A Saiyan In The Multiverse

Chapter 59

In order to get a better understanding of Mokuton I also asked the main user of it, Hashirama, to help me as well. After telling Hashirama I picked up Naruto and went to an open training ground a little farther away from the village. Naruto has been training with his father so his improvements should be huge. We arrive at the chosen grounds.

Naruto: Sage-nii I have been practicing with Kurama and dad so I can control the Kyuubi Chakra mode for much longer now.

Sage: I see. I myself have gained something new so I will only be using that to spar with you both.

Hashirama: Learning Mokuton is no easy feat you better be prepared for harsh criticism.

Sage: I looking forward to it.

I activated the Rinne Sharingan and made a wood shadow clone while imagining the strongest type of wood, other than my d.i.c.k, haha, which was the Australian Buloke, from my original world. With my clone I used the Mokuton: Mokuryu no Jutsu (Wood Release: Wood Dragon Technique) on Naruto and a complete Mokuton: Mokujin no Jutsu (Wood Release: Wood Golem Technique) for Hashirama. Naruto fired off 2 Futon: Rasenshuriken (Wind Release: Spiraling Shuriken) while Hashirama used a Mokuton: Mokuryu no Jutsu on my golem. Only a small part of each release was broken. Even Hashirama has never had a Wood Release that strong before. Seeing as his technique didn"t match up to mine he went into sage mode, Naruto followed suit and entered his sage mode as well. I used a light Genjutsu on Naruto to let his aim be off, as for Hashirama, he was preparing another Wood Release but when he fired it at me I took control of his Mokuryu.

Hashirama: What! Impossible! Matching the technique I understand but to take control of it…

Sage: I understand your reasoning but it must be my new eyes. Here take it back.

The Mokuryu went back to Hashirama in full force while Naruto was missing most of his techniques against me. Naruto"s aim was getting closer and closer so Kurama or he must have realized I used a Genjutsu on him.

Sage: Let me try something new.

I was trying to use Amenominaka (Heavenly Governing Inside) and when I did the scenery had changed to a rocky terrain rather than the plains and forest we were on before. Naruto and Hashirama were shocked and I was just as surprised. From my memory, Kaguya didn"t use any hand seals for this technique so I thought if I channeled ki and chakra to my eyes and imagined how the technique works. From the description and the animation the technique moved those around me to a personal dimension. It really is taxing on the energy though, at most 3 more times and I could be drained. I use it again to return us to our original location.

I turned into Super Saiyan G.o.d to use the new Ginga Rinne Sharingan. My vision gave me much information on how Hashirama was using Mokuton and the chakra flow from Naruto. I moved my hand almost as if to grab their chakra, I gripped lightly and from what I see, I stopped their chakra flow. The techniques they were preparing was stopped and their breathing looked shallow. I quickly let go and their chakra flow and breathing went back to normal. From my point of view I can actually see a phantom figure of Kurama on Naruto. Naruto used his desperate move of having Kurama come out.

Naruto: KURAMA!!

A giant gold and black fiery Kurama came out. Hashirama used his Mokuton to wrap Kurama in wooden armor. I used the Shinra Tensei (Heavenly Subjugation of the Omnipresent G.o.d) to test how much power it uses to push beings of Kurama"s size. Kurama was pushed back further than I thought and without much effort. At the distance pushed Kurama was readying a Bijudama (Tailed Beast ball), Hashirama was about to release his Senpo Mokuton: Shin Susenju (Sage Art: Wood Style: True Thousand Hands) and before the techniques were about to hit me I used Mokuton: Mokujoheki (Wood Release: Wood Locking Wall). With G.o.d Ki and chakra channeled through the technique their attacks did little to no damage. After an hour or 2 we finally stopped.

Hashirama: Your Mokuton is far stronger than mine by far but a certain quality is missing. Do you plan on using the Mokuton or is it something you are learning on a whim?

Naruto: Shodaime-sama, you personally seen what Sage-nii can do, he is just testing what the eyes he took from that Akatsuki member. What were they called again, Rinnegan?

Hashirama: The Rinnegan! Those were the eyes that Uchiha Madara sought after.

Sage: Truth be told, these were taken from an Akatsuki member named Nagato. I tried to spare him but he was most likely mentally poisoned by the eyes because he was an Uzumaki because of his red hair and the Rinnegan is an evolved version of the Mangekyo Sharingan so there was no way he had them naturally.

Hashirama: Then how did he come to have them?

Sage: From the mind of Black Zetsu (A lie), I found out that Uchiha Madara put his own eyes on Nagato as baby and erased the memories of the parents to make them believe he was born with them.

Hashirama: Why would he do that?

Sage: Madara did that so he can a.s.sure his resurrection because of the combination of the Edo Tensei and Gedo (The Outer Path), an ability of the Rinnegan. Madara was only able to awaken the Rinnegan late in his life.

Hashirama: But we killed him.

Sage: He used a Mangekyo ability called Izanagi and only appeared dead. He hid himself to make his plans. Because he used Izanagi he lost sight in 1 eye but when he awakened the Rinnegan his sight came back.

Hashirama: How is one able to get the Rinnegan?

Sage: By combining Sengu and Uchiha DNA. Since the both of you fought he must have taken some blood or flesh from you.

Hashirama: So the eyes you have, are they a variant of the Rinnegan?

Sage: No. These were the Rinne Sharingan. Because I infused them with my own energy the eyes changed and once I used my G.o.d energy they changed into these Ginga Rinne Sharingan.

Hashirama: Is that also an evolution?

Sage: I can honestly say I am not sure. I can"t fully test them without killing my opponent. The reason both of you had any sort of chance to fight was because I limited myself to using the eyes and the abilities it came with. If I tried doing anything too serious both of you would be have already been dead and buried. I named them to what they are because that is what they remind me of, the galaxy.

Hashirama: Then what do you plan on doing here after?

Sage: These eyes can let me travel to different worlds. I want to visit different worlds and see what they have to offer me.

Hashirama: So much power yet never satisfied nor overbearing.

Sage: It may seem that way to you but I just can"t help but feel that if I were to travel to different worlds my strength compared to them will be miniscule. By taking the techniques of the Otsutsuki clan I will be able to test myself against those worlds.