A Maiden's Strange Voyage

Chapter 38

It had taken a few days of time with Liu Jin before she was able to finally see Feiyu and Yuan Shao again. The woman had been rather thorough with it and took the chance to really polish everything before she was allowed out. Now she had a good idea just what she could do with it.

"So, how was she?"

"She taught me quite a bit." Even as his eyes went deep into hers, thinking about the question she had asked him a couple of days before. Perhaps they could talk about her answer once the time pa.s.sed, or they were on the way.

Even as outside there was a carriage. She had only seen them but never been in any one of them at all. The only time when they could really talk while they were here. Even as Feiyu got onto it first, while Dianyu followed. The last had been Yuan Shao, who got on. Feiyu and Dianyu sitting on one end and he took the other end.

"This seems excessive." She didn"t think that anyone else will think that this had been a necessity while they were here. Although the scenic view from above had not been something she had seen before. Even as the breeze could have been felt now.

"It is, but out of necessity. To mask the fact that they were inviting us." And finding some form of it here was the best for their choice at the end of the day. As much as they were riding the carriage there. It was a different experience, even as she realized how fast it was. With some of the buildings pa.s.sing by in a blur.

"Either way, standing outside will be too obvious." And made it almost near certain about their goals here. Or why they were choosing to be here. Nodding as it was almost obvious, almost entirely certain. Before it went further, ready for them to finally enter the room while they were here.

It took a while before it came there, even as the walk there had been more eventful. There was the chance for some semblance of interaction, or even a chance to talk. And she realized that carriage rides for all their beauty was difficult to enjoy because of the jerkiness. Even as Feiyu seemed unaffected from the side effects, while Yuan Shao leaned against the back. With full intention of not throwing up in the carriage.

Even as she picked up on Dianyu"s curiosity. "I rode on carriages as a child. I"m not so used to walking." Even as the opposite had been true for them. They had been far more used to walking than anything else. Since that was all she knew as a child, strolling through the streets because she could. He had gotten down first while giving her help. As though it was expected. Though she did nearly fell down when she was about to step down.

She took the chance to gain a glimpse at the place. From the top, it was flamboyant. Even as the white banners still hung over the house, showing that it was still in mourning. Beneath it, the interior had many pillars. Painted with red, and the wood still good. The courtyard also doubled as a garden. As they slowly stepped into entering. It was something which they needed to walk through before they reached the main hall.

He was waiting for them, although there was no one else. "Most of them are in their rooms. Hence we"re free to talk." Even as he took them inside, perhaps to his own personal rooms. It was normal, given just how she knew that there was a section of the house kept away from them. Saying that it had been set aside for Madame Yuan while Yuan Shao lived outside it. But still closer than any other member of the household.

And another cordoned off for any additional guests, as though it will have been a certainty than say possibility. But to err on the side of caution was better and it was s.p.a.cious. She guessed that in times of need, many will simply share the rooms due to how big it had been.

Inside they were heading for his personal study as the servants greeted him before going back to their work. And letting them into the room. Where a set of doc.u.ments had been there. Before he pa.s.sed it to Feiyu who flipped it open. "Those are a list of the dealings my father had with them." It was clear that it had been intended for them to look through and to see whether anything could be turned.

"Most of them are done in the name of donations. How ill was your father before he pa.s.sed?" Perhaps this could have gained a better insight while they were here. Whether he had done it in a sound mind. As it didn"t make sense to have done something that will put his entire family into jeopardy. They would have lost everything to their name, ranging from their property to their main source of income. It was also his legacy.

The same way that Dianyu knew that the restaurant had been her mother"s, she had spent her life on building it as a name, a reputation. There had been nothing more precious to her other than Dianyu. She had devoted her life to her work and she will be crushed to see it go within her lifetime. It was one thing to go after hers, but another to see its ruin.

He didn"t need to see it, but he had been a direct cause. Even as he had a good successor. "Not really well, he had issues recalling who I was. Sometimes even more." Which gave this a better idea as to how capable he had been mentally at this point.

"Was he able to make sound decisions regarding the business?"

"He didn"t care at that point. He trusted my judgment." Even as he knew that it was something which he could grasp. It was something that he could change to his own will. She returned it back to him. Even as it was almost strange to know and guess that he may not have been at a good point.

"My father"s decisions baffled me." He had admitted it at last. If it did not make sense even to his own family, then how did they manage to convince him to turn over his family"s entire a.s.sets.

"And he knew that he was failing as an old man, and knew that you were the one who could choose the better choice." And it also meant one more thing, they had taken advantage of an ailing old man. This was something that they knew was useless. No one will buy it and merely point to the fact that he was repenting. Most merchants had done many things which torn apart their own conscience.

Or had to turn away people seeking refuge or charity. Such was the nature of a business, even as they were selling the essential items that someone will have bought. And that he as a son had not paid much attention, instead focusing on preserving the company. Out of respect for the wishes of his father, and knowing that his time was near. People lived and died, but his legacy could remain. And hopefully for centuries down the line. That way, people will still remember him and his contribution to them.

"No one will believe you at this point." He didn"t seem surprised at it.

"Of course I don"t, but it means that I can find a way to continue. It means that my father had not dishonored our entire family." By choosing to do this, which had been of no sense to anyone else.

"But it also allows us to know that their target will be older. Those in their twilight years are susceptible as they are the closest to death. And they feel the brunt of aging the worst." Not like them, as they grew older gaining more wisdom but never felt helpless. For Dianyu, growing older means stepping out.

He had not said anything about it. "And their worries tend to be boundless. Because they have little time to truly fulfill their wishes." And knew that even a cold could end them, as much as a fall could. "Would you be able to deal with this?"

"We have to. Since it"s something that has pervaded the city." And perhaps even further although only Chang"an was affected as most of the wealth was focused here. And that only they will be having families which left something of value to their next generation. Not anyone else that could have good benefits. This was something that he had to face even now.

"So, I"m not the only one."

"But it"s still small and some families aren"t handing over their business to the next generation." There always was this fraction, even as there remained plenty of others who were unaffected. And won"t be for the next decade or two.

And then they knew that their target was limited solely to those who had old men at the helm of the reins. The ones who knew that their pa.s.sing would be anytime soon. "We are looking into it." And that was an a.s.surance as nothing else could be more helpful than this. Even as it ended.

"Take those doc.u.ments. They have copied versions." Something which she took, knowing that this could be important. Even as they left. Once they stepped outside, they had gotten back on it.

"The doc.u.ments also contain important things such as names and ranks amongst them. And gives us a good idea who is running the show." And that it was thoughtful of him to do it. She knew it was in self-interest. The best to do so in such a situation and one which would also benefit him. Her mother kept organized books for such a reason as if there was any error it was easier to spot.

"And also a list of records. It began three years before his death when he entered. And it was only recently that it had gotten much more frequent." Which meant that they took the time to build a relationship to suggest. The same kind of relationship her mother sought. Even as she often knew it. Such was underhanded tactics, where free will was manipulated to their own benefit.

"As such, they can be doing the same thing to many."

"Because the older they grow, the more aware of the fact that their death can be anytime."

"And the last ditch effort to save their own souls." There was no need for any sort of judgment. Some lived on their own principles for the rest of their lives. While others spent their youth seeking alternative paths only to return when they were ailing. Out of fear that they will spend their afterlife in misery.

"That seems almost foolish." Even as there was no way to ever turn back. They could be admirable, doing what they could. Or they could be foolish, thinking of how their path had strayed and they were frantically coming back.

"But it"s their choice, and no one can judge them for it." He glanced over to her for a moment. His mouth curled into a small smile, perhaps guessing that this had been her own realization. "After all, many will condemn our own choices."

Feiyu looked for a moment before turning back. "Indeed it is. After all, we only accept the willing."

"Of course. I mean even I was asked whether I wanted to come, and had to think over for a month. I was ten then." He looked out the window. Another little detail, which gave her an idea just how long he had been here. "Back then, the only person who was there had been Liu Jin and a few others. And then she came along a year later."

Even as they were willing to wait for them to return back to the house. This was vital information, she knew it as it gave a clear idea as to what their main strategy was.