A Place Where I belong

Chapter 4 (v.1) - Let Me Help You

Chapter 4 (v.1) - Let Me Help You

“Bring that b.a.s.t.a.r.d out!”, Kelly retorted.

“I am sorry child, but I can’t do that. Because it’s against the rules”, the guard replied gently.

Kelly was enraged with Kim’s response. It was already evening, and cold wind was blowing and there was no sign of any student outside the dormitory area, even in the cafeteria the count of students were less than her total fingers of her both hands. All these signs indicated, that there was a very slim chance that Kim shows up. “Do you have any idea how hard it was for me to come to this place? And now you’re telling me that he doesn’t see strangers. I don’t care what you say. I won’t leave until, he shows up.” She stamped her foot on the floor in anger. “If you don’t go and bring him in front of me right now I swear I’ll accompany you all night long, standing here with me.”

Her threat surprised the guard, he felt helpless and said, “Okay, I’ll go again but if he doesn’t come out then don’t ask me again alright?”

“You are in no position to order me around. Just do your job.” Reminding him his job with an arrogant att.i.tude, there was a glimpse of surprise in his eyes. He glared and pointed at her, “Young lady, mind that tone of yours. I don’t care if you are some rich girl or some celebrity or a child of some great businessman, but if you cross your line I will take action against you accordingly----Keep that in your mind before you spout nonsense.”

Kelly was taken aback. But there was no change in her expressions. Although, she stood there quietly and didn’t say anything back.

The guard went to Kim’s room again. After few knocks Kim opened the door and saw Sean again at his doorstep. He said with disdain, “Sean, don’t tell me that you couldn’t send her off.” It wasn’t the first time a girl asked for him, there were many incidents happened in front of east dormitory regarding Kim. So, it wasn’t a big surprise for Kim.

“Well, that is the case, but this time it’s different like all those previous ones. She is really something else. You should go and see her. If you don’t show up she said that she won’t leave.” There was a bit fear in his tone.

Kim didn’t say anything in response for a moment and remained silent. One could tell from one glance at Kim’s face that he is thinking something.

“So are you coming?”, Sean asked humbly.

“No!”, replied with a straight face.

“What?!--- But she----“

Before Sean could say anymore Kim cut in and said, “Tell her----“

Meanwhile, Kelly was waiting outside all alone in the chilling blows of wind by the entrance gate of the boy’s dormitory.

The guard came in her line of sight and stood in front of her, “(Sigh) --- He refused”, Sean said with a stern face.

“What?!--- He ref----“, before she could complete what she was about to say, guard continued, “Although, he’s not coming right now but he said that he would come to the cla.s.s tomorrow so don’t visit him again in future.”

After hearing Kim’s response Kelly grinned and said, “Like I would. Thank you”, and went to her dormitory alone.

“Jeez, kids these days are becoming more and more arrogant and disrespectful towards their elders. If she doesn’t put me in her eyes, then she doesn’t put her father in her eyes too. The place where was raised, they taught her nothing about being a human------ I wonder, what is the advantage of being arrogant like this in front of your elders or seniors? So many schools, colleges and universities this super power had built. What are they teaching them in the walls of all those buildings?”, he said while looking at Kelly.

Next morning, when Kelly came in the cla.s.s, she found out that there was no sign of Kim. She was enraged, because she was sick due to her visit to Kim yesterday. “That sucking lying b.a.s.t.a.r.d! ---- Well it seems he is making all these people fool with an act. But, no matter what, I can see through all your tricks. I shall expose you soon-------Kim, you selfish, arrogant b.a.s.t.a.r.d! You should pray that Professor doesn’t call me in his office again this time or you’ll regret your decision later.”

With that said she turned back to leave the cla.s.s but suddenly professor Issac came in through that door where she was standing.

“Are you going somewhere Miss Kelly?”, professor asked with stern face.

“No--- I was just going to restroom---because I am not feeling well today---“, Kelly replied with a dull red face. The face of professor was getting blur and white blankness was taking over her vision slowly. She was trying her best to focus but she couldn’t. Her legs were going numb every second and she was losing her balance.

Professor glanced at Kelly for a few seconds and then said with a gentle tone, “Okay, you may go.” He went on.

 But not a moment later, Kelly’s vision went completely blank and she lost her balance and fell backward in someone’s arms.

“Hey! Are you okay?”, a gentle voice sounded in her ears. A warm hand was placed on her forehead.

“I am just fee---lin---“, she couldn’t even complete her words and lost consciousness.

“Kelly!!”, from a far Natasha shouted and came to her side.

“Professor! She’s burning up. I am bringing her to nurse’s office.”

“Yes, please do”, professor replied in a hurry. “Everyone, please remain calm on your seats.”

Kelly opened her eyes, she could see the ceiling. She could feel a drip was inserted in her right arm so she couldn’t move freely.

“How are you feeling now?”, a familiar voice sounded in her ears. She moved her head towards the direction of sound where it came from. It was Natasha, there was a worried look on her face.

“Much better”, Kelly replied with a smile. “What happened to me? How did I get here?”, Kelly asked in a weak voice.

Natasha looked at her with a gentle smile, “You don’t seem to remember anything. It was Kim who brought you here----“

“What? That pervert! And you let him touch me?”, she replied in a shock and lost control over her voice.

Natasha nodded and continued, “Yeah. Luckily, he was there by chance and caught you in his arms. Afterwards, you lost consciousness---- “

Kelly was taken aback and closed her eyes. She was confused in thoughts regarding Kim. She thought that he tried to seduce her with a stupid act but then his face appeared in her memories when he saw her for the first time. Her heart throbbed for an instance in a different way.

“Was I wrong back then, and misjudged him from the beginning?”, a big question raised in her mind.

Natasha chuckled for a moment.

Kelly opened her eyes and noticed Natasha’s smile and said with disdain, “You seem to be enjoying this situation, while your friend is lying on the bed.”

Natasha shook her head and said, “I am really envious of you Kelly, you know.”

Without wasting anytime Kelly replied, “Because he carried me all the way here, is that it?”

“That too. But there’s something else too”, Natasha said gently.

 “What else is there?”, Kelly asked, there was a surprised look on her face.

“Not telling”, Natasha refused to answer.

Meanwhile, with a knock on the door, someone asked,” Can I come in?”

“Yes, you may enter”, Natasha stood up and replied in a hurry while she was still smiling.

The door opened and a familiar figure walked in front of these two girls.

“It’s you!”, Kelly was surprised by seeing him. But Natasha was opposite to Kelly’s reaction. Her face was filled with admiration and smile for both of them.

It was none other than Kim. There was a moment of silence Kelly was staring at Kim with some complicated expressions and diverted her direction from Kim to Natasha.

“Kim what’s in your hand?”, Natasha asked gently.

“Oh it’s nothing, I just prepared something for Miss Kelly. Her fever had calmed down a little so I thought if she eats this she will regain her strength and will be able to come to cla.s.s tomorrow”, Kim replied humbly. There was a guilty expression on his face.

“Okay, I suddenly remember that there was something that I need to do so I’ll take my leave”, Natasha understood that what is going on between them so she didn’t delay any further. She stopped by Kelly to pick her bag and said in a low voice that only Kelly can hear, “Don’t blow this opportunity up. Set things right with him once for all. Okay?”

“You’ll pay for this!”, Kelly said with anger.

In her response to Kelly, Natasha just chuckled and winked at her. She turned the doork.n.o.b and wriggled and said, “I’ll see you both tomorrow in cla.s.s. Good night.”

The door closed Kelly was lying on the bed and didn’t know how to deal with this awkward situation. She was clenching her fist under the blanket.

“Miss Kelly”, Kim said her name gently.

“Yes?”, Kelly was caught off guard.

“Would you like to eat with me? I am really hungry right now. I haven’t eaten anything since morning. Would you please give me this chance to resolve the misunderstanding between us?”, his gentle voice, no sign of hesitation, the way he asked Kelly made her blush for a moment. She didn’t know what to say, so she nodded her head unintentionally.

“Very well. Then let me help you”, Kim replied with a charming smile.

Seeing Kim who was so natural, Kelly was really confused, the guy she hated, is in front of her right now and asked her to eat with him. And on the top of that she agreed to his request.

“What’s wrong with me? And how is this guy’s every move looks so natural and cute? How could he be so different than I imagined? And why my heart is throbbing so fast?”, she was asking all these question to herself. Meanwhile, her heart was racing like at an abnormal rate.