A Crowd Of Evil Spirit Lines Up To Confess To Me

Chapter 21

Chapter 21

Gu Wuji followed after Auston and walked towards ship"s hold, an unknown number of gazes from the pa.s.sersby were attracted all along the way, making this employer extremely pleased.

The other people had started searching inside the ship, they were no longer newcomers, thoroughly understanding that a minute and a second must not be wasted in this sort of copy, and that it"s certainly necessary to immediately find clues related to the mainline task.

Auston"s selection of Gu Wu Ji was certainly not something like a coincidence, it was completely based on the face value, taking liberties towards Gu Wuji the entire time along the way.

Gu Wuji was naturally nonchalant towards this, not even having a change of facial expression, only maintaining the basic quality of a bodyguard, and constantly nodded his head, as if he was very much in favor with the other party"s words.

Auston felt a sense of disappointment in his heart, feeling that even if this bodyguard doesn"t look bad, but the character was excessively dull, it really was a waste of good face.

The two people then headed to their destination which was the swimming pool on the deck.

Gu Wuji had been observing the surroundings all along the way, even though he always felt a sense of uneasiness, but in the end, the surrounding environment was exceedingly very natural, no matter how it is observed one can"t find anything wrong with this place.

When turning to pa.s.s by a corner, a brown haired young man suddenly appeared from the opposite side, immediately followed by two brawny and muscular men at the back, a ridiculing sound was made upon seeing Auston, “Is this not Auston-shaoye? Why? To have actually fallen to this extent, yet still taking this kind of extremely delicate bodyguard? Other people seeing it would think that you have something like a male pet, ne?”

The pleasant expression on Auston"s face disappeared, as he did not expect to actually run into Jack who he normally couldn"t deal with. However, he also admitted that he chose this bodyguard based on face value, so he must absolutely avoid offending the other party now.

“This has nothing to do with you, we are also in a hurry, so quickly get out the way.”

Gu Wu Ji: “……”

“What. Did you think you can just leave?” Jack coldly sneered, and made the bodyguards behind him act, “Go! Let us give Auston-shaoye and his little bodyguard a lesson.”

Those two muscular men immediately gave a sardonic smile while walking towards Gu Wuji, in their opinion, this opponent can easily be knocked out with a strike.   

Auston"s expression became very grim, wanting to say something to make Gu Wuji retreat first, but helplessly looked at Gu Wuji walking over towards those two muscular men……he almost thought that the other party was out of his mind.


The scene had fallen silent, just after Gu Wuji had managed to knock down the other two with just single hand.

Jack"s complexion became very unpleasant, and managed to show a smile with difficulty, “I didn"t expect Auston-shaoye"s bodyguard to be very powerful, we"re leaving!”

He was probably frightened too, as he turned around to leave with quick steps heading towards the side of the pa.s.sageway, the two bodyguards also staggered to keep up, for fear that waiting a bit more would make them encounter something more dangerous.

Auston looked at Gu Wuji with a very satisfied expression in his eyes, feeling that his vision was really not bad, completely forgetting the previous time when he had failed to take liberties with him in his a.s.sessment.

“I didn"t expect you to also have this kind of strength, it seems that I haven"t chosen the wrong person.”

Gu Wuji nodded his head.

Speaking up to here, Auston-shaoye coming on board this cruise ship also had a lot of issues, since he requested this many bodyguards, it was evident that he was aware that there were really dangers aboard this ship.

“Auston-shaoye, for what reason did you come on board this ship?” Gu Wuji feeling some concerns customarily and habitually asked him, besides, the other party"s favorable impression towards him should now reach the point where he would answer his questions, “You must have been aware that this ship had some problems, right?”

“Oh?” Auston turned his head, then changed his att.i.tude, and raised his brow saying: “It looks like you"re aware of something? But this is also not a secret at all……after all, this had indeed been in an accident before, the people on board lost their lives, and has therefore been on the news, there were even rumors about haunting, it was reportedly said that there were still crew members who hanged themselves in the room afterwards, in addition, the tourists after returning became crazy finally killing themselves…… In the end, it"s current owner bought it, later changing it"s name after another renovation, which only then made it able to delude this many tourists.”

Gu Wuji: “……” Wait a moment, aren"t you revealing too much information all at once!

Isn"t this entire haunted ship simply a place with high incidence of accidents? If those people that had met an accident turned into ghosts, then there would be nothing wrong if there were ghosts haunting this place.

He had already taken out his cellphone and immediately started searching the network, at any rate, this world had also not restrict the signal of his cellphone, it shouldn"t be that difficult to find any record book for this era, right?

“But it"s exactly because of this, that can make it interesting, isn"t it?” Auston revealed a smile, and spoke with a prideful tone, “Having played in this place, I can then show off when I head back to the capital, what of an ordinary cruise ship? Besides, how can there be ghosts in this world? Those people must have been very paranoid themselves, that finally frightened them out of their minds. ”

Gu Wuji understood. Looks like the difficulty of this side task is sky-high, after all, the employer was unexpectedly such an enthusiast in inviting death by recklessness, but also gave out all kinds of lines that the person in the horror movies who usually dies will say, wanting to save his life will certainly not be easy.

At this moment, the two people were walking through a hallway that were surrounded by mirrors, all of a sudden, a flash of figure pa.s.sed by inside the mirror, a young girl dressed in a white dress could be vaguely seen.

Evidently, the two of them were the only people in this hallway.

After turning to another corner, Gu Wuji suddenly saw, a young girl in white skirt appear at the end of the hallway, her facial features were utterly bloated just like being submerged in the water for a very long time, drops of water were still incessantly dripping down from her body, a pair of eyes tenaciously stared at their side.

Both her hands were tightly clasped around her own body, on top appeared some bluish purple marks that was like by force.

Auston was obviously unable to see this female ghost, but only frowned and said: “Where is this water leaking from? Why is this carpet wet?”

Gu Wuji who was able to see, said in a very calm and collected way: “Maybe there"s a female ghost?”

“This is a good joke, don"t think I will be scared by this kind of thing.” Auston said with much disdain, “But, this is just a dilapidated place that has not been well repaired, an air conditioner must be leaking, I should have known that such a pathetic cruise ship would not be reliable to travel anywhere.”

While saying those words, Auston had just had a brief encounter of brushing past the side of the female ghost, he couldn"t help but touch his arm, and wondered, “Why did it suddenly get cold?”

Gu Wuji thought that it might be much better for him not to know the truth.

However, the eyes of that young girl in a white dress had already been intently looking in the direction of Gu Wuji, the gaze was filled with deep grievances, a pair of hands had already fallen on Gu Wuji"s body, tightly grasping his clothes, with such a powerful grasp that could tear this jacket.

A gloomy and cold feeling rushed forth from the place where the two had come in contact with each other, Gu Wuji felt a burst of coldness in his body that was like falling into an ice cave.

Without any trouble he took of his jacket, draping it over the other party"s shoulder.

Female ghost: “??”

“It seems like you were very cold, don"t worry, I will give you this jacket first.”

Gu Wuji said and without much effort helped the female ghost fasten the jacket"s b.u.t.tons well, to prevent it from falling.

After completing this good deed, Gu Wuji"s mood became very pleasant, he also smiled bidding farewell to the female ghost.

Female ghost: “……”


The two people soon arrived at their destination, in this luxury cruise ship, the services were naturally great, there were also attendants distributing all kinds of freshly squeezed fruit juices, and were always ready to follow the guest"s orders.

Gu Wuji looked around for a moment, after not seeing anything that would pose a lot of problem for the time being, only then did he sit on the beach chair at the side, drinking fruit juice while checking the important information in his cellphone.

Had it not been for the previous words that Auston had said, just searching with just the name of this ship, was indeed impossible to find anything, but now, with some of the information he provided, it became very easy to search the history of this cruise ship.

The information can be said to be very overwhelming, Gu Wuji even suspected that the incidents that had happened in this cruise ship can shoot more than a dozen of horror films.

The first incident that happened to this ship was very strange, there was a sudden lost of contact, by the time it had reappeared, it was already an empty ship.

So much that all the things on board, even the food on the plates were still half-way eaten, the knife and fork had also fallen to the sides, just like the guests were still inside there just a second ago.

Following this accident, no person had not died every time this ship sails.

On rare occasions, even if a guest was able to safely leave this cruise ship, after returning their mentality to some extent would have some problems.

“This isn"t very good ah, this ship is too dangerous.” Gu Wuji thought: “It seems that I should find a chance to summon a ghost to ask……”

As a matter of fact, from the beginning of this copy, his ghost control skill has been somewhat unsteady, having the feeling that it could not be used as usual. Not knowing whether or not this had also originated from a particular effect of this copy.

“Forget it, it would be much more convenient to simply ask a ghost when I encounter one.”

Just at this time, a sound of screaming could be heard, Gu Wuji suddenly sprang up, and with a single glance saw a strange scene in the swimming pool.  

A young girl was continuously struggling in the swimming pool, the people around had started to make way, the lifeguards were obviously nearby, but was unable to approach the young girl no matter how they tried, it was as if their way was blocked by something invisible.

They couldn"t see it, but Gu Wuji was different, with a glance, he saw that there was clearly something underwater that was pulling the young girl.

At the side, Auston who had seen this couldn"t help but heave a sigh, and was just about to say something, when he saw Gu Wuji take several steps forward, then directly dove into the water, which suddenly made him shock, “Wait a min--”

Gu Wuji quickly swam heading to the front, the lifeguard at the side gave him a glimpse, and originally wanted to say that it was impossible to go over, but Gu Wuji nevertheless was able to swim straight past.

At this moment, he suddenly felt like his arms was holding something like a strong and heavy iron, the body was being pulled and was practically sinking down, a pair of scarlet eyes could be vaguely seen within the waters, that was extremely terrifying.

The situation was getting very dangerous. Gu Wuji took a deep breath, and dove straight down into the water.

At a glance, he saw a shadow of a human figure in the water, holding on to the young girl"s ankle. Gu Wuji immediately went closer and seized the hands of the other party.

Shadow ghost: “??” What"s the matter with this human?

Gu Wuji abruptly pried open the hands of the shadow ghost, the young girl"s body then became light, and was immediately held pa.s.s by the lifeguard next to her.

The shadow ghost burst into anger upon seeing this, estimating that it also wanted to drag at least one person down the water no matter what, it then reached out intending to seize Gu Wuji.

But Gu Wuji suddenly flung the hand away, under his strength, this shadow ghost had been caught off guard, and was immediately shaken off, it could only helplessly watch as Gu Wuji left like this.

Gu Wuji got out the pool, then suddenly saw the surrounding people was looking at him with an admiring gaze, the lifeguard even came over patting Gu Wuji on the shoulder, “It"s really thanks to you, otherwise that little girl may have drowned.”

The complexion of the service crew around them became extremely grim, it was estimated that they knew the incidents that had happened to this ship before, having encountered this matter now, would certainly let them think of those matters, realizing that this place was haunted.

“I only did what was within my abilities that"s all.” Gu Wuji took the offered towel wiping the water dripping from his face, looking towards the side where the unconscious young girl was being given emergency treatment, and suddenly noticed, that the other person was not wearing a bathing suit, but rather a white dress, the style was also very familiar, it was exactly the same as what he saw on the female ghost who had water dripping down from her body when he pa.s.sed through the corridor.

“What"s going on?” Gu Wuji deeply pondered, “Could it be that, that female ghost wanted to find a replacement?”

But the next moment, he also noticed, his own jacket that served as a pad under the young girl"s body.

Can this young girl possibly be that female ghost? But no matter which angle she could only be seen as an ordinary living person.

Auston came over at this time, with a tone filled with dissatisfaction, “You abandoned me your employer to save someone else, it seems that you really don"t place any importance to me!”

“Sorry, but there was a person who really needed my help.” Gu Wuji spoke up, “If you"re really dissatisfied, you can reprimand me as much as you like.”

Even though this place was only a copy"s world, without even knowing whether or not these people were real people, but Gu Wuji"s method of handling things had no whatsoever changes.

“Do you think I would want to blame you? I only wanted to make a joke.” Auston felt that this guy was really an insensitive person, “I only thought that you weren"t such a bad guy, really worthy to be called as my bodyguard, as you didn"t let me lose face outside. I will give you an additional bonus this time.”

Gu Wuji: “Thank you very much Auston-shaoye.” Genuinely feeling that this employer was actually a good person.

He suddenly felt a burst of stinging pain in his arm, and looked down, a strange b.l.o.o.d.y veined pattern had unknowingly appeared on his arm at some point, it was exactly at the area where that shadow had just recently came in contact with him.

This veined pattern was considerably quite light, and could not be seen without being carefully examined.

“What"s this……”


The final conclusion after that incident was that there may be something wrong with the swimming pool"s facilities, it was then temporarily sealed off, to block other people from enter.

As for that young girl who had almost drowned, her life was said to be saved, and had been staying in the sick bay.

The other tourists who had seen that horrifying scene of the lifeguards being unable to go forward to save a person, where would they still have the courage to continue and go in.  

Auston was also unimpressed, yet he firmly believed that this was not due to a ghost"s haunting, but was rather because the owner of this shabby cruise ship did not have money for repairs, which lead to this kind of accident.

Soon it will be dinner time, Auston had arrived in the dining hall with Gu Wuji, he apparently did not care about what his other bodyguards were doing at all, and until now not a single question had been asked.

At this time, not far from the place Auston had been seated this morning was Jack who Auston had a contradiction with, he took a glance towards the two people at the other side, and hurriedly left with the remaining bodyguard at his side, the other bodyguard was nowhere to be found.

Gu Wuji had keenly noticed this point, even though the other party"s bodyguard might probably have something to handle or taking a rest, but all the anomalies must be given close attention inside the copy.

In addition to this, because of the heroic rescue of people, Gu Wuji received an invitation from the crew member for tomorrow night"s evening banquet, it was reportedly said that the ship"s caption will attend this banquet, and wanted to express his grat.i.tude to him.

Even though, serving as a bodyguard of Auston can also allow him to attend, but nowhere will he have this kind of convenience to approach the captain with ease. This ship"s captain must certainly know a lot of things.

As long as there is a bit of IQ a person can realize that this is a very important opportunity.

The other players became very shocked after hearing this, completely not expecting that Gu Wuji who had obviously been following something like this big oil bottle*, can still do this step.


That group of 3 people looked at Gu Wuji with a bit more of apprehension in their gazes.

After dinner was over, they then went back to their room to rest. Auston naturally had a single room by himself. As for the 5 bodyguards, there were two rooms to be divided, the 3 people at the side had already chosen one of the room.

In this copy"s world, the issue of inappropriateness for men and women having physical contact with each other also cannot be managed, besides with their relationship being this intimate, it could be possible that they might already be a married couple.

Gu Wuji and that gloomy youth Jiang Ling was a.s.signed to one room.

The condition of the room was very good, there were two single beds and a separate wash area, even the windows were quite large, that had a direct view of the sea, not knowing if it was better when compared to the hotel in the deep mountains where he had stayed in before.

Of course, when gazing out the window right now, only a piece of pitch-black darkness that makes people uneasy could be seen.

“When you weren"t present, I with the other people discovered some things.” Jiang Ling casually said while sitting on his bed, “This ship in the past has killed a lot of people, I think you should have already understood this kind of thing.”

Gu Wuji turned his head to look at him.

“When we were in the grand hall today, the lights on the ceiling suddenly fell down, directly crushing a guest to death. But after the person"s death, the other panic-stricken people suddenly seemed to be unable to see the existence of the dead body, and even directly forgot the matter of someone dying there.” Jiang Ling then said, “The body also immediately disappeared after that……the situation here must not be that simple.”

“Thank you very much.” only then did Gu Wuji realized that this youth that seemed difficult to get along with, had actually informed him of the incident that happened today, sometimes it was this little bits of clues that can make people survive, so he immediately said: “Today, I……”

“You don"t need to tell me.” Jiang Ling appeared to be unconcerned, “I only feel that letting my teammates live a little bit longer is advantageous, it is enough that other matters can be explored by myself.” Finished speaking he then directly covered his head to sleep.

Gu Wuji wouldn"t help but smile after looking at him for a while, in the end a person by himself still spoke about the incident that had happened today, not knowing whether or not the other party had listened to him.

Late at night, the waves outside grew bigger, producing sounds as it hits the sealed window.

Gu Wuji always feels an uncomfortable feeling of being watched from the outside world, this time he was able to determine it"s location, this kind of feeling came from the sea.

So he got up and drew the window curtains, turned off the light and got ready to sleep.

After lying down, Gu Wuji felt a burst of heat from the veined pattern on his arm, making him frown, not knowing what kind of situation this thing would cause in the end, but still closed his eyes directly.  

No matter what happens, sleeping must not be insufficient in anyway.

At any rate, staying up all night will certainly be unable to resolve the problem on his arm, so what else was there to be said?


At this time, on the ship"s deck, a crew member holding a flashlight was warily patrolling.

They, the workers were originally aware of what had happened in this ship, but because of the attractive salaries, still chose this path in the end.

Very soon, he was about to finish his patrol, so he finally let out a breath of relief, but at this time, a dark figure had leaped down from above.

The crew member became startled upon seeing this, under the deck"s lighting, he was extremely shocked to see that the dark figure that had jumped down had a distorted but a very familiar facial features


It was his.


Within the dream, Gu Wuji felt disconcerted, as if he was in the middle of the sea, the body was both heavy with the coldness of yin, looking around, all the people at his surroundings were muddleheaded just like him.

These people, no, they already cannot be claimed as living humans, as each of them had an extremely deathly pale complexion, and still had an unhealthy pale appearance, that was just like a dead soul.

However, underneath was not a bottomless darkness, but was emitting a strange kind of light, that had an unspeakable temptation, attracting people to dive in.

Gu Wuji"s body was followed by countless souls of dead people, his consciousness seemingly merging with theirs, it could be vaguely seen from the surface of the pitch-black dark sea, a huge pair of hands had incomprehensibly emerged from the deepest trench of the bottomless sea.

Looking up, the cruise ship they had all been riding on could be seen, it was so small at this moment, with only this pair of hands, it could easily be pinched to death like a small ant.

These pair of hands did not have the idea to dispose of this ant right away, just letting the cruise ship move within it, like it could never escape.

In the next moment, his consciousness suddenly returned to his body, while faintly feeling an ice-cold thing touch his wrist.

He immediately looked down.

A type of unfathomable dread suddenly a.s.saulted Gu Wuji"s mind, immediately rousing him from his sleep, brilliant rays could be seen shining down from the outside, it had already been daylight.

“Are you awake?” Jiang Ling looked at him from the side, the expression appeared very cold, but the tone had a hidden concern, “Looking at your constant frowning appearance, I almost thought you wouldn"t wake up and would just go over.”

After all, these kind of things like being killed by ghosts in the dream were also common.

“That won"t happen, thanks for your concern.”

“I wasn"t worried about you, I just don"t want to fall asleep beside a dead person.” Jiang Ling quickly said, then immediately went to the side to wash up.

Gu Wuji"s mind was actually recalling the scenes he had seen in his dream.

This dream must certainly have some link with this copy, he never had ill-omened dreams for no cause or reason, but thinking about it now, he, for some reason was unable to remember the last part that occurred in his dream.

“It seems that, this ship is probably trapped by some strange power.” Gu Wuji thought, “If this problem isn"t resolved, it might be impossible to leave.”

Moreover, if those people at the bottom of the ocean were really ghosts, the amount would be too terrible. As what Jiang Ling said, this copy must certainly have some restriction to bind these ghosts.

When everyone was a.s.sembled in the dinning hall for breakfast, the other people had slept well, only Gu Wuji appeared to be somewhat weary.

The other players suddenly felt, that yesterday"s incident was only a coincidence, he was unexpectedly unable to sleep well because of someone nearly dying, and was simply not something like a powerful person at all.

Auston-shaoye had already been sitting there, then started speaking in an overbearing manner, “All of you must follow me today.”

The other people felt very unwilling, but could only nod their heads in agreement, after all, their  ident.i.ty on the surface was still the other party"s bodyguard, who knows what would happen if they had a fall out with this guy?

After arriving at the hall, Jiang Ling who took notice towards certain people, had a change in his facial expression.

The other people also noticed, that the face and body of some people have traces due to heavy impact, no matter how this is seen as, normal people with a few ghosts were staying in the hall, but other people seemed to be unable to see it, as they were still travelling back and forth between the ghost"s body, these couldn"t help but let them feel a chill run through their body.  

“Does this mean that the people who died aboard this ship will immediately turn into ghosts? If a few more people were to die……”

A man"s voice from the three person team spoke out what everyone was thinking, the other people couldn"t help but let out a shiver, keeping a great distance from the several ghosts in the hall.

“Auston-shaoye, where are we headed today?” Gu Wuji spoke at this time.

“Ah, it"s hard to come by a cruise ship with rumors of being haunted, it"s naturally impossible to be entertained with ordinary things, that would be very boring, I have already collated all the location where accidents have occurred, and have planned to go to each one.” Auston stated: “In fact, the swimming pool where yesterday"s incident happened was also one of the mentioned places, I didn"t expect something unpleasant to happen, it was really disappointing.”

Gu Wuji: “……” You didn"t even consider the fact that the swimming pool was actually haunted!

The complexions of several people behind him greatly changed, they were aware that this was a supernatural copy, alright? Being reckless will kill them, right now, even if this employer is inviting death by recklessness himself, he was even insistent in taking them.

The 3 people at the side immediately wanted to fall out and leave.

“It doesn"t matter if you want to immediately leave even after receiving my money.” Auston"s tone already carried a bit of threat, “But you are responsible for the consequences.”

Of course, players were not concerned with the issue of money inside the copy, and was only thinking about all kinds of accidents that could occur, the three people still had to bear with it in the end.

Even though inviting death by recklessness was dangerous, but maybe a clue on the actual incident in this cruise ship can be obtained, which could still make it into a good profit.

Everyone soon arrived to the first location, this here was reportedly said to be the room where a crew member who was insane committed suicide, now, this area has already been converted into a storeroom.

Just approaching the doorway, everyone had already felt a significant drop in the surrounding temperature. It would be very odd if this storeroom did not have any ghost in it!

“How can you be afraid of this? It"s just because the things in this storeroom needs to be stored at low temperatures, that the surroundings area is this cold, that"s all.” Auston contemptuously said, “Look there are other people, who are unknowingly much strong-willed compared to you.”

The other person he mentioned, is without a doubt the one with the leisure att.i.tude, which was Gu Wuji who looked like he was just having an outing.

The other people were a bit uncomfortable in their hearts, while simultaneously feeling that Gu Wuji must have certainly done all kinds of crazy flattery yesterday to brush up Auston"s favorable impression, in order to get today"s treatment. It"s truly laughable, for someone who doesn"t know when he"ll die, not even knowing whether this kind of attentiveness towards the human npc has any advantages.

After speaking, Auston directly pushed the storeroom"s door, there was unexpectedly no lock, he immediately crossed through the threshold.

The other people seeing this, could only muster their courage and also enter with him.  

The interior of this storeroom was lit up with lights, the inside was filled with various shelves, looking very common on the surface, if it wasn"t for Auston"s investigation, maybe this place would not be found.

“It seems like there"s nothing good to see here, there isn"t even anything useful here.” Auston"s tone contained an obvious disappointment, and casually proceeded to walk a few steps inside, “Let"s just leave.”

However, at this moment, the lights suddenly went dark, something like an ice-cold liquid even fell onto the body, Auston knitted his brows then looked upwards.

“How can there be a leak inside this storeroom?”

He was unaware, that the other people following him had already been holding their breath, not even daring to move a little.

In a gap where a little light had shone through, the middle of the storeroom had originally been empty. Shockingly, a rope had suddenly been hanged there, hanging a man by his neck above who was on the verge of pa.s.sing out, his body constantly struggled, and seemed to be in extreme pain, there was still blood continuously flowing down from the five orifice, which directly fell onto Auston"s body.

Even the surrounding storage shelves and floor had already been dyed red by fresh blood, making the whole scene appear very horrible, but only Auston, the other person involved who seemed to have not noticed anything was still very calm.

Cold sweat flowed down from everyone"s face, but they were very aware of the dangers of the evil spirits, this time if Auston dies from his recklessness, then there would be no way to complete the side task!

However, Zheng-ge and other people"s expression were a bit strange, they were looking at the rope that was used to hang the body, with a gaze that contained a bit of desire, but did not dare to approach because of fear.

Gu Wuji was the first to take a step forward, the other people looked at him with astonishment, their eyes contained a bit of disdain, not expecting that Gu Wuji who seemed to have easily established a good relationship with this employer, would actually be the first to run away at this moment, this also made people very scornful……

Afterwards, Gu Wuji was seen to quickly head towards Auston"s side, the expression was filled with anxiousness, and was clearly very worried.

The other people had already been stunned in place, they completely did not expect, that Gu Wuji would actually still want to save this employer"s life, so much that he even became anxious which reached to this extent.

However, there was still an evil spirit at that side, ah! Wanting to save Auston just depending on his own strength, was simply an impossible thing!

Or could it be that, Gu Wuji was willing to use something like a life saving prop in order to complete this single side task? This was crazy alright? Even though this side task might have a very valuable reward, but no one knows how many times Auston will continue this att.i.tude of inviting death by recklessness of his, wanting to complete this side task was obviously very difficult.

One by one, all kinds of speculations emerged from everyone"s heart.

Jiang Ling"s feelings towards this was even more complicated, he remembered his friend, who was also a good and kind-hearted person, but had died a tragic death in the previous copy in order to save another person, but his friend was even mocked for deserving his death by that rescued person.

This was also the reason why he has never interacted with the other players inside the copies again, but after encountering Gu Wuji, he actually faintly saw the shadow of his friend on the other party"s body, this nonetheless made him completely worried.

At this time, not knowing whether Auston"s body was contaminated with too much yin on the blood, which actually made him unsteady, collapsing on the ground next to him.

In the next moment, Gu Wuji, the person who had been believed to have wasted much in order to use props to save Auston, immediately rushed forward--

Afterwards, he completely ignored the unconscious Auston who was lying on the ground, and directly held tight on the evil spirit"s waist at the side, speaking with a voice br.i.m.m.i.n.g with sentiments.

“This dage, don"t be this impulsive, ah! Even though you"re already dead, but you still have a very beautiful future, now is not the time to commit suicide.”

The body that was suddenly held by Gu Wuji, stopped moving for a split second, which had probably been surprised by Gu Wuji who was not acting according to common sense.

The people behind him: “??”

Wait a moment, why are you very worried about that ghost? Moreover, do you truly believe that this ghost actually committed suicide?

Jiang Ling suddenly felt that his sentiments a moment ago had been wasted.

The evil spirit also felt wronged, the body instantly began to struggle, the pair of bloodstained hands wanting to strangle the neck of Gu Wuji.

But in the next moment, Gu Wuji held the body tightly, and with strong movements, easily took the evil spirit down from the rope, and even gazed at him with much concern, “Are you alright? Do you need to rest for a while?”

After being separated from the rope, the strength of the evil spirit was suddenly reduced by more than half, he gazed at Gu Wuji with a dumbfounded look, remembering the other party"s strength just a moment ago, and for a moment actually brought forth a a little though of retreat, he then reached out his hand wanting to come in contact with the rope at the side.

Before the evil spirit could acquire the rope, Gu Wuji immediately pulled the rope down, keeping it himself, “No, such a dangerous thing can no longer remain here, what would be done if other people who are depressed would think of using it?”

Looking at Gu Wuji"s set of flowing actions that were very natural and unforced, several people at the back were already unable to figure out whether or not he actually knew how to deal with this ghost.

The body of the evil spirit froze in place, looking at Gu Wuji with an expression filled with fear.

“Dage, look, even if your dead, you should also live in a vigorous and lively way, don"t be too depressed anymore.” Gu Wuji without hesitation patted the other party"s shoulder, after not seeing a slightest bit of reaction from the other, “Is it because of the language barrier, that you are unable to understand what I am saying?”

So, Gu Wuji took out his cellphone, activated the translation function, inputting the Chinese translation himself, and made the voice of the software read the words that were interpreted in English out loud, which made him feel a great sense of closeness.

The rest of the people: “……” When you boarded this ship weren"t you also able to properly communicate with those people! The copy from the start has already resolved the language barriers, alright?

The evil spirit was simply ashamed to death, the figure immediately dispersed, not wanting to confront this wretched living person ever again.

The entire storeroom completely returned to normal, only Auston who remained unconscious on the ground reminded everyone about what had happened before.

Gu Wuji shook his head, feeling that the evil spirit had not been convinced to live a healthier life under the sun, and felt a little frustrated in his heart.

The other people already did not dare to confront and regard him with a thinking like a normal person, they have already been deeply impressed by the different kinds of troublesome behavior that Gu Wuji had done before.

Even when Gu Wuji confronted this evil spirit, not only did he not use any props for himself, he had even managed to obtain a prop from that evil spirit, this kind of thing has never happened before!

However, it was impossible for them to do this kind of thing themselves, just thinking of having to hug that dead body, while also having the intention of wanting to kill the other, already made the other people tremble with fear.

As a matter of fact, Zheng-ge and several other people, before coming here had exchanged points to obtain some clues about this copy……

It must be mentioned that there were not many people like Gu Wuji, who came without any preparation.

Because they were deeply aware with the horrible side of this evil spirit so they cannot tackle this matter without much concern like Gu Wuji.

It seems that Gu Wuji was certainly not as simple as he appeared, it seems that he had obtained even more clues compared to their side, and only then did he become aware of what method to use in order to handle that evil spirit! Maybe those moves were only for the purpose of lowering their vigilance! They must certainly not underestimate him.

Gu Wuji was completely unaware, that he had been considered by people as that type of person with an extremely deep and scheming heart.


After that, everyone brought Auston who had remained unconscious to the cruise ship"s sick bay, the doctor only said that he was just malnourished, and needed to rest for a while to be fine.

In fact, how can a person like Auston who had been very vigorous and lively be malnourished? This must have been due to the connection with the dripping blood that fell onto his body before.

Gu Wuji also took advantage of this waiting period, and took out to examine that rope.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining a prop: Blood-stained rope.]

[Blood-stained rope: Why is this happening? By the time I became conscious, my body was already out of control, they have died, and I was the only one left.

By the time I came across this rope, I was finally able to understand, that only through death, can eternity be obtained.]

[This a rope with a curse, maybe it can come in handy to some situations.]

Gu Wuji immediately read out this rope"s description, after all, this thing might have some clues related to the truth in this copy.

This description was originally suppose to make everyone feel very horrified, but now when they dredge up their memories, only the scenes of Gu Wuji patiently persuading and advising that evil spirit to live with positiveness came up……

Although they felt very sorry towards that evil spirit, but it just already made them want to laugh, ah!

Just at this time, Gu Wuji suddenly noticed a floating white figure pa.s.sing outside the window

He quickly went outside, but was unable to see anyone, and only found a book lying on the ground.

“What"s this?” Gu Wuji picked the book up, and impressively felt that this book might have writings pertaining to the reason for the original disappearance of the people on this ship.

Who could have given him this clue?

Gu Wuji swept a glance at the cover page that had a familiar veined pattern, which was exactly the same as that blood red veined pattern on his arm.

“This must really be it.”

As for that white figure, Gu Wuji thought and remembered that young girl he saved from drowning yesterday, and immediately queried the medical personnel at the side, “I want to ask, what had happened to the girl who had almost drowned yesterday?”

“Ah, you were the one who had heroically saved that person yesterday!” The medical personnel suddenly got emotional, this was the type that had a lot of courage and couldn"t help but let Gu Wuji give her an autograph, “That girl has no problem, but the body was just too weak, so she must now be resting in her room.”

“Thank you very much.” Gu Wuji nodded his head.

However, his thoughts was almost very certain, this must definitely be a hint that the young girl has given him, even though he was still uncertain whether the other party was a human or ghost until now.

Returning to his room, Gu Wuji flipped the book open and began to quickly read through it. This author speculated, that the reason of this ship"s incidents, was actually because of a certain cult.

It was an extremely mysterious cult, it was difficult for outsiders to know what their faith was in the end, and only knew that the people inside were very fanatic towards water, most people on board at that time were the cult"s believers.

The author speculated that the reason they were missing, must be due to the cult performing something like a sacrificial ceremony, that made everyone kill themselves by jumping into the sea, that only made the situation this strange.

Gu Wuji reading this immediately had a foreboding feeling, remembering the things from his previous dream……could it be that, this ship was traveling along the route towards that place of the sea where everyone had formerly disappeared?

In the deep sea, what exactly was that thing that existed there in the end? Could that have been the final boss of this copy?

However, everything in this book was nothing more that just a speculation, the author was also not very familiar towards the matters of this cult, and only knew what their insignia was.

Gu Wuji closed the book, suddenly realizing that the author"s name was very familiar, he immediately thought about it, the captain of this ship also has this name, he had seen it when he had been searching for some information before.

“Could this something be like a coincidence? No, there"s certainly no such thing as coincidence in this sort of copy"s world, this ship"s captain must be person who wrote this book, him coming here, must certainly be aware about something.”

Raw word count: 10192

T/N: Thank you for all the coffees!!! chapter 22 will be updated next week :)