A Place Where I belong

Chapter 10

A month ago….while Kim and Kelly were having a chat in the rain.

“Kim!…Wait!....Kim!....”, she shouted. On the other hand, Kim was running like a madman who was scared out of his wits. She was running behind him to stop him, but in spite of being a martial artist she couldn’t keep up her pace with his. She tried her best but Kim left her behind by a large margin.

She stopped and gave up on chasing him any further. “Huff…Huff…d.a.m.n it!....Seriously!...(gasping)....What are you?...(gasping)....Even I….(gasping)….couldn’t keep up….(gasping)……with him?” her hands were on her knees and she was gasping. She was already drenched in rain so she turned around to go back to her dormitory.

Whistles of security guards could be heard near the entrance of the campus. She turned around and ran towards the gate. She was shocked because she saw that Kim was surrounded by three of the security guards. And behind them was the entrance gate. She ran as fast she could.

“Hey kid! What are you trying to do? I’ve already told you that going outside right is prohibited because a warning of land sliding has been issued by weather forecaster so go back to your place, otherwise you’ll have face some consequences for your actions.” A guard to his left warned him.

But Kim was already terrified. He shouted with a scared voice, “PLEASE! LET ME GO OTHERWISE SHE WILL KILL ALL OF US!”

“What did he say?”, a guard to his front asked one of his companion who was standing at the  most right. He shrugged and said, “I don’t know maybe he’s on drugs, as far as I could guess. Just look at him.” He pointed towards Kim.

“I think you’re right. Maybe, he’s on drugs. Should we inform the dean?”, the one at the front looked at the right one and asked.

“I don’t know. But first, we need to hold him down without using any force.” The one at the left said with a serious face.

“Alright! You go from left and I’ll handle him from right. Don’t let him escape or else we’ll all be in trouble for sure this time.” The one at the right spoke.

They all moved at the same time and didn’t give Kim any chance to escape.

In the meantime, “STOP!” Kelly shouted with all her might at them from behind. The guards froze for a moment and glanced at her.

She was gasping. After catching her breath she said in a stern voice, “Please don’t hurt him. He’s not in his right mind. So please, let me talk to him first.”

“Oh wow! Love quarrels. I really like them. Yes, please continue. This would make our job a lot easier”, a guard in the right grinned.

Kelly didn’t rely to his taunting. She completely turned deaf ear towards his yapping. And focused her attention to Kim.

Kelly looked at Kim, “Kim! Please stop! Let’s try to tal--”

She wasn’t even finished talking Kim turned around and glanced at her. This time he shouted from where he was standing, “STAY AWAY FROM ME! YOU MONSTER!” he moved back a step or two frequently. His eyes were wide open like he had seen a demon from ancient times. The guards took this opportunity to seize him, but who would have thought that Kim would escape from their hands.

Kelly was standing frozen there after hearing those words from his mouth.

They tried to grab him from back but Kim’s reflexes were top notch due to fear and dodged them all in one go and ran towards the gate. The gate was closed and only one of the guards had the key to the gate.

Kelly ignored the guards and ran towards him, “Kim! Please! Calm down and listen to me for once.” She said with a concern tone.

Kim turned around and looked at Kelly. Kelly stopped running. She slowed her steps and moved step by step towards him. Kim was acting like a wild beast who was trapped in a cage. He was struggling and pushing the gate with all his might but couldn’t manage to move it a bit. With all his struggling he was just exhausting himself. His body was giving up. His mental stress was overflowing. He raised his hands and warned Kelly, “DON’T….JUST DON’T…..DON’T COME NEAR ME! STAY AWAY FROM ME! YOU STAY AWAY FROM ME YOU MONSTER!”

“Kim relax! I won’t hurt you. Just calm yourself down.” She said with concern and moved a step forth. The guards in the back also moved forward towards him. All the four were moving with a very slow pace, but they never would have imagined that Kim would shout at them, “YOU ALL…YOU ALL WANT TO…..YOU ALL WANT TO KILL ME…!”

Kim looked at the gate and which was a three feet behind him. He looked back at them and said with a frightened tone, “I…I WON’T…I WON’T LET YOU!”

He faced the gate and moved back a bit. With a loud roar he ran towards the gate. He jumped zigzag and grabbed the gate from above.

“Oh no! He’s trying to escape! Guards! Stop him!”, Kelly shouted back at the guards while running towards the gate.

“Kim! You b.a.s.t.a.r.d! Stop!”, she shouted. But Kim turned his deaf to her.

Kelly was faster than all of the guards. She jumped zigzag and grabbed his rain coat. Kim was already on the other side of the gate. He took off his coat. He fell down on the road from about ten feet above but didn’t rest for a bit and ran away from the campus.

“Kim! Come back you b.a.s.t.a.r.d! Are you tired of living?”, Kelly was shocked and couldn’t control her anger. She tried to cross the gate but the guards came outside before and stopped her. She was looking at the direction in which Kim ran off to. Complicated emotions were rising in her heart. She was looking at him, he was still running like a mad beast. “Why? Why? Why, are you so far away, and yet you’re still so close to me?” Her emotions were in turmoil.

“Come on down kid. You’re not thinking of going after him, aren’t you?”, a guard asked her with a bitter tone. He was another one. He was deputy.

“I am not that stupid.” She answered with a stern face and noticed from his badges that he was a deputy.

“What was all that commotion? Could anyone explain me? Who was that kid, who jumped out while you all three were present here?” He gravely asked the guards.

All of them were interrogated by him and Kelly was no exception.

After interrogating Kelly. “Okay. Fine. But, please you need to come with us to the dean’s office right now. And you can’t refuse.” The deputy-guard said strictly.

“Yes. I shall come with you. But what about him? Aren’t you going after him?”, she asked with curiosity.

“No, our orders are to prevent students from going outside right now and we are no exception for now.” Deputy answered her helplessly.

“Tell me. Did you know that boy?”, he asked her with a peering look.

“Yes. He’s my cla.s.smate.” She said with stern face.

“Than that’d be good for us to locate him after this storm settle downs a bit.” He said with relieve.

“Michael, please escort the young lady back to her dorm and bring her to the dean’s office later.” The deputy ordered him.


“Coming. Be with you in a sec.” Natasha answered to the knockings. But they became more ruthless. “What the h.e.l.l! I said I am coming!” she answered rudely. When she opened the door, she couldn’t help herself and roared, “KELLY! What happened? What are soaking wet? Is everything alright?”

“You idiot! What’s with all this shouting? I am freezing out here. Hurry up and let me in.” Kelly said with a cold face. She entered and rubbed her arms. She sat down by the bathroom and said with a stern face, “It’s nothing. I am fine. I’ll tell you everything later. Is your shower working fine?” She dodged all her questions.

“Wait here I’ll bring you some clothes.” Natasha said with concern.

Kelly nodded. Natasha went to her wardrobe. She opened and brought some change of clothes for her. “Here. The shower is working just fine.” She handed over the clothes to Kelly. Kelly didn’t say anything. She just grabbed the clothes and entered the bathroom.

“Hmm….something fishy is going on here. She was drenched wet. And her shoes were in bad shape too. Something might have happened while I wasn’t around. Very suspicious.” Natasha was thinking.