A History of The Inquisition of The Middle Ages

Chapter 34

[208] Lucae Tudens. de altera Vita Lib. III. c. 15.--T. Aquinat Summ.

Sec. Sec. Q. X. Artt. 3, 6.--Von der Hardt, T.I.P. XVI. p. 829.--Nic.

Eymerici Direct. Inquis. Praefat.

[209] Galton, Inquiries into Human Faculty, pp. 66-68.--Caesar.

Heisterbac. Dial. Mirac. Dist. IV.

As early as the fourth century the tendency of exaggerated asceticism to affect the mind was noted, and St. Jerome had the common-sense to point out that such cases required a physician rather than a priest (Hieron.

Epist. CXXV. c. 16).

[210] Martene Thesaur. V. 1817, 1820.--Urbani PP. IV. Bull. _Licet ex omnibus_, 20 Mart. 1262, -- 13.--Clem. PP. IV. Bull. _Pr cunctis mentis_, 23 Feb. 1266 (Arch. de l"Inq. de Carc., Doat, x.x.xII. 32).

[211] Tamburini, Storia Generale dell" Inquisizione, I. 362-5, 561.--Chron. Veronens. ann. 1233 (Muratori S.R.I. VIII. 626, 627).

[212] Gregor. PP. I. Homil. in Evangel. XL. 8.--Pet. Lomb. Sententt.

Lib. IV. Dist. 50 ---- 6, 7. Peter Lombard even presses into service a pa.s.sage from St. Jerome which had no such significance (Hieron. Comment.

in Isaiam Lib. XVIII. c. LXVI. vers. 24).--St. Bonaventurae Pharetrae IV.

50.--S. Thomae Aquinat. contra Impugn. Relig. cap. XVI. ---- 2, 3.

[213] S. Thomae Aquinat. Summ. Sec. Sec. Q. X. art. 8, 12.--Zanchini de Haere. c. ii.

[214] Chron. Laudunens. ann. 1198.--Ottonis de S. Blasio Chron.

(Urstisius I. 223 sq.).--Joann. de Flissicuria (D. Bouquet, XVIII.

800).--Rob. Autissiodor. Chron. ann. 1198, 1202.--Rog. Hoveden. Annal.

ann. 1198, 1202.--Rigord. de Gest. Phil. Aug. ann. 1195, 1198.--Guillel.

Brit. de Gest. Phil. Aug. ann. 1195.--Grandes Chroniques, ann. 1195, 1198.--Jacob. Vitriens. Hist. Occident. c. 8.--Radulph. de Coggeshall ann. 1198, 1201.--Chron. Cluniacens. ann. 1198.--Chron. Leodiens. ann.

1198, 1199.--Alberic. T. Font. Chron. ann. 1198.--Geoff. de Villehardouin c. 1.--Annal. Aquicinctin. Monast. ann. 1198.--Joann.

Iperii Chron. ann. 1201-2.

[215] Pet. Sarnens. c. 6.--Guillel. Pod. Laur. c. 8.--Innoc. PP. III Regest. XI. 196, 197; XII. 17.

[216] Innocent. PP. III. Regest. XI. 98; XII. 67, 69; XIII. 63, 78, 94; XV. 90, 91, 92, 93, 96, 137, 146.--Ripoll. Bull. Ord. FF. Praedic. I.

96.--Berger, Registres d"Innoc. IV. No. 2752.

[217] Bremond de Guzmana Stirpe S. Dominici, Romae, 1740, pp. 11, 12, 127, 133, 288.

[218] Bern. Guidon. Tract. Magist. Ord. Praedicat. ann. 1203-6.--Nic. de Trivetti Chron. ann. 1203-9.

[219] Pet. Sarnens. c. 7.--Innoc. PP. III. Regest. IX. 185.--Paramo de Orig. Offic. S. Inquis. Lib. II. t.i.t. 1, c. 2, ---- 6, 7.--Nic. de Trivetti Chron. ann. 1205.--Chron. Magist. Ord. Praedic. c. 1.--Bern.

Guidon. Hist. Fundat. Convent. (Martene Ampl. Collect. VI. 439).

[220] Lacordaire, Vie de S. Dominique. p. 124.--Nic. de Trivetti Chron.

ann. 1203.--Jac. de Voragine Legenda Aurea, Ed. 1480, fol. 88_b_, 90_a_.

As St. Francis had the distinguishing peculiarity of the Stigmata, so the Dominicans boasted that their founder had the special characteristic that when his tomb was opened the odor of sanct.i.ty exhaled from it was a delicious scent from paradise hitherto unknown, so penetrating in quality that it pervaded the whole land, and so persistent that those who touched the holy relics had their hands perfumed for years.--Prediche del Beato Fra Giordano da Rivalto, Firenze, 1831, I.


[221] Nic. de Trivetti Chron. ann. 1215.--Bernardi Guidonis Tract, de Magist. Ord. Praedic. (Martene Ampl. Coll. VI. 400).--Hist. Ordin.

Praedic. c. 1 (Ib. 332).

[222] Nic. de Trivetti loc. cit.--Chron. Magist. Ord. Praedic. c.

1.--Bernard. Guidonis loc. cit.--Concil. Lateran. IV. c. xiii.--Harduin.

Concil. VII. 83.

[223] Hist. Ordin. Praedicat. c. 1, 2, 3.--Chron. Magist. Ordin.

Praedicat. c. 1.--Bernard. Guidonis Tract. de Magist. Ord. Praedic.

(Martene Ampliss. Coll. VI. 332-4, 400).

[224] Bernard. Guidon. Tract de Ordin. Praedic. (Martene Ampl. Collect.

VI. 400, 402-3).--Ejusd. Hist. Fund. Convent. Praedic. (Ib.

446-7).--Hist. Ordin. Praedic. c. 9.--Nic. de Trivetti Chron. ann. 1220, 1228.--Chron. Magist. Ordin. Praedic. c. 3.--Const.i.t. Frat. Praedic. ann.

1228, Dist. I. c. 22; II. 26, 34 (Archiv fur Literatur-und Kirchengeschichte, 1886, pp. 209, 222, 225).

[225] Nic. de Trivetti Chron. ann. 1215, 1217, 1218.--Chron. Magist.

Ord. Praedic. c. 2.--Hist. Ordin. Praedic. c. 1, 5.--Bern. Guidon. Tract.

de Magist. Ord. Praedic. (Martene Ampl. Coll. VI. 401).--Hist. Convent.

Parisiens. Frat. Praedic. (Ib. 549-50).

[226] Bern. Guidon. Tract. de Magist. (Martene VI. 403-4).--Ejusd. Hist.

Convent. Praedic. (Ib. 459).--Nic. de Trivetti Chron. ann. 1221, 1243, 1276.--Hist. Ordin. Praedic. c. 7.--Mag. Bull. Roman. I., 73, 74, 77, 94.

An enumeration of the Dominican Order made in 1337, at the request of Benedict XII., showed about twelve thousand members. Preger, Vorarbeiten zu einer Geschichte der deutschen Mystik (Zeitschrift fur die hist.

Theol. 1869, p. 12).

[227] Bonaventurae Vit. S. Fran. c. I., c. II. No. 1-4.

[228] S. Bonavent. c. II., III.

This account is doubtless colored by the result and adapted unconsciously to the successive stages of a formal religious organization. At first, however, the brethren were not expected to abandon their ordinary pursuits. They were required to follow their regular handicraft, earning their livelihood, and not living on alms except in case of necessity. See the First Rule, as reconstructed by Prof. Karl Muller, Die Anfange des Minoritenordens, Freiburg, i. B., 1885, p. 186.

[229] Bonavent. Vit. Franc. c. IV. No. 10.--Frat. Jordani Chron.

(a.n.a.lecta Franciscana I. 6. Quaracchi, 1885).--Waddingi Annal. Minorum ann. 1260, No. 14.--Th. de Eccleston de Adventu Minorum Collat. 2.

[230] Frat. Jordani Chron. (a.n.a.lecta Franciscana I. 3).--S. Francisci Colloq. IX.--Liber Conformitatum, Lib. I. Fruct. 9 (Ed. 1513, fol.

77_a_).--Potthast Regesta No. 7108.

The dates and details of the successive Rules drawn up by Francis are involved in considerable obscurity. The subject has been discussed with much acuteness by Karl Muller, op. cit.

[231] B. Francisci Regul. II.

[232] Lib. Conformitatum Lib. II. Fruct. 5, fol. 155_b_.

[233] Bonavent. Vit. Francis, c. 8.--Lib. Conformitatum Lib. I. Fruct.

1, fol. 13_a_; Lib. III. Fruct. 3, fol. 210_a_.--Thomae de Eccleston de Adventu Minorum Collat. XII.--Alex. PP. IV. Bull. _Quia longum_ ann.

1259--Wadding, ann. 1256, No. 19.--Mag. Bull. Roman. I. 79, 108.--Potthast Regesta No. 10308.--See also Mr. J.S. Brewer"s eloquent tribute to the Franciscans in his preface to the Monumenta Franciscana (M.R. Series).

In 1496 the University of Paris condemned as scandalous and savoring of heresy the attempts of the Franciscans to a.s.similate their patron to Christ.--(D"Argentre, Coll. Judic. de nov. Error. I. ii. 318.)

When the Dominicans claimed for St. Catharine of Siena the honor of the Stigmata, Sixtus IV., in 1475, issued a bull prohibiting her being represented with them, as they were reserved for St. Francis (Martene Ampliss. Collect. VI. 1386). They had not as yet been vulgarized by La Cadiere and Louise Lateau.