A Saiyan In The Multiverse

Chapter 27

Since it was still early I paid a visit to the Sandaime. I wanted to know if he can give me some of the Sarutobi clan techniques. I also wanted to summon Enma or if there are other giant monkeys to summon. Since most of the techniques are fire based I just mainly wanted to see if I can summon instead.

Sandaime: So what brings you to see me today Sage-boya?

Sage: I wanted to know if I can form a contract with Monkey King Enma? Or with the beast summon of the monkeys.

Sandaime: I see. I don"t see a problem with that. Maybe you will get along with him better than I. By the way how is your mother doing?

Sage: (With a hint anger in my voice) She"s fine. Just waiting to deliver now.

After the Sandaime handed me the scroll to summon Enma, I made the hand seals and with a puff of white smoke Monkey King Enma made his appearance.

Enma: Hiruzen, why did you summon me? Huh, you"re not Hiruzen.

Sandaime: This is Sage-boya, the boy I told you about. But to think he summoned you on his first try.

Enma: Oh so you are the one who killed Danzo? Speaking as one who fought alongside Danzo during those war times I don"t think he should"ve died the way he did but if what Hiruzen said is true then you did Konoha a great service by cutting him down. So, about this contract.

Sage: Thank you monkey king. Yes I wanted to learn summoning and thought of you first.

Enma: Hmm. You are plenty strong already but I cannot determine how strong. First sign and fingerprint in blood on this scroll. Then I will transform into the adamantine staff so we can see if you are capable of wielding me.

We went outside into the courtyard and I p.r.i.c.ked my finger to sign and fingerprint the scroll. Enma proceeded to transform and I took a hold on him. I don"t know whether it was the Sarutobi clan blood or the fact that Saiyans are far more closely related to monkeys but with Enma in my hands I wielded him like a monk master. It felt as if I had an extension to my arm. I was told to break some rocks and other things.

Sage: Monkey king, I"m gonna try infusing you with Ki and chakra. I am also gonna go beyond your own bounds of reality. I just hope your capacity can take it and if it can"t let me know so I can stop immediately.

I calm myself down. I hold Enma with my tail. I widen my stance and take a breath. I pick up momentum and let out a long Kiai.

Sage: Haaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!

I transform not into a Super Saiyan but into my true Saiyan form. I have not gone into my true Saiyan form in a while nor did I have the need to but it felt appropriate. I took Enma back in my hands, flew into the air and infused him Ki and chakra. Enma began to vibrate wildly until he couldn"t hold back anymore. Again I start practicing with Enma and let out Ki and chakra blasts that look like bijudamas from the ma.s.sively thick chakra into a far off mountain. The mountain and the surrounding terrain turn to rubble. I then tested The max Enma, as a Bo staff, can extend, expand, retract and shrink. I also keep in mind the speed in which he does so. After a few minutes Enma couldn"t hold on any more and undid his transformation. While panting and breathing heavily.

Enma: Dammit boy. What did you do?

Sandaime: What happened Enma? I never seen you look so ferocious before. (Sandaime looks closer at Enma) Do you look younger too?

Enma: I have no idea what the boy did but I have never felt so powerful. I feel like I can take on a biju.

Sage: (Slowly flying back down) With the amount of Ki and chakra I infused you with I doubt a biju will hold a candle to you. I must say though, you held up better than the Kubikiribocho. Maybe it"s because you are a living being imitating a weapon.

Enma: I don"t know if that"s a transformation Jutsu or a type of mutation but it"s very flattering that it looks similar to myself.

Unbeknownst to me because I released my strength with no barrier or restraint, the 3 sage locations, Mt. Myobokuzan, Ryuchi cave and Shikkotsu forest, felt my power from their respective lands. Immediately the elders ordered to investigate Konoha where they felt the surge of power. It would be strange if they have not done so.

I revert back to normal and finally touch down. Unfortunately my black shirt and gray undershirt was destroyed when I transformed and only my black pants and black boots remained. I quickly teleport home to get a new shirt and came back. The Sandaime was surprised.

Sandaime: I didn"t know you knew the Flying Thunder G.o.d Technique.

Sage: Yeah Minato-nii gave me the basics. (Although it"s not the same technique).

Enma: It seems with Sage-boy here I will get to see more action. To keep up with his insane chakra I will have to train myself as well. Since you let out so much strength the 3 Sage locations will come to investigate. If you get into a battle or if you wanna know about things don"t hesitate to summon me.

With a puff of white smoke Enma disappeared. I said my farewell to the the Sandaime and thanked him for the summoning technique. At least I have one skill from the Sarutobi clan that"s worth using. A few days pa.s.s by and the Chunin exams begin.