A Saiyan In The Multiverse

Chapter 2

I am finally being taken home and I finally recognize my parents after a few weeks. Being tested on because of my tail kept me away from my parents for too long. The only good thing that came out of me being tested on was finding out that I have far superior strength compared to other babies but have a small capacity of chakra. I am not worried about the amount of chakra I have because as a Saiyan I will be much more proficient in Ki usage, which is far more versatile and stronger to chakra. From my limited knowledge of this universe and the Dragon Ball universe, Ki or Chi, is a higher level of power which can reach G.o.d levels, such as Super Saiyan G.o.d or Super Saiyan Blue.

My mother and father look normal compared to the unique characteristics of the Naruto universe like having pink or purple hair. My parents" names are Sarunokami Kaien and Sarunokami Satsuki, they have black hair, tan skin and surprisingly, nice hazel eyes. From the conversations I"ve heard so far is that my family is part of an extremely far-off branch of the Sarutobi clan, which the 3rd Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, who is the current Hokage, comes from. That explains why our last name is not Sarutobi. By that fact alone I know I am in Konohagakure or Konoha for short. According to my parents my new name is Sarunokami Sage. Haha wow, I may be a Saiyan but that doesn"t mean that I still must follow the same naming sense of the Dragon Ball universe by the Saiyans having vegetable names. It must"ve been G.o.ds last joke or an incredible coincidence, either way the name still sounds cool, well, to me of course. Like my parents, I also have black hair, tan skin and hazel eyes, except for the brown fuzzy tail. Apparently, I am a variant in the shin.o.bi (ninja) world. Some are born with deformities or extra appendages so its not looked down upon too much since most that are variants tend to be stronger than average shin.o.bi. It makes it even more ironic that I have a tail and am from the Sarutobi clan, although one of the lower branches.

3 Months later.

Satsuki: So, what does my little Sage wanna do today huh? Are you hungry? I hope not because the way you eat, you will drain mommy completely dry before you are weaned off.

Said my mother as she holds me up high.

Kaien: Hahahaha, sorry for laughing honey but that just means he"s healthy doesn"t it?

Satsuki: (Gives Kaien a scowl) a.s.shole, of course he is healthy but the amount he eats is too abnormal and painful on my b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

I can understand where my mother is coming from, as a Saiyan, I eat due to my enormous strength and intense aura. The Saiyans" energy and nutritional intake requirements are a great deal higher than normal Earthlings. This heightened metabolism also benefits my physique despite my gluttonous eating, it is still much harder for me to grow obese or even suffer indigestion or cramps: in fact, it even improves my overall performance. Well, according to a wiki fact that I"ve read anyway. Not to mention that Saiyans are normally kept in incubators for as long as 3 years before they are taken out in order to develop more and grow stronger by the pure nutrients. I hope they start feeding me at least mashed up food soon, so I won"t continue to hurt my mother. (shakes head).

My father and mother are not that strong in accordance to the power level of this universe. They both are at the regular Jounin level. Because of this they were a little disappointed when they heard I had a small capacity of chakra. Since I am more physically stronger and kept my memories, I am obviously smarter when compared to other babies or even most adults. My mother put me down and I started to crawl around in order to stretch out my limbs. It"s only been 3 months since my birth, but I needed to move, it sucks having the knowledge of motion but lack the strength to do it. Hopefully with the Saiyan physique I will be able to stand and walk much faster. Now I only need the opportunity to do so because this is the first time my parents put me down. (Shaking my head) They may be shin.o.bi; they may be killers or a.s.sa.s.sins but they quite the dotting parents. This tends to happen when couples have their first child. Anyway, I grab on to the door frame and push my stubby little legs up until I start standing.

Satsuki: Oh my G.o.d! Kaien! Look at our son, he is standing on his own.

Satsuki was covering her mouth, visually shocked and happy at my little milestone achievement.

Kaien: (Rushing back to the living room) No way! Look at my little man go.

I then used only one hand on the wall in order to stay up and used my tail to keep my balance. As I stayed still for a minute or two, I started to walk slowly towards my parents. I did this not because I want my parents to think I was some sort of genius, but because I want them to put me down more so I can exercise and start some light physical training for the lack of not being put in an incubation chamber, I wanted to start early. Surprised and shocked, my parents let me walk towards them without them interrupting me. I may have wobbled a little bit, but I completed what I wanted to do, which was to gain mobility in this new body. My parents were very proud as my father grabbed me and held me high in the air while my mother was shedding tears. If this is all it takes for them to be happy, I guess my later actions will make them think I"m some deity or something.

Another 3 months flew by and my little exercises progressed to the point where I was using my toys as added weights, unfortunately I did not have the 10 times gravity opportunity to adapt like the Saiyans in the incubators have. I was sitting cross legged in the back porch watching my father practice his jutsu, ninja techniques, while my mother was preparing lunch. I was mimicking his hand signs in order to better understand how chakra was released but with minimal care as I was trying to use Ki instead of chakra. My father noticed this and was again, shocked.

Kaien: What kind or ninja talent is this? He may not be releasing any chakra, but I do sense some type of power, now if only I was a senor ninja, I might be able to tell what kind of power he may be using. I will see if my friend from the Hyuga clan can see what this little guy is doing.

Unbeknownst to my father I have been also meditating and trying to feel the abundance of Ki around me. Since this universe has less technology and still uses people with nature related powers to fight instead of nuclear arms, the Ki is easier to feel all around me. As a Saiyan, this makes me sensitive enough to feel this level of Ki. Since I have no way to measure my power level at this age, I can only a.s.sume that I may be able to go to ninja school and still beat the s.h.i.t out of some students there. I will wait until I can run and punch properly before I force my parents to send me into school way too early. For now, I will continue meditating as I can feel that I am making a bit of progress. A few days later Hyuga Ko, who will be Hinata"s caretaker in the future, came by the house to help my parents out on what kind of power I was using.

Hyuga Ko: Hey Kaien-san, so where is the little genius you want me to take a gander at?

Kaien: Well my little guy is in his room playing, but whenever I think I see him play, it looks like he is training instead, which is weird.

Satsuki: Don"t call my son weird just because he is more diligent than you.

Ko: Haha, well let me take look a from here first to see what he is up to then.

The moment Ko activated his Byakugan I sensed someone was peering at me and turned around, thinking an intruder might have been trying to break in. I released the little aura I had to try and scare him away. Ko widened his eyes and started to perspire profusely as he stared at this 6-month-old child glare back at his direction. Ko knew that there was no way I could know who was there, he only knew that I was able to perceive him in a certain direction due to the power needed to activate the Byakugan. Kaien and Satsuki all started to feel Sage"s intimidation, even though they are not sensor ninjas. Ko deactivated his Byakugan. When I sensed the danger leave, I also calmed myself down and lowered my aura. Thinking to myself that it may have been some people fighting outside the house or something, there is no threat to me or my family.

Ko: I know this may come off as extremely rude, but what kind of monster did you give birth to Satsuki-san? I can sense little Chakra but the pressure of the other power Kaien was talking about was suffocating.

Satsuki: I know he is my son, but Sage was born with a monkey tail, which is unheard of in our family or even the main branch of our clan.

Kaien: I have tried to look up his condition in the Sarutobi clan and Konoha archives but found nothing (hangs his head down and sighs deeply). Maybe if we ask the Hokage to come and look at him we may be able to get a clue as to what his condition may be.

Satsuki: You"re right we can ask Clan leader, Hiruzen-sama, but will he have time to meet us? As Hokage he could be too busy.

Ko: Well it doesn"t hurt to ask. If it means helping your son what do you have to lose?

Kaien: I will see if the Hokage will meet with us then.