A History of The Inquisition of The Middle Ages

Chapter 116

John of Wesel, case of, ii. 420; iii. 556.

John of Wildeshausen, Bp. of Bosnia, ii. 294.

John of Winterthur on John XXII., iii. 154. on simony, iii. 625.

John of Wurzburg, his heresy, iii. 89.

John of Zara, Abp., supports heretics, ii. 300.

John of Zurich, Bp. of Stra.s.sburg, persecutes Beguines, ii. 369.

Jordan, Friar, burns Luciferans, i. 456; ii. 375.

Joscelin d"Avesnes, his prudent piety, i. 46.

Joselme, Guillaume, at C. of Siena, ii. 528.

Joseppini, i. 88.

Jotuns, iii. 402, 404.

Jourdemayne, Margery, burned for sorcery, ii. 467.

Juan I. (Arag.) denounces Eymerich, ii. 176; iii. 586.

Juan I. (Castile) condemns astrology, iii. 445.

Juan II. (Castile) prosecutes Alonso de Mella, iii. 169. burns Villena"s books, iii. 490.

Juan de Aragon, his miracles in Bosnia, ii. 303.

Juan, Bp. of Elne, trouble with converted Jews, 178.

Juan de Epila, inq. of Aragon, ii. 179.

Juan de Llotger persecutes Spirituals, iii. 85. prosecutes Templars, iii. 310, 313.

Juan de Pera-Tallada, iii. 86.

Juana de Aga, St., i. 248.

Jubilee of 1300, pilgrims to, i. 465.

Judaism, suppression of magic in, iii. 396.

Judaizing Christians to be burned, ii. 184.

Judas Iscariot, heresy concerning, ii. 176.

Judge, recusation of, i. 449.

Judges, witches powerless over, iii. 510.

Judgment, secular, after Inq. iii. 516.

Julian on Christian intolerance, i. 213.

Julian of Sidon, iii. 271.

Julius II. grants privileges to Savoy, i. 425. a.s.sents to suppression of Inq. in Naples, ii. 289. orders persecution of witches, iii. 546. suppresses heresy as to Christ"s conception, iii. 603. confirms Order of Immaculate Conception, iii. 607.

Julius III. orders Talmud burned, i. 556.

Jurados of Sardinia, i. 311.

Juramentum de calumnia, iii. 481, 482.

Jurisdiction, spiritual, extent of, i. 2. universal, of Inq., i. 347. of bps. questioned, i. 358. royal, extension of, ii. 57. over witchcraft, iii. 511.

Jury-trial for sorcery, iii. 422, 433, 458, 541.

Jus primoe noctis, i. 269.

Justi, Jayme, case of, iii. 168.

Justificatio Ducis Burgundioe, iii. 334.

Justinian condemns the Talmud, i. 554.

Kalevala, magic in the, iii. 403.

Kaleyser, Henry, his exequatur, ii. 139, 578.

Kaloosa, its endeavors to conquer Bosnia, ii. 293, 296.

Kerlinger, Walter, inq., ii. 387, 388, 392.

Kethene, John, iii. 8.

Ketzer, derivation of, i. 115.

Keynkamp, Werner, ii. 361.

Kilwarby, Abp., condemns errors, i. 352; iii. 562.

Kings subject to jurisdiction of Inq., i. 347.

Kiss, indecent, of the Templars, iii. 255, 263, 276.

Klokol, Adamites burned at, ii. 518.

Knights of the Faith of Jesus Christ, i. 187.

Knights of Jesus Christ, ii. 210.

Knyvet, Sir J., his treatment of sorcery, iii. 467.

Konigsaal, monastery of, ii. 432.

Koran, translated by Robert de Retines, i. 58.

Kosti, the, i. 92.

Kostka of Postubitz, ii. 521.

Krasa, John, his martyrdom, ii. 515.

Kritya, iii. 386.

Kuttenberg, Hussites persecuted in, ii. 511, 514. Diet of, 1485, ii. 559.

Kyteler, Alice, case of, i. 354; iii. 456.

Labarum, the, iii. 394, 396.

Labor enjoined in Benedictine Rule, iii. 640. in Franciscan Rule, i. 260, 264.

Lacha, Guido, a heretic saint, ii. 242.

La Charite, heresy in 1202, i. 130. Robert le Bugre at, ii. 114. Joan of Arc"s defeat, iii. 355.

Lacordaire on S. Dominic, i. 300.

Lactantius on toleration, i. 212.

Ladice of Cyrene, iii. 418.

Ladislas I. (Bohemia), his minority, ii. 540, 541. asks moderation of Capistrano, ii. 551. his flight from the Turks, ii. 553. his death, ii. 556.

Ladislas II. (Bohemia) tolerates Utraquism, ii. 559. persecutes Bohemian Brethren, ii. 566. letter from Savoy Waldenses, ii. 267.

Ladislas IV. (Hungary), his irreligion, ii. 298.

Ladislas of Naples favors Hrvoje Vukcic, ii. 305.

Ladislas III. (Poland) orders persecution, ii. 430.

Ladislas V. (Poland) persecutes Hussites, ii. 525.

Lagny, Abbot of, papal inq. in England, iii. 299. Joan of Arc at, iii. 355.

La Gra.s.se, Abbey of, iii. 641.

Laillier, Jean, heresy of, i. 294; ii. 142.

Laity, ministrations of, among Waldenses, i. 84. culpable disbelief in witchcraft, iii. 516, 546.

Laity, corruption of, iii. 641.

Lambert le Begue, ii. 350.

Lambert de Foyssenx, case of, ii. 103.

Lambert of Stra.s.sburg, ii. 395.

Lamberto del Cordiglio condemns Ghibellines, iii. 201. condemns Cecco d" Ascoli, iii. 443.

Lamberto, Fra, fines Theate, i. 401.

Lamiae, iii. 494, 503.

Lancing of Christ, heresy of, iii. 46, 206.

Landucci, Luca, his disenchantment, iii. 231.

Langham, Abp., condemns errors, i. 352.

Langland, William, on pardoners, iii. 622. on love and truth, iii. 646.

Langres, case of canon of, 1211, i. 307. heretics of, ii. 578. C. of, 1404, on sorcery, iii. 466.

Languedoc, prevalence of heresy in, i. 68. Waldenses in, i. 78; ii. 579. spread of Catharism in, i. 121, 127. condition of Church in, i. 134. crusades in, i. 147. organization of Inq., i. 330. subjection of the State, i. 340. first use of torture, i. 423. papal interference with Inq., i. 452. pilgrimages customary in, i. 466. Clement V. investigates Inq., i. 492. confiscation, i. 504, 513, 515. expenses of Inq., i. 526. career of Inq. in, ii. 1. its relations with Paris, ii. 119. activity of Henri de Chamay, ii. 124. supremacy of the Parlement, ii. 130. degradation of Inq., ii. 144. Waldenses in, ii. 147-9. heretics pursued in Naples, ii. 246, 584. doc.u.ments concerning Inq., ii. 69-74. Joachitism, iii. 17. Fraticelli, iii. 167. Dolcinists, iii. 122, 124.

Lantelmo of Florence, i. 476; ii. 203.

Laon, sorcerers in 1390, iii. 460.

La Palu, his crusade against Waldenses, ii. 160.

Lapidation for sorcerers, iii. 408.

Lapina, Donna, condemned for heresy, iii. 125.

Lapland sorcerers, iii. 407.

Larneta, a.s.sembly of, in 1241, ii. 26.

Las Navas de Tolosa, victory of, i. 169.