100m Yuan Wife: Buy One Get One

Chapter 493: Unt.i.tled

Chapter 493: Unt.i.tled

Eleven punched Big Boss Mo extremely viciously. While Big Boss Mo’s back was against the wall, he had no more room to back off and a vicious Eleven was right before him. As he was unable to maneuver himself, he had no way to escape Eleven’s grasp and could only allow Eleven to punch him.

While Eleven was fighting with Mo Ye earlier, she struggled to achieve victory. As they fought, she was unable to take advantage of Mo Ye despite her experience. The tables had indeed turned.

She was never his opponent, but she could now wantonly hit him to the point he could not retaliate. He was utterly helter-skelter and utterly bruised.

“Fight back, d.a.m.n it! Fight back!” Eleven smashed Mo Ye’s chin and his head tilted to a side and there was a visible bruise on his chin. He coughed out blood and seemed as though he was utterly sapped of strength.

In a fight, one would deliver blows and the others would have to pa.s.sively receive the blows. As Eleven was unsatisfied, she punched Big Boss Mo even harder wherever she could. As the blood on the ground pooled up, Big Boss Mo’s back arched.

Blood splattered onto the ground.

Ding Ke panicked and wanted to go forward to help. Claire grabbed Ding Ke and said, “Don’t go!”

This was what Big Boss Mo owed her, and she was merely repaying him. He saw her actions as a catharsis and would only take his life when she was satisfied.

Mo Jue reached and saw this brutal spectacle of Eleven pinning Mo Ye on the wall and viciously punching him. He Mo Jue frowned and quickly sprinted forward whilst landing a palm on Eleven’s back.

Eleven was obsessed with hitting Big Boss Mo as she became even angrier as he did not retaliate. She did not pay attention to what happened behind her, and took a raw blow from Mo Jue. Eleven knocked into Mo Ye’s chest and grunted as some blood trickled out of the corner of her lips.

As Mo Jue wanted to save Mo Ye, he used as much force that n.o.body could stand up to. Eleven collapsed into Mo Ye’s chest and was unable to catch a breath before Mo Jue landed a second palm strike on her.

Eleven heard the sound and dodged aside. Mo Ye wanted to grab her hand, but he froze in mid-air. Mo Jue showed restraint and went instead to support Mo Ye. “Brother, are you okay?”

He saw the blood on the ground and frowned, then the several bruises on Mo Ye. A malicious and insidious gaze flashed through his eyes and turned to Eleven in shock. Was that the woman that he saw?

When he saw her this time, he felt that she seemed much more terrifying.

“It’s okay,” Mo Ye sounded weak and he stood up while supporting himself against Mo Jue’s hands. He looked at Eleven complexly.

Eleven coldly smiled. Her bloodl.u.s.t made her no less terrifying and she was out to kill. Before the Mo brothers could speak, Eleven leaped forward and punched the Mo brothers.

Since Mo Ye was no match for Eleven, so was Mo Jue. Mo Ye was seriously wounded and Mo Jue had to keep Eleven at bay alone. He thought that his brother’s injuries were because his brother was weak, but he also felt challenged after ten-over moves from Eleven.

At this moment, Mo Ye – who had caught a breath – joined in the fight. It was the brothers against Eleven.

As the three of them exchanged blows, they moved extremely quickly. Eleven took a palm strike from Mo Jue and was slightly affected from it as she was not as aggressive as before. Mo Ye was seriously wounded and Mo Jue had to deliver most of the blows against Eleven. This made for an extremely interesting situation.

All of Eleven’s moves were focused on Mo Ye, and she wished she could utterly devastate him with a single move. Mo Jue, being the ultimately filial brother, would naturally not allow his brother to be wounded and hence blocked Eleven’s attacks. Amidst the to-and-fro, n.o.body was happy. As Eleven only wanted Mo Ye, a rage rose from her heart. Mo Jue coming between them enraged her and she focused all her power on Mo Jue.

Three palm strikes in a row left Mo Jue backing away. Eleven put 80% of her strength in the last palm strike, and Mo Jue dodged it. Eleven’s palms. .h.i.t against the wall, and cracks appeared in the wall…

Ding Ke and Claire’s faces utterly changed.

Mo Jue raised his eyebrows and could only glance at the wall before Eleven’s attacks reached. Mo Ye joined in the fight from the side so that Mo Jue would have time to dodge and attack again.

The two brothers, both the top experts in the world, collaborated seamlessly and were immensely powerful. Mo Jue landed three blows on Eleven’s back and arms, but Eleven absorbed most of the blows and was not particularly injured. It was Mo Ye and Mo Jue who were even more wounded as Eleven had the edge in terms of speed. She was unable to freely control the power in her.

As Eleven hated Mo Ye, she only wanted him dead. Eleven was not particularly meticulous about how she fought and relied primarily on brute force. Despite that being the case, even the Mo brothers in concert also felt that…

They could not overcome her.

If she was able to freely control the power within her, it was afraid n.o.body would be able to even hurt her slightly.

The three of them tangled again, and Eleven struck with both her palms at once – a palm landed on Mo Jue’s chest whilst another landed on Mo Ye’s abdomen. The two brothers could not withstand the force, and Mo Ye backed away into the wall before he stopped.

As Ye Wei entered, she saw a familiar black shadow leap at her. It was as though she could not keep that force that bay and reached out subconsciously and steadied his body. Said person was Mo Jue.

“Careful!” As the black shadow charged at her especially aggressively, Ye Wei had to reach out and grab Mo Jue’s shadow as he turned around thrice before their bodies stabilized. While she was about to tease him with how she was a damsel in distress, she instead heard a hoa.r.s.e call for help.

“Wei Wei…”

Mo Jue’s face changed and he could no longer stop Ye Wei from seeing Eleven. The teasing look on her face disappeared and her face was in shock. Save her face that was slightly skinnier, she was exactly the same as the person in her dreams.

She felt that the person gave her a somewhat distant and familiar feeling.

Who was she?


Ye Wei was a little lost as Eleven called her name and rushed over. As Mo Jue saw Ye Wei back away, he looked at Eleven guardedly as though his beloved would be s.n.a.t.c.hed away.

Eleven paused her steps and looked at Ye Wei in detail. Eleven saw the loss and sadness in Ye Wei’s eyes. She was shocked, and then looked at Mo Jue angrily. “Was this your doing?”

Although she was asking, she was certain that n.o.body else apart from Mo Jue could be capable of such viciousness to have her forget the past.

Mo Jue did not respond to Eleven and instead grabbed Ye Wei’s hands. “What brought you up here? “He asked hurriedly.

Ye Wei did not look at Mo Jue, but instead at how helter skelter the room was, the injured men, the blood on the ground, a deranged and vicious Eleven, a helter skelter Big Boss Mo and panicking Mo Jue…

Everything to her was nothing short of unbelievable.

If her eyes did not play tricks on her, Eleven was fighting the Mo brothers earlier and did not injure them.

Mo Jue grabbed Ye Wei’s waist and was about to lead her away when Eleven took two steps forward and stopped. Ye Wei swatted Mo Jue’s hands away and looked at him coldly. “What are you doing?”

“What are you doing up here?”

“Why can’t I come up here? This place is pretty happening,” Ye Wei smiled and unintentionally replied as she hit Mo Jue’s face smiling. “Gorgeous Mo Jue, if I did not grab you earlier, you would have fallen.”

“Out of here, now,” Mo Jue said no more and was about to bring her away.

“Are you sure that your brother will still be alive when you bring me away?” Ye Wei coolly replied.

As she said that, Mo Jue then recalled the situation at hand and stopped. Mo Ye clutched his abdomen and was panting slightly quickly. With a room full of casualties, n.o.body was a match for Eleven.

Given how she hated his brother, his brother would undoubtedly die if he left.

“Wei Wei..” Eleven called out. To her, killing Mo Ye seemed to be less important as her bloodl.u.s.t gaze became a gaze of sadness. “Do you not even recognise me?”

Ye Wei, feeling a welling sadness in her eyes, did not reply.

Eleven gently smiled and mockingly said, “That’s probably so. Given how terrible I look now, I, let alone you, recognize myself.”

This terrible look?

Ye Wei secretly wondered that she did look terrible. If somebody else saw her this terrible, they would not only describe her as properly hideous, and even deranged. Ye Wei did not feel that way.

Ye Wei’s presence caused a stalemate. With Mo Jue not knowing whether to continue fighting or letting Eleven leave as they were never her match… Maybe she would not leave.

“Whether you know me or not does not matter,” Eleven wiped the sorrow off her face and had a bloodl.u.s.ting look. “Whatever it is, I want you dead!!”

As she said, she quickly turned around and struck at Mo Ye who dodged it. Eleven’s fists, like fists of steel, punched a hole through the wall. Her fists were however intact and she pulled her fists out, ready to strike again.

As Ye Wei saw the hole in the wall, she was aghast. Mo Jue could no longer tend to Ye Wei and hurriedly went to a.s.sist Mo Ye.

To prevent collateral damage, Ding Ke led Claire behind a pillar whilst the men in black on the ground moved aside to give them more s.p.a.ce to fight.

Everybody hoped that the Mo brothers would be able to win Eleven.

Ye Wei stood rooted for five minutes and understood how the Mo brothers were no match for Eleven. Given Mo Ye’s grievous internal injuries, he was no match for Eleven even if he were in fighting shape.

In less than ten minutes, Mo Ye took three punches and two kicks whilst Mo Jue took two punches from Eleven. Eleven, instead, only took a palm strike from Mo Jue. The three of them were top fighters.

But their abilities were extremely disparate.

Ding Ke came up to Ye Wei and pleaded, “Miss Ye Wei, please, please help them.”

“Help? Help who?” Ye Wei asked the obvious.

Ding Ke frowned, awkward, and a brain wave came upon him. “Surely you don’t want to see Mo Jue get injured?”

Ye Wei frowned and did not reply until a moment later. “I’m not even Mo Jue’s match, let alone her match. I am extremely afraid of dying, and will not step into a fight when I know I don’t stand a chance.”

Ye Wei cleanly turned down that plea for help. While she could not bear to see Mo Jue wounded whilst Mo Ye was unrelated to her, it was just… that she did not understand why she could stand so freely here.

“Eleven is strong, but you stepping in will turn the tide for the brothers. Please, please help them,” Ding Ke said. As he spoke to Ye Wei, Big Boss Mo and Mo Jue coughed out blood.

Eleven’s kick almost scattered Big Boss Mo’s frame and Big Boss Mo slumped against the wall and then rolled onto the floor while clutching his chest and grunting in agony. An unbearable searing pain burnt through his insides.

As he felt a stench in his throat, he could not help but cough out blood again.

Ding Ke was extremely panicked and could not look around but plead with Ye Wei. While he knew that it was cruel, he still pleaded with Ye Wei as he knew that Eleven would not strike out against Ye Wei. Eleven not striking out Ye Wei meant that there was still hope at winning her.

Although he felt that Mo Ye was a tad too cruel towards Eleven and sympathized with Eleven, the Mo brothers’ survival were way more important than Eleven.

Ye Wei remained silent as Mo Ye collapsed on the floor and was unable to come up. Mo Jue held out against Eleven for five minutes as he blocked Eleven from further injuring Mo Ye. Mo Jue naturally took blows and was at the verge of giving way.

Mo Ye struggled to stand up, and paused for a few seconds before joining the fight to relieve Mo Jue.

Ye Wei could not help but admire how Big Boss Mo was able to stand up and fight despite being this grievously wounded. Big Boss Mo did what n.o.body else could.

“Miss Ye Wei…”

“Shut up!” Ye Wei interrupted Ding Ke before he could complete his sentence and took a few steps forward.

As Eleven landed a palm strike on Mo Ye, Mo Ye could no longer dodge it. As Mo Jue was unable to prevent it, he used his body to s.h.i.+eld Mo Ye from the palm strike. he retaliated with a palm strike when Eleven was aghast.

It landed squarely in Eleven’s chest and caused her to back off.

Mo Jue, you idiot!

He saw him back away for a few steps before supporting himself against the wall. Ye Wei could not help but scold him.

Eleven wiped away the blood on her corner of her lips and coldly smiled. “Such brothers in arms!”

Eleven’s voice was nothing short of mocking as she looked at Ye Wei. Ye Wei felt a chill in her heart and was about to say something but did not. Eleven attacked Mo Ye again, and her fists were now going for his heart.

Her punches could punch through walls, let alone flesh.

Mo Jue, in shock, quickly ran forward and was about to block the blow. Ye Wei’s face changed at how Mo Jue was mad enough to take the punch for Mo Ye. Ye Wei took a few steps forward and suddenly felt a chill behind her. As she turned back, she saw Ding Ke raise his gun…

Without thinking, Ye Wei knew who Ding Ke was aiming at. Her eyes went wide, and without thinking, gave up on going after Mo Jue and turned back to lock Ding Ke’s wrists. As a bullet zipped past her ear, she was too late. Ye Wei locked Ding Ke’s wrists and twisted it. She could only stop his second shot. The bullet hit the chandelier and lined the ground with fragments…

Ye Wei turned around quickly and saw Eleven’s back turn red. Her eyes reddened at what she saw…