A History of The Inquisition of The Middle Ages

Chapter 31

[138] The sole authority for this extraordinary doc.u.ment is Guillem de Tudela (lix., lx., lxi.), followed by the Historien du Comte de Toulouse (Vaissette, III. Pr. 30. Cf. Text p. 204 and notes p. 561, also Hardouin VI. II. 1998). Though generally accepted by historians, I cannot regard it as genuine, and its only explanation seems to me that it was manufactured by Raymond to arouse the indignation of his people.

[139] Guill. de Pod. Laurent, c. 16, 17.--Pet. Sarnens. c. 43, 47, 49, 53, 54, 55.--Vaissette, III. Pr. 234.

[140] Vaissette, III. Pr. 38-40, 234-5.--Guill. de Pod. Laurent, c.

18.--Guillem de Tudela, lx.x.x.-lx.x.xiii.--Teulet, Layettes, I. 370, No.

968; 372, No. 975.

[141] Pet. Sarnens. c. 75.--Guill. de Pod. Laurent, c. 23.

[142] Pet. Sarnens. c. 60.--Vaissette, III. 271-2.--Rod. Tolet. de Reb.

Hispan. VIII. 2, 6, 11--Rod. Santii Hist. Hispan. III. 35.

[143] Pet. Sarnens. c. 59-64.--Regest. XV. 102, 103, 167-76.

[144] Pet. Sarnens. c. 66.--Regest. XVI. 39.

[145] Pet. Sarnens. c. 65.--Regest. XV. 212.--A. Molinier (Vaissette, ed Privat, VI. 407).

[146] Regest. XV. 212; XVI. 42, 47.

[147] Regest. XVI. 39, 42, 43.--Pet. Sarnens. c. 66.

[148] Regest. XVI. 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47.

[149] Pet. Sarnens. c. 66, 70.--Regest. XVI. 48.

[150] Pet. Sarnens. c. 66-8.--Regest. XVI. 87.--Raynouard, Lexique Roman, I. 512-3.

[151] Pet. Sarnens. c. 69, 70.--Vaissette, III. Note XVII.--A. Molinier (Vaissette, ed. Privat, VII. 256).

[152] Pet. Sarnens. c. 70-3.--Guillel. de Pod. Laurent. c.

21-22.--Guillel. Nangiac. ann. 1213.--Vaissette, III. Pr. 52-4.--Guillem de Tudela, CXXV.-CXL.--Zurita, a.n.a.les de Aragon, Lib. II. c. 63.--De Gestis Com. Barcenon. ann. 1213.--Bernard d"Esclot, Cronica del Rey en Pere, c. 6.--Campana, Storia di San Piero Martire p. 44.--Tamburini, Ist. dell" Inquisizione, I. 351-2.--Comentarios del Rey en Jacme c. 8 (Mariana, IV. 267-8).

Don Jayme himself, then a child in his sixth year, was still in the hands of de Montfort as a hostage, and if the Catalan chroniclers speak truth, it was with difficulty that the young king was recovered, even after Innocent III. had ordered his release.--L. Marinaei Siculi de Reb.

Hispan. Lib. X.--Regest. XVI. 171.

[153] Pet. Sarnens. c. 74-8.--Regest. XVI. 167, 170, 171, 172.--Guill.

de Pod. Laurent. c. 24, 25.--Vaissette, III. 260-2; Pr. 239-42.--Teulet, Layettes, I. 399-402, No. 1068-9, 1073.

[154] Pet. Sarnens. c. 80, 81, 82.--Harduin. Concil. VII. II.

2052.--Innocent. PP. III. Rubricella.--Teulet, Layettes, I. 410-16, Nos.

1099, 1113-16.--Guill. de Pod Laurent, c. 24, 25.

[155] Pet. Sarnens. c. 82.--Vaissette, III. 269; Pr. 56.

[156] Radulph. Coggeshall ann. 1213.

[157] Chron. Fossae Novae: ann. 1215.

[158] Guillem de Tudela, cxlii.-clii.--Vaissette, III. 280-1; Pr.

57-63.--Teulet, Layettes, I. 420, No. 1132.--Pet Sarnens. c.

83.--D"Achery I. 707.--Molinier, L"Enseveliss.e.m.e.nt du Comte de Toulouse, Angers, 1885, p. 6.

[159] Pet. Sarnens. c. 83.

[160] Guillem de Tudela, cliii.-viii.--Guill. de Pod. Laurent. c.

27-8.--Vaissette, III. Pr. 64-66.--Pet. Sarnens. c. 83.

[161] Pet. Sarnens. c. 83-6.--Guill. de Pod. Laurent, c.

28-30.--Vaissette, III. 271-2; Pr. 66-93.--Guillem de Tudela, clviii.-ccv.--Raynald. Annal. ann. 1217 No. 52, 55-62; ann. 1218 No.

55.--Martene Ampliss. Collect. I. 1129.--Annal. Waverliens. ann.

1218.--Bernardi Iterii Chron. ann. 1218.--Chron. Lemovicens. ann.

1218.--Guillel. Nangiac. ann. 1218.--Chron. Turonens. ann.

1218.--Roberti Autissiodor. Chron. ann. 1218.--Chron. S. Taurin.

Ebroicens. ann. 1218.--Chron. Joan Iperii ann. 1218.--Chron. Laudunens.

ann. 1218.--Chron. S. Petri Vivi Senonens. Append. ann. 1218.--Alberici Trium Font. Chron. ann. 1218.

[162] Teulet, Layettes, I. 454, No. 1271; pp. 461-2, No. 1279-80; p.

466, No. 1301; p. 475, No. 1331; p. 511, No. 1435; p. 518, No.

1656.--Vaissette, III. 307, 316-17, 568; Pr. 98-102.--Raynald. Annal.

ann. 1218, No. 54-57; ann. 1221, No. 44, 45.--Archives Nationals de France J. 430, No. 15, 16.--Guillel. de Pod. Laurent, c.

31-33.--Guillel. Nangiac. ann. 1219-1220.--Bernardi Iterii Chron. ann.

1219.--Robert. Autissiodor. Chron. ann. 1219.--Chron. Laudunens. ann.

1219.--Chron. Andrens. ann. 1219.--Alberici Trium Font. Chron. ann.

1219.--Martene Thesaur. I 884.--Rymer, Fdera, I. 229.

[163] Vaissette, III. 319; Pr. 275, 276.--Raynald. Annal. ann. 1222, No.

44-47.--Guill. de Pod. Laurent, c. 47.--Teulet, Layettes, I. 546, No.


[164] Guill. de Pod. Laurent. c. 34.--Vaissette, III. 306, 321-4.--Molinier, L"Enseveliss.e.m.e.nt de Raimond VI.

[165] Vaissette, III. Pr. 276, 282.--Teulet, Layettes, I. 561, No.

1577.--Raynald. Annal. ann. 1222, No. 48.--Matt. Paris ann. 1223, p.


[166] Alberici Trium Font. Chron. arm. 1223.--Guill. de Pod. Laurent, c.

34.--Vaissette, III. Pr. 290.--Raynald. Annal. ann. 1223, No.

41-45.--Teulet, Layettes, II. 24, No. 1631.

[167] Vaissette, III. Pr. 285, 291-3.--Gesta Ludovici VIII. ann. 1224.

[168] Rymer, Fdera I. 271.--Vaissette, III. 339-40: Pr. 283.--Raynald.

Annal. ann. 1224, No. 40.--Gesta Ludovici VIII. ann. 1224.--Chron.

Turonens. ann. 1224.--Guillel. Nangiac. ann. 1224.--Epistolae Seculi XIII. Tom. I. No. 240 (Monument. Hist. German.).

[169] Vaissette, III. Pr. 284, 296.--Vaissette, ed. Privat, VIII.

804.--Baluz. Concil. Narbonn. pp. 60-64.--Gesta Ludovici VIII. ann.