A Saiyan In The Multiverse

Chapter 34

Enma transformed into his adamantine staff form and landed on my hand. I infused Enma with Ki and chakra to solidify him further. I knew that Orochimaru had a Kusanagi sword, which happened to be one of the few things that can hurt Enma in staff form. I flashed to Tobirama and swung my staff, clipping his legs. I knew because of the Edo Tensei that their current bodies were immortal so the damage I am inflicting is to stop or slow their mobility, as if I need to. Hashirama made hand seals, seeing the difference in strength he used Mokuton: Jukai Koutan (Wood Release: Birth of a Sea of Trees). Hashirama hid for a few seconds to reemerge with sage markings on his face. All I showed was giant smile baring my white teeth. When Hashirama saw my smile he hesitated for a second but that was all I needed to swipe Enma through his mid section, splitting him in half. Tobirama had enough to time to rea.s.semble and made hand seals for Genjutsu: Kokuangyo no Jutsu (Genjutsu: Bringer of Darkness). I purposely got caught in the illusion just to experience it. I settle my excitement and sharpen my senses to the max. The technique only takes my sight so I focus on hearing, smell, touch and, since I can feel their presence like beacons, losing my sight was a mere handicap. I charge up and fire a small condensed Ki beam at Orochimaru"s leg as his chakra spiked, meaning he was making hand seals for a jutsu. I hit Orochimaru and stopped his attack. I cared less where I hit him but the sound of him hitting the floor almost made me laugh. While blinded I let Hashirama and Tobirama hit me with their best. I kept hearing the names of the jutsus they were using and all I did was try not to harden myself too much so I can take some damage.

Tobirama: Suiton: Suiryudan no Jutsu! (Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet technique!

Hashirama: Doton: Doryudan! (Earth Release: Earth Dragon Bullet!)

Sage: Come on! Stop TRYING to hurt and HURT ME! (I pounded on my chest)

The attacks did minimal damage. I was able to adapt to the Kokuangyo no Jutsu and was able to counter attack. Seeing this Tobirama canceled the technique.

Tobirama: Nii-san, why do I feel like he is just using us to temper himself.

Hashirama: You are right. The moment I used sage mode he had an obscene smile on his face as if he was waiting for me to attack with full force.

Tobirama: This is one h.e.l.l of a monster Saru has in his family.

Hashirama: Right. I will do what he wants and attack big then. (Made hand seals) Mokuton: Mokuryu no Jutsu! (Wood Release: Wood Dragon Technique!)

I saw the wood dragon coming and held Enma with my tail. I spread my arms ready to take the attack. The impact was great and the more the wood dragon pushed me the more excited I became. I felt that the attack actually hurt me. One of the teeth from the dragon had pierced my lower abdomen. My blood boiled as I stopped the dragon dead in its tracks. The wood dragon exploded and after a few seconds my maniacal laughter of enjoyment cleared the dust and debris with a strong enough sound wave.

Hashirama & Tobirama: BAKANA!! (IMPOSSIBLE!!)

Sage: (With a wide smile) I guess it"s no fun if only you attack, here live through this.

I charge Ki and chakra. Hashirama and Tobirama gathered at a kneeling Orochimaru. I made a stronger barrier to not let them escape. I readied my attack and fired.

Sage: Hosei Hokou Hou! (Collapsing Star Roaring Cannon!)

Orochimaru: What the f.u.c.k is that? s.h.i.t! Kuchiyose: Sanju Rash.o.m.on! (Summoning: Triple Rahsomon!)

Hashirama: Kuchiyose: Rash.o.m.on

Hashirama summoned 5 gate barriers and Orochimaru summoned 3, a combined 8 gates to stop my attack. My attack burned through all of them but Orochimaru was still alive because the Hokages used their bodies to block for him. The bodies of the Hokages were starting to rebuild but slowly. I walked to Orochimaru who layed on the ground with half his limbs missing, skin burned, blood and bone spilling out. The Kusanagi sword he hid in his stomach was even sticking out of him. In his haggard raspy s.h.e.m.a.l.e voice Orochimaru shouted.

Orochimaru: WHAT THE f.u.c.k ARE YOU? YOU f.u.c.kING MONSTER!!

Sage: You have been weighed on the scales and found wanting, Hebi-chan. There is no point in telling anything to a dead man. (I grabbed the Kusanagi sword) Good bye. Ten Hashira! (Heaven"s Pillar!)

Ten Hashira is a technique of my own creation where a giant white extinction level beam raises from the ground to the stratosphere and raises anyone in its vicinity to the sky as you burn. The more one resists the more they suffer. Because of his wounds, Orochimaru had no way of escaping and the Hokages were not restored yet, so he had no resistance and faded into nothing. With my attack both my barrier and Orochimaru"s subordinates" barrier, broke. I quickly fired small beams through the subordinates" heads and waited for the Hokages to be restored. A few seconds later Hashirama and Tobirama recovered.

Hashirama: So the summoner perished.

Tobirama: You do realize even with him gone we cannot be banished.

Sage: Oh I know. Hahaha, I just want to take on the last powerful move from the Shodaime-sama, then I will let you decide if you want to stay or pa.s.s on.

Tobirama and Hashirama looked at me then each other in a confused manner. Hashirama went back to sage mode and prepared his final attack.

Hashirama: Senpo Mokuton: Shin Susenju! (Sage Art Wood Release: True Several Thousand Hands!)

I take Enma into my hands and prepare to take the attack. The vicious smile returns to my face as the unrelenting attacks come. Dodge, repel, parry, break and get hit, that was the pattern. Hundreds and thousands of hands coming my way, I could have simply destroyed or dodged it all but, where is the fun in that? When I was felt that I was hurt enough, I infused Enma with Ki and chakra. I enlarged Enma big enough to smash Hashirama"s attack. Again a few seconds pa.s.s as the Hokages were restored again. Unfortunately my attack completely destroyed the location where we stood. The area was was flattened by Enmas" Kontei. Hopefully the best I could hope for would be that no one was hurt. Just Enma, the Hokages and I were left. All that could be seen in the surroundings were flat lands and four squished bodies.

Sage: I guess I had my fun. I will give you the choice now, here follow these seals: Snake>Ram>Boar>Dog>Tiger.