A Maiden's Strange Voyage

Chapter 40

When she reached the place, all she wanted was to lie back down and fall asleep. Even stepping into the city was a lot of work.

Because she had gotten very little rest while on the way. Just so they could reach here in half a month. With the minimum amount of rest required to rush. She had been exhausted. Sometimes even needing someone else to help her while she slept in the carriage.

Now she felt the aches in her body. And that all she wanted to do was feel a bed. Even if it was a stack of hay she was fine with it. Just as long as it was something soft to lie upon.

"It"ll still be a long walk. It"s quite deep into the city." What a way to dash her hopes. As she was three steps behind Zhixun who was also struggling but dealt with it better than her. She had only been here for a few months, and was not even used to it.

She came here trodding, even as Feiyu remained far away. And catching up seemed impossible. She was barely even able to keep walking, and was close to just letting he herself fall flat to the ground. Exhausted by the trip alone.

Even as the only thing keeping her going was the thought of arriving and getting her place. They knew she was exhausted, even as she had not complained. They were on a tight schedule after all. Hence they had been forgiving and helped as much as they could.

She had not voiced anything.

Even as they pa.s.sed by streets. With each step becoming harder and harder. Zhixun had occasionally turned around to ensure that she was still standing.

"Do you need to switch with me?" He wasn"t doing all that better either. She shook her head. Although he gives an additional glance before moving forward. But she had weathered the rather brutal training of the cook and her mother"s trainings when she had wanted to go out and serve.

Those were different kind, but she knew it was the same. She had wanted to see Luoyang, and that was what she could focus upon. The beautiful sights, and trying to keep her mind off her fatigue.

And that worked. She was able to keep on stepping as long as she looked around. Focusing on the people here, the differences she saw between it and Chang"an. It was a different world altogether when compared to Chang"an. That much had been certain.

There was much less variety, but it was still the same. The city was still bustling, br.i.m.m.i.n.g with people. Even more than Chang"an. This still was a capital city. One of the two capital cities that China always had.

And it pa.s.sed as Zhixun stopped. And so did she. She was moving at the same speed as before, but each step had been steadily adding on to it as well.

Only to find herself seeing the house. She stepped forward, somehow energized. Able to face it looking forward to the bed. The only thing that kept her going. At least at this point.

"There"s a room for you." Even as Yuan Shao lead her around. Clear that he did know, and could be trusted. He opened the door to one of them. And she laid on it.

Too tired to even move. She had looked up to see Yuan Shao. "I have never felt more exhausted."

It was the only complaint she had. She had taken everything. Having been worked hard when she was serving. Often standing until her legs were close to bleeding. But this has never been harder on her. It was as though she was asked to serve day after day without a single day off.

"It"s rather hard on you after all." Before he gave her a nod. And closed the door to the outside. She closed her eyes sleep came instantly.

When she opened them again, it was somewhere close to the evening. Knowing that she had slept for a while, she got up and headed out. Outside, even as she did want to take a shower. But she had not brought much others. And it would need to be washes either way.

Which would make it impossible. "Who are you?" She turned around to look at a small girl. She was small, perhaps around the age of Xiao Yan.

"I"m the apprentice of Feiyu." The girl nodded, but she still stood a distance away. Clear that it had been because he had never managed to do anything at this point.

Even as she ran off, leaving her alone while they were here. She sighed. Knowing that nothing could be done when this was happening.

And simply looked around to see where she was. It was empty, but this place was even bigger than what she had seen in Chang"an. Far bigger even. And as such, it was almost nearly impossible to make the guess of anything.

She slowly walked to the next room. Free for her to really look around at this point. Even as she found herself looking at the same girl again. Who had fl.u.s.tered up the moment she came inside.

"Are you following me?"

"No, I just happen to be pa.s.sing by. Where"s the main hall?" She pouted before signalling a direction. Perhaps guessing that she would continue to be walking around in circles either way. It was better if she had simply given her somewhere to go. And easier as a whole.

Finding herself reaching the main hall. As she said. Even as she was looking upon Yuan Shao. "Finally awake?"

"Yeah. Although I"ll probably need to wash the clothes when the time comes." She had brought three of them. And changing whenever they were staying a night. For keeping herself clean, even as she gotten used to mud.

"Really? You washed your own clothes." He seemed somewhat surprised.

"I worked in a restaurant. It was expected that I take care of myself." She worked, and as such it was expected that she couldn"t afford anyone to wash her clothes. It was easier, especially if it had been something delicate. Incredibly delicate.

And that she could really trust no one to really do it for her. Something which she knew was true. There was an element of truth there. A certainty which came with it. It was true that she never really knew who to trust. And thus knew that it was simply better.

As he pa.s.sed her some clothes. Thankful, as she knew nothing would dry within a short amount of time. She gave a relieved sigh, knowing that she could finally take a bath. Now that she wasn"t on the brink of collapsing, she was uncomfortable. As her dress had gotten rather dirty, as well as her shoes which was needed to be washed.

Back in her town, she washed it on occasion. But treading through mud had made it a necessity to wash those clothes right now.

"That is true. l wonder can you do mine as well. I"ll get you a nice gift in exchange. It"s just that I really have no idea how to wash." She observed him, for a moment. Before she knew that he was being truthful.

"Fine. How about I show you how to do it? It"s easy and nothing fancy." She didn"t really use anything other than scrubbing. It was an awful lot of work, that was what washing clothes in reality was.

That and it needed be done in the river and often roughened her own hands. But this was inescapable.

"Alright." She found it acceptable. She was curious about where Feiyu was but figured that she could take a shower first then everything else would fall into place.

She was looking forward to enjoying it. And she did, soaking in the wooden tub. Washing aways days of dirt, as well as her hair. She figured that it really needed to be cleaned at this point, regardless of how much time it took.

When she was done, she got out. With her hair dry and everything done. The clothes would need to be washed tomorrow as it was dark as it was. Before walking to the garden again.

Only to realize that Yuan Shao probably showered in that time. And that she had a question she wanted to ask. "Where"s Feiyu?"

"She"s dealing with something insider. Either way, she"ll only be seeing you tomorrow. She gave you the day off." He sat in the garden, the courtyard inside. These places had plenty of them, although it was the height of summer so none of them were blooming.

"The day off?" Which she had spent most of the afternoon sleeping and only the night was free. Before he gave her a wry smile.

"How about I take you out for dinner? The night is still young." Even as he knew that she really wanted to see it. "I have been here before and know the city quite well."

She agreed. Knowing that it could be a good choice. She could see the city and figure out what to eat even as she guessed that perhaps there was no cooks around. Or perhaps nothing to eat.

She could hear the sound of coins with him. Even as he had left with him. It was better to tour the city if it was young. And the night market was a norm to any city, and even towns. Her town had them, but she would expect more in such a big city. A city worthy of the name capital.

As she stopped outside the courtyard, she already saw a street lined with everything. Lanterns lit to keep it bright, with food, games and all sorts of things being given and offered to her at every turn.

It was incredibly surprising to see. Even as she stepped first. Ready to try everything. But she knew that food came first. And something will be nice. Even as he gave a smile and brought her to a noodle store nearby.

"This place has amazing noodles." He sat down. Even as he gave them an order. To cook something that would be nice.

She had been hungry and knew what would be served. Her mother"s restaurant offered most of the normal regular stuff which were common all over China. Something which they knew would be accepted by travelers with a few additional specialities. The menu was easy enough, although she was curious as to the specialties.

He had been thrilled to be back here. It was clear. And she could tell. This city was alive at the night, and the people rather welcoming.

"This is a place of much history even as traders don"t really pa.s.s by here." It was too far into China, and not viable. Chang"an was the best place where they stopped, selling their goods. And from there it circulated into the inner parts of China.

"It"s also bigger."

"The south is more abundant than the North." It seemed like a fact given how it was. It was bigger, lacking the variety they had. But many were out in the night. Far more than before.

It was a different place entirely. Just as their food came. "You looked into history didn"t you?"

"Well I wasn"t really asked to but it fascinated me and yeah I did. Luoyang is a city with far more history than Chang"an. Being the capital of the Zhou dynasty which came before the Han." She had never learned much about history.

Even as she was eating the noodles. She was somewhat curious and felt that she could read it once she was better at reading and writing. Much better than when she started but still needing a long time before she could reach the level to read such works.

Just as he looked seriously. Where they were looking at the situation before them. They were familiar as she knew that they were a part of the followers of fate and why they were observing.

Even as he gave her a look. "Want to follow them?"

For a moment she thought that it might be a bad idea. But it could be a good choice at the end of the day.