would occasionally log on and chat with them, she had quite an impression of this pub.

That said, Miss Cheng has a very elegant username on the forum: The Rain Ends In Jiangnan. It was a pity because behind the feminine name came a sharp and poisonous tongue that made quite an impression. Even the forum master took a liking to her. Simply put, she was famous on the forum.

Mister Beautiful Money Boy’s post was as follows—One day, a cheerful socialite brought another gentle yet depressed socialite to the pub for some merrymaking. Both socialites wanted him, and after he joined them for a drink for a while, the cheerful lady wanted another money boy and left the depressed lady to him.

After three drinks, the lady was tipsy and asked him how much he would charge for a night. She wanted him for a night, and that was how Mister Beautiful Money Boy went about with his business. The woman was adorned with branded apparel, and anybody could tell with one look that she was wealthy. He took the business.

The woman brought him out and went on an alcoholic high. She kept on screaming Third Young Master Ye’s name and behaved crazily. Mister Beautiful Money Boy took pity on her and tried to cajole her. Both of them went to some five-star hotel and had a memorable night.

The money boy recalled that when the next day broke, the gentle girl gave her a million yuan check in exchange for his non-disclosure.

He knew that socialites from a wealthy background were careful with their personal standing. Hence, people in his line were very tight-lipped and could not be bothered with what they heard. Therefore, he agreed!

All jobs had their professional ethics. Mister Beautiful Money Boy knew he had to keep his promise and not talk about the incident.

The twist came a few days later. The same depressed socialite wanted his services and took him out. Mister Beautiful Money Boy recalled her as the most elegant and cultured rich woman.

A visit became a few and Mister Beautiful Money Boy took a fancy to her!

As he fantasized to have her by his side, this lady realized what was happening and cut off all contact with him. She duped him and said that he was merely a money boy who was, in terms of status, inferior to her.

Mister Beautiful Money Boy plunged himself into despair for a few days. One day, as he was reading the papers, he saw this lady and knew her name. He was excited when he knew that she was pregnant. Then, he saw the news that she was about to marry into the Ye family.

Mister Beautiful Money Boy tried to contact the lady but was rejected. She threatened to make his life in City A miserable should he continue to hara.s.s her.

Mister Beautiful Money Boy was enraged, and his love for her became hatred. Filled with hatred, he lamented on the forums and posted a slightly blurry picture. Although the face was unclear, the back and hairstyle of the person extremely resembled Yun Ruoxi.

Mister Beautiful Money Boy gratuitously expressed his love for her and described Third Young Master Ye as an eternal cuckold.

Miss Cheng was taken aback by the news!

This was too shocking!

With both text and pictures, Mister Beautiful Boy had written extremely well. He seemed to be somebody cultured, and some choices of words were poetic and meaningful. He perfectly expressed the intertwining of love and hate.

The depth of emotions and the intertwining of love and hatred brought people to the verge of tears.

“…This is seriously overpowered, no?” Miss Cheng was aghast for quite a while. She suddenly entertained an evil thought. Without discussing whether the article was genuine, how would Third Young Master Ye react when he got wind of such news?”

No, that was too evil!

As women were naturally gossipers, Miss Cheng quickly looked through the replies. They were thoroughly saucy!

The second post was the owner of the forum, some rich lady. She was upping the post and urging people to indulge in gossip. Cheng Anya could imagine how creepy she would have been in front of her computer.

The following post was an entire Mêlée à Trois. There were men and women—some were mocking, some were plain indifferent, some coldly observed the chaos, whilst some took to defending Yun Ruoxi and claimed that this news sullied her personal standing.

The 101st post had somebody by the name of ‘Somebody In The Yun Family’ warn Mister Beautiful Money Boy to be careful lest he was sued into oblivion.

This post instantly heated everything up.

The following posts got even saucier.

Some took to watching the chaos, whilst those who were feeling a little evil joined in the cacophony. It simply meant that they would be more than happy to defend the OP and fund the lawsuit should it happen!

Some clearly expressed their stand and mocked the poster for not using Yun Ruoxi’s name.

The following was a narrative of what happened.

A few minutes later, another user by the name of ‘I Come From Earth’ pa.s.sionately defended Yun Ruoxi’s reputation. From one to a hundred, there were more than four hundred replies in ten minutes. All it took was one person to take on popular sentiment.

Another user, ‘Some Other Rich Man’s Daughter’, came out to fan the flames and incited the crowd to reconstruct the ‘I Come From Earth’ guy.

Miss Cheng was absolutely sure that this lady had an axe to grind with Yun Ruoxi.

The to-and-fros that followed spanned over a thousand replies, and two camps quickly formed— those who believed what happened and those who did not believe what happened. There was a vigorous debate between the two camps and Cheng Anya finally had the opportunity to witness what an ace keyboard warrior was!

Correction. It was a team of ace keyboard warriors!

That said, the forum operated on members.h.i.+p bases and members were subjected to stringent checks. No tom, d.i.c.k, or harry could enter the forum and have their way here. Members of the forums were gentlemen and ladies of certain social standing—that could be inferred from how they debated on the forums.

The insults never seemed to end.

One insulted another in French and returned the favor in French. He immediately insulted somebody in Russian, and this good pal returned the favor in Russian.

There were two more that were even cla.s.sier—one delivered an English insult only to receive a French insult in reply, and an insult in j.a.panese brought a reply in the form of a Korean insult. Somebody else translated the insults one-by-one, and those who caught on were awed at what had transpired.

This was how intellectuals took to arguing!

There was a particularly interesting reply. As the bickering went on, some rich lady noticed that the thread was starting to digress and immediately upped the original post. The next two thousand replies were discussing the incident.

Some were objective and claimed that Third Young Master Ye and Miss Yun were not too different from each other. To put it differently, he believed the OP.

Some took to defending Yun Ruoxi as the photograph was taken at night and was thus unclear. It could not be used to clearly identify the person. Hence, they felt that this was defamation.

Some directly thought that the child that Miss Yun was carrying belonged to Mister Beautiful Money Boy, and Third Young Master Ye was cuckolded. Thankfully, the wedding did not proceed. Otherwise, he would have raised somebody’s child. What a bad deal!

Cheng Anya frowned and evilly thought, ‘If that is true, then to whom the child in Miss Yun’s stomach belongs to?’