A History of The Inquisition of The Middle Ages

Chapter 70

[22] Martene Thesaur. I. 992.--Epistt. Saeculi XIII. T. I. No. 688 (Mon.

Germ. Hist.)--Teulet, Layettes, II. 314.

The subordination of the bishop to the inquisitors is further shown in the excommunication of the viguier and consuls of Toulouse, July 24, 1237, in which Bishop Raymond and other prelates are mentioned as a.s.sessors to the inquisitors (Doat, XXI. 148).

[23] Potthast No. 10152.--Epistt. Saecul. XIII T. I. No. 700 (Mon. Germ.

Hist.).--Hist. Diplom. Frid. II. T. IV. P. II. p. 912.--Vaissette, III.

408.--Pelisso Chron. pp. 40-1.

[24] Pelisso Chron. p. 41-2.

[25] Coll. Doat, XXI. 163.

[26] Pelisso Chron. pp. 43-51.--Coll. Doat, XXI. 149.--It is probable that among these victims perished Vigoros de Bocona, a Catharan bishop.

Alberic de Trois Fontaines places his burning in Toulouse in 1233 (Chron. ann. 1233), but there is evidence of his being still alive and active in 1235 or 1236 (Doat, XXII. 222). He was ordained a "filius major" in Montsegur about 1229, by the Catharan bishop, Guillabert de Castres (Doat, XXII. 226), and his name as that of a revered teacher continues for many years to occur in the confessions of penitents.

[27] Guill. Pod. Laur. c. 43.--Arch, de l"eveche de Beziers (Doat, x.x.xI. 35).--Bern. Guidon. Libell. de Magist. Ord. Praedic. (Martene Ampl.

Coll. VI. 422).--Raynald. ann. 1237, No. 32.

[28] Epistt. Saeculi XIII. T. I. No. 706 (Mon. Germ. Hist).--Potthast No.

10357, 10361.--Raynald. ann. 1237, No. 33, 37.--Teulet, Layettes, II.

339, No. 2514.--Vaissette, III. 410.--Coll. Doat, XXI. 146.

A deposition of Raymond Jean of Albi, April 30, 1238 (Doat, XXIII. 273), probably marks the term of the activity of the Inquisition before its suspension.

[29] Teulet, Layettes, II. 377, 386.--Epistt. Saeculi XIII. T. I. No. 731 (Mon. Germ. Hist.).--Raynald. ann. 1239, No. 71-3.--Arch. du Vatican T.

XIX. (Berger, Actes d"Innocent IV. p. xix.).

[30] Arch. Nat. de France J. 430. No. 19, 20.--Guill. Pod. Laurent, c.

43.--Vaissette, III. 411.

[31] Guill. Pod. Laur. c. 43.--Guill. Nangiac. Gest. S. Ludov. ann.

1239.--Vaissette, III. 420.--Bern. Guidon. Vit. Gregor. PP. IX.

(Muratori S. R. I. III. 574).--Teulet, Layettes, II. 457. It was not until 1247 that Trencavel released the consuls of Beziers from their allegiance to him.--Mascaro, Libre de Memorias, ann. 1247.

[32] A. Molinier (Vaissette, ed. Privat, VII. 448-61).--Douais, Les Albigeois, Paris, 1879; Pieces justif. No. 4.

[33] D"Achery Spicileg. III. 621.--Vaissette, III. 424; Pr. 400.

[34] Guillem de Tudela V. 8980, 9183.--Tresor des Chartes du Roi a Carca.s.sonne (Doat, XXII. 34-49).--Vaissette, ed. Privat, VIII.

975.--Teulet, Layettes, II. 252, No. 2241.--Vaissette, III. 383, 422-3; Pr. 385, 397-99.--Ripoll VII. 9.--Potthast No. 9024.--Pelisso Chron. pp.

28-9.--Coll. Doat, XXI. 163-164, 166; XXIV. 81.

[35] The doc.u.ment is in the Collection Doat, XXI. 185 sqq.--Although it does not specify that the cases are of voluntary penitents within the time of grace, there is no risk in a.s.suming this. The penances are all of the kind provided for such penitents; and in one case (fol. 220) it is mentioned that the party had not come in within the time, which would infer that the rest had done so. Besides, the extraordinary speed with which the business was transacted is wholly incompatible with prosecutions of accused persons striving to maintain their innocence.

[36] Coll. Doat, XXI. 210, 215, 216, 227, 229, 230, 238, 265, 283, 285, 293, 299, 300, 301, 305, 307, 308, 310.

[37] Concil. Narbonn. ann. 1244 c. 19.

[38] Pelisso Chron. pp. 49-50.--Coll. Doat, XXII. 216-17, 224, 228.--Schmidt, Cathares I. 315, 324.

[39] Coll. Doat, XXI. 153, 155, 158.

[40] Vaissette, III. 431; Pr. 438-42.--Doat, XXIV. 160.--Guill. Pod.

Laur. c. 45.--Peyrat, Les Albigeois et l"Inquisition, II. 304.--Diez, Leben und Werke der Troubadours, p. 491.--Ripoll I. 117.--a.n.a.lecta Franciscana, Quaracchi, 1887, II. 65.

The Catholic tradition at Avignonet was that some of the inquisitors"

followers escaped to the church, where they were ma.s.sacred with a number of Catholic inhabitants who had sought refuge there. In consequence of this pollution the church remained unused for forty years, and the anniversary of its reconciliation, on the first Tuesday in June, was still, in the last century, celebrated with illuminations and rejoicing as a local feast (Bremond _ap._ Ripoll l.c.)

[41] Vaissette, III. 456.--Guill. Pod. Laur. c. 45.--Molinier _ap._ Pelisso Chron. p. 19.--Molinier, L"Enseveliss.e.m.e.nt de Raimond VI. p.

21.--Vaissette, ed. Privat, VIII. 1258.

[42] Teulet, Layettes, II. 466.--Maj. Chron. Lemovicens. ann. 1242 (Bouquet, XXI. 765).--Vaissette, III. Pr. 410.--Guill. Pod. Laur. c.

45.--Schmidt. Cathares, I. 320.--Bern. Guidon. Vit. Clestin. PP. IV.

(Muratori S.R.I. III. 589).

[43] Vaissette, III. 434-7, 439.--Teulet, Layettes, II. 470, 481-2, 484, 487, 488, 489, 493, 495, etc.

[44] Vaissette, III. Pr. 425.--Ripoll I. 118. Innocent"s bull is dated July 10, 1243, within a fortnight after his election. The deputation had evidently been sent to Celestin IV., and the bull had been prepared in advance, awaiting the election of a successor.

[45] Archives de l"eveche d"Albi (Doat, x.x.xI. 47).--Archives de l"Inq.

de Carca.s.sonne (Doat, x.x.xI. 63, 65, 97).--Berger, Registres d"Innocent IV. No. 31, 102.

[46] Vaissette, III. 443; Pr. 411, 433-4.--Potthast No. 10943, 11187, 11218, 11390, 11638.--Teulet, Layettes, II. 523, 524, 528, 534.--D"Achery, III. 621.--Berger, Registres d"Innocent IV. No. 21, 267, 360, 364, 594, 697, 1283.--Douais. Les sources de l"histoire de l"Inquisition (loc. cit. p. 415).

[47] Guill. Pod. Laur. c. 46.--Coll. Doat, XXII. 204, 210; XXIV. 76, 80, 168-72, 181.--Schmidt, Cathares, I. 325.--Peyrat, Les Albigeois et l"Inquisition, II. 363 sqq.

[48] Collection Doat, XXII. 202, 214, 237; XXIV. 68, 160, 182, 198.

[49] Millot, Troubadours, II. 77.--Berger, Registres d"Innocent IV. No.


[50] Concil. Biterrens. ann. 1246, Consil. ad Inquis. c. 1.--Ripoll, I.


[51] Doat, XXII. 217.--Molinier, L"Inquisition dans le midi de la France, pp. 186-90.--See also Peyrat, Les Albigeois et l"Inq. III.

467-73.--Vaissette, III. Pr. 446-8.--Teulet, Layettes, II. 566.

M. l"Abbe Douais (loc. cit. p. 419) tells us that the examinations in the inquest of Bernard de Caux number five thousand eight hundred and four.

[52] Vaissette, III. 457, 459; Pr. 467.--Guill. Pod. Laur. c.

48.--Baluz. et Mansi I. 210.--Arch. de l"Inq. de Carca.s.sonne (Doat, x.x.xI. 105, 149).--Ripoll, I. 184.

[53] Vaissette, III. 455-6; Pr. 468, 469.--Arcli. de l"Inq. de Carc.

(Doat, x.x.xI. 77, 79, 80).--Martene Thesaur. I. 1040.

[54] Martene Thesaur. I. 1044.--Vaissette, III. 465.--Vaissette, ed.

Privat, VIII. 1255, 1292, 1333, 1583.--Guill. Pod. Laur. c.

48--Mary-Lafon, Hist. du midi de la France, III. 33, 49--Arch. de l"Inq.