A Saiyan In The Multiverse

Chapter 29

I know that by letting Orochimaru go instead of an instant death would basically destroy his entire plan but if I did that, how can I fight the Shodaime, the Nidaime and Orochimaru at the same time? I know I"m going to get an earful from Minato and maybe a few people but that"s as far as it will go. Since Orochimaru left before I was born I can play it off as I didn"t know who he was nor did I know what he looked like. Now I will get to experience a tiny bit fun when beating the s.h.i.t out of the previous Hokages and a Sannin. With me facing the 3 and Minato flash killing everyone else this ambush is going to be a breeze. Now I"m off to watch Naruto best the s.h.i.t out of Kiba, since both trained with me they might still be even with Sakura an Ino, the sad fight with Hinata and the rest. Good thing I brought snacks and drinks.

After the explanation of the rules for the preliminary round. The Genin will be chosen at random and have one versus one battle. I already know the order so it didn"t matter to me. Sasuke will fight Akado Yoroi in the first round. Yoroi"s ability made him useful to Orochimaru in this fight against Sasuke, because Yoroi can drain chakra and physical strength from whoever he touches. In order for Sasuke to rely on the cursed seal Orochimaru wanted Yoroi to drain Sasuke for him to use it. Considering how s.h.i.tty Sasuke has performed this far I doubt he will be a match. Maybe he can prove me wrong because I have yet to see him use or even activate his Sharingan, which he should have unlocked from when Itachi slaughtered the clan but he repressed because of the trauma. The Sharingan should"ve resurfaced during the fight with Zabuza but I didn"t see it. I guess his win is up for grabs.

Hayate Gekko: Ok the first 2 to fight (Coughs), is Uchiha Sasuke and Akado Yoroi. Step in the ring.

I take a seat on the banister and pull out my snacks. I know Sasuke is still hurting but with almost all the not fighting he did prior to this fight he might have recovered enough to put up a fight. Like in the original story, Sakura tried to tell Kakashi about Sasuke"s injury but was told not to. Naruto was surprisingly quiet. From the looks of it he was trying to mold chakra and sustain it ever since he sat down on the catwalk. I look at Minato and nod, letting him know his son is fine. Sasuke still looked hurt but entered the ring. Kabuto may have traded for scrolls but not information, so Sasuke was going to fight not knowing what to expect. The moment they made the first exchange Sasuke felt weaker. Right away he figured out that Yoroi was draining his physical strength and chakra. The only plan Sasuke had was to knock out Yoroi without getting touched but that only counts if Yoroi is using his hands so hitting him was fine. Sasuke finished Yoroi with the copied move of Rock Lee like in the original. I guess he really recovered his Sharingan. The roulette on the screen spun.

Hayate: Next match Zaku Ab.u.mi versus Aburame Shino. Step in the ring (coughs)

Both step into the ring. Since this time around Naruto"s team didn"t meet the sound ninjas Zaku wasn"t hurt like in the original story. The results will most likely be the same considering that controls bugs and Zaku has a hole on his palms to make a sound blast. The storyline followed the original and Zaku lost the same way. Unlike the anime, the blood was much more than before than what was depicted. I laughed so hard I nearly spat out my drink.

Minato: Sage-kun (Gave a look to stop laughing)

Sage: Oh, I"m sorry Hokage-sama, (Just because we are in front of others) did you want some chips too? (Pointing my bag at him)

One of his ninja guards glares at me as if I didn"t know that laughing was wrong.

Sage: I know, I know. Sorry for laughing but how thick skinned you gotta be to not feel hundreds of bugs on your body, then with his remaining conscious words he asks "How" like a dumba.s.s. I guess they don"t teach well in the Otogakure.

This time the Sound ninjas glare at me. It boggles the mind that no one f.u.c.king knew that the Jounin with the Sound ninjas was Orochimaru. Come on, how the f.u.c.k no one could tell. They look the same. I guess when I get blamed for not taking him out sooner I can justify it. The roulette rolls.

Hayate: Next match is Misumi Tsurugi versus Kankuro. Step in the ring.

Misumi has a weird trick with his body as well. Almost as if he either has no bones or snake like limbs, he can wrap himself on enemies and constrict them. Right now he wrapped himself on Kankuro and broke his neck only to reveal that the real Kankuro was wrapped in bandages on the fakes back. Misumi surrendered. Boring fight.

Sage: Hey can you shove your hand up your puppets a.s.s and make him talk too. Make it say "I kill you!", come on.

A few people laughed except for the Sand ninjas and the Hokage. I nodded at Minato apologetically. The roulette wheel spins on.

Hayate: Haruno Sakura versus Yamanaka Ino step to the stage.

The girls went to the stage and began talking back and forth about Sasuke nonsense. Finally they began to exchange blows, little techniques here and there. The climax is coming between the two. Ino marginally wins because she used the telekinesis to put a kunai on Sakuras neck at the last moment. I guess that"s how far not knowing clan techniques will take you. If Ino actually practiced harder she would be stronger than marginally winning against someone who just started practicing. Temari and Tenten were next to fight. Like in the original Temari made quick work of Tenten. Shikamaru and Kin Tsuchi were next. Shikamaru won. Next up is Naruto and Kiba. Kiba came to the stage first. Naruto finally stopped molding chakra and stepped into the stage. Hayate gave the go ahead to start. Kiba didn"t strike first like the original story because Naruto changed during school so Kiba took Naruto seriously and cautiously. Naruto made hand seals and chakra lit up on the fingers of his right hand. Naruto than struck his abdomen where he was struck by Orochimaru before.

Naruto: Kai!!(Release) d.a.m.n that hurt.

Apparently Naruto had undone the Fuiin Jutsu that Orochimaru placed on him. Since Naruto"s mother is Uzumaki Kushina, an Uzumaki clan member, of course she would know sealing techniques, her clans specialty. Since she is still alive and with Naruto being serious, how can he not know his own mothers techniques. Orochimaru in disguise was shocked to see Naruto undoing his seal. The moment Naruto was released from the seal he let loose some chakra, stretched a bit and took a fighting stance. Kiba gave a food pill to Akamaru, his dog, and transformed into another Kiba. Kiba was using his strongest technique against Naruto. During the fang spin attack by the 2 Kiba"s, Naruto flashed to Kiba clone, Akamaru, grabbed him by the foot and slammed him against the wall. The copy of Kiba was undone and Akamaru laid on the ground unconscious. When the real Kiba saw this he backed furious and blindly attacked Naruto. Naruto made a small version of the Rasengan in his left hand, he didn"t want to kill Kiba, flashed to Kiba"s left side, grabbed Kiba"s shoulder with his right hand and pressed the Rasengan into Kiba"s chest, blasting him across the room. Kiba lost consciousness and Naruto won. For a moment I saw a smile on Minato"s face and a scowl on Orochimaru"s. The next fight was Hinata and Neji.

Sage: (Whistling) wooo, go Naruto"s girlfriend!

Hinata blushes for a bit, looked my way and nodded. She knew her clans techniques but never pushed, she lacked confidence and drive. Being with Naruto early on improved her disposition.

Naruto: Go babe, show"em what you got!

Hinata still lost but not as bad as in the original. She even made Neji use the Kaiten, his absolute defense move. Hinata was beaten but wasn"t struck in the heart like in the original. A bit of rest and she will be fine. Naruto stepped into the ring and helped Hinata off the stage. As Naruto carried Hinata off and Neji was still on the stage, Naruto released his and Kurama"s chakra applying pressure to the entire stage. Naruto looked back from his left shoulder.

Naruto: If we meet on the next stage I hope you can keep your life. I wouldn"t want Hinata to lose a family member.

Naruto walked off and put Hinata down next to her sensei, Kurenai, gave Hinata some of his chakra and went back to his team. The next fight was Rock Lee and Gaara. Gaara won and still crushed Rock Lee"s leg. The last fight was Choji and the last member of the sound ninja, Dosu Kinuta. Dosu won very easily. After congratulating the finalists, Minato told them that the finals will take place a month later. The roster will be as follows: First fight is Ino and Dosu, 2nd fight Naruto and Neji, 3rd fight Sasuke and Gaara, 4th fight is Kankuro and Shino, finally Temari and Shikamaru.