A History of The Inquisition of The Middle Ages

Chapter 126

Reiser, Frederic, case of, ii. 415.

Relapse into heresy, burning for, i. 230, 313, 321, 543, 544. case of Joan of Arc, iii. 371. not punished with death, i. 484, 545; ii. 587. in suspicion, i. 456, 547. in defamation, i. 548. in fautorship, i. 548. question of retracted confession, ii. 429, 543; iii. 286, 295, 308, 324, 325.

Relapsed Fraticelli to be reconciled, iii. 175. to be burned, iii. 178.

Relaxation, i. 534. sentence of, not read in church, i. 392. for relapse, i. 429, 544.

Relics, magic power attributed to, i. 47. contest over, ii. 315. of Huss venerated, ii. 493. of Olivists worshipped, iii. 80. of Savonarola worshipped, iii. 235. magical use of, iii. 409. ridiculed by Pompon.a.z.io, iii. 575.

Religion, character of mediaeval, i. 40. dissociated from morals, iii. 641, 644.

Remanence, Wickliff"s doctrine of, ii. 442. in Bohemia, ii. 446. charged against Huss, ii. 474, 476.

Removability of inqs., i. 344.

Renaissance, its effect on morals, iii. 209. its influence in Italy, iii. 565. Renaud de Chartres opposes "burning for relapse, i. 545.

Renaud de Chartres, Abp. of Reims, iii. 348.

Renaud de Provins, iii. 293, 296, 297.

Repentance, delation necessary to, i. 409.

Repet.i.tion of torture, i. 427; iii. 514.

Report, common, importance of, i. 426, 431.

Reserved case, heresy a, i. 437, 462. sorcery a, iii. 426.

Resistance to Inq., i. 321. in Narbonne, ii. 13.

Resistance to Inq. in Toulouse, ii. 17. in Carca.s.sonne and Albi, ii. 59 sqq. in Florence, ii. 210. by Ghibelline chiefs, ii. 223. in Parma, ii. 237. in Viterbo, ii. 239.

Responsibility of minors, i. 402, 435. public, for heresy, i. 234. evasion of, by the Church, i. 215, 534; ii. 166. of Church for witchcraft, iii. 544, 546.

Resuscitation after eating by witches, iii. 503.

Retraction of evidence, i. 439, 441. of confession--see Revocation.

Reuchlin, John, ease of, ii. 423.

Reverential apostoli, i. 451. Revergade, Jeanette, burned for sorcery, iii. 463.

Revocation of confession forbidden, ii. 63. treatment of, i. 428. equivalent to relapse, i. 429, 543; iii. 286, 295, 324, 325. not relapse, iii. 296, 308.

Rewards for betrayal of accomplices, i. 409.

Ricchini on S. Dominic, i. 300.

Ricci, St. Catarina, invokes Savonarola as a saint, iii. 236.

Richard I. (England) and the Bp. of Beauvais, i. 11. his answer to Foulques de Neuilly, i. 245. sells Cyprus to the Templars, iii. 240.

Richard III. (England) accuses Jaquette of Bedford of sorcery, iii. 468.

Richard of Armagh and the Mendicants, i. 291.

Richard of Canterbury on monastic exemptions, i. 35.

Richard, Frere, his devotion to Joan of Arc, iii. 348. countenances Cath. de la Roch.e.l.le, iii. 376.

Richard Nepveu sent to Languedoc, ii. 77.

Rienzo, Cola di, his belief in Joachim, iii. 11. joins the Fraticelli, iii. 161. condemned as heretic, iii. 203.

Rieti, persecuting laws forced upon, i. 322. Apostolic Brethren at, iii. 123.

Riez, Bp. of, papal legate, i. 170, 172.

Rimini, persecuting laws forced upon, i. 322. Cathari in, i. 117; ii. 198.

Rings, demons confined in, iii. 453, 464.

Ripaille, Abbey of, ii. 195.

Ripuarian code, sorcery in, iii. 409.

Risk of witnesses, i. 438.

Ritual, Catharan, i. 94.

Rivara, witch-trials at, iii. 518.

Robert the Pious (Naples) burns Cathari, i. 100, 218. aids church of St. Peter Martyr, i. 506; ii. 247. supports the Inq., ii. 284.

Robert the Pious (Naples) cultivates alchemy, iii. 52. attempts supremacy in Italy, iii. 135. protects the Spirituals, iii. 144. arrests the Templars, iii. 304. endeavors to get Templar property, iii. 330. on the Divine Vision, iii. 594.

Robert, Bp. of Aix, accused of sorcery, iii. 453.

Robert d"Arbrissel converts Cathari, i. 117.

Robert de Baudricourt, iii. 342.

Robert le Bugre, his career, ii. 113.

Robert of Geneva--see Clement VII.

Robert Grosseteste on corruption of Church, i. 17, 20, 54. explains heresy by it, i. 129.

Robert the Hierosolymitan, iii. 181.

Robert de Retines translates the Koran, i. 58.

Robert, Count of Rosellon, case of, ii. 164.

Roberto Patta reduced to obedience, ii. 220.

Rodez, lip. of, his suit, i. 516. his Inq., i. 518.

Rodolph of Hapsburg confirms inqs., ii. 348.

Rodolph of Wurzburg burns Hans of Niklaushausen, ii. 419.

Rodrigo, Fran. Jav., his defence of the Church, i. 540.

Rodrigo de Cintra, inq. of Portugal, ii. 189.

Rodrigo of Compostella captures Dolcinists, ii. 185.

Roger IV. (Foix) and the Inq., ii. 53.

Roger Bernard II. (Foix), i. 165, 166, 205; ii. 52.

Roger Bernard III. (Foix) and the Inq., ii. 55, 169.

Roger Bernard IV. (Foix), ii. 56.

Roger de Briqueville, iii. 471, 479, 488.

Roger of Chalons and the Cathari, i. 109, 218.

Roger of Sicily introduces confiscation, i. 501. his laws on sorcery, iii. 431.

Roger the Templar, iii. 247.

Rognvald Rettilbein, iii. 408.

Rohacz, John, his execution, ii. 539.

Rohle, Wenceslas, denounces indulgences, ii. 428.

Rokyzana (John) on safe conducts, ii. 466, 467 administers communion to infants, ii. 474. his views as to Eucharist, ii. 525. his ambition, ii. 536, 545, 551, 552, 556, 557. his flight from Prague, ii. 537, 539. his reactionary concessions, ii. 546. condemned as heretic, ii. 558. tolerates Bohemian Brethren, ii. 563.

Rolando da Cremona, his zeal in Toulouse, ii. 6. his career as inq., ii. 202.

Rolando da Cremona, makes inq. on Ezzelin, ii. 225.

Romagnuola, Inq. of, ii. 242, 234. Ghibellines condemned as heretics, iii. 201. proceedings against Templars, iii. 307.

Roman Law, revival of the, i. 58. influence of, i. 309; ii. 57. heretic buildings, i. 481. disabilities of descendants, i. 498. confiscation, i. 501.

Romance versions of Scripture forbidden, i. 324.

Romania, Templars arrested in, iii. 304.

Romano, Cardinal-legate, i. 191, 193, 202, 316.

Rome, ancient, magic in, iii. 390. laws on magic, iii. 392. prevalence of astrology, iii. 437. magic practices in 8th cent., iii. 412. troubles in, excited by Arnald of Brescia, i. 74. heretics sent to, for punishment, i. 308. heresy in, ii. 192, 238, 269. legislation against heresy, 1231, i. 324; ii. 200. Fraticelli penanced in 1467, iii. 178. Thomas Connecte burned, iii. 209. mortality of soul taught in, iii. 576. its condition under Innocent VIII., iii. 643. C. of, 1413, condemns Wickliff, ii. 443.

Romolino, Francesco, tries Savonarola, iii. 232. finds no heresy in his writings, iii. 236.

Rondinelli, Giuliano, offers to undergo the ordeal, iii. 225.

Roric the Franciscan, i. 277.

Rosary, devotion of, i. 176.

Resell, Pedro, the Lullist, iii. 583.

Roselli, Nicholas, inq. of Aragon, ii. 168, 169, 171.

Roskild, Inq. in, ii. 402.

Rossano, Greek rite in, iii. 616.

Rossi, de", their triumph in Florence, ii. 212.

Rostain of Embrun persecutes Waldenses, ii. 160.

Rostock, woman burned in, ii. 403.

Rotelfinger, Nicholas, case of, iii. 607.

Rotharis, his laws on sorcery, iii. 411.

Rouen, Jean Graveran, inq. of, ii. 140. trial of Joan of Arc at, iii. 362. C. of, 1050, on simony, i. 7. C. of, 1189, on sorcery, iii. 423. C. of, 1231, on lawyers, i. 22. C. of, 1445, on sorcerers, iii. 515.

Rousset, heretics of, persecuted, ii. 118, 164.

Roussillon, independent Inq. in, ii. 177. Templar possessions in, iii. 252. prosecution of Templars, iii. 314.

Rubello, Monte, iii. 115, 120.

Ruddlan, Statute of, silent on sorcery, iii. 427.

Ruffach, nun accused of sorcery, iii. 434.

Ruggieri Calcagni, his labors in Florence, i. 506, 644; ii. 210.