A Saiyan In The Multiverse

Chapter 21

The tension was palpable. The hairs of the woodworkers and Team 7, except for the unconscious Sasuke, were standing on end. I let out a fierce Kiai. The mist and any dust dispersed from the entire area. I went to Kakashi and put my hand on his shoulder. I infused chakra and Ki into him and let it circulate before I stopped.

Sage: Kakashi-senpai, try integrating with your sharingan, try to make it a part of your body when we return back to Konoha. For now recover your strength. Naruto, good job and you as well Sakura.

Kakashi nodded. Naruto and Sakura both thanked me, picked up Sasuke and headed to Tazuna"s house. I picked up Zabuza and Haku and flashed to a place nearby to bury them. Naruto saw and followed me. I made 2 small blasts on the ground and put Zabuza and Haku in, then covered them. I took hold of the Kubikiribocho and started to swing it. I remember it being made out of a special metal that the blade repairs itself the more it cuts, collecting the iron in the blood. I kept the blade seeing as it self-repairs the more I cut my enemies. I test out the blade by infusing it with Ki and chakra. I swung diagonally towards a mountain in the distance. I cleaved the mountain and gave it a smooth surface. The blade couldn"t handle that much Ki and chakra so the tip of the blade started to rust and crumble. I nicked my hand to see if the self-repair still worked. I let out a relieved sigh as it was still working. I turned to Naruto.

Sage: If you have something to say, say it. It"s not like you to just lurk around Naruto.

Naruto came out from behind a tree. Looking like a child who got caught doing something naughty.

Naruto: (While looking down) Sage-nii, I know you were angry that Kakashi-sensei killed the both of them in one hit, but I just don"t understand why?

Sage: (I shook my head). My anger was directed at the enemy not you guys. I was angry at myself before they died and I was angry at the Gato guy for what he did. Because of my negligence the girl didn"t have to die. I saved Inari and his mom when 2 hired goons went to attack them so Gato could use them as leverage. If only I would have sent a clone instead of going personally. Too many what ifs".

Naruto: Oh so Inari and his mom were in danger then huh? But why did you want to save the girl? I knew that no matter what she was going to give her life saving Zabuza because she looked like she was saving a parent when she jumped in.

Sage: Don"t think about it too much it was only a pa.s.sing whim. Make sure to learn from it though, that"s the best we can do. Even if we are treated as tools just remember that we think, we feel, we live and we die. Just because people may treat us or see us as tools, as long as you know you are not one and believe in yourself then you will be fine.

Naruto: Ok Sage-nii, I will keep that in mind.

We flashed back to Tazuna"s house to rest up to return to Konoha. Naruto cheered up a little after our talk but still stared at me in awe. Seeing that I displayed that much power, I highly doubt Naruto will slack off again. Sakura showed great growth in controlling her chakra. Seeing how Sasuke was so hurt and Naruto was fine, she felt conflicted. Sakura, in the beginning, felt that Sasuke was the stronger of the 2 but that soon faded when Naruto took care of the first encounter with the Kirigakure ninjas. Then that doubt grew as she saw Naruto overrun Sasuke in almost every aspect except for looks. The more she thought about Naruto the worse she felt for denying his feelings. Back in Tazuna"s home Kakashi healed up rather quickly and was ready to move out. Sasuke was still unconscious but it didn"t matter, once everyone gathered their stuff and said our good-byes, I teleported all of us to Konoha.

I took Sasuke to the hospital. Then went back to my apartment to wash up then eat at my parents" house. I knew Kakashi would report to the Hokage so I didn"t see the need to see him as well. I went to check up on my mother because she was pregnant I wanted to see if she was ok. My father greeted me at the door with a complicated smile.

Sage: Dad what"s wrong? How"s mom?

Kaien: Sage, your mom was attacked when she went to the hospital to get checked. She is ok and only lost some blood during the attack.

Sage: (I tightened my fists with excruciating force) TELL. ME. WHAT. HAPPENED. DAD!!!

Kaien: Your mom was going to the hospital to get a regular check-up then check up on Uzumaki

Kushina. On her way to Kushina"s house she was attacked. The attackers didn"t take anything, they just attacked her and ran.

Sage: You said she lost some blood. For such a simple attack she bled more than she should have correct?

Kaien: Now that you mention it yes she did.

Sage: (In an enraged calm voice) Ok, I see. If you hear anything about me killing someone in the village don"t be alarmed. They couldn"t do anything to me even if the all the Hokages fought me.

I spread my senses throughout all of Konoha. I found who I was looking for, Danzo. I teleported to him.

Sage: So you thought I was making empty threats when I told the Hokage for you to back the f.u.c.k off and leave me and my family alone?

Danzo, surprised quickly turned around when he heard my voice. I know I was seriously p.i.s.sed, but to catch this waste of life, this piece of s.h.i.t with a vial of blood in his hands was just too coincidental. I yelled out in my mind "f.u.c.k Danzo! f.u.c.k his subordinates, f.u.c.k his secrets and f.u.c.k the Sandaime for supporting him! Danzo dies today!

Danzo: You insolent brat! How did you get in here?

Sage: Why does it matter to someone who is going to die?

Danzo: (He took a few steps back) He is a traitor, kill him root ninjas!

From the beginning I had my restrictions off. I gave absolutely no f.u.c.ks today. I didn"t gradually raise my aura nor did I use enough to scare them. My aura exploded with a long Kiai. HAAAAAA!!!!!!! My ki burst forth and I controlled it enough to kill all the Root ninja only by turning them into paste against the cavern walls with the pure force of my aura. I flashed to Danzo. Because I was so close to him, Danzo couldn"t move. I increased my aura and a mountain of force pressed down on Danzo"s old body, not giving him the chance to fall to his knees but press him down by breaking his legs. All that was heard was Danzo"s pain, agony, breaking of flesh and bone, the squelching of blood pouring out of his broken limbs and orifices. A few seconds later, Minato brought the Sandaime in full fighting gear with the Flying Thunder G.o.d technique but only to fall to the floor due to my aura pressing down on them.

Minato: (While pressed down) Sage-kun what are you doing?!

Sandaime: (While pressed down) Sage-boya stop this madness!!

Danzo: Yondaime! Hiruzen! Help me! He has gone rouge!


I raised my foot and pressed it against Danzo"s right shoulder. I pressed slowly all the way through and severed his right arm. The disgusting sound of flesh being turned into paste never felt so good. Danzo shrieked in pain. The echoes of his agony reverberated throughout the Root headquarters.

Sage: SQUEAL!!!

Whether it was my Saiyan nature or the pure bliss in killing the person who wronged you or a loved one, the feeling was indescribable. The joy, the exhilaration, the anger and the "oh so sweet" fury. The anger had pushed me to edge of insanity. At that moment I could only remember the lines of Alucard from h.e.l.lsing: Ultimate, "The bird of Hermes is my name Eat my wings to keep me tame". I let go of sanity and kept the rage, my eyes turned completely white. The cavern began to shake, rocks started to fall, none hit me nor the Hokages. I yelled out and lightening started to circle around me, my hair started to flash between black and blond. A few moments later, a golden aura emerged and my hair turned blond, I have finally reached Super Saiyan. As my pupils returned and revealed a pair of greenish blue irises instead of my hazel, shock prevailed over the pain of being pressed down from the current and former Hokage. I ease my aura and let them at least stand.

Sage: You broke your word Minato- nii, so I am upholding MINE! (I kicked Danzo"s severed arm to Minato and the Sandaime)

While the arm rolled to them the bandages came off revealing the Sharingans embedded on it. Minato and Hiruzen were speechless.

Sage: Test the arm. You will find it more interesting than the eyes on it. (I turned back to Danzo) This has been a long time coming.

I use the tip of my tail and jab it into Danzo"s right eye socket to take out the last Sharingan. I threw the eye to Minato and whipped my tail to get rid of the blood. I raised my foot and stomped on Danzo"s head, finally ending his life.