A Place Where I belong

Chapter 9

Kim rested, chat with her whenever they sat together to eat in dining hall or went somewhere else to walk. They got a little close like they knew each other for a very long time, after spending some time together. She dropped the honorifics. Eventually, she jokes with Kim. Kim was often cool minded around her because she saved his life so he didn’t mind her jokes. After resting for so many days Kim was able to walk on his own.

One evening, it was drizzling. They were sitting in the treehouse drinking tea which was made form fresh herbs she grew in the treehouse. The treehouse was made from transparent gla.s.s. She noticed that Kim was enjoying the weather. “Kim where are you from originally? I mean your origins?” lady asked with curiosity.

“I…I am from North Korea”, he answered with a slight hesitation.

“Wow! You live that far?...... So, is there anyone besides you, I mean do you have any siblings?”, she said with an intrigued expression.

Kim was holding the cup near his mouth he stopped. “No, it’s just me.” He answered with a sad smile.

She glanced at his sad eyes which he was hiding behind his smile. After the moment of silence she asked. “Why are you so obsessed with all this studying? I mean don’t you find it boring sometimes?”

“It’s not like I am obsessed. It’s just….it’s just that I don’t have any other option. So, I think studying is the only thing which will make my life a little better when I leave this place and go back.” He answered with stern face.

“Did something happen in the past which is forcing you to live like this?” she asked with a little concern.

“Well, I umm….”, Kim was in a predicament whether to drop this topic or to tell her the truth.

“If you don’t feel comfortable then you don’t have to force yourself.” She said with a fake smile on her face.

“It’s not like that I don’t want to tell you it’s just….it’s just that no one inquired about me like this in a long time. And after all you saved my life so I think you deserve to know the truth behind all this journey of mine.” His face became flushed.

“Kim, it’s alright if you don—“ before she could say any further, Kim took the chance, put the cup on the trolley and placed his head on his knees and covered his face with both of his arms. “It’s a little sad story, but can you promise me something?”

“What is it?”, she asked with curiosity.

“Please don’t tell anyone about this. Alright?” He said with a polite tone.

“I promise. I won’t tell anyone about this.” She said with a serious expression.

“I don’t remember much of my past but when I was seven years old I had a sweet little sister her name was…her name was….” He paused here again and clenching his both fists.

She didn’t interrupt him and let him take his time to settle his emotions. After a silence of few minutes he loosened his clenched fists and said with a stern voice, “She was two years younger than me. Whenever I feel down or cry she often comfort me by patting my head or hugging me. You could say that she was my light during darkness. She was bright and really intelligent in studies. On the other hand I was dull because I had to run errands for the owner of the orphanage, so I couldn’t have much time to study. Because I was doing my sister’s share too. And owner gave me his word that he won’t ask my little sister to run errands outside of the orphanage for him. So, that others won’t find out about our deal. I worked outside for G.o.d knows how many hours a day and when I went back, my little sister always waits for me sitting on the porch of the orphanage, no matter what the weather was.”

“We both hoped that someone might adopt us but it didn’t happen. Many of our fellow brothers and sisters were adopted except few of us. And so our numbers fell we had work much harder than before to meet the owner’s need. I never gave up on working because I knew I had a sister to care about.”

“And so, the spring went by and winter came. It was really cold outside we were short on rations. And so, I had to work more hard to make the ends. I often had to….beg people to meet the end. But they always brushed me off like a stray dog. The bullies of the society beat me up into a pulp to take all the money I earned by selling some goods. Because of my weakness, the owner didn’t let us near the food. It wasn’t that much a deal for me but it was heard for my sister. So, I never gave up.”

“One night the owner was drunk and everybody was asleep except for my little sister I was on my way back to the orphanage. I was about to close the door, but then I hear scream of my little sister. I ran towards her scream and found out it was coming from owner’s room. The door was locked from inside. I glanced from the windows and saw him. That wretched beast was trying rape my sister. My sister was crying and struggling to resist him. After all, she was a fragile little girl.”

“I couldn’t bear the tears in my sister’s eyes so I grabbed a brick in my hand and smashed the window of the main door. That sound made quite a commotion. It got the attention of the owner and the rest. He came rushing towards the main door. I grabbed another brick and sneaked behind him. The owner stopped at the front door, I took the chance and jumped up high as I could and hit hard with all my might at the back of his head. The owner was caught off guard and fell unconscious on the floor.”

“Meanwhile, I ran towards my sister, she was trembling in fear. Her clothes were a bit ragged. I helped her up and gave her new set of clothes which she likes to wear on some occasion. I packed all her stuff, carried her on my back and left outside without telling anyone about our sudden departure.”

“I’ve heard some similar incidents happened like that when I was outside selling goods, so I didn’t report to police because in the end we will have to end up back in the same place so we left with a great gamble. Luckily, I had some money with me so we didn’t have to worry about the food for a week or two and I still possess some goods to sell.”

“(Sigh)….but our luck ran out faster than we thought. We both slept outside in the cold winter nights with no shelter and left with minimum amount of food. I was used to those cruel cold but my sister wasn’t. I totally forgot about her resistance to cold weather. In the end she fell sick. I went to doctors but I forgot that the world isn’t a free place to live. Most of them didn’t let us in because I was so dirty and reek of smell but I didn’t let my sister’s dress get dirty. A few of the clinics let us in but they called the police for inspection so we had to run away from them. Because, I don’t want to go back in that h.e.l.l hole. My sister’s condition was getting really worse day by day.”

“In the end a man found us and brought us in his house. He gave us food and shelter. He gave some medicine to my sister which stabilized her condition. Our room was on the first floor. We stayed there for three nights. One night my sister was resting on bed. Although her fever calmed down a bit, but she was really weak. I was right beside her, holding her hand in mine. She urged to drink water I went down stairs to bring her water. The man who brought us in was talking to someone on the phone in the kitchen. I was standing behind him. I was shocked when I found out that he runs a business of prost.i.tution and he was talking about my sister.”

“The only thing came into my mind. This world is so cruel no one helps, until he or she seeks some great benefit from you. I silently sneaked into his room, stole money he had in his wallet and then I carefully went to my room carried my sister again and left. He was busy on the phone he didn’t notice us leaving. We left in the cold night again like before. But that time I decided never to interact with anyone again.”

“I ran far away from his house. I was so scared. I thought, if he found out about us maybe he’ll chase us. So without looking back I carried my sister on my back and ran with all my might. In the end, my own condition wasn’t very good, my legs were giving up because I was running for quite some time. But then my sister asked me with her feeble voice, Brother Kim…..I am feeling…sick….I want to…rest.”

“For four nights and three days I carried her on back. When I feel exhausted to rest, we hid ourselves in the dark alleys so that no one could know about our existence. Sometimes, when the police notice us they follow us and I had to run while carrying her on my back.”

“One night her condition was really unstable. She was throwing up again and again. I was really scared this time and carried her and ran like a madman. G.o.d knows for how long I ran. My legs were giving up on me but her weakened voice gave me strength and I reached a veterinary clinic. I was helpless and didn’t know what to do. I knocked the door as hard as I could so that someone help us. After a few knocks a middle-aged woman came and saw me with my sister on my back.”

“When she saw us she said with surprise, What on earth are you two doing outside in this cold weather? I was so frightened because my sister lost consciousness so I begged her for help. That woman was kind just like you and she helped us. She checked my sister and said to me in advance that she isn’t a doctor instead she was a nurse. So she gave some medicines to my sister to stabilize her condition. I begged her not to inform police about us in advance. I asked her to treat my little sister’s sickness and we’ll be on our way. She pitied us and didn’t inform police. She called her friend who was a doctor from the nearby hospital. After two or three hours her friend arrived at her clinic. She examined my sister and then looked at me seriously. She asked me, How long she has been sick? I answered her I don’t know exactly but for more than three days. After listening to my answer she said something to the nurse, which startled her. She called an ambulance and brought us to the hospital.”

“My sister was lying in front of my eyes and I was scared. I thought I might lose her, so I asked the nurse, Miss, my sister will be fine after a little treatment. Right? She glanced at me and said, Your sister’s condition has worsen because of this cold weather. I don’t know but the doctors in the hospital will have to take a look at her. Due to her response I was afraid of losing her this time.”

“Meanwhile, we reached the hospital and my sister was being treated in the operating room. When the doctors came out she said to me to spend some time with my little sister so I obeyed what she said. I was really happy and went to my sister’s side. She was flushed with fever and breathing heavily. She raised her hand because she could feel my presence around her. I grabbed her hand. When she felt my hand on hers, she smiled and said in a weak voice, brother Kim…..you are the best……..brother in……..the entire…………world…….you…..cared….for…..me……I….really…….love……you….(cough)….big brother…”

“The light in her eyes was very dim. And I was feeling something was off, and somehow I felt like crying after looking at her condition. Therefore I held my emotions back and answered her, and you’re the most adorable little sister I ever had. I love you too. I love you…..more than anything else in the world. (gasping)…….brother Kim…..please promise me something……(cough)…. Just say it…….and brother will do anything for……….his little sister. Brother Kim please….don’t cry….and…...study hard…..okay?….well why don’t we……….study together? You’re…..you’re…..so….so……good in studies so I…….I…..need…I need you……I mean….I need your help. I am sorry…..I…can’t….right now…..because…..I am……feeling…too….sleepy….maybe….tomorrow…...brother….please wake me up…..tomorrow….I want…..to....go…to…school…. okay….I…will. I promise that we will go to the same school together.”

Tears fell down onto his lap. He remained silent for some time and sobbed, “I had………….never thought………that………….those will be…………………her………………….last……………………words.”

He stood up and walked a few steps away from her. His body was shaking. This showed her that how much he loved and cared for his little sister. He calmed himself down after a while. He cleared his face and turned around and said with a sad smile, “I hope…………you’d not gotten bored from my story.”

She shook her head and tried her best to keep her calm in front of Kim. She stood up from her chair and turned her face in opposite direction and said, “Tell me the rest……next time…. okay?”

Kim didn’t look at her because he was already feeling down at the moment so he didn’t glance at her.

“Yes, (sniff)…if I had the chance….(sniff)…I will.”

“Kim, tell me……….Stella……….is the name of your……………little sister?”, she asked while tears were rolling down on her pink cheeks.

“That’s right. Her name was……Stella. My cute……beloved…….little sister.” he said with a depressed tone.

“Right…” She didn’t say any further and went outside the treehouse.

Kim was sitting alone in the treehouse with some sad memories. He looked at the ceiling and said with a depressed tone in his mind, “I really miss you Stella.” His vision became blur and tears rolled down on his face. And began sobbing in sadness of losing his little sister. He closed his eyes and an image of an adorable, cute little sister appeared before his eyes, she was wearing a pink long and black sleeveless shirt. There was a blue colored hair band on her head. She was hugging a stuffed Bear in her little arms. She looked at him and smiled and said in an adorable voice, “Big brother Kim….please….remember me…okay?”