A Saiyan In The Multiverse

Chapter 43

The weeks turned to months and the months turned to years. 2 years to be exact. I am now 18 years old. I grew to be 6"2 feet. My body may be bigger than most adults but a Saiyans growth spurt comes when they reach the age of 18. For example Goku was short and stout in stature until he was 18 when he returned for the World Martial Arts Tournament but because of this world, I looked like a normal teenager and was not short like he was. My muscles were not so huge that they would look grotesque but leaner and cut. My hair didn"t grow at all but stayed spikey. My hair was identical to Broly"s but not as long. Since transforming into my True Saiyan always rips my shirt I went for a different wardrobe change. My clothes were similar to Super Saiyan 4 Goku from Dragon Ball Heroes, except for the blue belt and blue wrappings, they were white instead. I had no inner shirt just the red kimono looking one. On the back of my shirt though I still kept it the same, the Kanji for Heaven like Ak.u.ma from Street Fighter was emboldened in white. My mother gave birth, obviously, to a little girl, her name is Hikari. She has black hair, tan skin and hazel eyes like mine and my parents. Her birth grabbed the attention of many people because of me. Many people thought that she would also have a tail, which she didn"t. When the people looking foreward to her birth found out that she wasn"t like me in that aspect they somewhat felt disappointed. Of course they never voiced that out loud since they wouldn"t dare let me hear it. Kushina also gave birth to a girl, Tsubame. Like her mother, Tsubame had firery red hair and like her father dark blue eyes.

Since the whole "chase after Sasuke" was basically cut because I killed Orochimaru, Sasuke seemed to have learned more than he would have if he had left to seek power from Orochimaru. All the previous Hokages were still here and Minato was not dismissive of Sasuke like the Nidaime was of the Uchiha clan. Sakura became Tsunades" apprentice along with Hinata and Ino. The best part was that Hinata"s personality became the same as the Hinata from Road to Ninja: Naruto the Movie. Naruto didn"t cower from her aggressive behavior though, in fact he was expecting it. I never pried into his love life further when I realized Hinata"s personality change. Naruto gained full control of the sage mode and is close to mastering all 9 tails of Kurama, he"s between the 7th and 8th tail. Other than Hinata, everyone else stayed the course of the original story line and no other personality changes. Eventually Tsunade overcame her Haemophobia by working diligently with her new apprentices. Tsunade became the head of the Konoha hospital but whenever there were any major decisions though, she was still included. As for Hashirama and Tobirama, I happened to come across some white Zetsus during some of my missions. I found some before but I completely obliterated them when I came across enemies so I never bothered to look. I took 2 in tact white Zetsu corpses and Minato, with Kushinas help, transferred the Shodaime and Nidaime"s souls into them. The white Zetsu bodies changed into new recreated bodies of the previous Hokages, thus bringing them officially back to life. Still, for what reason do they keep themselves hidden? I have no clue, but if I were to guess, it would be too much a shock to Konoha and the other villages. All I know is, I no longer have immortal training dummies and have to be careful when I spar with them, dammit.

At the moment all the Hokages versus me is the only other way for me to at least get some type of training done.

I know that spectating or recounting the events that happen or will happen is boring but if one can end worlds or galaxies with an almost literal wave of the hand then there would be no point to me being here. Any interruptions I make would end quickly with no satisfaction so I control my strength and limit myself with the Doton: Kajugan no Jutsu (Earth Release: Added-Weight Rock technique) whenever possible. And when I do interfere it"s for changes I want to make, so mostly for self-satisfaction. Ever since I read all of Kabuto"s memories, his experiences and skills became my own. I learned medical ninjutsu far better than I would have if I had learned it on my own, considering Kabuto has done many experiments with Orochimaru. Of course all his memories included the locations of all the experiment labs that Orochimaru had. Within the the 2 years I went to all the locations to take all the data, release those deserving that were held captive, killed the deformed and in pain ones, recruit Karin, Suigetsu and Jugo. Karin agreed seeing as Kushina was a part of her clan and finally felt she had family somewhere. Jugo agreed because he had nowhere else to go and wanted to see how far my strength will go. Suigetsu stayed for a little while then became a missing ninja really quickly. Next time I see him no second chances. Also within the 2 years I took on missions to hinder, protect, eliminate or deliver to different locations. I encountered many other ninjas from different villages but the bounty on my head only increased. I laughed when Hidan and Kakuzu from Akatsuki came for me. I found Hidan"s ability boring because he could never wound me so taking my blood for his ritual didn"t work. I vaporized him in an instant. Naruto was with me so I let him play with Kakuzu. I brought him to Hashirama because Kakuzu claimed to once go after the Shodaimes life. Hashirama said that he let Kakuzu go because he almost s.h.i.t his pants when Hashirama was about to attack. I laughed so hard before destroying all his hearts. Thanks to the missions though I was able to come in contact with Mei Terumi, the Mizukage. The mission was to stop or eliminate enemies that attack a merchant supplier near the Kirigakure. It was supposed to be a team mission but I took it as a solo mission. The merchants were angry that more shin.o.bi didn"t come but after the merchant caravan being attacked many times and me repelling any and all forces, they quickly changed their minds. When a few rouge Kirigakure shin.o.bi came after the caravan, of course they were quickly killed. Fortunately, one of the ninjas had scrolls and sensitive information regarding the Kirigakure. I thought that by holding on to the information, eventually, someone with some rank from the Kirigakure will show up. Who would have known that the Mizukage herself with a squad of 10 would show up to stop the caravan but only to ask if missing-nin from their village were seen. Mei was not wearing her usual blue attire but regular Jonin outfit of the Kirigakure. I wasn"t noticed at all until I asked them a question. All of them were shocked when I suddenly came into view.

Sage: What do you guys want with this caravan?

Male Kiri-nin1: (Loudly) Hmph! Just a Konoha scrub. Leave quickly or…

I flashed in front of him, held him up from his neck with my tail and started to choke him. Not enough to kill or to make him pa.s.s out but enough to feel the pain and disparity between our strengths.

Sage: I wasn"t asking some worthless piece of s.h.i.t like you. Who are you to talk to me when you are the weakest among your group?

The others readied their weapons but was quickly stopped by the leader. Even though she was wearing the Kirigakure Jonin uniform in order to move without too much suspicion, her beautiful curves, voluptuous chest and gorgeous face were outlined from the uniform and were very noticeable. Mei didn"t identify herself at first in order to not be exposed.

Female Kiri-nin1 (Mei Terumi): Stop, I apologize for his outburst, we did not want to cause any trouble. We are only looking for rouge ninja from our village that might be around this area.

Sage: Then, why did this peon speak and not you, if it was so important? All I asked was, "what did you want?" since you didn"t attack right away. Even if you did attack, none of you would be alive.

I threw the male Kiri-nin1 at her feet and re-wrapped my tail around my waist.

Male Kiri-nin2: (Gnashing his teeth). You really think we couldn"t take care of someone insignificant like you?

Sage: Tough talk after I gave back your buddy. I bet none of you even saw me pick him up, heck, none of you even noticed me until I asked you a question. The only one that has the right to talk now are me and that beautiful Onee-san there. (I released my aura to put pressure on them) So shut your f.u.c.king mouths when superiors are talking!

Female Kiri-nin1: Please, we just want to know if you have seen them.

Sage: Because it"s you asking, (I retract my aura) yes, I saw and killed them.

The kirigakure ninja were surprised that their targets were wiped out, apparently there was a quasi-Kage defector among them. Like it mattered to me.

Female Kiri-nin1: We need you to hand over anything that you have taken from them.

Sage: Why are you a.s.suming I took anything? They were nothing to me, why would I want anything from weaklings?

Female Kiri-nin1: Don"t take us for fools. If you are any kind of smart ninja, why wouldn"t you take information?

Sage: Ah, so that"s it. Ok. Then what is this information worth to you? (I took out a scroll)

Female Kiri-nin1: That depends on your demands.

Sage: My demand is simple. I just want you.

Female Kiri-nin1: To think you would ask for me. Are you looking for my life? (The Kirigakure squad readied their weapons again)

Sage: h.e.l.l no. I want you as my woman, but in a way I do want your life. (I smiled gently at her)

Mei (Female Kiri-nin1) blushed, her squadron was confused as to what to do next. She raised her hand to stand down.

Female Kiri-nin1: Under 3 conditions will I agree to your demand. (The Kiri-squad was stunned by her words)

Sage: Interesting, playing hard to get I see. Good, let me hear it then.

Female Kiri-nin1: One: You cannot force me to defect. Two: Even though I am agreeing to being "your woman", you cannot force anything upon me without my consent. Three: You must be stronger than me.

Sage: Oh, my beautiful miss, you just made my day. I have no problem with the first but you can"t ask the same of me. The second, I would rather take the challenge to win you over than to force you. As for the third, I just find it ridiculous that someone with your strength cannot tell the difference between us.

Female Kiri-nin1: Hmph, you say you wouldn"t force me but that is not what I have heard, Demon of the Leaf, Sarunokami Sage.

Sage: And here I thought you would have said something far worse. Aren"t kunoichi trained to infiltrate, eliminate and commit espionage to gather intelligence by any means, even using your body? Who is to say you yourself didn"t get to where you are through seduction, G.o.daime Mizukage, Terumi Mei?

Mei: It seems that you are quite the naughty guy.

Sage: It almost makes you sound jealous. Do we have a deal?

Mei: Doesn"t it bother you that I am the Mizukage? What would Konoha say?

Sage: With absolute power comes a freedom that rarely anyone can achieve. An achievement that I proudly wield. Only a woman of your standing can be a match for me. Also I highly doubt anyone in Konoha or Kirigakure can oppose me. Truth be told I am doing you a courtesy by even listening to your demands when I can simply wipe out your village and take you away.

Mei: (Nervously) No one has that kind of power.

Sage: Then ask the giant hole where the Otogakure used to be. The only thing holding our deal back is if you agree or disagree. If you agree you become mine with your conditions intact but if you disagree I simply don"t give you the information you seek. Sure you can attack but, at what cost? I am not threatening you. You yourself have already agreed to my demands the moment you asked for conditions. I am guessing you thought I would back away the moment you revealed your ident.i.ty but apparently it back- fired.

Mei: If you think you can handle a woman like me, then there is no problem to agreeing with the terms we set.

I s.n.a.t.c.hed her by the waist and sealed our deal with a kiss while stroking her hair. I gave Mei the information she wanted. The information made no big deal to me, if anything, she would most likely ask for my help being my lady and all. That was how I gained Mei last year. Our relationship is still going strong, with or without the approval of our villages.