100m Yuan Wife: Buy One Get One

Chapter 717: Unt.i.tled

Chapter 717: Unt.i.tled

Mo s.h.i.+tian returned to Italy to see to the internal affairs of the Mafia along with the recent feuds in the underworld. As time was very tight, the two often called each other and rarely saw the other in person. In the flash of an eye, Su Ruyu was seven months pregnant.

She was not in the best of moods in this period of time, and as a doctor, she did not go for prenatal checkups because she knew her children were fine. As Su Man was Saudi royalty, Su Ruyu going to the hospital before she was married would fan rumors. She did not want her parents to be perturbed by them. Since she was healthy, she never went outdoors in the past few months and instead played with little Su Man.

One day, Fu Jin came back with news of Su Ruhua. He told her with a cold smile that Su Ruhua was at a manor in Riyadh. He had Su Ruyu personally visit Su Ruhua and said that it was inconvenient for Su Ruhua to move.

With no information about Su Ruhua for a long time, Su Ruyu was quite worried about her. Fu Jin sounded particularly credible, but he did not tell her why it was inconvenient for Su Ruhua to move. That, along with his flowery language, left Su Ruyu puzzled, but she still followed Fu Jin to the manor.

This was the manor Su Ruhua bought for the old butler, and it was so secluded n.o.body knew about it. Su Ruyu did not expect herself to be in the manor and saw Su Ruhua with as large a stomach.

She was so shocked that her face turned terribly pale.

She quickly recalled what Fu Jin said previously. While Su Ruyu still had a flicker of hope, she saw Su Ruhua’s uneasy eyes and felt a chill run down her heart.

Without asking, she knew who the child belonged to!

The videotape, the children…

“Mo s.h.i.+tian and you…” Su Ruyu felt her blood boil. Her words were lodged in her throat, becoming incoherent statements.

“Ruyu, listen, I actually…” Su Ruhua walked over clumsily, trying to hold Su Ruyu’s hand and explain to her. Su Ruyu struggled to keep her haphazard breathing in check as she looked on at Su Ruhua closely.

“Tell me, elder sister. Tell me whether that child of yours is related to me. I’m listening.” Su Ruyu held Su Ruhua’s shoulders so hard her knuckles were showing.

Su Ruhua saw Su Ruyu’s despondence and was lost for words. Su Ruyu was on the verge of madness, and her voice could not get any softer. “Tell me, elder sister. Tell me! Why aren’t you explaining? Why aren’t you?!”

“Ruyu, this is Mo s.h.i.+tian’s children. It’s just…” Su Ruhua’s eyes became red. Under such circ.u.mstances, she never thought of telling Su Ruyu about how she was greedy and wanted to keep the child.

“Hahaha…” Su Ruyu broke into crazy laughter. Su Ruhua struggled to keep her shuddering body in check. “Ruyu, please do not be agitated. You’re carrying children. Please do not…”

“The children, the children… Don’t you f***ing touch me!” Su Ruyu was so enraged she lost all reasoning and pushed Su Ruhua away. She did not care about her child.

She did not want her to touch her.

Su Ruhua was not as strong as Su Ruyu, and Su Ruhua hit against the table behind her hard thanks to the hard shove. Su Ruyu limped out of the house with a sharp pain in her abdomen, blood flowing down her thighs.

In shock, she kneeled onto the ground. The loud sound of a flower tray shattering came from within the house. The old butler and Fu Jin, who were outside, came in. Both sisters’ conditions were about the same, and they looked like they were about to prematurely deliver.

Su Ruyu was physically and emotionally battered; her heart was filled with hatred and grudge, and that, along with the searing pain her body was in, left her faculties drifting, and she gradually lost consciousness. Fu Jin was shocked. The manor was in a secluded place, so they could not make it to the hospital in time. There happened to be a small clinic in the vicinity. The old butler said that the doctor had helped a villager nearby deliver her child. The two of them hurried the sisters to the little clinic.

Fu Jin had the old butler inform Daddy and Mommy Su. Fu Jin could be considered a part of the Su family and he was deeply in love with Su Ruyu. Everybody knew that the old butler was at peace and immediately ran to inform Daddy and Mommy Su.

In the clinic…

Both sisters were in critical condition, and there was only one doctor who could save either of them. Since Fu Jin was biased, he had the doctor perform a C-section on Su Ruyu. Su Ruyu carried twins that were prematurely delivered. Thus, the operation took much longer and Fu Jin wanted to transfer Su Ruhua to another hospital, which was a three to four-hour journey from the manor. They simply could not make it.

The clinic was a small clinic that serviced the nearby village. There were no nurses and only a doctor present. While the doctor delivered Su Ruyu’s children, Fu Jin, who knew a little medicine, could only do what the doctor said to the best of his ability. And so, he did a C-section on Su Ruhua.

Fu Jin was a half-baked person. He was on good terms with the Su sisters and never thought of harming Su Ruhua. He wanted to save Su Ruhua and her child.

Over an hour later, Su Ruyu’s operation was considered a success and she delivered a pair of twin boys. On the contrary, Su Ruhua did not deliver any children. The doctor had Fu Jin focus on the cleanup as he took over Su Ruhua’s operation. It was a pity that the fetal position of the child was already abnormal due to the long time on the operating table, which led to the child being strangled by its umbilical cord. The child was actually very healthy…

The doctor could only express his regret. The child could have been saved had he operated on Su Ruhua first. Su Ruyu’s children, in return, would have died. Under such situations, only either of their children could be saved, and it was a miracle that Su Ruhua was safe.

The story should have ended here.

Su Ruyu gave birth to a pair of boys whilst Su Ruhua’s child died. Fu Jin suddenly had a vicious thought. Since Su Ruyu and Su Ruhua had yet to awaken, only he and the doctor knew about the children.

If the children were exchanged, where Su Ruhua got the twins whereas Su Ruyu got the dead child, it should not be an issue as long as the doctor played along.

Besides, Su Ruhua would not know that her children had been swapped.

The thought became even stronger in Fu Jin’s mind. Although there was already a wedge between the sisters, as well as between Su Ruyu and Mo s.h.i.+tian, he was still not at ease and wanted to completely and irreversibly break up Su Ruyu and Mo s.h.i.+tian, and the child was the key.

He really understood Su Ruyu and knew that she would be utterly heartbroken when the child died and would s.h.i.+ft the hatred onto Mo s.h.i.+tian. Besides, since Mo s.h.i.+tian and Su Ruhua had twins, Su Ruyu, given her strong character, would never get together with Mo s.h.i.+tian.


Fu Jin could not dispel the thought. Hence, he held the doctor at gunpoint while swapping the children.