A History of Rome to 565 A. D

Chapter 33

814 Founding of Carthage.

VIII cent. Greek colonization of Sicily and South Italy begins.

VIIVI cent. Etruscan expansion in the Po Valley, Campania and Latium.

508 Overthrow of Etruscan supremacy at Rome. End of the early monarchy. The first consuls appointed. Dedication of the Capitoline temple. Commercial treaty with Carthage.

486 Alliance of Rome and the Latins.

466 Four tribunes of the plebs appointed.

4442 The Decemvirate. Codification of the Law.

437 Lex Canuleia.

436 Office of military tribune with consular powers established.

435 Censorship established.

392 Capture of Veii.

387 Battle of the Allia. Sack of Rome by the Gauls.

362 The praetorship established.

339 Lex Publilia.

3386 The Latin War.

334 Alliance of Rome and the Campanians.

325304 Samnite War.

318 The Caudine Forks.

3097 War with the Etruscans.

310 Appius Claudius Censor.

300 Lex Ogulnia.

298290 War with Samnites, Etruscans and Gauls.

295 Battle of Sentinum.

290 Subjugation of Samnium.

287 Secession of the Plebs. Lex Hortensia.

285 Occupation of the Ager Gallicus. Defeat of Gauls and Etruscans at Lake Vadimo.

281272 War with Tarentum and Pyrrhus.

280 Battle of Heraclea.

279 Battle of Ausculum. Alliance of Rome and Carthage.

278 Pyrrhus invades Sicily.

275 Battle of Beneventum.

264241 First Punic War.

263 Alliance of Rome and Syracuse.

260 Naval Victory at Mylae.

2565 Roman invasion of Africa.

250 Roman naval disaster at Drepana.

242 Battle of the Aegates Is. Office of _praetor peregrinus_ established.

241 Sicily ceded to Rome.

241238 Revolt of the Carthaginian mercenaries.

Sardinia and Corsica ceded to Rome.

237 Hamilcar in Spain.

232 Colonization of the _ager Gallicus_.

2298 First Illyrian War.

229 Hasdrubal succeeds Hamilcar in Spain.

227 Provinces of Sicily, and Sardinia and Corsica organized.

226 Roman treaty with Hasdrubal.

225 Gauls defeated at Telamon.

22422 Conquest of Boii and Insubres.

221 Hannibal Carthaginian commander in Spain.

220 ? Reform of the Centuriate a.s.sembly.

22019 Second Illyrian War.

219 Siege of Saguntum.

218201 Second Punic War.

218 Hannibal"s pa.s.sage of the Pyrenees and the Alps. Roman invasion of Spain.

217 Battle of Trasimene Lake. Q. Fabius dictator.

216 Cannae. Revolt of Capua.

215 Alliance of Hannibal and Philip V of Macedon.

First Macedonian War.

214 Revolt of Syracuse.

212 Syracuse recovered. Roman Alliance with the Aetolians.

211 Capua reconquered. Roman disasters in Spain.

210 P. Cornelius Scipio Roman commander in Spain.

207 Battle of the Metaurus.

205 Peace between Philip of Macedon and Rome.

204 Scipio invades Africa.

202 Zama.

200196 Second Macedonian War.

201 Annexation of Carthaginian Spain. Provinces of Hither and Farther Spain organized.

197 Battle of Cynoscephalae.

196 Flamininus proclaims the "freedom of the h.e.l.lenes."

192189 War with Antiochus the Great and the Aetolians.

191 Antiochus defeated at Thermopylae.

190 Battle of Magnesia.

186 Dissolution of the Baccha.n.a.lian societies.

184 Cato the Elder censor.

181 _Lex Villia annalis._ 171167 Third Macedonian War.

168 Battle of Pydna.

166 Achaean political prisoners held in Italy.

149146 Third Punic War.

149 _Lex Calpurnia._ 149148 Fourth Macedonian War.

148 Macedonia a Roman province.

147139 War with Viriathus in Spain.

146 Revolt of the Achaeans. Sack of Corinth.

Dissolution of the Achaean Confederacy.

Destruction of Carthage. Africa a Roman province.

143133 Numantine War.

136132 Slave War in Sicily.

133 Kingdom of Pergamon willed to Rome. Tribunate of Tiberius Gracchus.

129 Province of Asia organized.

123122 C. Gracchus tribune.

121 Province of Narbonese Gaul organized.

113 Siege of Cirta.

111105 Jugurthine War.

105 Romans defeated by Cimbri and Teutones at Arausio.

104100 Successive consulships of Marius. Slave war in Sicily.

104 _Lex Domitia._ 102 Teutones defeated at Aquae s.e.xtiae.

101 Cimbri defeated at Vercellae.

100 Affair of Saturninus and Glaucia.

91 Tribunate of Livius Drusus.

9088 Italian or Marsic War.