A History of Rome to 565 A. D

Chapter 36

391 Edicts against Paganism. Destruction of the Serapaeum.

392 Revolt of Arbogast. Murder of Valentinian II.

Eugenius proclaimed Augustus.

394 Battle of Frigidus. Death of Arbogast and Eugenius.

394423 HONORIUS.

395 Death of Theodosius I. Division of the Empire. ARCADIUS emperor in the East, HONORIUS in the West, Revolt of Alaric and the Visigoths.

396 Alaric defeated by Stilicho in Greece.

406 Barbarian invasion of Gaul. Roman garrison leaves Britain.

408 Murder of Stilicho. Alaric invades Italy.

408450 THEODOSIUS II eastern emperor.

409 Vandals, Alans and Sueves invade Spain.

410 Visigoths capture Rome. Death of Alaric.

412 Visigoths enter Gaul.

415 Visigoths cross into Spain.

418 Visigoths settled in Aquitania.

423455 VALENTINIa.n.u.s III western emperor, 427 Aetius _magister militum_.

429 Vandal invasion of Africa.

438 The Theodosian Code.

439 Vandals seize Carthage.

450 MARCIa.n.u.s eastern emperor.

451 Battle of the Mauriac Plains. Council of Chalcedon.

453 Death of Attila.

454 Aetius a.s.sa.s.sinated. Ostrogoths settled in Pannonia.

455 MAXIMUS western emperor. Vandals sack Rome.

455456 AVITUS western emperor. Ricimer _magister militum_.

457474 LEO I eastern emperor.

457461 MARJORIa.n.u.s western emperor.

461465 SEVERUS western emperor.

465467 No emperor in the West.

467472 ANTHEMIUS western emperor.

472 OLYBRIUS western emperor. Death of Ricimer.

473474 GLYCERUS western emperor. LEO II eastern emperor.

474475 (480) NEPOS western emperor.

474491 ZENO eastern emperor.

475476 ROMULUS AUGUSTULUS western emperor.

476 Odovacar king in Italy.

477 Death of Gaiseric.

486 Clovis conquers Syagrius and the Romans in Gaul.

488 Theoderic and the Ostrogoths invade Italy.

491518 ANASTASIUS eastern emperor.

493 Defeat and death of Odovacar.

506 _Lex Romana Visigothorum._ 507 Clovis defeats the Visigoths.

518527 JUSTINUS I eastern emperor.

526 Death of Theoderic.

527565 JUSTINIa.n.u.s eastern emperor.

532 The "Nika" riot.

533534 Reconquest of Africa.

534 Franks overthrow the Burgundian kingdom.

529534 Publication of the _Corpus Iuris Civilis_.

535554 Wars for the recovery of Italy.

554 Re-occupation of the coast of Spain.

565 Death of Justinian.