A Maiden's Strange Voyage

Chapter 10

When her hair was dry enough for her to tie it into braid, tonight was an occasion where a ribbon was to be used. A fine ribbon at that, made of blue rough silk. The same can be said for her clothes, as most of them were the best set she could afford.

"You should at least twist it into a bun." Her mother nagged at her, although she was busy braiding it at this point. Into a braid that will come on her right side. Having just washed, it was easy for her to keep her hair from entangling itself.

"It doesn"t help me in reality." She muttered, knowing that the last time it was so it had not turned out well. And she was skeptical.

"They dislike having hair loose."

"But a braid is tight in the first place. And it is barely even hanging."

Her mother didn"t counter that, knowing that it wasn"t wrong per say.

"I"ll tie it in a tighter way." Her mother gave her a nod, exhausted from having to deal with her and Zhao"en. Agreeing on this, while she began further up and a little closer to her scalp. Which she rarely did since it was an exhausting amount of work to do. Since the further up her head, the harder it was.

"If you need help, I"m here." Qiao"er waved her hand. Which she almost forgot that the girl did the same, or rather copied her within a short amount of time. She couldn"t tell as she barely remembered the hairstyle she came in the first time.

Perhaps she should struggle a little more, before giving in. Having someone to help her will shorten the time immensely. She debated that, because of what she has seen of the girl. Before deciding to do it herself all the way. Getting out, with a final hairstyle that was wide and far.

Before she came down the stairs, knowing that she had to seek her own mother out. And to know which room was to be used. She looked deeper into the staircase, interested to know where she should be as well.

Up the stairs on the east side, the side where most tables were located had been where there were extra rooms. A reason why they had been another popular choice here, were the privacy if they could afford them. Able to gain a good view, while being away from them.

Few to begin with, but each had varying sizes. With the middle being the largest and most able to use for a full family gathering. She doubted it was the middle given what she has heard of it. But she should not rule it out because a smaller table will be used, and the s.p.a.ce will let out for the performers.

Which she turned around, only to find them there. One of them was holding her dizi, ready to start playing at any point. Qingshuang trailed behind her, carrying his guqin using both hands.

It will been a little too much for her to ask whether they were even ready. Since she doubted they were, even with the obscene amount of time they spent there. Only stopped because continuing any further will have been considered a nuisance rather than anything else.

Before Feiyu kept a smile, possibly knowing that this might be one of the ways to keep at it. Although they should not be here. "Do you know any place where it is quiet and no one will bother us?"

She knew what it meant, that they were seeking a place where they could be who they were with no limits. Her room was still open, and free to use. It was a rather small place, but should be able to fit the two of them as long as they didn"t need to move around. She knew that they did not, given the sheer amount of times she watched them do the same thing over and over again.

They had no dancers, and Feiyu had to play the dizi. So, she could give them the place.

"I do," she said.

"Take us there." She had them move up the staircase closer to the kitchen, which was another staircase. Which was used to move up as compared to the main in the front, which was packed.

Into the hallway, pa.s.sing by the various tables set aside for people who wanted it. Into the area where people slept, with a few empty rooms. Which was now full except for one, but they were not hers to loan with in the first place. The only place which was hers had been her own, which was hers to use as they saw fit. And it was far in the end opposite her mother"s, having a little more s.p.a.ce. And a window that gave her a great view of the street.

"Neat place you have." Feiyu came inside, with a small table which allowed for a guqin. Just big enough to fit it in, but not much more. The woman took a stool as well, sitting on it. There was still her own bed, which she sat upon.

Listening to them getting the last ounce of practice, as much as possible was a good thing. They were still good, the music was getting better with each practice and not much seemed to have been off, which she knew was rare. Having heard quite a few magistrates asking their personal musicians to show off their style.

Taking the chance to avoid it entirely.

"It will have been better if we had another player."

"Picking up the pipa?" He looked through, although they played a modified version. Since neither had access to another instrument. "It"s a little late for that."

"I can lament, can"t I?"

"I don"t think I was blessed with much musical talent in the first place." She was truthful here, although never having the time nor money to truly test the theory out. Never having money here to really try it out or do it.

Before Zhao"en opened the door. Finding both of them here, curious as to what was happening here in the first place. "I see something strange each time I come here."

"Well, they are our performers tonight." Zhao"en was dressed in pale pink, which to her had been a color that she rarely ever liked. But it was clear that if it was up to her, it will not have been her choice.

"Father did see them once." Her brother came inside, dressed in a fine set of robes. In the color blue with a cap that covered his hair. For most part, there was nothing else in his hair. At least with what they could see. He was holding another fan, without the same amount of words but rather a picture was drawn over it.

"Who are they?"

"You"ll know when they begin." He brought the girl out of the place. Where she seemed no different from the same girl that demanded her attention. Only to be snubbed by Chaoyun, of her own refusal. Dressed in the same way.

"Although I have seen them before, I am wondering what drove you to giving them your room."

"Spending the entire night listening to them." She gave her mother a light smile, clear that it was the truth.

"Are they the duo who has said to almost become a nuisance despite being skilled musicians?" She gave a small smile, before looking away.

"Technically." She shrugged. Word spread around fast, especially since they were in such a small town in the first place.

"Interesting choice." Feiyu and Qingshuang turned aroiund.

"Well, I met her before." Feiyu gave the older woman a wave, while holding onto her instrument. Placing it on the table.

"We"ve met." Her mother knew this, because of the fact that she was around when Chaoyun had her incident. And she was wearing red, which among the crowd will have stood out immensely, because of how rare it is to have only that color.

Today she chose the same set, except it was a darker shade. On her sleeves, there was a purple scarves. The sort that she only saw among merchants or magistrates wives; hers was fine, if not the same quality. Feiyu"s hair had been tied into a high bun, she knew because it was a lot looser when she first met her. Into a ponytail.

Her hair was piled on top of her head, which made her wonder just how heavy it was.

"The client or us?"

"The client." She left, because there were preparations everywhere that needed to be seen to. "After all, it seems that Feiyu is a courtesan."

She knew that tonight, it was the same style. Although when she first came in, it didn"t seem to be anything but. The tall hairstyles which were used by ladies or courtesans. For it was largely impractical to do so otherwise.

Although she never asked further. While she found Yunzhe at the end, curious as to why he was hanging around.

"Don"t you have a room?"

"Well, it"s not yet open. Besides, I like being an observer." She raised an eyebrow at him.

"Do you know them?"

"That"s when my father brought me to Luoyang. They were there, although one which compromised to get some cash."

"Feiyu"s a courtesan, isn"t she?"

"Yes, although she is not attached to any group in general. With the same talents as a man, skilled at poetry, and could write very very well. Does not lack when it came to art or music," he stated her qualities. "But her origins are unknown."

"But you know that she came from a respectable family." Chaoyun gaze was upon him.

"Not exactly, just that she had to be to receive that education and still be unattached." Before Zhao"en came to her brother.

"Father has called for you." Yunzhe gave a nod before he waved to her. She gave him a small smile. While taking a glance at who she was going to serve tonight. Two families, who brought no more than their immediate family. Wives and children.

Two men, both of which were scholars. Yunzhe was the eldest of them all, something which he didn"t seem to like. While behind him were two boys, one around Zhao"en"s age, and the other younger than all of them. Before they went inside.

It has begun. She hurried inside, but not before telling Feiyu that they arrived.