
Chapter 23

Credits to Chiffon_cake for the original story
Media files by: PinkMilk Subs
Wayo"s POV.

At the Restaurant

P"Pha seems to be very hungry indeed. I"m still working on my food but he"s already down to his second helping.

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I couldn"t help but smile seeing him like that. Kind"a cute.

"Dig up... Everyone is waiting for us."

I know... But I"m taking it slow because I couldn"t stop staring at you.

"Are you coming with us tomorrow?"

I start the conversation. I shouldn"t ask because I already knew he"s going but I still want some verifications.

"Yes." He replies and he"s done. Look at those empty dishes in front of him. "Don"t you want me to go?"

Hey! I didn"t say anything like that. "Of course, I want you to join the activity. You are the Campus Moon in the first place so you have to be there... To help."

"Why? Am I not helping enough as a Campus Moon?"

"I dunno. You"re always sitting there being handsome doing nothing at the studio."

"So you think I"m handsome?"

"Hey! You"re misunderstanding something here. I"m just saying you just sat there doing nothing. I didn"t exactly say you are handsome."

"So? Am I handsome?"

What"s wrong with this guy? What do you want from me?

I look right at him.

You shouldn"t be asking me this question, you know. Look at those flirty eyes of yours. What are you trying to do with those sparkling eyes and that charming and killing smile at the corner of those perfect lips?

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Lucky I"m not falling for your charm... Really? Am I not?

"Hey, auntie... Check please!" I called the lady attendant"s attention to change the subject.

"You haven"t answered my question yet."

"What question?"


d.a.m.n! I couldn"t tell him how handsome he is but I don"t want to lie either. What should I do?

"Can"t you tell by yourself after looking at the mirror?"

"I can... But I want to hear it from you."

Heeelp! Somebody help me out of this s.h.i.t!


"Yes... You are handsome."

I finally speak it out and I can see that satisfied smile in his stupid face too. Grrrr!!!

"... But absolutely not as handsome as me." I smirked.

"Yeah... Right..." Such a sarcastic voice he uses.

I paid for our dinner and for the meals in those boxes. I feel so relieved that I have finally got myself away from that uncomfortable conversation.

P"Pha is really getting a lot of attention from everyone inside that restaurant. He"s trying to carry all the meal boxes by himself.

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"I get these." He said.

How can you carry all those 4-5 bags of food boxes by yourself? He"s doing it anyway. Now he has to use his mouth to hold the car key. We have to use P"Beam"s car because the boxes wouldn"t fit inside his Audi.

"Get the door for me."

He turn his face towards me trying to let me take the key from his mouth in front of these people inside the restaurant and they are all looking at us for crying out loud!

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What are you trying to do? Embarra.s.s me in front of people? What am I going to do?

"Hurry up." He"s starting to complain with his mouth holding the key because he"s bending over me for awhile now.

f.u.c.k! This is so embarra.s.sing. ? Just get this over with, Yo!

I try to take the key but the idiot still finds time to play around by pulling his face away.

"Aish!" I really want to swear to him.

"Hahaha." He"s laughing at the corner of his mouth. He smiles at me and it"s melting me away. He"s too handsome. "Okay, I"ll stop. Take it."


I"ll slap your mouth if you do this to me again.

It"s my fault for being shorter than him. But I think I should slap those eyes of his first, flirting and sparkling at me. Stop looking at me like that! 

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Wew! Finally, I got the key and opened the car for him.

He"s not only an a.s.shole but he"s also a jerk. A flirty jerk.

Back at the studio

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The practice ended around 11:00PM but the Insane Med Student Gang is still here. Don"t they have to go home and study?

"That"s it for today, Kids." The compet.i.tion manager announces. "Thank you P"Ham for teaching us the dance today..."

Everyone bowed our waii at P"Ham who"s our dance master.

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"Go home and rest. Pack your stuff for tomorrow and I"ll see you all here at 9:00AM. See you tomorrow, everyone. Bye! Bye!"

"Are you tired?" Ming asked while clinging his arms on my shoulder.

"A little."

My partner Nate approach me all of a sudden. "Yo, want to go home with me today? I brought Nan"s car."

I don"t know how to answer. We"re friends with Nate and this is the first time I received an invitation from a girl! And should a guy supposed to refuse an offer like that?

"Well... Can it be another time? I have some business to do with the older students." It"s the truth. But why do I feel a bit guilty seeing her disappointed face?

"Okay." She said, forcing a smile. "Take care then... I"ll see you tomorrow."

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"So, P"Pha is taking you home, right?" Ming asks me curiously. "Is he getting serious about you now or what?"

"What are you talking about? He"s just giving me a ride because we live in the same apartment." Stop giving me hope, Ming... Stop it. ?

"If he"s not into you, why the heck is he still waiting for you this late?"

"No, he"s not. He"s the Campus Moon. He has to be here."

"You know what? You can be optimistic sometimes."

"I just don"t want to get hurt if it"s not real."

Ming shook his head before walking towards P"Pha"s table which only have the three of them - P"Kit and P"Beam left. What are you doing, Ai"Ming? Are you going to punch him?

Ming is also pretty big and almost as tall as P"Pha. But P"Pha is kind of a little larger, probably because he"s playing basketball a lot.

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"Are you taking my friend back home, P"Pha?"

"Yes... Do you have any problem with that?"

Two a.s.sholes are talking... I"m so worried that they would end up punching each other"s faces so bad.

"Not for now... But maybe later." Wait a minute, Ai"Ming... You want me to date him earlier, don"t you? What are you talking now?

"Please take good care of him for me." Ming waii at P"Pha and everyone at that table. He pats my shoulder before leaving.

What is he playing at? Is he falling for me too? No way! How could I possibly think like that?

He"s my best friend. But I"m sure he has some kind of plan going on in his head right now. I need to talk to him about this as soon as possible.

"Is he really your friend or your boyfriend?" P"Kit spills it out first. "He seems very possessive of you."

"He"s my friend... We"re both friends khrub."

"Are you sure? Maybe you think it that way but he"s not?"

"Maybe it"s about time for Ming to clear things out. I"m sure he thinks of me as his friend too. We"re like brothers." I said.

I"ll kill you later Ming. ? I swear! You left me with some trouble here.

"Shall we go now?" P"Pha asks.

Inside the car...

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P"Pha and I are sitting quietly. I"m feeling kind"a cold because I"ve been sweating for hours and my body is now shaking from the air conditioner that blows straight towards me.

I saw my phone screen brightening up which means someone just sent me a message. I looked and saw that it was from Ming.

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There you go. I knew it! That jerk does have a plan moving on his head but I don"t like it. This may cause P"Pha and his friends misunderstand something about us.

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I"m shaking my head laughing at his crazy plan, totally forgetting about the guy sitting next to me. I think he has seen me the whole time chatting with Ming.

"Dealing with double dates?"

I shut my phone right away.

"Double dates?"

"I have never known you were this quite popular."

"No, I"m not."

"Forth and Ming... Both are Moons from Engineering."

"Nothing"s going on between me and any of them." I really don"t want him to misunderstand me.

There was another jolt of silence again.

"What time do we have to get up tomorrow?" P"Pha asks.

"It"s 8:00AM because we have to be there by 9:00AM." I told him. "What do you want me to do tomorrow?" I"m still being his servant, I remember.

He gave his answer after we parked his car. "Wake me up tomorrow."

"What?" I look right at him.

"I don"t get up easily on the days I don"t have cla.s.ses. Wake me up tomorrow."

"Oh, okay... But how?"

"Just knock the door."

"That"s it?"


"Okay, I guess." d.a.m.n! Do I have to get up at 5:00AM again to get dressed?

"Thank you." P"Pha speaks to me nicely and politely. It"s killing me... I"m also a bit surprised at him being nice like that.

"Thanks for the ride. So... I"ll see you tomorrow?" I told him before getting out of the car.

"Wait a sec..."


"You called me P"Pha awhile ago. I like it." He said. I remember calling him that when I went to talk to him at the table with his friends. "Why don"t you keep calling me that from now on?"

Hey! Isn"t that too much?

"You never call me by my name either. You just keep on calling me Shorty... Shorty... Like that."

"Don"t you find it cute?"

There"s no way I"m playing around with this idiot. "No. Yo is way cutier than Shorty." I love my name.

Wayo means wind in Thai. It"s a beautiful name. "What makes you think "Shorty" is a cute name?"

"Let"s make a deal then..."

"What is it?"

"If you call me P"Pha... Then I"ll call you..."


"... Nong"Yo."



I am so dead. I couldn"t feel a thing right now. The word "Nong"Yo" coming from his mouth blew me away. My heart is beating so loud, I feel so numb like I was shot by an electric bolt.

I never imagined it going to sound so beautiful hearing him call my name. Especially his voice.

Where did the a.s.shole I knew go? Where is he now?

"No deal." I open the car door and leave as fast as I could without even looking back. This is not good. I always act so weird in front of him every time he does something like that to me.

I closed the door upon getting inside my room and leaned behind it. My heart is so full of emotions I couldn"t stop from bursting.

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I need to go to the bathroom... Not to pee but to...


Yeah. Scream with so much happiness. I went out as if nothing happened. But the color never left my cheeks and my eyes are still fluttering.

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Maybe next time, P"Pha... I"ll let you call me like that... Without me screaming.

Shia! I feel so good right now. ?

---------------- To be continued ---------------
Translations by: Jamestot2k17