A History of The Inquisition of The Middle Ages

Chapter 129

Steinccker, Henry, burned at Berne, iii. 607.

Stephen VII. (Pope) condemns Pope Formosus, i. 231.

Stephen, St., of Thiern, his miracles, i. 38.

Stephen, the Apostolic Brother, iii. 107.

Stephen, Dabisa, King of Bosnia, ii. 304.

Stephen Dragutin persecutes Cathari, ii. 298.

Stephen Dusan the Great of Servia, ii. 302.

Stephen Kostromanic, Ban of Bosnia, ii. 299, 301, 302.

Stephen Ostoja, King of Bosnia, ii. 304, 306.

Stephen Thomas Ostojic, ii. 309.

Stephen Thomasevic, ii. 306, 312, 313, 314.

Stephen of Tournay, i. 19, 126.

Stephen Tvrtko, his reign, ii. 303.

Stephen Tvrtko II., ii. 306, 307, 309.

Stephen, Waldensian bp., ii. 416, 564.

Stephen Vuk appeals to Urban V., ii. 304.

Stephen Vukcic, ii. 309, 310, 312, 314.

Stertzer, i. 37.

Stettin, Waldenses persecuted, ii. 399.

Steyer, Waldenses persecuted, ii. 399.

Stigandi, iii. 407.

Stigma diabolic.u.m, iii. 497.

Stigmata of St. Francis, i. 262; iii. 4. Mendicant quarrels over, i. 262; ii. 217. attributed to Catharine of Siena, ii. 217. attributed to Guglielma of Milan, iii. 91. of Guillaume le Berger, iii. 377. of John Letser, iii. 604, 605.

Stralsund, priest burned in, ii. 403.

Stra.s.sburg, persecution in 1212, ii. 316. persecution repressed, ii. 346. persecution of Beghards, ii. 369, 374, 387, 403. contest over its bishopric, ii. 370. the Black Death in, ii. 379. Winkclers persecuted in 1400, ii. 400. Observantine reformation, iii. 172. adventures of John Malkaw, iii. 205.

Strix, iii. 391.

Stroncoui, Giovanni, provincial of Observantines, iii. 172.

Students exempt from secular jurisdiction, i. 282.

Sturtzel, Conrad, on witchcraft, iii. 542.

Suabia, Ortlibenses in, ii. 323, 376. Waldenses in, ii. 397. Succubi, iii. 383, 501, 542. at Council of Constance, ii. 454.

Suciro Gomes tries to introduce Inq. in Portugal, ii. 188.

Suger de Verbanque, heresy of, ii. 121.

Summis desiderantes, bull, iii. 540.

Sunday, autos de fe held on, i. 392.

Sun-worship in Savoy, ii. 259. disproved by Marsilio Ficino, iii. 572.

Supervision over penitents, i. 497.

Support of prisoners, quarrels over, i. 489; ii. 154.

Supremacy of the crown in France, ii. 130.

Surgery, clerks forbidden to practise, i. 223.

Suspected heretics, purgation for, i. 421. condemned in absentia, i. 403. incapacitated for office, ii. 163.

Suspects of heresy, i. 321.

Suspicion of heresy, i. 433, 454. punishment of, i. 543, 560. relapse in, i. 547. disbelief of witchcraft, grounds for, iii. 465.

Suzerain"s control over heretic va.s.sal"s lands, i. 149.

Swearing enforced on accused, i. 413.

Sweden, Inq. ordered in, i. 355; ii. 402. laws on sorcery, iii. 433.

Switzerland, heresy in 11th cent., i. 111. Inq. in French cantons, ii. 120.

Symbol, Catharan, of recognition, ii. 194.

Synagogues, superst.i.tious use of, ii. 118.

Synodal witnesses, i. 312, 315, 317, 350; ii. 117.

TAAS, crusaders defeated at, ii. 630.

Tables, Laws of XII., on magic, iii. 392.

Tabor, Mount, ii. 513, 515. captured by Podiebrad, ii. 536, 540. described by aeneas Sylvius, ii. 660.

Taborites, their doctrines, ii. 512, 518, 523. their relations with Waldenses, ii. 522. their defeat at Lipan, ii. 535. suppression of, ii. 539, 540, 560.

Taciturnity, gift of, iii. 509, 514, 532.

Tacquet, Jean, iii. 523, 525.

Tagliacozzo, battle of, ii. 232.

Taillebourg, battle of, ii. 39.

Taincture, Jean, his tract on witchcraft, iii. 533.

Tulio, enforced in accusation, i. 310; iii. 350. danger of, i. 401. for false witness, i. 442.

Talismans, sacred, i. 49.

Talmud, condemnation of, i. 554; ii. 157. penalties of magic in, iii. 396.

Talon, Berenger, a.s.serts the poverty of Christ, iii. 130.

Tanchelm, i. 64.

Tarantaise, persecution in, ii. 153. subjected to Inq. of Provence, ii. 260.

Taria, Guglielmite cardinal, iii. 95, 101.

Tarragona, C. of, 1238, on lampoons, ii. 3. C. of, 1242, regulates persecution, i. 464; ii. 167. C. of, 1291, supports Inq., ii. 169. C. of, 1297, persecutes Spirituals, iii. 85. C. of, 1310, on Templars, iii. 312. C. of, 1312, acquits the Templars, iii. 313.

Tarralba, Eugenio, his confession, iii. 576.

Tartar invasion of Hungary, ii. 296.

Tartary, Inq. in, i. 355.

Tarvesina, Mendicant quarrels in, i. 303.

Tauler, John, i. 100; ii. 362; iii. 154.

Taxes of the Penitentiary, iii. 67, 626.

Tears, witches cannot shed, iii. 514.

Telchines, iii. 389.

Telesforo da Cosenza, his belief in Joachim, iii. 11. on corruption of the Church, iii. 636.

Telonarii, i. 115.

Tempelhaus, iii. 328.

Tempestarii, penalties among Wisigoths, iii. 399. powers among Nors.e.m.e.n, iii. 406. admitted and denied by the Church, iii. 414, 416. universal popular belief, iii. 415. encouraged in Spain, iii. 430. tempests caused by witches, iii. 502.

Templars, their complaint of papal legates, i. 16. case of the, iii. 238. question of their guilt, iii. 264. their treatment in France, iii. 277. chiefs reserved for papal judgment, iii. 282, 285, 302, 323. not convicted in England, iii. 301.

Templars acquitted in Germany, iii. 303. forced to confession in Naples, iii. 305. acquitted in Bologna, iii. 308. not convicted in Cyprus, iii. 310. acquitted in Aragon, iii. 313. acquitted in Majorca, iii. 315. acquitted in Castile, iii. 316. acquitted in Portugal, iii. 317. forced to confession in Tuscany, iii. 318. Clement"s orders to torture them, iii. 318. not condemned by C. of Vienne, iii. 321. final disposition of them, iii. 324. opinions as to their guilt, iii. 327. fate of doc.u.ments of their trial, iii. 319.

Templar property, its sequestration, iii. 285. disposition of, iii. 322, 329.

Temple, Order of, promised opportunity for defence, iii. 284, 288. denied a hearing at Vienne, iii. 320. abolished unconvicted, iii. 322.

Temporalities, Wiekliffite rejection of, ii. 441.

Tento of Agen, Catharan bp., ii. 34.

Termes, siege of, i. 160, 162.

Terrie the heretic burned, i. 130.

Tertiary Orders, i. 267.

Tertiarics, Franciscan, known as liegnines, ii. 355. Beguines as, ii. 371, 372, 413. Franciscan, become Olivists, iii. 50, 75. persecuted in Aragon, iii. 85.

Tertullian, his intolerance, i. 210, 212. complains of pagan theurgy, iii. 393. on prophetic dreams, iii. 447.

Testament of St. Francis burned, iii. 34.

Testes synodales i. 312, 315, 317, 350; ii. 117.

Testimony--see Evidence.

Testimony, interpolation of, ii. 72, 73; iii. 517.

Teutonic knights, a.s.sisted by the Stedingers, iii. 185. their withdrawal from the East, iii. 248. accused of heresy in 1307, iii. 257.

Teutonic magic, iii. 402.

Texerant or Textores, i. 115.

Theate, fine imposed on, i. 401.

Theodisius, legate, i. 150, 164, 170, 172, 192.

Theodore the astrologer, iii. 431.

Theodore of Canterbury on sorcery, iii. 413.