A History of The Inquisition of The Middle Ages

Chapter 36

371, 378-9.--Guillel. Nangiac. ann. 1298; Ejusd. Continuat. ann.

1351.--Revelat. S. Brigittae Lib. VI. c. 63; cf. Lib. I. c. 41.--c. 2 Extravagant. Commun. III. vi.--c. 1. Ejusd. v. 7.--Ripoll II. 92-3.--P.

de Herenthals Vit. Joann. XXII. ann. 1233.--Martene Thesaur. I.

1368.--c. 2 Extravagant. Commun. v. iii.--Alph. de Spina Fortalicium Fidei, fol. 61_a_ (Ed. 1494).--Hecker, Epidemics of the Middle Ages, p.

30 (Babington"s Transl.).--Fascic. Rer. Expetend. et Fugiend. II. 466 (Ed. 1690).--Theiner Monument. Hibern. et Scotor. No. 634, p.

313.--Cosentino, Archivio Storico Siciliano, 1886, p. 336.--Concil.

Salisburgens. ann. 1386, c. 8.--Gudeni Cod. Diplom. III.

603.--D"Argentre, Collect. Judic. de Novis Error, I. II. 178.

During the Black Death, of one hundred and forty Dominicans at Montpellier, but seven survived; in Ma.r.s.eilles, of a hundred and sixty, not one. The mortality in the Franciscan Order was reckoned at one hundred and twenty-four thousand four hundred and thirty-four members, which is a manifest exaggeration.--Hoffman, Geschichte der Inquisition, II. 374-5.

[260] D"Argentre, Collect. Judic. de nov. Error. I. II. 180-4, 242, 251, 340, 347, 352, 354, 356.--Religieux de S. Denis, Hist. de Charles VI., Liv. XXIX. ch. 10.--Gersoni Sermo contra Bullam Mendicantium.--Alph. de Spina Fortalicium Fidei. fol. 61 (Ed. 1494).--C. 2 Extravagant. I.

9.--Ripoll III. 206, 256, 268.--Wadding. ann. 1457, No. 61.--H. Cornel.

Agrippae Epistt. II. 49.--Raynald. Annal. ann. 1515, No. 1.--Concil.

Lateran. Sess. XI. (Harduin. IX. 1832).--Erasmi Epist. 10 Lib. XII. (Ed.

1642, pp. 585-6).

[261] Potthast Regest. No. 8326, 9172, 11299.--Martene Thesaur. V. 1816, 1820.

[262] S. Francis. Collat. Monast. Collat. XXI., XXV.--Ejusd. Prophet.

XIV., XV.--Ejusd. Epist. 6, 7.--Pet. Rodulphii Hist. Seraph. Relig. Lib.

I. fol. 177-8.--Th. de Eccleston de Adv. Minorum Collat. XII.--Waddingi Annal. ann. 1253, No. 30.--S. Bonavent. Opp. Ed. 1584, T.I. pp.

485-6.--Matt. Paris. ann. 1243 (p. 414).--S. Brigittae Revelat. Lib. IV.

c. 33.

[263] Bonavent. Vit. S. Francis, c. 9.--Lacordaire, Vie de S. Dominique, pp. 182-3.--Potthast Regest. No. 7429, 7490, 7537, 7550, 9130, 9139, 9141, 10350, 10383, 10421, 11297.--Raynald. ann. 1233, No. 22, 23; ann.

1237, No. 88.--Hist. Ordin. Praedicat. c. 8 (Martene Ampliss. Coll. VI.

338).--Chron. Magist. Ordin. Praedicat. c. 3 (Ibid. 350-1).--Waddingi Annal. ann. 1258, No. 1; ann. 1278, No. 10, 11, 12; ann. 1284, No. 2; ann. 1288, No. 3, 36; ann. 1289, No. 1; ann. 1294, No. 10-12; ann. 1492, No. 2; ann. 1493, No. 2-8.--Rodulphii Hist. Seraph. Relig. Lib. I. fol.

120.--Paramo de Orig. Offic. S. Inquisit. p. 238.

In 1246 Innocent IV. received a very civil letter from Melik el-Mansur Na.s.sir, the ruler of Edessa, expressing his regret that mutual ignorance of each others" language prevented his engaging in theological disputation with the Dominicans sent for his conversion.--Berger, Registres d"Innoc. IV. No. 3031.

[264] Campana, Vita di San Piero Martire, p. 257.--Juan de Mata, Santoral de San Domingo y San Francisco, fol. 13.--Zurita, a.n.a.les de Aragon, Lib. II. c. 63.--Ricchinii Prom. ad. Monetam, Dissert. I. p.

x.x.xi.--Paramo de Orig. Off. S. Inquis. Lib. II. t.i.t. ii. c. 1.--Pegnae Comment. in Eymeric. p. 461.--Chron. Magist. Ord. Praedic. c. 2 (Martene Ampl. Coll. VI. 348).--Monteiro, Historia da Santo Inquisico P. I. Liv.

I. c. xxv., xlviii.

It is an interesting ill.u.s.tration of the softened temper of the nineteenth century to see, in 1842, the learned and zealous Dominican, Lacordaire, writing his "Vie de S. Dominique" to prove the impossibility of Dominic"s partic.i.p.ation in the cruelty of the Inquisition exactly one hundred years after an equally learned and zealous Dominican, Ricchini, had claimed the Inquisition as the glorious work of the saint. Yet since the time of Lacordaire there has been a reaction, and M. l"Abbe Douais does not hesitate to state, on the authority of Sixtus V., that "Saint Dominique aurait ainsi recu une delegation pontificale pour l"Inquisition apres l"annee 1209" (Sources de l"Histoire de l"Inquisition, Revue des Questions Historiques, 1 Oct. 1881, p. 400).

[265] Gregor. PP. IX. Bull. _Ille humani generis_. Ap. 22, 1233.--Potthast Regesta, No. 9143, 9152, 9153, 9155, 9386, 9388, 9995, 10362.--Innoc. PP. IV. Bull. _Inter alia_, 20 Oct. 1248 (Baluze et Mansi I. 208).--Archives de l"Inq. de Carca.s.sonne (Coll. Doat, x.x.xI. fol.

21).--Archives de l"eveche d"Albi (Ib. x.x.xI. 255).

[266] Concil. Narbonn. ann. 1235.--Concil. Biterrens, ann. 1233; ann.

1246.--Concil. Albiens. ann. 1254 c. 17, 18.--Martene Thesaur. V. 1806, 1808-10, 1817, 1819-20.--Ripoll I. 38.--Aguirre Concil. Hispan. VI.

155-6.--Raynald. Annal. ann. 1233, No. 40, 59 sqq.--Waddingi Annal. ann.

1246, No. 2; ann. 1254, No. 7, 8; ann. 1257, No. 17; ann. 1259, No. 3; ann. 1277, No. 10; ann. 1286, No. 4; ann. 1288, No. 14-16.--Rodulphii Hist. Seraph. Relig. Lib. I. fol. 126_b_.--Potthast Regesta, No. 9386, 9388, 9762, 9766, 9993, 10052, 11245, 15304, 15330, 15069.

[267] MSS. Bib. Nat. Coll. Doat, XXI. 143; x.x.xII. 15.--Matt. Paris Hist.

Angl. ann. 1243 (p. 414).--Guill. Pod. Laur. c. 43.--Raynald. ann. 1238, No. 51.--Harduin. Concil. VII. 1319.--Paramo de Orig. Inq. p.

244.--Wadding Annal. ann. 1238, No. 6, 7; ann. 1266, No. 8; ann. 1277, No. 10; ann. 1291, No. 14.--Potthast No. 16132.--Sixti PP. IV. Bull.

_Sacri Praedicatorum_, 26 Jul. 1479.--Martene Thesaur. II. 346, 353, 359, 451.--Ripoll II. 82, 164, 617, 695.

The disturbances at Ma.r.s.eilles show the favoritism always manifested towards the Mendicants. Two clerks, whom the Dominicans had procured to depose falsely against the inquisitor, were punished with perpetual prison, degradation, and inability to hold benefices; the bishop who had listened to them was suspended from his office and jurisdiction, while the friars who had suborned the perjury and caused the whole trouble were let off with rendering humiliating apologies and transferred to another province. (Martene ubi sup.)

There has been some dispute as to whether Fra Filippo Bonaccorso was a Franciscan or a Dominican. Wadding (l. c.) prints a bull of 1277 in which he is addressed as a Franciscan, but one in the Coll. Doat, T.

x.x.xII. fol. 155, characterizes him as a Dominican.

[268] Anon. Cartus. de Relig. Orig. c. 309 (Martene Ampl. Coll. VI.

68).--Lib. Conformitatum, Lib. I. Fruct. ii. fol. 16_b_.--MSS. Bib.

Bodleian., Arch. S. 130.

[269] S. Bernard. Serm. LXVI. in Cantic. c. 12.--Hist. Vizeliacens. Lib.

IV.--Concil. Remens. ann. 1137 c. 1.--Caesar. Heisterb. Dial. Mirac. III.

16, 17; v. 18.--Guibert. Noviogent. de Vita sua Lib. III. c. 18.--Pet.

Cantor. Verb. abbrev. c. 78.--Innoc. PP. III. Regest. XIV. 138.--Alex.

PP. III. Epist. 74.--C. 8 Extra V. x.x.xIV.--C. Lateran. IV. c. 18.

[270] Chron. Laudunens. Canon, ann. 1204 (D. Bouquet, XVIII.

713).--Chronolog. Roberti Autissiodor. ann. 1201.--Innocent PP. III.

Regest. XIV. 15; XVI. 17.

[271] Martene Ampl. Collect. I. 776-8.--Alex. PP. III. Epist. 118, 122; Varior. ad Alex. III. Epist. 16.--Hist. Vizeliacens. Lib. IV.--Guibert.

Noviogent. l. c.

[272] Hartzheim Concil. German. I. 76, 85-6.--Capit. Car. Mag. ann. 769, c. 6; Capit. II. ann. 813, c. 1.--Gratiani Decret. P. I. Dist. X. I have elsewhere considered in some detail the growth of the spiritual jurisdiction of the Church, through the False Decretals, in the anarchy accompanying the fall of the Carlovingian empire. See "Studies in Church History," 2d Ed. pp. 81-7, 326-39.

[273] S. Bernardi de Consideratione Lib. I. c. 4.--Rogeri Bacon Op.

Tert. c. xxiv.--Pet. Blesens. Epist. 202.--Concil. Rotomag. ann. 1231 c.

48. For the rapidity with which the Church a.s.similated the Roman law see the collection of decretals by Alexander III. _post Concil. Lateran_.

[274] Fournier, Les Officialites du moyen age, Paris, 1880, pp. 256 sqq., 273-4.--Cap. 19, 21, ---- 1, 2, Extra v. 1.

[275] Fr. 13, Dig. I. (Ulpian.).--Allard, Histoire des Persecutions, Paris, 1885, p. iii.--Capit. Car. Mag. I. ann. 802; III.. ann. 810; III.

ann. 812.--Capit. Ludov. Pii V., VI. ann. 819; ann. 823, c. 28; Capit.

Wormatiens. ann. 829.--Caroli Calvi Capit. apud Carisiac.u.m ann. 857; Edict. Pistens. ann. 864.--Carolomanni Capit. ann. 884.--Guillel.

Nangiac. Gest. S. Ludov. ann. 1255 (D. Bouquet, XX. 394, 400).--Ducange, s. v. _Inquisitores_.--Les Olim, T. III. pp. 169, 181, 211, 231, 358, 471, 501, 522, 529, 616.--a.s.sisae de Clarendon -- 1 (Stubbs"s Select Charters, p. 137, cf. p. 25).--Stubbs"s Const.i.tutional History, I.

99-100, 313, 530, 695-6.--Lib. Juris Civilis Veronae c. 171 (Ed. 1728, p.

130).--Carta de Logu cap. xvi.(Ed. 1805, pp. 30-2).

[276] Reginon. de Eccles. Discip. Lib. II. c. 1-3.--Burchardi Decret.

Lib. I. c. 91-4.--Gratiani Decret. P. II. c. x.x.xV. Q. vi. c. 7.--C. 7 Extra II. xxi.--Matt. Paris ann. 1246 (Ed. 1644, p. 480).

[277] Lucii PP. III. Epist. 171.

[278] Concil. Avenionens. ann. 1209 c. 2.--Concil. Monspessulan. ann.

1215 c. 46.--Douais, Les sources de l"histoire de l"Inquisition (Revue des Questions Historiques, 1 Oct. 1881, p. 401).--C. Lateran. IV. c. 2.

[279] Concil. Narbonn. ann. 1227 c. 14.--Lucae Tudens. de altera Vita c.

19.--Concil. Biterrens. ann. 1234 c. 5.

[280] Potthast No. 7260.--Concil. Tolosan. ann. 1229 c. 1, 2.--Guill. de Pod. Laur. c. 40.--Guill. Pelisso Chron. Ed. Molinier, p. 18.