A Place Where I belong

Chapter 7

“Kim!.....Kim! Let’s go honey we’re getting late for school!”,  a woman who was in her mid-twenties, picked Kim up in her embrace and brought him out of the big mansion and placed him beside her in the back seat of a luxurious car.

“Oh—mommy!?”, young Kim said with an adorable voice and patted his mother’s hand.

“Yes sweety”, she answered him with great affection.

“Mommy---are you going to attend the prize distribution ceremony today at school?”, Kim asked his mother with an innocent look on his face. She gave him a peck on his right cheek.

“Of course I would love to. Mommy would do anything for Kim---because mommy loves Kim so much, more than anything in the world.” She cuddled him. “Kim do you love mommy?”, she asked him with a cheerfully.

“Yes! I love mommy soooo much—I will become strong mommy—And I will protect mommy from bad guys!”, he replied with a determinant look on his face.

His adorable voice and cute little face which resembles her mother made her giggled. She stroke his head with blissful look, “That’s my boy.” She put his head in her bosom. “Kim, remember, no matter where you go, Mommy will always love you and be there for you. Okay?”

“Yes mommy.” He raised his hands and hugged her tightly. “Don’t worry mommy, I will always protect you. If someone tries to bully you I will kick his b.u.t.t.”

She laughed in ecstasy and kissed his forehead, “Good boy. Mommy will rely on you in future.”

Suddenly, he saw a woman who was dressed in black, her pale face was covered with hairs. She was holding a b.l.o.o.d.y knife. She was right behind her mother. When their eyes met, the mysterious woman smiled. She raised the knife and stabbed her mother from back. His mother moaned in pain.


He woke up from his dream. His head was covered with beads of sweat. His eyes were wet. He cleared his face, but soon he realized that this was not his room and it was already dark outside. He tried to move, but he couldn’t and moaned in pain. He removed the blanket over his body. He could clearly see that his lower body was covered in bandages. He had no recollection what happened to him after he got beat up brutally by Kelly. Regardless of feeling traumatizing pain in his body he crept and managed to reach the edge of the bed and placed his bare feet on the floor. The floor was freezing. “At least this could make me forget this pain.” He hardly walked three steps, yet he staggered and fell on the ground. His vision blurred and everything in his sight became white. He was lying unconscious on the floor.


“Mommy! Mommy!—where are you mommy”, young Kim was running in some unknown corridor. He was scared, because a mysterious woman, whose face can’t be seen was following him wherever he went, and she always found him no matter how good he hid himself.

Meanwhile, he tripped and fell. He tried to get up but the mysterious woman grabbed him by his ankle. “No, let me go. Please—please--don’t hurt me!”

She lift him up with one hand, brought him near her face, there were no eyes on her face, instead there was a mouth, and her teeth were like jaws of Shark. She spoke in a horrific way like a devil, “Kiiimm…. Dooo….. yoooouuuu….love….mommyyyy?”

Listening to her voice Kim was trembling like he somebody poured freeing water on his bare body in cold winter.

She shuddered Kim. “Tell meeeee….Kim….doooo….yooouuuu….love mom?”, she asked him again with a grim smile.

With having no choice, “I..I..love…I love…mommy”, he replied with grave look on his face.

After hearing his reply, she put him down on the ground, loosened her grip on his ankle. Everything became silent for a moment. Kim took a deep breath, he got up and turned back to run in opposite direction. But, suddenly, a black hand came from behind and grabbed him from his neck. A force was pulling him towards the mysterious woman. But this time it was different. Her killing intent increased. Additionally, there was a b.l.o.o.d.y knife in her other hand. Her face which was covered with darkness, there were two red glowing eyes like a demon. They were glaring at Kim with killing intent. Kim was frightened, “I told you…tha…that…Iove mommy..”

She took a step and disappeared and appeared behind him pushed him against the ground. “Yooouuu…lied…to…mee….NOW…DIE!” with that said she stabbed him in his heart.

“Ahh..!”, he shouted and woke up again in the same room like before but this time it was already daytime. But this time he wasn’t alone there was an elegant lady sitting beside him who was around her early thirties. From one look he could tell that she was a foreigner like him.

“You seem okay to me”, the lady said with a stern face.

“Wher... where am I? Who are you? How did I end up here?”, he asked with hesitation.

“If you can ask one thing at a time maybe I could answer you with some ease.” She said and took a deep breath.

“I am sorry. Please forgive my rudeness. Could you please tell me what happened to me?”, Kim asked with a somber face.

“Well, before I tell you anything let’s eat something. You are lying there for many days without having any meal.” She refused his plead and asked him to join her for dinner.

“Man—many days—how many?”, Kim was surprised with a sudden revelation of facts.

“I said dinner first. We’ll talk later.” She refuted.

Kim was unable to walk because he was still very weak. She gave him a shoulder from right. They went towards the dining room. There was a large table in the middle of the room. On the ceiling there was a big lantern hanging in the middle of the ceiling. It was really beautiful. The dining hall was really big. At most more than thirty people could dine at the same time with ease, but unfortunately, only two of them were present.

“Your house is really beautiful.” Kim praised.

“Thank you.” She replied with a stern face. After a walk of five minutes, she helped Kim to sit on the chair nearby the table. “Please wait, while I bring you some food to eat.” She left in a hurry.

While sitting alone in the hall, he looked around the hall. It was immaculate. After few minutes she brought a tray, full of four different dishes. She put them before him in a poise and picked up the domes one by one. “Bon-appet.i.te”, she said. The scent of the dishes was mesmerizing.

“Please help yourself”, she said with politeness. She sat opposite to Kim.

“Aren’t you going to eat miss?”, Kim asked with wan face.

“No, I don’t have that much of an appet.i.te. Please don’t hesitate because of me. Eat all you want.” She advised him.

He took the first bite and moaned in delicacy of the food, “Wow, this so good. Did you make all of this?”  He asked her while eating like a savage beast.

“I am really not good at cooking but if you say so then I’ll take your remark as a compliment.” She said with a mild smile.

“Oh you’re being modest but I can tell, you could become a great chef”, he said with a look of certainty. “By the way miss, my name is Kim. I wonder, if you live here in this house all by yourself?”

“Well, yes I live here all by myself”, she replied dolefully.

He looked at her and remarked with pained expression, “Don’t you feel lonely……..living all by yourself?” his moth stopped for a moment. He again started chewing. He began thinking of his dreams.


Meanwhile, her eyes widened after listening to his remark. It wasn’t just because of remark he gave, it was because of the look on his face. She remained silent for a couple of minutes.

“Well you don’t have to worry about me, besides you should be asking regarding yourself--- don’t you want to know for how many days you’d been resting at my place?” She changed the topic without revealing any particular expression.

“Yes--Please tell me how did I end up here?”, he asked in glaze and stopped eating.

She nodded. “One night I was walking in my garden. There is a treehouse in the back yard. I often visit it time after time. So, I went to the treehouse to collect some herbs. But when I entered, I saw the window was already broken. First I thought it was some burglar but when I observed the treehouse, it seemed to me that everything was on its original place, only the windows was broken. So, I searched for the clues regarding the broken window. There I saw you for the first time in the fertilizer room.” She explained him with grave look on her face.

“Oh, so that’s it. I trespa.s.sed your territory. I am really sorry for all that ruckus”, he said with depressed face. And lowered his head in shame.

“That’s not all. The interesting thing came right after and it caught me off guard”, she said with sardonic tone. Listening to her next statement he lifted his head and glanced at her.

“What—what do you mean by that? --- what happened then?”, he asked anxiously.

She looked at him with a suspicious look, and continued, “You—tried to rape me.”

Kim was shocked beyond measure. Shamefaced, he shifted his line of sight to on the table and lowered his head. His body became stiff for the moment. His whole body began to shiver in fear. The shock was so great that beads of sweat suddenly appeared on his forehead. His vision was getting blank like he’s going through some vertigo. He left the chair and stood on the floor. She could see the changes occurred in him but she remained calm and collected and didn’t say a word.

With great difficulty he stood by holding the edge of the table his lips opened for a moment but before he could speak a word, he stumbled upon chair and fell down in dizziness.

She left her chair and ran towards him, “Hey! Hey! Are you okay?”, said with sympathetic tone.