A History of The Inquisition of The Middle Ages

Chapter 79

[309] Wadding. ann. 1494, No. 6.--When Fra Bernardo endeavored to establish a _mont de piete_ at Florence the moneyed interests were strong enough to drive him from the city (Burlamacchi, Vita di Savonarola, Baluz. et Mansi I. 557).

[310] Prediche di Fra Giordano da Rivalto, Firenze, 1831, I.

172.--Wadding. ann. 1340, No. 11.--Archivio di Firenze, Riformagioni, Diplomatico, 27; Cla.s.se V. No. 129, fol. 46, 54.

[311] Wadding. T. III. App. p. 3--Ugh.e.l.li, Italia Sacra, Ed. 1659, II.

1075.--Archiv. di Firenze, Riformag. Cla.s.se V. No. 129, fol. 55.

[312] Archiv. di Firenze, Riformag. Atti Pubblici, Lib. XVI. de"

Capitolari, fol. 15.--Villani Chron. XI. 138; XII. 55, 58.

[313] Archiv. delle Riformag. Atti Pubblici, Lib. XVI. de" Capitolari, fol. 22; Cla.s.se V. No. 129, fol. 62 sqq.--Archiv. Diplomatico x.x.xVII., x.x.xVIII., XL., XLI., XLII.--Villani, XII. 58.

The amount involved was not small. The revenue of Florence at this period was only three hundred thousand florins (Sismondi, Rep. Ital. ch.

36), and Florence was one of the richest states in Europe. Villani (XI.

92) boasts that France alone enjoyed a larger revenue; that of Naples was less, and the three were the wealthiest in Christendom.

[314] Archiv. delle Riformag. Cla.s.se IX., Distinzione i. No. 39; Cla.s.se V. No. 129, fol. 62 sqq.; Prov. del Convento di S. Croce, 23 Ott.

1354.--Villani, XII. 58.--Ugh.e.l.li VII. 1015.

[315] Archiv. delle Riformag. Cla.s.se II. Distinz. I. No. 14.--Archiv.

Diplom. LXXVIII.-IX., Lx.x.x.-I.; Prov. del Convento di S. Croce, 1371 Febb. 18, Ott. 8, 14; 1372, Marz. 15; 1375, Marz. 9; 1380, Genn. 12; 1380, Dic. 1; 1381, Nov. 18; 1383, Lugl. 12; 1384, Dic. 13.--Werunsky Excerptt. ex Registt. Clement. VI. et Innoc. VI. p. 95.--Villani, XII.

58.--Wadding. ann. 1372, No. 35; ann. 1375, No. 32.--Raynald. ann. 1375, No. 13-17; ann. 1376, No. 1-5.--Poggii Hist. Florentin. Lib. II. ann.

1376.--A doc.u.ment of 1374 (Archiv. Fior. Prov. S. Croce, 1374, Nov. 17) allows that Fra Piero di Ser Lippo, at that time Inquisitor of Florence, was defendant in an action brought against him in the papal curia by the Dominican Fra Simone del Pozzo, Inquisitor of Naples, in which Fra Piero seems to have obtained what was equivalent to a nonsuit.

[316] Wadding. ann. 1377, No. 4-23.

[317] Tamburini, Storia Gen. dell" Inquisizione, II. 433-6.--Raynald.

ann. 1418, No. 11.--Archiv. di Firenze, Prov. S. Maria Novella, 1424, Ap. 24.--Wadding. ann. 1437, No. 33; ann. 1438, No. 26; ann. 1439, No.

57; ann. 1440, No. 26; ann. 1441, No. 61; ann. 1452, No. 30; ann. 1471, No. 11; ann. 1496, No. 7.--Ripoll VII. 89, 100.

Fra Gabriele, the Inquisitor of Bologna, in the same year, 1461, in which he was sent to Rome, expended twenty-three lire ten sol. in having a copy made of Eymerich"s _Directorium Inquisitionis_.--Denifle, Archiv fur Litteratur-etc. 1885, p. 144.

[318] Paramo de Orig. Office S. Inq. p. 113.

[319] MSS. Chioccarello, T. VIII.--Raynald. ann. 1344, No. 9; ann. 1368, No. 16; ann. 1372, No. 36; ann. 1375, No. 26.--Tocco. Archivio Storico Napolitan. Ann. XII. (1887), Fasc. 1.--Ripoll II. 311, 324, 364.--Guiseppe Cosentino, Archivio Storico Siciliano, 1885, pp. 74-5, 87.--La Mantia, Dell" Inquisizione in Sicilia, Torino, 1886, pp. 13-15.

[320] Wadding. T. III. Regesta, p. 392.--Ripoll II. 689.

When, in 1447, Nicholas V. issued a cruel edict subjecting the Jews to severe disabilities and humiliations, Capistrano was likewise appointed conservator to enforce its provisions (Wadding. ann. 1447, No. 10).

[321] Giannone, Ist. Civ. di Napoli, Lib. x.x.xII. c. 5.--Wadding. ann.

1449, No. 13.--Ripoll III. 240, 441, 501.

[322] Paramo, pp. 197-99.--Ripoll III. 510.--La Mantia, L"Inquisizione in Sicilia, pp. 16-18.

Giuseppe Cosentino says (Archivio Storico Siciliano, 1885, p. 73) that the confirmation in 1451 by King Alonso of the diploma of Frederic II.

is not to be found in the archives of Palermo, but that the royal letters of 1415 allude to a privilege granted by Frederic. See also La Mantia, pp. 8-10, 13, 15.

[323] Pirro, Sicilia Sacra, I. 185-6.--G. Cosentino, loc. cit. p.

76.--Caruso, Memorie Istoriche di Sicilia, P. II. T. i. p.

92.--Giannone, op. cit. Lib. x.x.xII. c. 5.--Paramo, pp. 191-4.--Zurita, Hist. del Rey Hernando, Lib. V. c. 70; Lib. IX. c. 36.--Mariana, Hist.

de Espana, Lib. x.x.x. c. 1.

[324] Schmidt, Histoire des Cathares, I. 104-9.--Gregor. PP. VII.

Regist. VII. 11.--Batthyani Legg. Eccles. Hung. II. 274, 289-90, 415-17.--Raynald. ann. 1203, No. 22.--Innocent. PP. III. Regest. II.


[325] Innoc. PP. III. Regest. II. 176; III. 3; V. 103, 110; VI. 140, 141, 142, 212.

[326] Schmidt, I. 112-13.

[327] Potthast No. 6612, 6725, 6802.--Raynald. ann. 1225, No.

21.--Klaic, Geschichte Bosniens, nach dem Kroatischen von Ivan v.

Bojnicic, Leipzig, 1885, pp. 89-91.

[328] Monteiro, Historia da Sacra Inquisico P. I. Liv. 1, c.

59.--Paramo, p. 111.--Raynald. ann. 1257, No. 13.--Hist. Ord. Praedic. c.

8. (Martene Ampl. Coll. VI. 338).--Ripoll I. 70.--Klaic, pp. 92-4.

[329] Epist. Saec. XIII. T. I. No. 574, 601.--Ripoll I. 70.--Potthast No.

9726, 9733-8, 10019, 10052.--Klaic, p. 96.--Batthyani Legg. Eccles.

Hung. I. 355.--Matt. Paris ann. 1243 (Ed. 1644, pp. 412-13).

[330] Bishop John succeeded in resigning his bishopric, and became Grand Master of his Order. A contemporary, who knew him personally, describes him as a man of apostolic virtue, who distributed in alms the revenue of his see, amounting to 8000 marks, and performed his journeys on foot, with an a.s.s to carry his books and vestments. After his death at Stra.s.sburg he shone in miracles.--Thomae Cantimprat. Bonum universale Lib. II. c. 56.

[331] Potthast No. 10223-6, 10507, 10535, 10631-9, 10688-93, 10822-4, 10842.--Ripoll I. 102-4, 106-7.--Schmidt, I. 122.--Klaic, pp. 97-107.

[332] Ripoll I. 175-6.--Klaic, pp. 107-13.--Kukuljevic, Jura Regni Croatiae, Dalmatiae et Slavoniae, Zagrabiae, 1862, I. 67.

[333] Rainerii Summa (Martene Thesaur. V. 1768).--Klaic, p.

153.--Theiner Monumenta Slavor. Meridional. I. 90.

[334] Raynald. ann. 1280, No. 8, 9; ann. 1291, No. 42-44.--Klaic, pp.

116-9.--Wadding. ann. 1291, No. 12.

[335] Wadding. ann. 1298, No. 2.--Klaic, pp. 123-4.--Raynald. ann. 1319, No. 24.

[336] Klaic, pp. 124-5, 139-40, 154-6.--Theiner Monument. Slavor. Merid.

I. 157, 234.--Raynald. ann. 1325, No. 28; ann. 1327, No. 48.--Wadding.

ann. 1325, No. 1-4; ann. 1326, No. 3-7; ann. 1329, No. 16; ann. 1330, No. 10.

[337] Archivio di Venezia, Fontanini MSS. III. 560.

[338] Theiner Monument. Slavor. Merid. I. 174, 175--Wadding. ann. 1331, No. 4; ann. 1337, No. 1.--Raynald. ann. 1335, No. 62.--Klaic, pp. 157-8.

[339] Klaic, pp. 159-61, 181-3.--Wadding. ann. 1340, No. 6-10.--Theiner, op. cit.

[340] Klaic, pp. 184-5, 187-8, 190-5, 200-1, 223, 262, 268-77, 287, 369.--Theiner Monument. Slavor. Merid. I. 233, 240.--Wadding. ann. 1356, No. 7; ann. 1368, No. 1-3; ann. 1369, No. 11; ann. 1372, No. 31-33; ann.