A History of The Inquisition of The Middle Ages

Chapter 74

Probably there may be some connection between the Turelupins and certain wandering bands known as "_de Pexariacho_" and suspected of heresy. A member of these, named Bidon de Puy-Guillem, of the diocese of Bordeaux, was condemned to perpetual imprisonment, and was liberated by Gregory XI. in 1371 (Coll. Doat, x.x.xV. 134).

[142] Grandes Chroniques, ann. 1380-1.--Religieux de S. Denis, Hist. de Charles VI. Liv. I. c. 13, liv. II. c. 1.

[143] Religieux de S. Denis, op. cit. Liv. IV. ch. 13.--D"Argentre, Collect. Judic. de novis error. I. II. 151.

[144] Chron. Bardin, ann. 1322 (Vaissette, IV. Pr. 21-22).

[145] Isambert, Anc. Lois Franc. IV. 364-5.--Coll. Doat, XXVII.

118.--Vaissette, IV. Pr. 23.

[146] Chron. Bardin, ann. 1340, 1368 (Vaissette, IV. Pr. 27, 31).

[147] Chron. Bardin, ann. 1364 (Vaissette, IV. Pr. 30. Cf. A. Molinier, ed. Privat. X. 763).

[148] Martene Thesaur. I. 1399.

[149] Arch. Administratives de Reims, III. 637-45.--Meyeri Annal.

Flandr. Lib. XVI. ann. 1419.--Lafaille, Annales de Toulouse I.

183.--Chron. Bardin, ann. 1423 (Vaissette. IV. Pr. 38).

[150] Arch. Administratives de Reims, III. 639-43.

[151] Isambert, Anc. Lois Franc. IX. 3; X. 393, 396-416, 477.--Boch.e.l.li Decret. Eccles. Gallican. Lib. IV. t.i.t. 4, 5.--Bull. de la Soc. de l"Hist. du Protestantisme en France, 1860, p. 121.--D"Argentre Coll.

Judic. de novis Error. I. II. 357.--Fascic. Rer. Expetend. et Fugiend.

I. 63 (Ed. 1690).

The feelings with which the abrogation of the Pragmatic Sanction in 1461 was received are well expressed in the "_Pragmaticae Sanctionis Pa.s.sio_," Baluz. et Mansi, IV. 29.

Pius II. is singularly candid in his account of the simoniacal transaction through which he purchased the abrogation by giving the cardinal"s hat to Jean, Bishop of Arras. The suggestion at first provoked the liveliest remonstrances from the members of the Sacred College, who, through their spokesman, the Cardinal of Avignon, warned Pius that there would be no peace in the Consistory, for the bishop would set them all by the ears, and that his unquiet spirit showed that he must be the offspring of an Incubus. Pius admitted all this, but argued that it was an unfortunate necessity; both Louis XI. and Philippe le Bon had asked for his promotion; unless the request was granted the Pragmatic Sanction would not be abolished, for the fury of the disappointed man would convert him into its supporter, and, as he was learned, he would readily find ample Scriptural warrant to adduce in its favor, which would be decisive, as he was the only man in France who urged the abrogation, and he could readily lead the king to change his mind. These arguments were convincing, and Pius enjoyed the supreme triumph of destroying the last relic of the reforms of Constance and Basle. He paid dearly for it, however, in the annoyances inflicted on him by the new cardinal, whom he describes as a liar and a perjurer, avaricious and ambitious, a glutton and a drunkard, and excessively given to women. He was so irascible that at meals he would frequently throw the silver plates and vessels at the servants, and occasionally would push the whole table over, to the dismay of his guests.--aen.

Sylvii Opp. inedd. (Atti della Accad. dei Lincei, 1883, pp. 531, 546-8).

[152] Juvenal des Ursins, ann. 1411, 1413.--Religieux de S. Denis, Hist.

de Charles VI. Liv. x.x.xII. ch. 14; x.x.xIII. ch. 1, 15, 16; x.x.xV. ch. 18.

[153] D"Argentre, op. cit. I. II. 370.

[154] Ibid. I. II. 340.

[155] Ibid. I. II. 346.

[156] Wadding, ann. 1375, No. 17; 1418, No. 1, 2; 1419, No. 2; 1434, No.

2, 3; 1472, No. 24.--Ripoll II. 522, 566-9, 637, 644; III. 487; IV. 6.

[157] Wadding. ann. 1409, No. 13; 1418, No. 1, 2, 4.

[158] Baluz. et Mansi I. 288-93,--Arch. Gen. de Belgique, Papiers d"etat, v. 405.--MSS. Bib. Nat., fonds Moreau, 444, fol. 10.--Ripoll II. 533; III. 6, 8, 21, 193.

[159] Ripoll III. 301.--Wadding, ann. 1458, No. 12.

[160] Wadding, ann. 1458, No. 13; 1461, No. 3.--Ripoll III. 317, 423, 487; IV. 103, 217, 303, 304, 356, 373.

A MS. of Bernard Gui"s _Practica_, now in the Munic.i.p.al Library of Toulouse, bears a marginal note that it was lent by the Inquisition of Toulouse, in 1483, to the Dominicans of Bordeaux to be transcribed, thus showing that there was an Inquisition in operation in the latter city of which the members required instruction in their duties (Molinier, l"Inq.

dans le midi de la France, p. 201).

[161] Memoires de Jacques du Clercq, Liv. III. ch. 43.--D"Argentre, op.

cit. I. II. 308-18, 319-20, 323, 347.

[162] Bremond, _ap_. Ripoll IV. 373.--Ripoll IV. 390.

[163] Ripoll IV. 376.--Wieri de Praestig. Daemon. Lib. VI. c. 11.

[164] Coll. Doat, XXI. 197, 203, 208, 223, 225, 232, 233, 234, 236, 238, 241, 244, 250, 252, 254, 261-2, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 269, 270, 271, 275, 276, 281, 282, 289, 296.

It is perhaps worthy of note that Raymond de Pereille, the Castellan of Montsegur, and his companions, when on trial, while freely giving evidence about innumerable Cathari, declared that they knew nothing whatever about Waldenses, which would seem to indicate that there was little communication between the sects (Doat, XXII. 217; XXIII. 344; XXIV. 8).

[165] Statut. Synod. Odonis Tullensis ann. 1192, c. ix., x. (Martene Thesaur. IV. 1180).--Ripoll I. 183.--Douais, Les sources de l"histoire de l"Inq. (Revue des Questions Historiques, Oct. 1881, p. 434).--Peyrat, Les Alb. et l"Inquis. III. 74.--Chabrand, Vaudois et Protestants des Alpes, Gren.o.ble, 1886, p. 34.--Havet, L"heresie et le bras seculier (Bib. de l"ecole des Chartes, 1880, p. 585).--Vaissette, IV. 17.--A.

Molinier (Vaissette, ed. Privat, VI. 819).--Wadding, ann. 1288, No.

14-15; 1292, No. 3.--Raynald. ann. 1288, No. 27-8.

[166] Lib. Sententt. Inq. Tolos. pp. 200-1, 207-8, 216-43, 252-4, 262-5, 289-90, 340-7, 352, 355, 364-66.--Arch. de l"Inq. de Carca.s.s. (Doat, XXVII. 7 sqq.).

[167] Bernard. Guidon. Practica P. v. (Doat. x.x.x.).

[168] Wadding. ann. 1321, No. 21-4.

[169] Arch. de l"Inq. de Carca.s.s. (Doat, XXVII. 119 sqq.).--Raynald.

ann. 1335, No. 63; 1344, No. 9; 1352, No. 20.--Chabrand. op. cit. pp.

36-7.--Wadding ann. 1352, No. 14, 15; 1363, No. 14, 15; 1364, No. 14, 15; 1365, No. 3.--Lombard, Pierre Valdo et les Vaudois du Brianconnais, Geneve, 1880, pp. 17. 20, 23-7.

[170] Raynald. ann. 1372, No. 34; ann. 1373, No. 19.

[171] Wadding. ann. 1375, No. 11-19.--D"Argentre, op. cit. I. I.

394.--Ripoll II. 289.--Raynald. ann. 1375, No. 26.--Gautier, Hist, de la Ville de Gap, p. 39.

[172] Lombard, op. cit. pp. 27-8.--Wadding, ann. 1375, No.

21-3.--Isambert, Anc. Loix Franc. IV. 491.

[173] Wadding. ann. 1376, No. 3.

[174] Wadding. ann. 1375, No. 24; ann. 1376, No. 2.--Arch. de l"Inq. de Carca.s.s. (Doat, x.x.xV. 163).

[175] Perrin"s Waldenses, translated by Lennard, London, 1624, Bk. 2 pp.

18, 19.--Leger, Hist. des eglises Vaudoises II. 26.--Chabrand, op. cit.

pp. 39, 40.

[176] Miroir de Souabe, ch. 89 (Ed. Matile, Neuchatel, 1843).

[177] Wadding. ann. 1409, No. 12.