A Saiyan In The Multiverse

Chapter 41

The day pa.s.sed at a snails pace. I took an extremely cold shower to cool me down from my meditation. Steam appeared as if pouring water on a searing skillet. I stuffed myself on breakfast, readied my clothes and gear. Jiraiya told us the location so Naruto and I walked there on different paths. For the most part Naruto was practicing his techniques and seeing how long he can keep the perfect sage mode active.

Naruto: Sage-nii, other than training I"ve never heard you talk so much. Is Lady Tsunade worth it?

I smiled at Naruto. Not because of the naïve redundant question, but because in his world his views are his own. I on the other hand, have other worldly knowledge.

Sage: To me she is.

Naruto: I can only take your word for it. But you can really paint a picture with words. I could tell from the conversation how you tricked them with your facial expression, tone and manners. Other than trying to get laid, I will take notes.

I laughed and had a pleasant chat with Naruto before reaching our destination. A few hours later we walked into a giant plain and reached our destination. Small hills of jade green gra.s.s, aqua blue sky with little to no clouds in the sky. I spotted Jiraiya, Shizune and Tsunade on the opposite side. We came to the center, Naruto went by Jiraiyas" side and we were about to begin.

Jiraiya: It"s not too late to back out Tsunade!

Tsunade: Shut up Jiraiya.

Sage: (Mockingly) Yeah, Jiraiysan, she can make her own decisions.

As we were about to engage in the scrimmage, kunais, shurikens and jutsus were fired upon us. I was too focused on showing Tsunade the disparity between our strength for me to sense the mult.i.tude of enemies surrounding us. I caught a lunging enemy by the neck, looked at the symbol on his forehead protector and ripped his head off. The Otogakure. Originally Orochimaru and Kabuto were supposed to make first contact with Tsunade in order to heal his arms from the damage the Sandaime inflicted. But now I have no clue why they are here. After a few seconds I spot Kabuto walking towards us.

Kabuto: So you were the one who killed Orochimaru-sama. Attack! Make sure the all perish.

Jiraiya: (With a giant smile on his face). I guess the fight is off then.

The veins on my forehead were vigorously pumping. While the others were fighting I was standing still with Oni-like (Demon) expression on my face. Jiraiya that f.u.c.king c.o.c.k-blocker was hoping for a situation like this. Because of the mind reading technique I learned from Yamanaka Ino, I also learned how to talk telepathically. I was not letting of any of these Otogakure a.s.sholes leave alive. I spread a gigantic barrier covering the entire s.p.a.ce where we all were. I called out to the others telepathically.

Sage: Listen! All of you! Get out of my barrier. I"m giving the location of the end of the barrier. Don"t worry, even if they follow you they won"t be able to leave the barrier.

Naruto, Jiraiya, Shizune & Tsunade: Okay!

I waited for them to leave my barrier to let loose my wrath. The second I felt them leave, I exploded. I turned into my True Saiyan form and let my rage out. The clouds gathered and darkened. Thunder and lightening was clashing and booming up above. Lightening came my way and surrounded my body. My clenched fists were digging into my palms causing them to bleed. My gnashing teeth were grinding. When I couldn"t hold it in anymore I let the power surge throughout the plains. I yelled out into the sky, a primordial and guttural voice along with the thunder could be heard. The golden flashes on my True Saiyan form solidified and the breakthrough was successful. The sound ninjas didn"t know what was going on. They couldn"t find the others and only saw me. They felt an unimaginable pressure weighing them down as they began attacking me with every move they knew and every tool they held but to no avail.

Kabuto: What are you all doing? KILL HIM!!!

Oto-nin1: We threw everything at him sir, and we still see no damage on him.

Oto-nin2: (Came running back from the end of the barrier) Reporting sir, there is a barrier enclosed throughout the entire area and there is no way we can break it.

Oto-nin1: What about his companions?

Oto-nin2: They went through the barrier and we couldn"t give chase sir.

Kabuto: Useless, all of you.

I gave myself a quick status check and confirmed that my breakthrough was solid. I sensed everyone in my barrier and isolated Kabuto. I opened my left hand, controlled my barrier to move with my hand commands. I closed my left hand slowly. The sound ninjas saw the barrier was closing in on them and panic set in. They saw me closing my hand in unison with the enclosure of my barrier, and their fear showed on their faces. They began attacking me again in desperation. I exhaled through my nose and blew their techniques away. The barrier shrunk enough to start seeing the thousands of sound ninjas being piled together. With my other hand I telekinetically held down Kabuto. The sound ninjas in my barrier were beginning to be crushed. While squeezing my left hand I made eye contact with Kabuto as I slowly decimate the rest of his men and the last of the screams fade with the wind. To make sure I killed them all I squeeze the barrier a little further into a sphere then throw it in the air to blast it. I tell the others telepathically to return to my location and that the enemy is gone. Once the others arrive I heard Jiraiya.

Jiraiya: This is why I told you to stop, even he warned you. Good thing these poor souls paid your exit cost. (Clapped his Hands) Amitabha (A Buddhist prayer)

Tsunade, Shizune and Naruto were looking at me in my Golden True Saiyan form with eyes wide and mouths agape. I floated towards Kabuto, concentrated Ki and Chakra into my hand to form a flame energy sword. I proceeded to slice off Kabuto"s limbs slowly. The screaming was enjoyable to my ears in my current form.

Sage: SCREAM FOR ME b.i.t.c.h!!!

The limbs I cut off were cut and burned slowly so the wounds closed as the limb were taken away. Every time I saw Kabuto almost fainting I jolted his body by converting some of my energy into electricity. I grabbed Kabuto"s head and read his mind. All the techniques, knowledge, experiences and memories that Kabuto contained were now mine.

Sage: Everyone, put your hands on Naruto"s back.

After they put their hands on him I teleported all of us to the Otogakure. I still held on to Kabuto"s head and held everyone in the air above the village with my telekinesis. I shook Kabuto awake and saw the horrified look on his face. I held Kabuto"s head close so I could tell him in his ear.

Sage: This is what you have brought upon yourself.

I blasted the entire village off the face of the planet. A bright pillar of light could be seen from from all around. I wouldn"t be surprised if other villages began to stay on high alert. Once the pillar of light faded all that could be seen was a giant hole. Deep enough to reach all the hideouts and wide enough to send the entire village into oblivion. I landed us on the edge of the abyss I created and threw Kabuto on the ground.

Sage: Say h.e.l.lo to Hebi-chan for me. Ten Hashira!