A Madman Who Sells Normality

Chapter 3

Publishedat 2nd of July 2019 12:27:33 AMChapter 3

Third Customer- The Old Man with One Arm

“Who are you?”

“A man . ”

“I know what you’ve done, don’t act dumb!”

“Sir, have you forgotten where you are right now?”

“I know you aren’t in the same group as them!”

“But I’m here . ”

“SWAT Officer Fa.s.sett, visiting time for patients is over!”

“I will catch you . ”

“Good luck, sir . ”


The sun descended on the west and another night arrived .

An old man walked out cautiously from where he was hiding . His footsteps were extremely steady, he stood upright with an energy unbecoming of his age, and a pair of sharp eyes rested on his worn face .

A rustling sound came from a nearby garbage heap . The old man took out a short knife without the slightest hesitation as he slowly walked towards the garbage heap .

A shadow threw itself at the old man’s arm . The old man sidestepped to dodge the shadow’s teeth and then thrust the knife into the shadow’s back .

The shadow who had fallen on the floor let out an angry roar and then threw himself at the old man again . When the old man moved sideways again, trying to dodge the shadow’s attack, another head suddenly grew from the shadow and bit the old man’s right side .

The old man seemed immune to the pain as he continued to stab his short knife into the shadow . Before the shadow could stop breathing he ripped the old man’s shabby shawl off with all his strength, revealing the old man’s broken arm . It turned out the shadow hadn’t actually  bitten the old man’s body just a moment ago .

The old man took off the shabby shawl that he no longer needed . After putting his short knife away, he used his left hand that was barely left to drag the shadow’s corpse into his hideout .

After dealing with the corpse, the old man threw some of the meat into the boiling hot water, and threw the rest in salt water to marinate it .

When the scarlet red flesh faded into a dull gray color, the old man took it out of the pot .

The old man held the bowl with the flesh inside of it, his two eyes staring at the bonfire fixedly . For awhile, it didn’t seem like he was going to start eating .

He put down the bowl in his hand and the old man pressed onto the joint where his arm was broken . His originally sharp eyes became confused .

Suddenly, the wind gusted over, blowing a piece of paper on the road over to the old man . The old man caught that paper and was about to throw it into the fire when a line of words on the paper caught his eye .

The old man shoved the paper into his own pocket and then quickly finished the tasteless dinner .

Afterwards, the old man took his short knife and cleaned it before using some extremely old equipment to polish the knife .

Under the light of the bonfire, the old man’s blank eyes intermittently burst with a crazy light .

The next day, the newly sharpened short knife was put to the neck of the owner of Cotidia.n.u.s .

“I heard you can make people normal here?” The old man asked .

“Yes sir . ” The man coldly replied . He didn’t feel any fear from the knife that the old man had put to his neck .

“Then, fix it!” The old man moved his broken arm . “Fix it and I won’t kill you!”

“Sir, do you think you’re abnormal because you lost an arm?” The man asked, looking at the old man’s broken limb .

“Shut up!” The old man panted with rage as he ruthlessly waved the knife in the man’s face . Then, he grabbed a cloth to cover up his broken limb .

“If my words offended you, then I will apologize sir . ” Wiping off the blood at the corner of his mouth, the man deeply bowed .

“Can you fix my arm?” Perhaps the old man calmed down because of how this man treated him .

“Why do you want to fix it?” The man curiously asked .

“What?!” The old man became furious when he felt other people were making fun of him .

“Sir, I’m not trying to make fun of you . ” The man earnestly said this while opening a drawer in his cabinet .

“What do you mean by this?” The old man asked, suppressing his anger upon seeing a knife .

“Please wait a moment sir . ” When he finished, the man actually used the knife to cut off one of his arms . His clean and agile technique made the old man astonished .

“You?!” The old man completely couldn’t understand what the man in front of him was trying to do .

“Now you’re normal sir . ” The man pressed onto his wound . “Isn’t that right?”

“Haha!” The old man finally understood and laughed . “That’s right . Why didn’t I think of this!”


“The suspect was shot dead after chopping off the arms of 33 people . Preliminary investigations have found that the suspect was a retired soldier . He lost his right arm in battle and was unable to receive the appropriate treatment, so he became a wanderer for nine years . In the end, he became crazed and began attacking people . ”

“Is this already the fifth case of a retired soldier going crazy?”

“Yes . The head has already ordered us to find all retired soldiers with a similar experience . ”

“Hmph, so now he wants to compensate them?”

“No, the head wants to euthanize all of these soldiers . ”