A Saiyan In The Multiverse

Chapter 54

I only remembered the "Kama" from the Boruto series only briefly, because I didn"t like the personality of Naruto"s son, Boruto. The "Kama" is a seal bestowed by members of the Otsutsuki clan that takes the form of a four-point black diamond on a persons body, marking them as a "vessel" for the Otsutsuki chakra to possess and if successful a "perfect Otsutsuki" for the clan member. Only the secret organization known as Kara solely holds all information on the seal. Since the people who hold the "Kama" are in turn those who have come in contact or possessed by the Otsutsuki clan it is better to be cautious, so I warned him about it. Unfortunately though, I have to come up with an excuse to tell Minato and the rest about it.

During the trip going and coming back from the k.u.mgakure, I realized that if I want to hit True Super Saiyan 4 where my fur turns red, the lower equivalent of the Super Saiyan G.o.d form, I will have to turn into Golden Oozaru and recondense my form. Since I already know how to do that it shouldn"t be a problem but the location and timing of the full moon need to be in place. Once we reached Konoha and I made my report we split our ways. Sasuke will learn from Itachi and Naruto will try learn from his dad to complete the Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder G.o.d Technique). As for Sakura, she told me that she was planning on telling Tsunade about the Raiton (Thunder Release) to be used as a defibulator to start people"s hearts. As for me I went to do my own research on synchronization, frequeny and wavelength of energy, preferably my own. If my theory is correct then I figured out a way to make myself into a Super Saiyan G.o.d without the need of 5 other Super Saiyans. My idea is this, by learning how to change the frequency and wavelength in clones of myself that turned Super Saiyan and rechannel it to me I can unlock Super Saiyan G.o.d form. The purpose is the transfer of energy, it was never stated that the energy could come from me alone only that it had to come from 5 pure hearted Saiyans into one. Even then that method is sketchy due to Vegeta being able to partic.i.p.ate. As long as I can alter the energy signatures from my clones I should be able to turn myself into a Super Saiyan G.o.d. Since this form is stronger than the Super Saiyan 4 form I will not have to go through the process again to reach it. Like the Golden Oozaru, I need a proper location to ascend. The weather changes drastically when then transformation occurs. The clones I use are the same yet different than the Kagebunshin no Jutsu (Shadow Clone Technique). I can make many clones because of my Ki and chakra but at the same time I combine it with Tien Shinhan"s clone technique from Dragon Ball where they are solid, can be hit and not disappear but my strength is divided so even if they are hit they won"t disappear, only by piling them up together do they disappear. Since I can do that I just need them to adjust their energy wavelength to be different than mine. After a few days of researching the Konoha archives in changing the frequency and wavelength, I just needed to apply it. I also needed a pair of eyes that can see these minute changes such as the Sahringan and Byakugan. I will ask Hinata and Itachi to help me with this later. I was called into the Hokages office again for another invitation but this time it was to the Land of Iron, where Mifune, a Samurai, is located. Why the Land of Iron? Because that is the only place considered by all the shin.o.bi villages to be neutral.

Sage: What is it this time Minato-nii? I am in the middle of something.

Minato: In order to finalize the summit the location must be held in the Tetsu no Kuni (Land of Iron). Since I am training with Naruto, Sakura revealed new medical Jutsu with Lady Tsunade and Sasuke is training with Itachi, you can pick a few people to go with you.

Sage: And why can"t I go alone?

Minato: Because, with people accompanying you we can at least keep the death toll and animosity of other villages down.

Sage: (Clicked my tongue) Fine. But who can you spare?

Minato: Currently Might Guy and his team are available.

Sage: Ok, I can accept them coming. How long until we head out?

Minato: I will tell Guy, so about 2 days to prepare and head out. If possible were you able to get the Mizukage"s approval?

Sage: You know I did. She will be coming, (Under my breath) in more ways than one, (Coughs) Ahem, I will start preparing for the trip then.

I left the office and went shopping for some thermal gear. I took warm clothes considering that the Land of Iron is of a cold climate. Since I am heading to where the Samurai are I shouldn"t have any problems with people there because I never fought with or have had problems with them. Since there will be minimum fighting on my side then I might as well train. Hyuuga Neji is part of Team Guy so I will start implamenting my theory. If it works then I will be able to ascend into G.o.dhood without the need of other Saiyans.

After the 2 days we packed our gear and headed out. The Land of Iron is not far but it is cold. On the way I made my own shadow clones and tried to make them have different energy frequencies or wavelength than mine. I had Neji look at their energy flow to see if he can determine if they were different. 3 Out of the 5 clones had different flow or energy from me and from each other. The remaining 2 were different from me but they were identical. I practiced with my clones while also helping Guy and Rock Lee with the same weight training Naruto and I go through. They were already used to heavy training so going at 10X gravity and above was not a big deal to them. They felt greatful because it was much better then them buying new weights when I can easily increase their own ma.s.s with the Added-Weight Rock technique. After arriving in the Land of Iron we met with Mifune. After the introductions and information about the summit and upcoming dangers were said Mifune wanted to have a quick spar with me. I couldn"t refuse considering how strong he was in the story. Unfortunately the match ended quickly the moment I caught his Iai (Sword Drawing skill) with 2 fingers and he couldn"t find a way for me to let go. Now that the date and location are set all we are missing now is the Kages that will be attending and who will accompany them to the summit. So far the ones attending is the Mizukage, Hokage, Tsuchikake and Kazekage. The Raikage is the only hold out. He should give an answer soon. The danger that is the Otsutsuki clan may not be immediate but it definitely needed to be addressed, the sooner the better. On our way back I finally had all 5 clones have different energy signatures. When the others were asleep I teleported far away to test my theory. I tested first without the clones nor I turning Super Saiyan, I can feel the difference in energy even though it was my own coming back to me. The energy flowing back into me was calm and serene, if there was a way to describe it I might also say divine. I needed an empty s.p.a.ce for the breakthrough so I will hold off on my transformation. I will ask Hashirama, Tobirama, Hiruzen and Minato to watch my ascention, not only to show them my own level but to stop any and all that can or may interfere.