A Saiyan In The Multiverse

Chapter 12

I am currently treating Naruto to ramen after a few missions. Since I eat so much, I have to make enough money to feed myself. I"m on my 10th bowl of ramen explaining to Naruto the Earth Release: Added-Weight Rock technique and its benefits.

Sage: So, with the extra weight you can train and feel the difference in your results.

Naruto: But Sage- Nii, won"t I be at a disadvantage when I fight or complete a mission.

Sage: Of course not, because you don"t have to have it activated while on a mission only when you are training. But once you get to my level you can use it almost all the time. The only draw- back is that in order to keep it activated chakra is consistently used.

Naruto: Ohhhhhh. Ok but since mom said I don"t have an affinity for Earth release I don"t think I can use it.

Sage: Don"t worry about it. I can use it on you so when we train you improve yourself. Also, how goes your training on getting along with the Kyubi?

Naruto: It"s going okay, I guess. I"m trying to get along and I tried to name him but then he actually told me his name.

Sage: That"s good. On to a new topic. Naruto, how is it going with you chasing that pink haired girl?

Naruto: Oh, you mean Sakurchan. Well, it was like you said, she was fickle and a fan girl with no real personality.

Sage: I warned you, but you wouldn"t listen. Anyway, what about that shy girl you see every now and then?

Naruto: You mean Hinata?

Sage: Yeah, her. I doubt she will refuse if you ask her on a date.

Naruto: Well, I think she is cute but I barely talked to her, in or out of the academy.

Sage: How about asking her out then?

Naruto: I don"t know. What if she refuses?

Sage: I highly doubt that. How about this, you ask her out and I will ask out Ino? We will double date.

Naruto: Ok, I will ask her out.

Sage: Cool. Naruto, did you find out when your graduation will be? Will your mom and dad be there?

Naruto: It will be in the next 2 weeks. My mentor will Hatake Kakashi.

Sage: What about your companions, do you know who they will be?

Naruto: Not yet, I will find out next week though.

Sage: Alright. Since you mastered the jutsus required to graduate you will be one of top of your cla.s.s. Finish up so we can go train.

Naruto: Ok Sage-Nii.

After training I planned on buying a new wardrobe. I never knew why everyone wears combat sandals. I bought myself socks and proper boots that covered the toes. I got a new gray vest with the character for "Heaven" on the back like Ak.u.ma from Street Fighter with a black tight undershirt and black pants, not too baggy. Since I cared little for Shuriken and Kunai, I didn"t buy clothes to hold them.

The next day I took another mission, this time far from Konoha. The missions I have been undertaking lately were all highly paid but to those weaker they were also harder missions. I grew extremely bored of hiding and covert missions. I learned how to control and hide my presence but that was at the start. Now, I no longer cared to hide. I took on subjugation missions, especially those that might involve engaging in battle with other villages and biju. On one mission I literally walked through the enemy camp and slaughtered them all without a care for hiding. I didn"t care if they knew who I was, where I came from. All the enemy knew was what I told them before they died. In a retrieval mission I told the Iwagakure shin.o.bi that if I didn"t get the scrolls they stole back, I will destroy all them here and now. After they finished laughing, I flashed in front of the leader and held him up by his neck with my tail while I stood there with my arms crossed and told him, why aren"t you laughing now? Come on, give me a chuckle. I snapped his neck and then proceeded to kill the rest of them off. Of course, I got the scrolls back but because of my continued ways of finishing the missions I was given a nick name, The Demon of the Leaf. The reason I bought my vest with the "Heaven" kanji st.i.tched on the back was because I thought it looked cool but to my victims" they made it have a different meaning. When you see "Heaven" I will show you h.e.l.l.

Because of my actions I pretty much gave the other villages a reason to come after me. Hopefully I could get into a nice battle, maybe fight a Kage or two. I was called in to the Hokage"s office after a mission.

Minato: Do you know why I called you in?

Sage: Don"t know, was the client not happy to get his scrolls back?

Minato: No, he was quite happy to get everything back in perfect condition and so quickly too.

Sage: Then what is the problem Nii-san?

One of the biggest a.s.sholes in the village just walked in, interrupted the Yondaime and told me.

Danzo: The other villages have heard of your actions and are demanding your life.

While completely belittling him and his words

Sage: Who the f.u.c.k cares? If the most they can do is "tell you", that they want my head, and not come after me directly like a bunch of p.u.s.s.ies, then their shin.o.bi deserved to die by my hands. They should consider it an honor.

Danzo: Watch what you say boy.

Sage: And what? Will you show me what will happen if I don"t watch what I say, geezer?

Minato: Sage-kun, please mind what you say.

Sage: I hope you remember what I told you before Nii-san, if not the Sandaime will be short another war buddy.

Danzo: Why you little…

Minato flashed in front of Danzo, of course its not to protect me but to help Danzo keep his life.

Minato: Danzo-san, let it be for now. I will talk with him.

Danzo left in a rage.

Minato: That was not a good move Sage-kun. Be careful of Danzo and his methods.

Sage: He is nothing but a head-flick away from life Nii-san.

Minato: On to the matter at hand Sage-kun. The other villages are asking for your head and are willing to sign peace treaties with Konoha for it.

The moment I heard this I laughed so hard I started to tear up. I always wanted to laugh the same way Alucard did when the Major declared war on him in h.e.l.lsing: Ultimate. When I let loose that laugh, I subconsciously let go of the reigns of my strength. The air started to vibrate, the earth began to shake and my aura"s pressure could be felt from behind the monument mountain of the village to the ends of the training grounds. Many people reported falling on their knees from an unknown reason. All they knew was that they felt that death was behind them ready to reap their souls. When I realized Minato was on one knee with great difficulty breathing and sweating profusely, I took control back and completely erased my presence.

Sage: Sorry Nii-san. It was so ridiculous that I lost control. You can rest a.s.sured, whether if it"s a different village or people who try to do anything to the people I care about, death will be their only respite.

Minato: It"s ok, but keep in mind that you will be watched carefully by other villages and Danzo from now on.

Sage: Nii-san just give me the word and all the villages will be part of Konoha.

With those last words to Minato, I left the Hokage"s office and headed home. I had the best sleep in quite some time.