A Saiyan In The Multiverse

Chapter 78

I agreed to have Shenron transport me to its location. When I arrived I saw Goku and the others with Beerus and Whis on a cruise ship. This must be the first meeting with the Hakaishin Beerus (G.o.d of Destruction Beerus) and the Z fighters. The situation is Bulma"s birthday party and to appease Beerus they fed and entertained him. Beerus initially came to find a Super Saiyan G.o.d he saw in a dream and fight with him but it was never clear who the Saiyan was. In the original story, Goku used the Dragon b.a.l.l.s to find the Super Saiyan G.o.d first before Shenron got the idea to teach them how to create one. Because of the first wish to bring a Super Saiyan G.o.d to them, timed with my arrival, I must be the Super Saiyan G.o.d they were looking for.

To be honest I couldn"t believe that Shenron picked up on my Ki considering I didn"t use any and I sealed most of my energy with seals I learned from Kushina. I knew that in order to empower my G.o.d form more my base needed to be strengthened and tempered. Every time I was training it was in my base form not only because it would better prepare me to fight Beerus level enemies but it was not nececessary in the worlds I have been in. I have fighting experience, no doubt, but never at or above my level. While here I could hopefully get an estimation of my power level.

Shenron: Beerus-sama, I have granted your wish of bringing a Super Saiyan G.o.d to you.

Beerus: Hmm, I think you are mistaken, this is not a G.o.d, he is not emitting G.o.d Ki.

Shenron: I a.s.sure you Beerus-sama, he can transform into a Super Saiyan G.o.d.

Whys: Beerus-sama, why don"t you ask him instead because the person in question will know better than anyone what it is you are looking for?

Beerus: I guess you"re right. Hey you, are you a Super Saiyan G.o.d?

Sage: (Feigning ignorance) Who are you? Why am I here?

Whys: Beerus-sama, let me.

Beerus: Make it quick.

Whys: Hai (Yes), (Facing me) This is The Hakaishin Beerus and I am his Angel Attendee, Whis. May I inquire your name?

Sage: I am Sarunokami Sage, it"s a pleasure.

Whys: Likewise. Beerus-sama had a dream of fighting a Super Saiyan G.o.d. We came to this planet because in this universe all but them (Gesturing Goku and his group), are the last Saiyans alive. Since they are the last Saiyans the likelihood of one of them being a Super Saiyan G.o.d was high. Since we came we found no one who matched Beerus-sama"s dream and asked the Earth Shenron to bring us the Super Saiyan G.o.d, thus you were brought here.

Sage: I see. So I am to fight Lord Beerus then?

Whys: Hai, but what I don"t understand is how I have missed your existence before coming to this planet. It baffles me.

Lying to Whys or Beerus would be foolish. I have nothing to hide but this will affect the time line a bit though because I already know what is going to happen. I can tell them where I am from but that would be as much as I can tell them.

Sage: Maybe because I am from a different universe and just arrived the moment you made the wish off of Shenron that I am here now.

Beerus: Oh, so you are a Saiyan from a different universe? Which one?

Sage: Hmm, I don"t understand your question. From what I can sense of this planet and within the neighboring planets, their power level out matches any from my original world. Where I am from there are no Hakaishin, Angels or dragons. If I had to guess it would be an alternate universe.

Beerus: Then how have you come to be here?

Sage: I came through a portal. I was not challeneged in my world so I took a trip to learn of and exceed my limits. But if we are to fight I will be at a disadvantage for opening my portal to traverse worlds I need an exorbitant amount of energy.

Beerus: So you are up to fight. But the question still stands, are you a Super Saiyan G.o.d?

Sage: Since I am the only one of my kind I cannot fully answer that. It already surpised me to know that my kind is called a Saiyan. (Lying, lol)

Goku: So you are a Saiyan from another universe huh. Here take these Senzu Beans, they will restore your strength.

Jackpot. If I am able to replicate these beans with my Mokuton I can train as hard as I want. I always had to be mindful of my surroundings but if I am able to train under Whis, I may yet reach new heights. I ate a Senzu Bean and put away the others. The effect the Senzu Beans provide exceeded my expectations. It was crunchy, dry and flavorless but the energy it replenished was insane. I took off my shirt to reveal an almost full body tattoo of seals. I released them all and waves of energy was emitted from my body. I breathed in and out as I tried to calm myself from being too excited for the fight.

Sage: Well then Lord Beerus, let me go through the motions to see which transformation you are seeking.

After transforming into Super Saiyan 1 to 3 Beerus was disinterested, of course Goku fought him before showing him those forms. When I turned into my True Super Saiyan, which is Super Saiyan 4, he seemed to have lost his smirk. I have yet to show him Super Saiyan G.o.d nor True Super Saiyan G.o.d so hopefully I can use them to my advantage even though he knows I can turn into Super Saiyan G.o.d.

We engaged and I was able to keep up at first but I knew it was not enough. I was able to take his blows and none of the little flicks or chops he used to down Goku. We took flight and fought a few rounds in the sky. Thunder like sounds and shc.o.kwaves could be felt all around. I took retreated a few steps.

Sage: Thank you, Lord Beerus. To show my appreciation…I will show you Super Saiyan G.o.d.

I returned back into my base form and let the G.o.d ki flow. As if I were transforming all over again, the weather changed over and over. My hair and eyes turned red.

Goku: Incredible! I can no longer feel his ki.

Whys: That"s because he is emitting G.o.d ki. It cannot be felt normally by mortals.

The clash of our powers could be felt at vast distances. Beerus claimed that he used his full power when fighting Goku but it was more like 65% to 70% of his power. I am hoping to advance further during this fight. The blood, the pain, the excitement and the uncertainty of victory led me to push farther, harder and stronger. At this transformation I was catching Beerus with few hits but he was also finding it hard to hit me.

Whys: Ara, to think he can move like that. He might way more skilled than he let on. Beerus-sama, be careful!

Beerus: Hmph, I knew that from the moment he dodged me Whys.

The fight continued and I pushed as hard as I could in my current form but like Goku I only see Beerus using 70% to 75% of his strength. Again I stepped back and transformed into True Super Saiyan G.o.d, I even used my Ginga Rinne Sharingan. The grin on my face and Beerus"s became wider. Blasts and beams were lighting up s.p.a.ce like a Star Wars dog fight as Beerus and I continued our fight. How long has it been? Minutes? Hours? Days? I didn"t feel or didn"t let myself feel exhausted because if I missed this opportunity to fight him I will stagnate. With every fist and kick that collided, my energy turned colors between red, blue and silver.

Sage: HAHAHAHA!!! MORE!!! Lord Beerus, show ME MORE!!!!

Beerus: You entertain me to no end Saiyan!!

The more we clashed the more stars in the far off distance disappeared. Beerus made a giant ball of energy ready to demolish a galaxy but I didn"t care. I was high on the love of battle. I used my Ginga Rinne Sharingan to momentarily freeze him in time by fractions because I knew I couldn"t hold him for long but that was all I needed to land heavy hits. It may have served to p.i.s.s him off but it was worth it. To make him bleed with every hit was worth it. He readied another ball of energy. I didn"t want my new playground and playmates to be destroyed so I could only take the blast head on.

Sage: (While holding on to the energy ball) HHHAAAAAAAAA!!!

Bruised and bleeding but still alive and the smile still not leaving my face. I closed my eyes momentairily to feel the changes in my body. I started healing bit by bit and regaining some strength. I used my Ginga Rinne Sharingan to see what the energy in the ball was composed of that Beerus threw and how I could absorb some of it for a break through. As the ball got smaller my muscles got a little bit bigger. I knew that with bulging muscles the power would be great but I will lose speed so I kept the muscle gain at a minimum. Something snapped and I grasped for it. The blue aura of the next stage came bursting forth.


Whys: Ara, ara, he broke through another level while fighting Beerus-sama. What an extraordinary race you Saiyans are.

Vegeta: Of course. Why do you think Freeza wanted to get rid of us so bad?

Whys: Truthfully Beerus-sama did order Freeza to destroy planet Vegeta but he did show fear seeing a variety of Saiyans growing in power. But this one is an anomaly, his battle style is similar to a trained G.o.d. He moves without thinking, feels his surroundings and adapts to the situation. The power that fluctuates in between is also a surprise. It appears that he knows that power is there but it eludes him. Every time he clashes with Beerus-sama he has firmer grip. If this continues he could actually overpower Beerus-sama.

Goku: It looks like the fight might just end though. His power is great but he is losing a lot of stamina.

Beerus: I can"t remember the last time I had to exhaust this much strength. Hahahaha!!

Sage: (Gasping for air) To be honest, Lord Beerus, (Gasp) this is the first time I have fought someone stronger than I am. Hahaha. Thank you for this humbling experience.

Beerus: It looks more fun if you were to get stronger along with those 2 down there. You might have more chances to fight stronger opponents in the future.

Whys: Seeing as you had your fun and we saved a lot of snacks, we should get going Beerus-sama.

Beerus: Sage, was it? I look forward to seeing your strength next time.