11 Ways to Forget Your Ex-Boyfriend

Chapter 5

“Why did you not answer my calls and texts?” Allen ask me.

“Who said you can have my number? And where did you get my number?!”

“I got it from toot.”


“From toot, from Allen.”


“Your deaf, I said I got it from toot!”

“Ahh.” That’s the only thing I could say, but the truth is deep inside me I’m disappointed. If you would think about it I’m happy that Allen still have my number, but at the same time sad because he just gave my number to other people. He is giving me to others now, how nice.

“Why are you suddenly quiet?” Trey ask.

“I’m really quiet. That’s why don’t talk to me.” I answered.

“Your really mean. By the way, what’s your relationship with Allen? I mean toot! Why are you calling him toot?” trey ask curiously

“We just know each other,” acquaintance? Actually, we’re ex. “None of your business.”

“Come on, I want to know why you call him toot. I’m really curious.” Trey.

“I said its none of your business.”

“Oops. I’ll just gonna ask Allen if you don’t want to say it.”

“NO.” I surprised him by shouting, I bow my head, “Don’t say it to Allen, don’t mention him anything  about me.”


“He is my ex boyfriend, happy? Now your silent, don’t speak particularly about him.”

He turns silent after what I said. But it did not last and he spoke again, “So you’re probably crying at that time.”

This time, I look at him he just stared at the road, “Huh? What did you say?”

“This is yours right?” he suddenly took a handkerchief from his pocket, “This handkerchief is yours right?”

I look and took it from him, “Yes it’s mine, how did you?”

I remember that handkerchief, it was Allen’s gift to me during our monthsary. Written is our initials, A & S. The hanky I used when we broke up.

“I picked it after you finish crying at that time. You put them in your pocket, but it fell that’s why I picked it ‘after you left."”

“What are you saying?”

“You we’re crying in the playground back then right? I wanted to approach you but thought that maybe you might get angry when a stranger approach you, I just watch you even though I want to comfort you. That what happens, after you cried you put it in your pocket but it fell so I picked it up. I tried to return it to you but whenever I saw you in school I don’t have a courage to talk to you and give it since we don’t know each other.”

I cried when I held the handkerchief, I remember those days again when Allen and I broke up. The day when he said that he don’t to be with me anymore and we stop what we have. It was so painful because it was sudden, he did not even given me a hint.I was not ready so until now I can’t move on. I love Allen until now.

My tears keep dropping, I don’t care if there is Trey in front of me, I just cry while walking. I was going to dry my tears using the it but he suddenly took it from me.


“Use this instead.” he hands me his handkerchief, “Here, you can cry on my hanky.”

I did what he said. We stop at a bench near there, I cry and cry. He just quietly sit beside me, he did not utter any word. I only hear my cries and the noise of the pa.s.sing vehicles. I don’t care if there are people pa.s.sing see me like this.

“I love him, I really do.” I talk to myself crying.

“Well, let it out. Cry.” After he said that I cry even more. The pain, it so painful.  But after I cried my feelings somewhat lightens. I needed that cry, makes me feel a little better.

We both stand. “Are you okay?” he said.

“Ah yes thank you, now I’m sleepy.” I don’t know why every time cry I feel sleepy after. “I’m going home. Don’t join me please, I need to be alone right now. I’ll just give your handkerchief tomorrow.”

“Sure. You can keep the handkerchief.” He turn and walk away from me while waving a hand.

I only watch his back for a second and also turn to go home.

I really need something to keep me busy. Tomorrow, I’ll join the cooking club, art club and media club. I need more than one club right now. I have to keep myself occupied with other things because if not, I’ll be hunted with Allen’s memories. It scares me just to think of it.

I haven’t made it home yet when I receive a text from Trey.

From: +639*********Smile. - Trey

After reading it, I actually felt like smiling. I do not know, his text sounded ike a command do I do it.

“I hope there will be a second note.” I know even though only 2 days just pa.s.sed since I received one, I’m already hoping that there will be another note in my locker from the mysterious sender. I’m not disappointed because when I open it a paper fell again.

#4. Indulge yourself.

It sounded simple but I think it’s a nice idea. It’s been a while since I last went shopping.

After reading the note, I kept it in my bag and spoke in a loud voice, “If you are around here, thank you.”

Tugsh∼  (sound effect of a thing falling)

I heard a thing like a book drops. When I look at my right not far from my locker, nearby. I saw Allen and a girl.

“Are you alright?” Allen said, while helping the woman who dropped her books.

“Next time you should be careful, babe.” Allen said to the girl.