A Saiyan In The Multiverse

Chapter 71

The trio left the stadium and we were invited into Kuja castle. Sandersonia, Marigold, Hanc.o.c.k, Luffy and I were the only ones there. Hanc.o.c.k called us into her bed chamber and took her top off. Luffy expressed his disappointment by saying that there is no food. After calling Luffy rude and me slapping him on the back of his head, Hanc.o.c.k showed the brand on her back. Man, she does have a nice set of b.r.e.a.s.t.s. After a few seconds she began to tremble.

Hanc.o.c.k: You said you"ve seen this somewhere before?

Sage: I have seen it, but I am guessing Luffy has seen something similar. That is the "Hoof of the Celestial Dragons", isn"t it?

Luffy: The what?

Sage: It"s the slave mark that those s.h.i.t head Tenryuubito put on their slaves.

Luffy: What?! So they used to be slaves?

Hanc.o.c.k: Yes, we used to be. (Started to tear up). After we escaped thanks to Fisher Tiger, we promised ourselves that we will never show this to anyone else and eliminate those who have seen it. (Started to cry)

Sage: Don"t worry about that. The mark that Luffy saw was one of a sun on the forehead of fishman friend of ours. He simply mistook yours for his.

Sandersonia: It is no coincidence that he mistook it for ours. The fishmen that were slaves and that Fisher Tiger freed, were rebranded to make it look like the sun, almost as if burning away the horrid life they led before. The fishmen that were rebranded became a pirate crew called the Sun Pirates.

Sage: But I can see that after escaping you yourself have made strides in putting it behind you, even though you went to excessive means to do it.

Hanc.o.c.k: What else could we have done? We did not dare to show this horrible part of our lives.

Sage: You could have removed it from your backs or altered it like that Fisher Tiger did. If you would like, how about I remove it for you ladies?

The Boa sisters: WHAT?! You can do that?

Luffy: Sage may not look it but he has strange techniques. I wouldn"t doubt his abilities.

Elder Nyon: You should trust them in their abilities. Especially the one with the tail.

Hanc.o.c.k: Again you appear here you old crone.

Elder Nyon: Observe this Newspaper! These men are the culprits of a momentous incident. Occuring on the Shabaody Archipelago, right beside Central itself…in which Sarunokami Sage of the Strawhat crew, Killed 3 Tenryuubito at a Human Slave Auction house.

The Boa sisters: Tenryuubito…were killed?!

Elder Nyon: Though I find it difficult to understand how after committing this incredible crime and miraculously escaping from Central"s most powerful force only 2 days ago…they have arrived in such a distant land as this.

Hanc.o.c.k: (While crying) To think that there are fools of that calibre…might still exist in this world. A man to challenge the "Heavens" without a thought for his own life…A man such as him.

Luffy: Him?

Sage: Pay attention, Luffy. She means Fisher Tiger. He went into Mary Geoise to free his brethren but he also freed any and all slaves where fishmen were. Hanc.o.c.k and her sisters happened to be the lucky few.

Hanc.o.c.k: Even if it means deceiving an entire country!!! I will never once think of giving in!!! I never wish to be controlled like that, ever again!!! I am too afraid to let my guard down with anybody!!! The fear is too great … I cannot face it. (Hic*)

After Elder Nyon said that it has been a long time that Hanc.o.c.k had let out her emotions, the room calmed down. She was the one who saved the sisters and brought them back to Amazon Lily when they were lost. Personally, I don"t know why Hanc.o.c.k treats her like s.h.i.t though.

Hanc.o.c.k: So, now that you know about my history as a slave … do you scorn me?

Sage: Look we told you, those Tenryuubito got what they deserved and if you are willing, you could tell me the name of the ones who held you captive so I can end them and their families so this never happens again.

Luffy: Yeah, those a.s.sholes shot our friend and tried to enslave another mermaid friend of ours.

Sage: Why don"t you lay down on your stomaches so I can at least ease your minds on having that on your backs.

Hanc.o.c.k: If you can do that for us, we will forever be in your debt.

Sage: Think nothing of it. Having met you, for me is reward enough. Luffy, Hanc.o.c.k told me that they are having a banquet, why don"t you go while I take care of their brands.

Luffy: Now you"re talking. I will meet you there and try to save you some food.

Sage: You better ya b.a.s.t.a.r.d. Now then ladies shall we proceed?

I began the procedure which only took 30 minutes for all 3. I cut their skin and used Shosen Jutsu (Mystical Palm Technique) to heal the skin back to it"s original form. The sisters were so relieved they started to cry tears of joy. But what woman would want a nasty scar or slave mark on their body.

Hanc.o.c.k: Thank you so much. (While wiping her tears) I think I like you!! Say where you wish to go!! My ship is yours to use.

Sage: Really?! That"s great.

Hanc.o.c.k: Your name was Sage, yes? We depart in the morning. The Kuja pirates will see you as far as the Shabaody Archipelago. Tonight, I suggest that the both of you rest in preparation for the long journey.

Sage: I will be fine I mostly watched Luffy fight anyway.

Hanc.o.c.k: I can tell that you are more powerful than Luffy, why is he the captain and not you?

Sage: I only help when truly needed. I came late to the crew, why would I take over what my friend painstakenly gathered. I would rather observe until he becomes stronger. Truthfuly I have no need to be a captain.

Hanc.o.c.k: I see.

Sage: I will join Luffy at the banquet. Have a good rest so that you feel no pain on your back. If you do feel pain let me know so I can alleviate it.

I walked out of the room and sensed for Luffy. After the banquet started I ate my fill considering where our next stop will be. Luffy was making some of the ladies do that stupid dance where he puts sticks in between his nose and mouth. The ladies were paying and making a line to touch us like in the original. The ladies asked me why Luffy stretched and I didn"t, I said that Luffy was cursed with rubber powers, which is not a lie. Some ladies were still curious about what I had said earlier and proceeded from there. While Luffy was singing and dancing I was getting blown in the back of the hall. Funny part was that they were paying to blow me like how they were paying to touch us before. I felt like a wh.o.r.e, even now I can"t say that without laughing.

Luffy was getting bothered too much by the touching and I was almost running on empty so we took food and left. Marguarite took us to Elder Nyons home. While there Luffy found out about Hanc.o.c.k being a Shichibukai (Seven warlords of the sea) and about Portgas D. Ace"s execution. I knew what we would do next but what bothered me was the fact that the newspaper only mentioned me killing the Tenryuubito but nothing on me beating the s.h.i.t out of Kizaru nor a mention of a bounty on me.

Luffy: We have to go to Impel Down and bust Ace out Sage, please help me out.

Sage: You don"t have to ask. Hanc.o.c.k told me that we can use her boat to where we wanna go. We can ask her to leave us there.

Enishida: (Bursts through door) Elder Nyon! Hebihime-sama…There"s something wrong with Hebihime-sama, please… come and take a look at her!!

Sage: d.a.m.n, did the procedure not take well (Feigning ignorance), I hope she"s ok. Luffy, let"s go.

Luffy: Yeah.

I already knew what her problem was but until Elder Nyon examines her I will have to wait with bated breath on who she fell for. My chances were greater as Luffy showed little to no interest in her except to use her boat. As we got closer the moment of truth approached.