
Chapter 27

Credits to Chiffon_cake for the original story
Media files by: PinkMilk Subs
Wayo"s POV.

I was some kind of a crazy person the moment I got myself out of the room. I can"t look at P"Pha straight in the eye even if he sticks around the Moons and Stars who were ushered to have their make up for this afternoon"s photoshoot.

Let"s say my face becomes so red just seeing his vague shadow everywhere. h.e.l.l! If you ask me to lie down again on that stupid bed with him straddling on top of me, you may have to spend a hundred million bucks just to make me do it.

Or... I may change my mind and do it again for only five bucks? Hahah!

"Ohooh! Are you the type of person who can easily change his facial colors in one day?" Handsome Ming already has his hair done and seems to be free right now since he comes to pester me while this one makeup artist puts foundation on my face.

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"You looked so pale this morning after being carsick but now your face is so red that even make up couldn"t hide it." He"s actually giggling like a sissy girl, I swear.

"Did you get some good medicine?"

"Medicine my a.s.s! I slept on this side that"s why my face is like that." I was pointing at my left cheek.

"You sleep face down?!" f.u.c.k! This guy must have swallowed a microphone when he was a kid. He"s too loud! "Don"t tell me you and P"..."

"Aiiish! Ai"Ming!" I shush. If he mention P"s name out, I"ll be dead. I still don"t want anyone to find out that I"m one of those millions who wants to conquer Dr. Phana"s heart. "Am I good, P"?" I asked the make-up artist. I become the one who"s in a hurry now instead of Ming.

"Not yet. I have to put this spray on to refresh your face. How is it? Does it feel good?" He wipes my face with a piece of tissue. "This will help to protect your make-up."

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He takes the lipgloss and asks me to open my mouth a bit. "Let"s add a little more lipstick... Come on... Squeeze your lips together... Oh my! Which faculty are you from? You look even prettier than those stars."

What the f.u.c.k. ?

"What pretty? This is called being handsome P"."

"My... My... Stay still and look at me." He raises both hands to gesture me to look at him. "Umhum... I was right. If we put a wig on you, all those stars won"t stand a chance and will fall off the stage during the compet.i.tion."


"Open your mouth a little... Open it..." He adds a bit more lipstick to my lips. "A little bit more... Very good. Now squeeze it... With sound. That"s it."

I sound pretty much stupid in front of this P" I think. ?

"And we"re done." He takes a look at Ming. "What are you doing here? Are you waiting for your boyfriend or something?"

And once again, Ai"Ming doesn"t deny anything but laughs instead.

"Hey! No, P". He"s not my boyfriend." I drag him outside to have a talk. "You... Come here!"

At the Resort Garden...

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"What"s wrong with you? Why didn"t you deny it?"

"Having a scandal with you is also kind of nice because I couldn"t stand all those phone calls I receive from girls everyday."

I believe him and he"s not exaggerating at all. I"ve been friends with him since forever so how can I not know about his problem?

But I couldn"t focus on that for now. I have my own problems to resolve too.

"Where did you go? Why did you let P"Pha wake me up instead?"

It was as if the question is attached to the Campus Moon"s soul because he walks right behind my back after I mention it. I dunno if he heard me or not. He was carrying a few cans of c.o.ke which he may have brought for his friends.

"I didn"t go anywhere. I just... Went out to eat." So this is what you call "going somewhere"? 

"When it was almost time for the meeting, I saw P"Pha went inside the room. I knew you were still sleeping and I don"t want to be the third wheel between you two."

You"re not a third wheel. It was me who almost died and melted like water on the bed. ?

"I wonder which star will let me sleep in her room to keep her company so that I won"t interrupt you and P"Pha tonight?"

"a.s.shole Ming..."

He gaped at me.

"I"ll be the one to jump on P"Pha tonight."

Ming"s eyes widened all of a sudden. "Huh?"

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"Just kidding... ?"

"Jerk... You can never push anyone down. Even a visually impaired person can see through the level of your experience. It"s not even close to minimum!"

"Well... I..." I don"t have hordes of women running after me like this tall freak so how will I know?

"Never mind about that... Why? Did P"Pha do something to you? You look so restless. What"s wrong?"

I gulped and didn"t even dare to reply.

"You tried to jump on him but he rejected it!?"

"No! It"s not like that."

"But your expression tells me you did it just like that."

"No, it"s not."

"Hey! No need to make an angry face at me. Just be thankful that I let you and P"Pha have some private moments together."

"Well, it"s good but... I feel embarra.s.sed."

"It"s just this and you"re already embarra.s.sed? I really want to know how you will handle it tonight."

Man! I don"t want to think about what"s going to happen tonight either! ?

At the Beach...

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The video shooting is quite easy since it will only take a portion of the whole clip on the promotion ads. I heard they"re doing it to promote the university"s activities and also to gather more sponsors for the compet.i.tion.

For most of us though, it"s our major excuse to skip other activities in our own faculties since Moon and Stars are highly given special privileges while the contest is still going on.

There"s really nothing much during the shooting event. The stars gather to play volleyball in the pool on their swimming attire while several photographer and videographer work on taking videos of them playing.

P"Kit and P"Beam almost jumped to the pool in excitement when they were asked to use water hose to create an artificial rain to add some special effects to the video clip. This gives them a rare opportunity to ogle at their s.e.xy bodies which were half exposed to the visible eye.

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As for the guys, we headed for the white sand bars to play soccer in two teams. They were using a lot of cameras to capture every angle from our smiles, yells, jokes, tumbling down after being hit by the ball, etc.

It"s a very fun activity to the point everyone no longer mind who"s more handsome than who. (Then why the f.u.c.k do we still need that makeup and hairdo for?) I could hardly imagine what"s it going to be like in the end.

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Once the contest is done, it will no longer matter who"s gonna win or loose. The important thing we earned in this activity is the friendship we have established with each other along the way.

Since I just got recovered from carsickness and they see me easily sweat and become breathless, I"m often exchanged with others for the shooting. I sit on one corner panting like a dog while the camera is still rolling. One photographer keeps on taking pictures of me and I don"t like to see my photo being posted as someone who easily gets tired.

"Are you okay?" I heard a man"s voice behind me. Before I even notice, a small towel landed on my shoulder.

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"Are you supposed to take their pictures according to their whim? Nong is tired. Go take take pictures over there."

P"Forth comes to the rescue before I get a lot more pictures of my fatigue being shown to the public.

"You just recover and shouldn"t play this kind of heavy sport... Don"t go back to the field anymore."

"Hey, P"! Why haven"t I seen you since I that time?"

I last saw him when we were on the bus before I went carsick and puked. P"Forth bought loads of snack for me that time but I think half of it just went inside Ming"s tummy by now.

"We"re you looking for me?" P"Forth smiles showing his pearly white teeth.

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"I can easily find you P" even if it"s in a very crowded place because you always stand out among the others."

"I"m really happy right now." He still hasn"t stopped smiling. "After I sent you to the Insane Med Students Gang"s car, I got on my friend"s car too. Unfortunately, we got a flat tire along the way and only arrived here just now."

"Oh... That"s unfortunate indeed."

"Yeah, not as bad as you though who kept on throwing up until you went limping."

Something cold touches my cheek which turned out to be a frozen bottled water. It was from P"Kit, handing it to me but the first person I saw when I look up was P"Pha who"s standing still with his arms crossed staring at the other Moons on the field kicking the ball.

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"Ai"Kit... I thought you guys already got sun-tanned." I guess it"s P"Forth"s way of saying "hi".

"Stupid. I need to look after the kids. I also happen to be the Campus Moon"s friend, you know." He turns his face to P"Pha.

d.a.m.n! Everytime I see his face, it always reminds me of the scene where our faces were so close to each other with me underneath him lying on the bed.

"Right... I"ve been thinking about inviting you guys to have a drink inside my room this evening. I already bought them."

I"m confused, did P"Forth"s car had a flat tire or was he busy buying something along the way?

"How about you, Ai"Pha?" To get the subordinates to go, one must invite the boss first of course.

P"Pha shrugs. I don"t need to guess what his response will be. "Is it free?"

"It"s free."

"Hmmm... Okay, I"ll go."

"Yo, are you going too?" P"Forth turns his face towards me so I have to shift my gaze towards the sand. Since he asks me this question, I got some weird looks from those Insane Doctors.

"Err... I..." Will Ming go?

"Ming will also go." Can he read my mind now?

"He can"t go." P"Pha said, making everyone turn silent and listen to him.

"He just recovered... If he consumes bad stuff, it"ll make him worse."

Huh! As if I just got an order from him. I didn"t say anything else to P"Forth. He only shoves my head softly and playfully.

Why do I suddenly feel like there"s this some kind of dark aura coming from the Insane Doctors" side?

"Hey, Ai"Kit... Let"s go check those Nong"Stars together." P"Pha says.

P"Beam follows him suit while P"Kit pats my shoulder lightly.

Grrr!!! P"Pha you womanizer! You flirting b.a.s.t.a.r.d! ??

"Do you want to come with us?" P"Kit is always kind enough to invite me all the time.

"I can"t, P"..." I jerked my head towards those Moons who are still kicking the ball. I"m still part of their activity despite my condition. Moreover, if I were to go with them, I"d only be much consumed by that idiot who invited to go see the stars showing their body in the pool.

"You"re okay?"

"I"m fine."

"P"!!!" P"Kit startles when out of the blue, a person among the Moons calls his attention.

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It"s Ming. Since when did my friend become this close with P"Kit?

"You come to watch me, P"?!"

"Watch my a.s.s!" P"Kit frantically curses at him. "I"d better go."

"Hey, where are you hurried off to?"

"It"s none of your business, a.s.shole!"

"I was just about to get motivated playing soccer after seeing you." ?

"f.u.c.k you!" ?

Does my friend have a thing for P"Pha"s friend? I see him waving his hands happily when P"Kit walks away. I think I need to ask him about this later.

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"Does your friend like Doctor Kit?"

"I don"t know P"... I"m about to ask him."

"How about you? Do you like someone?"

I was stunned. I never thought P"Forth will ask me this question.

"No, P". Who can I like? With a face like mine, I don"t think anyone will reciprocate my feelings."

"A face like you will shake anyone"s heart even if they"re no longer single, trust me."

"Really P"? I think you"re more like it." I told him.

"Is that so?" P"Forth stares towards the sea. He went silent for awhile after that.

"Probably not this time..."

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---------------- To be continued ---------------
Translations by: Jamestot2k17