A History of The Inquisition of The Middle Ages

Chapter 88

1420, No. 13.--Hist. Persecut. Eccles. Bohem. pp. 39-40.--aegid. Carlerii Lib. de Legation. loc. cit.

There was warning also to the democratic party among the Bohemians in the vengeance taken by Sigismund on citizens of Breslau who had been concerned in an uprising similar to that of Prague. On March 7 he caused twenty-three of them to be beheaded.--Bezold, Konig Sigmund und die Reichskriege gegen die Husiten, Munchen, 1872, p. 37.

[557] Laur. Byzyn. Diar. Bell. Hussit. (Ludewig VI. 161-3, 167-70, 181).--Andreae Ratispon. Chron. (Eccard. Corp. Hist. I. 2147).--Schrodl, Pa.s.savia Sacra, p. 289.--Naucleri Chron. p. 933 (Ed. 1544).--Hist.

Persecut. Eccles. Bohem. pp. 43-44.

[558] Palacky, Beziehungen, pp. 20-1.--aen. Sylvii Hist. Bohem. c.

41.--Dubravii Hist. Bohem. Lib. 27.

[559] Laur. Byzyn. Diar. Bell. Hussit. (Ludewig VI. 202-7).--Palacky, Beziehungen, p. 31.--J. Goll, Quellen u. Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der Bohmischen Bruder, Prag, 1882, II. 10-11, 57-60.--Hist. Persecut.

Eccles. Bohem. pp. 46-8.--Palacky, Praef. in Mon. Conc. Gen. Saec. XV. p.


[560] aegid. Carlerii Lib. de Legation. (Mon. Conc. Gen. Saec. XV. T. I.

p. 389).--Epistt. lxvi. lxvii. (Jo. Hus Monument. I. 82-4).--Laur.

Byzyn. Diar. (Ludewig VI. 175-81).

[561] Conciliab. Pragens. ann. 1421 (Hartzheim V. 199-201). Cf. Johann.

de Przibram Profess. Cath. Fidei (Cochlaei Hist. Hussit. pp. 501 sqq.).

[562] Jo. de Turonis Regestrum (Mon. Conc. Gen. Saec. XV. T. I. p. 833, 858).

Yet these Puritans were represented to Europe in the papal bulls for the crusades as not only subverting all political and social order, but as condemning marriage and abandoning themselves to all manner of license and b.e.s.t.i.a.lity.--Martini PP. V. Bull. _Permisit Deus_, 25 Oct. 1427 (Fascic. Rer. Expetendarum et Fugiend, II. 613).

[563] Jo. de Turonis Regestrum (Mon. Conc. Gen. Saec. XV. T. I. pp. 843, 858, 865).--Wratislaw, Diary of an Emba.s.sy from George of Bohemia, London, 1871.

[564] aen. Sylvii Hist. Bohem. c. 35; Ejusd. Epist. 130 (Opp. Ed. 1571, p. 678).--Pet. Zatecens. Lib. Diurnus (Monument. Conc. Gen. Saec. XV. T.

I. p. 352).--Concil. Bituricens. ann. 1432 (Harduin. VIII. 1459).--Goll, Quellen u. Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der Bohmischen Bruder, I. 106.

[565] Goll, Quellen u. Untersuchungen, II. 40-1.--Preger, Beitrage zur Geschichte der Waldesier, pp. 68-71.--Laur. Byzyn. Diar. (Ludewig VI.

183-4, 194-202).--Johann. de Przibram Profess. Fidei (Cochlaei Hist.

Huss. p. 507).--Huss, Sermo de Exequiis (Monument. II. 50).

See also aeneas Sylvius"s statement of the ident.i.ty between the Waldensian and Hussite teachings (Hist. Bohem. c. 35).

[566] Laur. Byzyn. (loc. cit. p. 195).--Martene Ampl. Coll. VIII. 19-27, 249-51, 596-99.--Jo. de Turonis Regest. (Mon. Conc. Gen. Saec. XV. T. I.

p. 842, 846).--Jo. de Ragusio Tractatus (Ibid. T. I. pp. 272-4, 278, 285).--Goll, Quellen, II. 17-18, 61-1.--aen. Sylvii Epist. 130 (Ed. 1571, p. 661).

Even Rokyzana, in 1436, was with great difficulty forced to express his disbelief in the remanence of the substance of the bread.--Jo. de Turonis Regest. (loc. cit. pp. 426-7). Yet nothing can exceed the strength of his affirmation of the existence of the body and blood, in his _Tractatus de Septem Sacramentis_ (Cochlaei Hist. Hussit. pp. 473-4).

In view of the exaggerated superst.i.tious adoration of the Eucharist by the Calixtins, the a.s.sertion of Cardinal Giuliano, in 1431, that the Hussites were wont to manifest their contempt for it by trampling it in the blood of the slain, is a good ill.u.s.tration of the stories invented to stimulate popular abhorrence (Cochlaei op. cit. p. 240).

[567] Herburt. de Fulstin Statut. Regni Poloniae, Samoscii, 1597, p. 191.

[568] Balbin. Epit. Rer. Hung. pp. 475-6.--Sommersberg Silesiac. Rer.

Scriptt. L. 75.--A popular rhyme of the period described:

"Meissen und Sachsen verderbt, Oesterreich verhergt, Schliesien und Laussnitz zerscherbt, Mahren verzerht, Bayern aussgenehrt, Boheimb umbgekehrt."

(Balbin. p. 478.)

[569] C. Constant. Decr. _Frequens_ (Von der Hardt IV. 1435).

[570] Ludewig Reliq. MSS. XI. 385, 409.

[571] Concil. Senens. ann. 1423 (Harduin. VIII. 1015).

[572] Jo. de Ragusio Init. et Prosec. Conc. Basil. (Mon. Conc. Gen. Saec.

XV. T. I. pp. 28-30, 32-35, 53-61, 64).--Concil. Senens. (Harduin. VIII.

1025-6).--Act. Conc. Basil. (Harduin. VIII. 1108-10).--Raynald. ann.

1425, No. 3, 4.

John of Ragusa was the delegate of the University of Paris to Siena, and subsequently played an active part at Basle.

[573] Jo. de Ragusio Init. etc. (Mon. Con. Gen. Saec. XV. T. I. pp.

66-7).--Cochlaei Hist. Hussit. pp. 237-9.

The repulsion of the papacy for general councils was not unnatural. On June 3, 1435, the Council of Basle, with virtual unanimity, abrogated the annates and decreed that in future no charges should be made for sealing collations and confirmations of sees and benefices, except the scrivener"s moderate fees. The Bishops of Otranto and Padua protested in the name of the pope, and finding this unheeded arose and left the council, followed by a few others, while the rest gave themselves up to rejoicing and thanking G.o.d.--aegid. Carlerii Lib. de Legation, (op. cit.

I. 568).

[574] Martene Ampl. Coll. VIII. 15-18.--Chron. Concil. Zantfliet (Ibid.

V. 425-7).--Jo. de Ragusio Tractatus (Mon. Conc. Gen. Saec. XV. T. I. pp.

135, 138).

[575] Harduin VIII. 1575-8.--Raynald. ann. 1431, No. 26.--Epist. Card.

Juliani (aen. Sylv. Opp. Ed. 1571, pp. 66-9).

The letter of Cardinal Giuliano and aeneas Sylvius"s Commentaries on the Council of Basle were subsequently put in the Index Expurgatorius (Reusch, Der Index der verbotenen Bucher, I. 40).

[576] Hemmerlin Lollardor. Descriptio.--Duverger, La Vauderie dans les etats de Philippe le Bon, Arras, 1885, p. 24--Harduin. VIII. 1141, 1172-82, 1263, 1280, 1582. 1606.--Martene Ampl. Coll. VIII. 80-2.

[577] Martene Ampl. Coll. VIII. 131-33.--Pet. Zatecens. Lib. Diurn.

(Mon. Conc. Gen. Saec. XV. T. I. p. 304-5, 324, 328-31, 348).--Naucleri Chron. ann. 1434.

[578] aegid. Carlerii Lib. de Legation (Ibid. T. I. pp. 447-71, 495-7).--Martene Ampl. Coll. VIII. 305-40, 356-415, 698-704.--Hartzheim V. 768-9.--Kukuljevic, Jura Regni Croatiae, Zagrabiae, 1862, I.

192.--Batthyani Legg. Eccles. Hung. III. 419. The question of infantile communion affords an ill.u.s.tration of the skilful casuistry of the orthodox. After the reconciliation, when Sigismund was ruling in Prague, infantile communion was forbidden by the legate of the council, on the ground that the Compactata only guaranteed the privilege to those who had been accustomed to it, and that infants born since then were therefore not ent.i.tled to it.--Jo. de Turonis Regest. (Mon. C. Gen. Saec.

XV. T. I. p. 865).

[579] Martene Ampl. Coll. VIII. 710-19.--Harduin. VIII. 1604, 1650-2.--aegid. Carlerii Liber de Legationibus (Mon. Conc. Gen. Saec. XV.

T. I. pp. 522, 529-39, 544).--Raynald. ann. 1435, No. 22-3.--Naucleri Chron. ann. 1434.

The democratic insubordination characteristic of the Taborites is seen in an incident occurring in September, 1433. Procopius sent a detachment to invade Bavaria, and appointed as leader a captain named Pardus. The men mutinied before setting out, and, on Procopius interposing, one of them felled him to the ground with a blow on the head with a stool. The man who struck him was elected leader, and under his guidance the Taborites lost two thousand of their best veterans.--aegid. Carlerii l.c.

pp. 466-7.

The reduction to serfdom of the Bohemian peasantry, in 1487, may be regarded as the final result of the overthrow of the Taborites.

[580] Martene Ampl. Coll. VIII. 354-6.--aegid. Carlerii Lib. de Legationibus (Mon. Conc. Gen. Saec. XV. T. I. pp. 368-9, 516-17, 519, 595, 597, 600, 632-4, 662-4, 674-6, 678, 684-6, 688).--Th. Ebendorferi Diar. (Ib. pp. 767-9, 776-9, 782-3).--Jo. de Turonis Regest. (Ib. 834-5, 837-8, 848, 868).

[581] Th. Ebendorferi Diar. (loc. cit. 82).--Jo. de Turonis Regest. (Ib.

821-22).--Naucleri Chron. ann. 1436.