A Crowd Of Evil Spirit Lines Up To Confess To Me

Chapter 15

Chapter 15

“What happened?” Gu Wu Ji heart was rather startled, looking towards Peng Hao Cang.

“After waking up their bodies already looked like this, hacked into several pieces.” Peng Hao Cang said, he in order to presently express himself as a person being on the same side as Gu Wu Ji, immediately said all the information that had been taken, “Taking into account, that this personnel and xiao Xin had been in contact with the baby ghost the night before, so Sun Shi and w.a.n.g-ge suspects that there should be a problem with the baby ghost.”

w.a.n.g-ge was Peng Hao Cang former roommate.

Gu Wu Ji thought a bit to ascertain, then started talking soon after: “That"s impossible.” he practically expressed without a bit of whatsoever hesitation, “Even if that child is a ghost, but not some person like a harmful evil ghost, how can this kind of thing be done by him with no cause or reason?”

“I think so too.” Peng Hao Cang thought in his heart, that Gu Wu Ji"s eyes really contained a color tinted lenses* towards this baby ghost, but still decided to outwardly agree with him no matter what, “But perhaps Sun Shi and w.a.n.g-ge suffered from too much stimulation, that they became somewhat doubtful towards you and have been unwilling to come over.”


“Nothing can also be done about this.” Gu Wu Ji had no whatsoever thoughts towards this, he has experienced a lot of things like this since childhood, the people around him leaving because of fear, is also nothing but a regular occurrence that"s all.

“But maybe, I can find a way to do something.” Gu Wu Ji started to mutter to himself, intending to try and use his skill of ghost control, “I only need to try it out in a place where no one is around.”

Peng Hao Cang"s heart became moved, feeling that Gu Wu Ji would certainly make a big move, and immediately said: “Then you can go to the room that had been recently vacated, I can keep watch outside.”

Gu Wu Ji looked over feeling touched, sensing that the other was really a good person.

Seeing this, Peng Hao Cang revealed an even more sincere smile, even if he also wanted to reveal the information he knew about this copy, but without currently knowing what was real or fake, if something was spoken which causes a problem to arise than can make things go wrong and may cause enmity, so it"s still better to first change according to the circ.u.mstances.

Gu Wu Ji went into the room alone, closed the door, then held his breath, and began to sense the surroundings for wandering restless souls.

Soon after, he frowned.

It wasn"t because the surroundings had too much ghosts, this was simply normal and not a strange thing in a supernatural copy. What made Gu Wu Ji concern was, the surrounding ghosts were surprisingly not too much.

Exactly as if, there was something like an even more frightening existence, that was swallowing them up.

“I hope xiao Xin"s luck isn"t that bad, like having her soul swallowed just after dying, right?”

Gu Wu Ji couldn"t help but mutter to himself, that"s right, what he wanted to seek was the soul of xiao Xin. As a matter of fact, he also doesn"t know how much grievances the other party has, and whether or not it will be able to directly cross beyond his level of control.

However, probably because this times luck was not too bad, he was unexpectedly able to soon perceive the soul of xiao Xin, that was even still full of confusion, not even knowing how she had died.

There wasn"t much information to be obtained with this kind of low leveled soul, but their subconscious mind would still have the deepest impression of the scenes before their death, but because they themselves don"t have the specific mental picture, as a result they also cannot specifically show who the killer is.

After acquiring the skill, these things to Gu Wu Ji were also natural, just like eating meals and drinking water.

Drawing the soul of xiao Xin, Gu Wu Ji made the other lower her head, extending his hand to touch the others forehead, attempting to obtain her memory fragments by using the method that was previously used by several other ghosts.

Things went on very smoothly without a hitch.

Several images immediately appeared in Gu Wu Ji"s mind, the images were exactly the scenes in front the bathroom yesterday, it was of everyone gathering in front the water"s faucet, even Gu Wu Ji was also to see himself.

“It"s improbable that the most deepest impact she has after death was this water faucet.”

Gu Wu Ji didn"t even consider the slightest bit whether or not xiao Xin was intimidated by the baby ghost, and due to this incident, developed a psychological shadow, after all he feels that as long as it is a normal adult then it is impossible to be intimidated by just a lone child.

Later, the following scenes were exactly the same as what happened yesterday, but reaching to the point when xiao Xin was frightened by the baby ghost, at the moment when she was panic stricken and wanted to leave, her gaze unexpectedly fell to the mirror in front.

Reflecting in the mirror"s gla.s.s, was the appearance of the person at her side.

No, that……already cannot be called as a human being anymore.


When Gu Wu Ji opened his eyes, xiao Xin"s soul has already left.

Recalling the scenes that he had just recently seen, the expression then became a bit more serious, quickening his footsteps headed outside, immediately pulling the door open.

“How is it going?” Peng Hao Cang inquired with concern, as this was a matter that was related to his life and safety.

“w.a.n.g-ge ne?”

“He left together with Sun Shi.” Peng Hao Cang said, then just like suddenly realizing something, the back had a burst of chill, and quickly noticed the key point, “Is there a problem with w.a.n.g-ge?”

“No, it"s Sun Shi.” Gu Wu Ji felt that he had actually made such a great blunder, even if he had already arrived in this kind of supernatural world of copy, but he did not even pay special attention if his roommate had a problem, even if it was also because his thinking was originally different with regards to other people……

Peng Hao Cang bewilderedly looked at Gu Wu Ji, after all Gu Wu Ji had stayed in the same room as Sun Shi for several days, but was still vigorous and lively up to this moment.

However, thinking a bit about the scene of Gu Wu Ji harmoniously getting along with the baby ghost, it would be estimated that even if Sun Shi was a ghost, he would also not dare to start and bite this powerful character first.

“He must have certainly been a human at first.” Gu Wu Ji wrinkled his brow, “But only at the first day, what did he do?”

The two of them suddenly looked towards the door at the end of the hallway, Sun Shi that day had certainly stated in opening that door……thinking about it now, he alone opened that door, one can"t be certain, but maybe at that time a ghost had attached to his body.

“the more people are killed and as time goes by, the malicious spirit can also liberate more of it"s strength, when that time comes it will also be no longer affected by the rules and regulations.” Peng Hao Cang knitted his brow, “There"s no time, we must open the room on the third floor today, otherwise we will surely die tonight.”

The two went downstairs feigning ignorance, w.a.n.g-ge was still completely ignorant, sitting there and chatting with Sun Shi.

Peng Hao Cang didn"t want to take care about him, but letting w.a.n.g-ge be killed by the ghost, the ghost"s strength will also subsequently increase……

But just as he didn"t pay attention for a bit, Gu Wu Ji"s figure disappeared, then soon after came out the kitchen, even holding the baby ghost in his hand.

Peng Hao Cang: “……” is this his illusion? Gu Wu Ji was now practically and naturally treating this hotel just like his home!

Furthermore, doesn"t this baby ghost seem to appear much more white and tender? As if appearing more and more lovable, don"t tell me that he wants Gu Wu Ji to like him so he changed like this?

Impossible! It has never been heard before that any malicious spirits could have something like a favorable impression to players……but looking at the appearance of Gu Wu Ji, Peng Hao Cang wavered once again.

Gu Wu Ji at that side directly headed straight towards the table, immediately smacking the table, making w.a.n.g-ge suddenly jumped in fright and made him look over in a displeased manner, “What do you want?”

“You will go and ask the personnel what is the food for today, it would be best to distract him.” Gu Wu Ji directly said.

“For what reason?” w.a.n.g-ge was currently facing Gu Wu Ji filled with restrained fear, and without a doubt will not do as he says.

“Your not going to go? If your not going, your now prepare to die right?” Gu Wu Ji said so, directly lifting the baby ghost from his embrace to w.a.n.g-ge"s front, with his chilly eyes looking over.

w.a.n.g-ge heart still felt very certain that the baby ghost was the main culprit behind everything, and was almost scared to incontinence, using the quickest speed stood up at once, quickly running towards the side of the personnel that was occupied in clearing the bloodstains. 

It was clearly unknown if the personnel was a person or ghost but compared with Gu Wu Ji was still more normal.

Sun Shi was still sitting over that side, with a somewhat embarra.s.sed expression, “Gu-ge, sorry……”

“There"s nothing to be sorry about.” Gu Wu Ji indifferently stated: “You are also unable to help us anyway, wait here until everything is completely over.”

Su Shi"s eyes clearly revealed a bit of bitter resentment, but soon lowered his head, showing the appearance of a person who does not dare to say anything.

Peng Hao Cang really admired Gu Wu Ji"s acting and personal character, as a matter of fact, if it weren"t for him knowing that Gu Wu Ji was actually a good person, he also wouldn"t have quickly expressed any of his goodwill here.

Moreover, he had firmly decided that if he were able to go back alive, he must certainly go admire and appreciate the shows that the other has partic.i.p.ated in……

But, in the end what plan did Gu Wu Ji prepare in order to make that old woman leave her seat?

Peng Hao Cang soon knew Gu Wu Ji"s method of approach.

Soon he saw him bow his head towards the baby ghost saying a few words of instructions, after that sat on a chair to drink tea. The baby ghost then unwittingly disappeared, subsequently the old woman just like realizing that something wasn"t the same, stood up from her place, and for the first time walked going out.

Peng Hao Cang became shocked and began swearing, “This tm can actually also work?!”

Letting a ghost deal with other ghost, only Gu Wu Ji would actually think of this!

“Quickly.” Gu Wu Ji urgently voiced, the two with quick haste arrived before the front desk.

Peng Hao Cang with lightning speed pulled open several drawers without finding the item, and finally found a drawer with a latch.

However doing just this bit of work, the sound of footsteps was also heard soon, it seems like the old woman has returned.

“Hateful.” cold sweats fell from Peng Hao Cang"s face, even if he can unlock it, but it would also need at least some time, ah, it was too late to open it this way, the other will soon come back, but he still struck it directly.

“There"s no time.” Gu Wu Ji"s voice sounded.

Peng Hao Cang had still not yet reacted, Gu Wu Ji had already punched towards the lock.

Along with it came a loud sound, making the entire front desk shake, the people in the lounge was somewhat alarmed, but the personnel still turned a blind eye to it.

In short, the lock……got broken.

In just this fashion, Gu Wu Ji violently broke this drawer open, reaching out to pick the great set of keys.

Peng Hao Cang"s face had a clueless expression, finally it seemed like he completely and thoroughly  understood, how Gu Wu Ji was able to verify that the door on the third floor required a key to be open on that day.

If it were not for him knowing about Gu Wu Ji"s real ident.i.ty in reality, Peng Hao Cang would have really thought that Gu Wu Ji was a malicious spirit that had infiltrated their player"s group! This individual compared to Sun Shi would have been many more times suspicious.