A Saiyan In The Multiverse

Chapter 17

While walking towards our destination I noticed that Sasuke was glaring at me from time to time. I didn"t mind his stares and I didn"t care. On the way, Naruto was asking for pointers on what he could"ve done differently or asking for my opinion on other things. Sakura and Sasuke were trying to listen in until Naruto threw a kunai at a bush. After some rustling, a little white rabbit ran out. Sakura started to yell at Naruto.

Sakura: Naruto, what are you doing trying to show off, you scared me.

Naruto: If that scared you maybe you shouldn"t be a ninja. Kakashi-sensei, Sage-nii, did you see the rabbit?

Sasuke: Quit acting, you know you messed up trying look cool, now you are making excuses like a dumba.s.s.

Naruto didn"t even give Sasuke a reaction or refute what he said he only pulled out another kunai.

Sage: Haters are going to hate and fools will be fools. (I shrugged and shook my head, I then turned to Kakashi) Kakashi-senpai, did you see it"s color?

Sasuke: Hmph, trying to make excuses for him as a Jounin, shameful.

Kakashi: Yeah I saw it. (Explaining to the dumbfounded ones) The snow rabbits are only white during winter. This one is white on the off season, meaning it belongs to someone. Stay on guard everyone.

Naruto already shifted next to Tazuna with a shadow clone on the opposite side. Sasuke clicked his tongue and followed suit. Sakura looking lost also pulled her kunai and stood behind Tazuna. Kakashi yelled out.

Kakashi: Everybody duck!!!

We all ducked down as a huge sword was flying through the air. The sword was then embedded on a tree a few yards away. When we all looked at the sword, a man was standing atop the embedded sword. I thought to myself that this was a very cool entrance.

Sage: Kakashi-senpai, I will take care of Tazuna, you and your team can handle that guy. If things get rough I will tag in.

Kakashi: Ok. Alright everyone with our mission objective secure we can go all out to defeat him.

Sasuke, Sakura & Naruto: Hai!!!

Kakashi righted his forehead protector and revealed his Sharingan, to show that this enemy is not to be underestimated. Everyone was surprised when Kakashi unveiled his eye, especially Sasuke. I have already told Naruto what kind of things to look out for when confronting unknown enemies.

Momochi Zabuza: So you are Kakashi of the Sharingan, the Copy ninja, the man who copied over a 1000 jutsus. Even in the Mist"s bingo book you are a famously wanted. I consider this a testament to my strength that I will get to kill you.

Zabuza made hand seals making for the Water Release: Hiding in the Mist technique. A great white mist spread throughout the forest area. It didn"t help that we were next to a river. The next moment Zabuza was in between Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura. Naruto was ready ever since Zabuza"s sword was thrown, he had his arm in front of Zabuza"s chest. With a kunai in hand, Naruto stabbed Zabuza in the chest. The Zabuza behind them started to squirt a liquid then, like a popped water balloon, turned into a puddle of water. Sasuke then stared at the ground then at Naruto in a mixture of anger, jealousy and hatred. Sasuke recalled that in the beginning years of the ninja academy, Naruto was a trouble maker and good for nothing. He took nothing serious and played around with Akamichi Choji, Naru Shikamaru and Inuzuka Kiba. After that year when Naruto came back for his second year, he was changed. He had a determined look, so determined that it made him look almost infallible. Naruto started to give right answers during cla.s.s, made the best progress in Ninjutsu and nearly unbeatable in Taijustu, the teachers had to spar with him. Sasuke overheard a conversation between Naruto, Choji, Shikamaru and Kiba, asking Naruto who, what, when, where and why did he get so strong and so determined. Naruto told them that his father and big brother Sage was disappointed with his behavior and that his big brother showed him how powerful a person can get with the right mentality and determination. The results are laid bare for all to see. Naruto didn"t slack off until his studies and training were done and this is the result. Even with all the evidence of Naruto"s progress, Sasuke hated Naruto.

Zabuza: (While hiding in the mist) Hhoo, it seems that one of your students is quite capable.

Kakashi: If you"re not careful he will overtake you.

Naruto: Sakura if you can"t take the pressure go stand guard with Sage-nii.

Sakura knew she was a burden and needed to get out of the way. She ran to my side and wiped the tears from her face.

Sage: If you are that frustrated why not change yourself?

Sakura: But I tried my best to change. (Sniff)

Sage: Blindly following someone who has no affection for you is not changing yourself. This is no

longer school where you have time to prepare for an exam. In missions, even the most mundane of tasks, can kill you without a hint of remorse. The best advice I can give you is for you to give up on love until you get older because you are being persistent in the wrong way. Follow a path for you by you. There is no shame in asking for help, there is no shame in failing and trying again. The real shame is when you give up without even trying.

Sakura: (Sniff) ok.

Sage: If you don"t mind me asking, why do you like Sasuke?

Sakura: Because he was cool, handsome and the strongest in school.

Sage: Superficial adoration will get you nowhere. Do you know what he likes, dislikes, his interests, do they coincide with yours? What are his hobbies, what are his strengths and weaknesses?

Sakura shook her head and said nothing.

Sage: After you changing yourself for him did he even pay any attention to you? What do you have to show for yourself after changing yourself for a person? Do not change yourself for anyone if they can"t accept you for who you are. Change yourself for yourself. (I sighed) If you still feel you can be stronger, Naruto and I are going to hold a training session after this mission if you are interested.

Sakura nodded while making a m.u.f.fled cry.

Sasuke, trying not to be outshone by Naruto, ran towards Kakashi to try to help him but was quickly kicked to the side by Zabuza. A Naruto shadow clone helped Sasuke while the real Naruto ran towards Zabuza, he threw a shuriken and made hand seals for a Multiple Phantom Shuriken technique, making many shuriken clones from a single shuriken. The attack was mostly blocked thanks to Zabuza"s wide blade but he was. .h.i.t on the leg and shoulder. The cuts were not deep but were enough to slow him down for Kakashi to wound him. Zabuza jumped back on the river. While standing on top of the water he mad ehand selas of the Water Release: Water Dragon technique. With his Sharingan, Kakashi also copied and executed the technique at nearly the same time. Because he was weakened, Zabuza lost the exchange and was washed away. He only stopped thanks to a tree. The moment Kakashi was going to finish him off ninja needles came out of the woods piercing Zabuza in certain locations on his neck and a ninja wearing the Kirigakure forehead protector and an Anbu mask came out.

Kiri-Anbu: I"m sorry for intruding but I will be taking him. For he is a missing-nin from my village.

Kakashi: And you think you can take him just like that, with no explanation.

Kiri-Anbu: You know as well as I that when it comes to missing-nin, we always take great measures to make sure they are returned dead or alive.

Just when the Kiri-Anbu bent down to pick up Zabuza I flashed next to her I whispered next to her ear.

Sage: Make sure when you both return to be a little stronger, I wouldn"t want you both to break down before my little brother has chance to grow further.

I smile wickedly while emitting a slight oppressive aura. The Kiri-Anbu just took Zabuza away without saying anything else. I thought to myself while scratching my head, I thought that the story stuck to the original and I didn"t alter too many things but who knew that Haku would be a girl in this life.