A History of The Inquisition of The Middle Ages

Chapter 85

[479] Werunsky op. cit. pp. 89, 94, 98, 99, 102, 111, 120, 135, 136, 140, 141.--Gudeni Cod. Diplom. III. 509.--Hartzheim Concil. Germ. IV.


[480] Hofler, Prager Concilien, pp. 2, 5, 12, 14, 26-7.--Loserth, Hus und Wiclif, pp. 32-33, 37.--W. Preger, Beitrage, p. 51.--Flac. Illyr.

Catal. Test. Veritatis Lib. xv. p. 1506 (Ed. 1608).

[481] Mosheim de Beghardis p. 381.

[482] Loserth, Hus und Wiclif, pp. 49, 50-2.--Lechler (Real Encyklopadie, X. 1-3).--Raynald. ann. 1374, No. 10-11.

[483] Hofler, Prager Concilien, pp. 33, 37-9.--De Schweinitz, History of the Unitas Fratrum (Bethlehem, Pa., 1885, pp. 25-6).

[484] Loserth, Hus und Wiclif, pp. 54, 56-7, 63-4, 68-9.--Montet, Hist.

Lit. des Vaudois, p. 150.--Pseudo-Pilichdorf Tract. contra Waldens. c.

15 (Mag. Bib. Pat. XIII. 315).

[485] Arnold"s English Works of Wyclif, III. 454-96. Cf. Vae Octuplex (Ib. II. 380); Of Mynystris in the Chirch (Ib. II. 394); Vaughan"s Tracts and Treatises, p. 226; Trialogi III. 6, 7; Trialogi Supplem. c.

2.--Losertb, Mittheilungen des Vereines fur Gesch. der Deutschen in Bohmen, 1886, pp. 384 sqq.

[486] Trialogi II. 14; IV. 22.--Jo. Hus de Ecclesia, c. 1 (Monument. I.

fol. 196-7, Ed. 1558).--Wil. Wodford adv. Jo. Wiclefum (Fascic. Rer.

Expetend. et Fugiend. I. 250, Ed. 1690).--In the condemnation of the innovations by the Council of Prague, in 1412, predestination is not among the errors enumerated (Hofler, Prager Concilien, p. 72), though it appears in the final proceedings against Huss in the Council of Constance (P. Mladenowic Relatio, Palacky Doc.u.menta. p. 317).

[487] Raynald. ann. 1377, No. 4-6.--Lechler"s Life of Wickliff, Lorimer"s Translation, II. 288-90, 343-7.--Loserth, Hus und Wiclif, pp.

101-2, 121.--Palacky Doc.u.menta Mag. Johannis Hus, p. 189, 203, 313, 374-6, 426-8, 467.--Harduin. Concil. VIII. 203.--Von der Hardt III. XII.

168; IV. 153, 328.--Jo. Hus Replica contra P. Stokes (Monument. I. 108 _a_).--Hofler, Prager Concilien. p. 53.

[488] Loserth, op. cit. pp. 79, 114, 161 sqq.--Mittheilungen des Vereines fur Gesch. d. Deutschen in Bohmen, 1886, 395 sqq.--Jo. Hus Monument. I. 25_a_, 108_a_.--Nider Formicar. Lib. III. c. 9. fol.

50_a._--Von der Hardt IV. 328.--Gobelin. Personae Cosmodrom. aetat. VI. c.

86-7 (Meibom. Rer. German. I. 319-21).

[489] Loserth, op. cit. pp. 13, 75-8, 98-100.--Jo. Hus Monument. II.


Even aeneas Sylvius (Hist. Bohem. c. 35) speaks of Huss as distinguished for the purity of his life; and the Jesuit Balbinus says that his austerity and modesty, his kindness to all, even to the meanest, won for him universal favor. No one believed that so holy a man could deceive or be deceived, so that the memory of the thief was worshipped at Prague as that of a saint (Bohuslai Balbini Epit. Rer. Bohem. Lib. V. C. V. p.


[490] Palacky Doc.u.menta, pp. 3, 56.--Berger, Johannes Hus u. Konig Sigmund, p. 5.--Loserth, op. cit. pp. 82, 98-100, 103-5, 111-12, 270.--Hofler, Prager Concilien, pp. 43-6, 51-3, 57, 60, 61-2.--Hist.

Persecut. Eccles. Bohem. p. 29.

Wickliff continued to the end to be the chief authority of the Hussites.

A half a century later he is appealed to by both factions into which they were divided. See Peter Chelcicky"s reply to Rokyzana, in Goll, Quellen und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der Bohmischen Bruder, II.


[491] Loserth, pp. 105-6.--Palacky Doc.u.menta, pp. 345-6, 363-4.

[492] Loserth, op. cit. pp. 106-10, 123-4.--Palacky Doc.u.menta, pp. 181, 347, 350--62.--Hofler, Prager Concilien, pp. 64-70.--Raynald. ann. 1409, No. 89.

[493] aeneae; Sylv. Hist. Bohem. c. 35.--Loserth, op. cit. p.

137.--Palacky Doc.u.menta, pp. 184-5, 342-3.--Palacky, Beziehungen, pp.

19-20--Jo. Hus Monument. I. 2-3.

[494] Loserth, op. cit. pp. 120, 123-4.--Hofler, Prager Concilien, pp.

5, 15, 18, 31, 32, 46, 57.

[495] Loserth, op. cit. pp. 121-3, 130.--Palacky Doc.u.menta, pp. 19-21, 191, 233.--Mladenowic Relatio (Palacky p. 319).--Jo. Hus Disputatio contra Indulgent. (Monument. I. 174-89); Ejusd. contra Bull. PP. Joannis (Ib. I. 189-91); Ejusd. Serm. XXII. de Remissione Peccatorum (Ib. II.


[496] Loserth, op. cit. p. 131.--Palacky Doc.u.menta, p. 640.--De Schweinitz, Hist. of the Unitas Fratrum, pp. 41-2.--Stephani Cartus.

Antihussus c. 5 (Pez Thesaur. Anecd. IV. II. 380, 382).

[497] Hofler, Prager Concilien, pp. 73, 110.--Loserth, op. cit. pp.

132-5.--J. Hus Monument. I. 17; Ejusd. de Ecclesia c. 14 (Monument. I, 223. Cf. Wicklif. de Eccles. c. 18, _ap._ Loserth, p. 188).--Palacky Doc.u.menta, pp. 458, 464-66.

[498] Hofler, Prager Concilien, pp. 73-100.--Loserth, op. cit. pp.

142-5.--Palacky Doc.u.menta, p. 510.--Mladenowic Relatio (Palacky Doc.u.menta, p. 246).

[499] Von der Hardt IV. 313.

[500] Leonardi Aretini Comment. (Muratori S.R.I. XIX. 927-8). --Harduin.

VIII. 231.--Theod. a Niem Vit. Joann. XXIII. Lib. II. c. 37 (Von der Hardt II. 384).--Palacky Doc.u.menta, pp. 512-18.

For the confusion existing in Germany, caused by the Schism, see Haupt, Zeitschrift fur Kirchengeschichte, 1883, pp. 356-8.

[501] Jo. Fistenport. Chron. ann. 1415 (Hahn. Coll. Monum. I.

401).--Dacherii Hist. Magnatum (Von der Hardt V. II. 50).--Theod. a Niem Vita Joann. XXIII. Lib. I. c. 40 (Ib. II. 388).--Nider Formicar. Lib. V.

c. ix.

[502] Stephani Cartus. Dial. Volatilis c. 11, 14, 21 (Pez Thesaur.

Anecd. IV. II. 465, 473, 492).--The three sermons prepared for this purpose are printed in Huss"s works (Monument. I. 44-56). The first is on the sufficiency of the law of Christ for the government of the Church: the second is an elaborate exposition of his belief; the third on Peace, in which he attributes the schisms and troubles of the Church to the pride and greed and vices of the clergy.

[503] Mladenowic Relatio (Palacky Doc.u.menta, p. 237).--Von der Hardt IV.

754.--Jo. Hus Monument. I. 2-4, 57, 68.--Palacky Doc.u.menta, pp. 70, 73.

[504] Richentals Chronik des Constanzer Concils p. 76 (Tubingen, 1882).--Jo. Hus Epistt. iii. vi. (Monument. I. 57-8).--Monument. I. 4_a_

[505] Richentals Chronik p. 58.--Jo. Hus Epistt. iv. vi. vii. (Monument.

I. 58-9).

[506] Hus Epistt. v. vi. (Monument. I. 58).--Monument. I. 4 _b._--Laur.

Byzyn. Diar. Bell. Hussit. ann. 1414 (Ludewig Reliq. MSS. VI.

124).--Palacky Doc.u.ment. p. 170.--Richentals Chronik pp.

76-77.--Mladenowic Relatio (Palacky, pp. 247-8).--Naucleri Chron. ann.


[507] Richentals Chronik p. 77.--Jo. Hus Monument. I. 5 _b._--Von der Hardt IV. 22, 32, 212.--Mladenowic Relatio (Palacky Doc.u.ment. pp.


The special rigor of confinement near the latrines was well understood.

In 1317, when John XXII. delivered some Spiritual Franciscans to their brethren for safe-keeping, Friar Francois Sanche "_posuerunt fratres in quodum carcere juxta latrinas_."--Historia Tribulationum (Archiv. fur Litteratur-u. Kirchengeschichte, 1886, p. 146).