A Maiden's Strange Voyage

Chapter 14

They stared at each other. That was the only response they could think of at this point in time. Even when all else seemed different.

"Father, what are you doing here?" He put on a respectful tone to his father. Yet anyone else who would have known him outside will have found it pretentious, to say the least. Or at least thought of it in such a way.

But he was raised to speak to his father in such a manner, if all else was unusable and not available. That is certainly true in this scenario. As his father lead him inside, without his elder brother. For most part, this was a more private affair with the heads of house and those involved.

It was a tender mercy that she will have been acquainted with her prospective suitor, seeing as her options were anything but possible that she will have ended up looking at a possible groom. Knowing that many married without truly knowing who they were marrying; marriage in their minds had been for the sake of tying two families together. Not for the sake of life, and duty was still important.

But alliances often ruled such matches.

And the more children a man or woman had, the more chances she will be able to form them. Which had been anything but kind, but this was only applicable to rich families. Poor ones simply sold them when they had no money or they worked from a young age.

She was spared that much, which was something that was kinder than most. Her mother had been able to take care of her, which was important for most part. Since it had been so difficult to raise a child, and even when everything was taken care of it often came with tradeoffs.

Such was life, as many told her. And that being a woman was to always follow the path without any thought about her life and how it will have went if she chose another path. And to choose another was to invite mockery, lose her dignity and respect. A man could earn it, a woman could only wed into it. Her talents were meant for an advantageous match and never for herself; the same could have been said of man. Expected to be able to take care of his wife and children, and be a useful member of society.

But what was life if one only thought of those dependent on her. Not about their meaning; fulfilment meant having children, continuing their line. Just how much will it be, terrible men were born into distinguished families who have good conduct. The same could have been said in reverse. Fortunes changed, the royal family changed.

Then why couldn"t they live for more than simply continuing the next generation.

Adopted into a family had made Chaoyun anything but certain that familial and biological ties was the most important of all. She cared more for her mother than she ever will for the stranger who claimed to have sired her.

As she stepped into the hall, she didn"t know what she was here for. It wasn"t out of her choice; neither had been her mother"s wishes. It was simply the whim of a man who had once left her in the middle of winter; even if he lost his wife, broke with his family. But he abandoned a child, without much concern.

It was something that she will have never been able to accept as a possibility and something which she failed to completely understand, even now. Entering the main hall, where the man waited for them. He was here the entire time but chose to lead her elsewhere. Which was as deliberate as it was. At any point, she knew that he had made this his goal the entire time.

That was his intention that was being revealed.

"Take a seat."

"Your daughter has not been raised typically." It was a certainty. Most girls could rarely even step out of the house on their own. To be seen without a good reason often meant their reputations; she grew up spending her time walking all around and selling for her own mother.

Even emotion was nothing in such an alliance; if it was in their family"s best interest it will work out otherwise they will simply have to leave the other.

"That can be corrected."

"I don"t say it in a bad way. There is something that makes here different; but it is the same which I prefer her to any other."

"What is it?" She stepped forward and asked him.

"That, your ability to think that there is a place for you. No matter how hard it is, you never seem to fade into the background accepting any role that is cut out for you." To her, she could see that he was a lot more keen on her than the actual groom proposed. Which in all ways, creeped them out. Even if she wasn"t a child anymore, but given that he has fathered children older than her it was rather unsettling.

The man seemed unfazed. "Then, this shall be her dowry." The man took it up to have a look. Both Chaoyun and Yuntong had tried to take a peek, not even getting as much of a chance. Before Chaoyun went back to her a.s.sumed position; Yuntong pushed it even further to be returned a glare.

"I managed to find there was quite a sum." Which could be clear, if the man was looking at it with the eyes of someone who has never eaten for days.

"It"s good to know that I"m worth a fortune."

"Although I"m not the one buying you." Chaoyun simply took the chance to have tea. Not that it was an option.

"When can they be wed? I can"t even wait for them to be married." He gave a slight smile, which had unsettled them. But since this had almost no one else, he didn"t bring his wife or any of his children.

"Your father is weird and creepy." Which was a good thing being the only people of importance.

"Tell me about it. He rather Zhao"en wed a younger man because it was far too easy to dominate as compared to an older one." She raised an eyebrow about that. He kept quiet about it, knowing that he revealed something that he should not have done.

"How about I have the fortune teller find best and fastest date?" Her father offered the solution.

"Here is my son"s." Written on a small piece of paper, where the eight characters of the time they were born. As for hers, given that she was given by him it was easy to know as well. Her time of birth will not have been difficult for him. Even as she wasn"t certain when she was born.

Before a middle aged man with a moustache, and carrying a set of beads and an abacus. If anything, it seemed to have been planned from the start. Both kept quiet, knowing that they had arranged for this to ensure that there was no way they could back out. On which side, neither had an idea.

Even as this entire betrothal seemed as though it sprang out of nowhere in the first place. As said bride and groom never even met each other for any more than two weeks; with no idea that they will be entering marriage in a very short time. Even though both their background were ideal, two families of similar background and similar interests.

Coupled with them getting along quite well; even without their birth dates they could easily have found common ground. Even as that was secondary, it was duty first and foremost when it came to weddings.

"They are compatible with each other; both seem to complement one and the other."

"Are you sure?" Yuntong asked. Even as the entire hall of people knew that he was not one to be superst.i.tious; favouring cold, hard logic over everything. Philosophy to him as not something he will die by, but something which he has an interest to merely study further. And picks the ones which feels the most at home with him.

"Yes, I swear it on my word. I am bound not to lie." Well, not as though as it was important. With the signs that the two heads want to continue with this with no regard as to the upbringing of Chaoyun, and how it feels random. Then again, Chaoyun finding herself in this situation was similar.

Even for someone with little prior knowledge knew that anyone will do anything to survive. And when it was something like this, it could be a.s.sured that if some things were given to him. Little else other than that. Which made for a rather dubious situation. Even as the entire affair reeks of it.

It was not even necessary, even as his father shoots him another glare. But nothing which will suggest anything permanent from the looks of it. He never seemed to resort to anything that a father could. Even as he knew this was blatantly showing disrespect.

He sat down. "I tried my best."

She gave a nod. As his decisions skirted with defying his parents. If he wasn"t careful he could be accused of such; thus making every move a gamble. She was the most detached even as this decision will decide her own life. That was what it meant to a woman, marriage could ruin her as well as help her.

Even as Chaoyun refused to see that as her only option. She was going to find a way out of it, regardless of how hard it was or will be. She will not let herself waiting for what fate laid out for her. She wished to go further, to see what was possible. To fulfill her own curiosity about the world.

"The best date will be the fifteenth of the next month."

"Excellent." Which was pretty soon; although she knew that weddings could only be rushed to a certain degree. Any further and it will not have been a proper one in the first place. Which allowed them chance to really exert and find a way out of this situation. At least within the time they were allowed in the first place.

They needed to share a look to know this. They could meet and try to drag the wedding as long as they needed; if they were ready before the month came they could flee. For a moment, she knew that it will doom him more than her. She found no remorse in leaving this marriage that was forced upon her from a stranger she had never met.

Even as he agreed with her, she knew that this was much harder for him than it will be for her. He will throw his family into further disgrace; as she knew it his family was known for their eccentric son and a daughter who had shamed herself in public. And she could make a guess that he was the one whom they put their hopes upon, seeing as how much leeway he had. And how he was given a bit more freedom even as he was still not a full adult.

When it was decided, both had went a considerable distance. Back into the district she lived in, where she was known and so was he.

"You don"t need to worry about me."

"I"ll leave, since it will be easier and I"ll gain the support of my mother. I just need to know someone who can follow me." Before she gave him a smile. "I always wanted to know the world. It was a matter of time, this just gives me the perfect excuse to leave."

He returned it. "Fine, I"ll stay here. I was thinking that it should be me since you have a good life."

"But you have a lot more to lose."

"I didn"t think it was fair to force that on you, unless you choose it." He turned around. Just as they were about to leave before he came. "I hope to see you again."

"Won"t we see each other before the wedding?"

"No. Tradition states that we should minimize our meetings, it"s bad luck." Although neither were one to follow it strictly, but it was known that even if they were rather apprehensive to this; most of the others will enforce this. So, their meeting will only be by chance rather than a possibility. Perhaps this was why he went out his way to come here.

"Same here, I"ll miss you for a friend." She walked back to the establishment, and he simply went back to his home.