A History of The Inquisition of The Middle Ages

Chapter 123

Peter of Benevento, Cardinal, his fraud, i. 178.

Peter of Berne, iii. 504, 510, 534.

Peter of Blois refuses a bishopric, i. 13. on episcopal ordinaries, i. 22. on power of magic, iii. 418. on Virgin Mary, iii. 597.

Peter Cantor on clerical abuses, i. 13, 20, 23, 28, 52. his tolerance, i. 220. aids Foulques de Neuilly, i. 244. disapproves of ordeal, i. 306.

Peter Chelcicky reproaches Taborites, ii. 524. his influence, ii. 561, 562.

Peter the Celestinian as inq., i. 301, 398.

Peter Damiani on character of clergy, i. 7. on redemption of penance, i. 41. Peter of Dresden suggests communion in both elements, ii. 471.

Peter Lombard on torment of the d.a.m.ned, i. 241. attacked by Joachim of Flora, iii. 13. denies Immaculate Conception, iii. 596.

Peter Martyr, St.--see Pietro da Verona.

Peter, Abp. of Mainz, favors the Templars, iii. 303.

Peter of Pilichdorf, pseudo, ii. 398.

Peter of S. Chrysogono refuses a bribe, i. 7, 121.

Peter the Venerable refutes the Koran, i. 58. confutes the Petrobrusians, i. 69. on the Talmud, i. 554.

Peter Waldo--see Waldo.

Pet.i.t, Jean, case of, iii. 334. accuses Louis of Orleans of sorcery, iii. 466.

Petosiris, iii. 437.

Petrarch on John XXII., iii. 197. on astrology, iii. 444. on Averrhoism, iii. 564. on papal court, iii. 633.

Petrobrusians, the, i. 68.

Petroc, St., theft of his relics, i. 48.

Petronilla, burned for sorcery, iii. 457.

Petronille de Valette burned for sorcery, iii. 428.

Pexariacho, de, ii. 127.

Pezenas, Olivists burned, iii. 77.

Pfalz, witches burned at, iii. 549.

Pfefferkorn, his quarrel with Reuchlin, ii. 424.

Phantasm, the Sabbat a, iii. 493.

Pharees, Simon, case of, iii. 446.

Philadelphia, Bp. of, head of Fraticelli, iii. 164.

Philip II. (Spain) favors Lullism, iii. 687, 588.

Philip III. (Spain) asks for Lully"s canonization, iii. 588.

Philip, Inq. of Abyssinia, i. 298.

Philip of Achaia arrests the Templars, iii. 304.

Philip, Chancellor of University, i. 25.

Philip the necromancer, iii. 424.

Philippe I. (France), exc. of, i. 5. his sale of bishoprics, i. 8, 9.

Philippe II. (France), his disinterestedness, i. 7. his dealings with the Albigenses, i. 140, 145, 148, 149, 174, 183, 188. his death and its effects, i. 190. is bequests to Military Orders, iii. 240. abandons Ingeburga, iii. 418.

Philippe III. (France) acquires Toulouse, i. 206. visits Languedoc, ii. 56. appeal of Carca.s.sonne to, ii. 58. his crusade against Aragon, iii. 190.

Philippe IV. (France), on torture, i. 423. agreement with Bp. of Albi, i. 516. condemns the Talmud, i. 555. his reforms of Inq., ii. 62, 65, 80, 87. dealings with the Jews, ii. 63, 64, 81; iii. 225, 449. his quarrel with Boniface VIII., ii. 88, 66, 97; iii. 258. his dealings with Languedoc, ii. 67, 77, 78, 79, 86, 88, 90, 91. his exequatur for inq. of Champagne, ii. 575. his dealings with the Templars, iii. 252, 253, 258, 260, 261, 278, 280, 281, 289, 290, 294, 321. his death, iii. 326.

Philippe V. (France) forces election of John XXII., ii. 98. persecutes lepers and Jews, ii. 380. project to give him the Templar lands, iii. 254. settlement of Templar property, iii. 330.

Philippe VI. (France) subjects the State to Inq., i. 385; ii. 126. repairs prison of Carca.s.sonne, i. 490. on debts of heretics, i. 519. extends royal jurisdiction, ii. 130. suppresses Flagellants, ii. 382. invades Lombardy, iii. 197. confirms jurisdiction of Inq., iii. 454. on the Divine Vision, iii. 592, 593.

Philippe I. (Flanders) persecutes Cathari, i. 112.

Philippe le Bon (Flanders) on confiscation, i. 521.

Philippe le Bon (Flanders) his commission to Kaleyser, i. 535; ii. 578. besieges Compiegne, iii. 356. the Vaudois of Arras, iii. 523, 525, 530.

Philippe of Dreux, Bp. of Beauvais, i. 11.

Philippe de Marigny, Abp. of Sens, ii. 576; iii. 294.

Philippe de Montfort, his gains by confiscation, ii. 111.

Philosophy, its contest with theology, iii. 557, 562.

Philtres in Egypt, iii. 388. in Greece, iii. 389. in Rome, iii. 391. among Nors.e.m.e.n, iii. 405. used by Mummolus, iii. 411. penances for, iii. 413, 414, 416. marriage dissolved by, iii. 418. punishment in 13th cent., iii. 427, 430. in Sicilian const.i.tutions, iii. 431. regarded as heresy, iii. 435. case in Chatelet of Paris, iii. 461. case in Velay, iii. 463. power of witches, iii. 502.

Physicians, Waldenses as, ii. 146.

Physiognomy, science of, iii. 431.

Piacenza, Cathari in, i. 117. troubles in 1204, ii. 196. troubles over heresy, ii. 202, 223, 235.

Piagnoni, Savonarola"s followers, iii. 214, 219, 227.

Pichardus in Bohemia, ii. 518.

Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni, his belief in Savonarola, iii. 211. his errors, iii. 573.

Pico della Mirandola, G. F., on the Sabbat, iii. 498. urges reform, iii. 639.

Piedmont, Waldenses in, i. 426; ii. 194, 259. confiscations in, i. 512. Catharism in, ii. 255.

Pierre Amiel, Abp. of Narbonne, i. 196, 201, 330; ii. 13, 28.

Pierre d"Aragon, case of, ii. 244.

Pierre Autier, career of, ii. 105, 107.

Pierre de Boulogne, iii. 293, 296, 297.

Pierre le Bronsart, Inq. of Arras, iii. 520.

Pierre Bruni, his activity, ii. 125.

Pierre de Brays, i. 68.

Pierre Cardinal, his poems, i. 55; ii. 2, 14.

Pierre de Castelnau, papal legate, i. 137, 140, 142. his murder, i. 146.

Pierre Cella, inq., i. 544; ii. 8, 10, 17, 21.

Pierre de Cherrut, his Templar initiation, iii. 277.

Pierre de Colmien--see Albano, Cardinal of.

Pierre Fabri, inq., his poverty, i. 532. persecutes Waldenses, ii. 157.

Pierre de Fenouilledes, ii. 111.

Pierre Flotte, influence of, ii. 68.

Pierre de l"Hopital, iii. 481, 484, 486.

Pierre Julien, case of, i. 390.

Pierre Mauclerc plots against Louis VIII., i. 199.

Pierre Mauran, case of, i. 122.

Pierre de Montbrun investigates the Inq., ii. 72.

Pierre de Mulceone falsifies records, ii. 72.

Pierre de la Palu on the Templars, iii. 327.

Pierre Paschal murdered by Waldenses, ii. 150.

Pierre of Poitiers, case of, iii. 428.

Pierre Probi, ii. 82, 100, 101.

Pierre Raymond, his endura, i. 394.

Pierre Raymond Dominique, case of, i. 486.

Pierre de la Rive, his errors, iii. 556.

Pierre Roger of Mirepoix, ii. 35.

Pierre Sanche, Catharan missionary, ii. 106.

Pierre de Tornamire, case of, i. 377, 449.

Pierre Tort on granaries and cellars, iii. 78.

Pierre des Vaux, Waldensian teacher, ii. 146.

Pierre de Voie, Inq. of Evreux, ii. 136.

Pietro d"Aquila sells licenses to bear arms, i. 383. his extortions, i. 479. his embezzlements, i. 511. his services and reward, ii. 276.

Pietro of a.s.sisi, case of, i. 417.

Pietro di Bracciano, his murder, i. 461; ii. 215.

Pietro di Corbario, antipope, iii. 146, 151.

Pietro da Lucca, his heresy, iii. 603.

Pietro di Parenzo, St., his martyrdom, i. 116.

Pietro di Ruffia slain at Susa, ii. 260.

Pietro di Ser Lippo, ii. 280.

Pietro da Verona, his career, i. 49; ii. 207. his labors in Florence, ii. 211. inq. of Lombardy, ii. 213. his martyrdom, ii. 215. fate of his a.s.sa.s.sins, i. 460.

Pifferi, Francesco, his comment on Sacrobosco, iii. 442.