A Place Where I belong

Chapter 2 (v.1) - Strange Boy

Chapter 2 (v.1) - Strange Boy

Kelly was rather in predicament, whether to calm herself down or to shout her lungs out, because the sudden move of Kim was really weird and it made her really mad. She was about to explode in fury.

At first she thought that he was some pervert but, later, she found out he wasn’t doing something perverted. Instead he moved back a bit. Kelly saw A book on his lap which he was reading G.o.d knows since when. He moved his left hand in his bag pack (which was on his left) and brought out a little diary. He placed the diary on the table and moved his right hand which was holding Kelly’s index finger like a pen and writing notes on the diary without looking at it.

Kelly was surprised. But even though he touched her without knowing anything, she didn’t do anything to disrupt his concentration, instead she was waiting for her moment when he releases her hand.

When he was finished writing notes, he closed the book which was resting on his lap, put it in his bag pack. He took off the hood and the headphones which was underneath it. His face was facing the left side, so Kelly was unable to see his face but her finger was still in his hand. When Kim took glance at his dairy he was surprised because the pages were blank, then he grabbed her finger to write again but this time Kelly with soft voice said in a mocking manner to Kim, “Wow! You just really don’t know when to stop?”

Her words rung an alarm in his entire body. He became stiff for a moment. He turned his head to his right and was stunned for a moment. His heart which was beating normally a moment ago, was beating like it would explode any moment after seeing Kelly’s face.

“Release my hand right this instant you filth! Or I’ll shout my lungs out right now!”, Kelly said with a cold face. There was a killing intent behind her words. He could feel how disgusting she was feeling from his act. At that moment, his heart which was racing madly suddenly settled down right after that moment.

When Kim listened to these words he came to a shocking realization that what he was holding in his right hand wasn’t a pen, it was her finger. His face became pale from terror. He loosened his grip and let go of her hand, before delaying any further and suddenly his expressions look a great turn and he said to Kelly in an apologetic manner, “I am…I am really sorry for doing that to you. Please…please forgive me for my rudeness. It was all unintentional. I really didn’t realize that I was holding your hand. Please forgive me miss!”

After listening to his reasoning she didn’t say anything but mockingly whispered to Kim, “You really disgust me” then she looked to other side of the cla.s.s. Seeing that Kim realized everything in a moment that he messed with someone unintentionally whom he should never had. But now nothing could be done to maki it all right so, he lower his head a little and said, “Thank you. You are really kindhearted miss. I will remember your kindness and in future I will try my best to repay you.”

“I am sorry! Did you just say something or somebody just farted because I smell something really disgusting right now! It would be better for you if you just leave me alone for now. And I don’t really care for apologizing to me in future. If I ever see you near me again, you’ll regret it that why you were born you sc.u.m bag!”, rather than listening to his reasoning she insulted and threatened him.

He suddenly stood up grabbed his stuff and put in his bag pack and went down to leave the cla.s.s. When he reached the door Professor Issac said, “Me. Kim please remember to bring your a.s.signment in my office by 11 am.”

Kim replied in respectful manner, “I already did professor.”

“Hmm…Very good. Then you may do as you please”, professor replied. Because he was already aware of that fact he always do his work in time unlike others in the cla.s.s, so he was a little lenient towards him.

 When the cla.s.s was over, many male students were surrounded at her bench and tried their best to befriend her. But who would have thought they would be her next preys after Kim. Although she was really beautiful but she wasn’t too good with her mouth. Every person was there was stupefied with her curses. She stood up and walked through crowd like an ice princess and walked towards a bench where a n elegant girl was sitting with long black hairs and with a set of gla.s.ses on her cute little face.

 “Hi, my name is Kelly. What’s your name?”

“My name is Natasha, nice to meet you too”, she replied in a friendly manner.

“Please help me, these all animals are giving me a headache”, Kelly said to that random girl by grabbing her both hands. That girl didn’t shook Kelly off and said while smiling, “Okay. I understand.”

She befriended her and gave her a tour around the whole campus. They talked about here and there. In the end when they were dead tired they entered cafeteria and ordered something to drink.

Suddenly Kelly asked Natasha, “Natasha do you that boy name Ken?”

Natasha wasn’t surprised she nodded her head and asked Kelly, “You mean Kim, why did you feel something strange about that boy?”

She told everything to Natasha truthfully not even hiding what she said to him.

“Have you ever wondered why is he like that?”, Kelly asked again.

Natasha was silent for a moment but then she replied with an expressionless face.

“I don’t know about him that much because everything he does he keep it to himself. He never talked to anyone in the cla.s.s as far as I know. When I saw hum first time I thought he’s a little shy but after whole one semester even I found that really strange that he never talked to anyone just not in the cla.s.s but also in the whole campus. Many boys tried to befriend him but never gave them a face.”

“Whoa! He’s really arrogant. Isn’t he? Not even he’s able to put up an act of innocence. He’s really something”, Kelly replied in a surprised manner.

Natasha ignored Kelly remarks about Kim. She continued explaining to Kelly.

“This is nothing. Even many girls tried to befriend him but he declined them all. I admit that he’s really good looking but I don’t know what is going on with in his head?”, Natasha said with a sigh of helplessness.

“I think, maybe he got bullied in high school or he might not be so good with studies that’s why he’s trying really best to cover his failures by cutting everyone off”, Kelly just said while stretching her body.

“You really misunderstood him.”, Natasha replied while giving a mocking smile.

“What do you mean?”, Kelly was a bit surprised with her reply.

“I mean you said that he did all that because he l.u.s.t over your beauty”, Natasha reminded Kelly.

“Yeah. Of course he did that purposely”, Kelly retorted in anger.

“Please don’t get mad at me. I am not Kim. I am your only friend right now”, Natasha replied in a friendly manner. Then she continued, “Kelly I find it rather strange about Kim, how he treated you?”

“Are you saying that I am lying to you?”, Kelly questioned her in anger.

“Look Kelly you’re getting it all wrong I am not implying that he is innocent and you’re the villain. I just don’t believe the behavior you told me about Kim”, Natasha replied in a doubt.

“What’s there to believe? He really did that to me. And you know for the fact that I don’t know anyone in the cla.s.s. And if you’re thinking that I am framing your prince charming then don’t think like that. Because for the moment I really hate boys like him the most.”

“I knew you would say something like that. You would find it funny but I have seen Kim for a whole one year, I know it would be hard for you to see good side of his because you already hate him to his bones.  But it’s a fact that he never looked any girl with bad intentions”, Natasha replied with patience.

“Pftt…hahah…”, after laughing for a while Kelly came to a stop then she said, “You’re really funny Natasha you know.”

“Laugh all you want because it seems you’ve been never in a relationship before haven’t you?”, Natasha asked Kelly firmly.

“Well you caught me there. I am bad at relationships but really good at doing business. So please forgive my harsh words”, Kelly replied while wiping off the tears which came out during laughing. “How are you so confident in saying that he doesn’t look at girls with bad intentions?”, Kelly asked.

“It’s because I had been in many relationships before coming here. So that’s why I could tell about you with just a glance. And I am able to tell what other guy is thinking while talking to you. So there was a time when I was facing problem I went professor he said me to consult Kim. So I did and you know what I felt when I talk to him?”, Natasha asked Kelly.

“What did you feel?”, Kelly asked in anxiously.

“I felt nothing bad from him.”

 When Kelly heard those words he was stopped mocking her and became serious for a moment and listened to her. Because from her experience of doing business she could tell that Natasha wasn’t lying. She asked Natasha , “Then what did feel?”

“I felt sincerity, kindness, willingness to help and…”, Natasha stopped for moment.

“And?”, Kelly was really intrigued this time to know the answer, and this time her face expressions changed for real.

Natasha observed her expressions and then said with a little smile, “Respect, which every girl wants the most in this world. I felt that from him. Like I told you I had been in many relationships but none of them gave me respect like he did for that moment. He was the first guy that I really hold him in high regards. And I can tell you that he wasn’t faking it at all. It was all pure.”

“Hmm…I see”, Kelly replied after a moment of silence.

“That boy is really strange you know”, Natasha said with a pa.s.sionate smile. Her recent action made Kelly a little confused because she could sense a feeling of admiration from her smile.