A Saiyan In The Multiverse

Chapter 37

The funeral ceremony finished and everyone went home. Minato called me into his office a few days later. In the mean time I took my family and Naruto"s family out to eat to congradulate him on becoming a chuunin. The day after next and Anbu arrived at my apartment requiring me to head to the Hokages office. As soon as I walk in the office I sensed that all the Anbu were told to leave. The only ones left were all the Hokages and me.

Sage: Good afternoon everyone. Sorry for being late I got caught up with some punani and a baller a.s.s spread of cheeses. What is up with the high level meeting Minato-nii?

Minato: (In a confused manner). What did you just say? (Shook his head) Anyway, Sage-kun, as you know the Shodaime and Nidaime are still with us. Do you know why?

Sage: I"m just joking. Well they have free will with immortal bodies. They can do what they want. Or they can go back to being dead. So what"s the problem? Do they want to know how to go back to being dead?

Hashirama: No no nothing like that. As long as we stay here I foresee many benefits. The reason for this meeting is on what to do.

Sage: Then why ask me? I just got lucky in freeing the both of you.

Sandaime: Sage-boya, there is no need for you to belittle yourself by saying that this meeting doesn"t concern you.

Sage: I"m not belittling myself at all. I know I"m powerful. My question pertains to why include me for discussions all of you have come to a conclusion to.

Sandaime: Sometimes you are too smart for your own good. We may have come to a conclusion about certain things already but we want to include you because Konoha would not be here stronger than we were, without you.

Sage: (Sighs) Fine. What is it that you have yet to discuss?

Hashirama: Rebuilding is easy but having the hearts of the citizens united will make it that much stronger. For that we want to make you the hero of this invasion.

Sage: Really? Why? I kept a low profile because I can kill all I want while keeping the village out of blame. Now you want me to take a representative role? You guys do know I am called the Demon of the leaf by other villages, right?

Minato: We know. That was also discussed but the benefits of you being the hero will also keep most villages at bay.

Sage: So from what I am hearing, the fact that the Shodaime and Nidaime were brought back is being kept secret?

Tobirama: Yes, as you said. We are not alive to begin with so other than us and a select few no one else knows. If a war happens we can be used as deterrents.

Sage: So the brighter the light on me, the bigger the shade for you to hide in. Fine but if there is a war I want first dibs. Also, I have a question that might be a touchy subject but since we are all here please listen. During Naruto"s birth there was an intruder from the Uchiha clan or someone who took a clan members eyes. The intruder let loose the Kyuubi which had the Mangekyo sharingan symbols in its eyes. Question is, who would know that the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki would be at their most vulnerable when giving birth?

Hashirama & Tobirama: (With widened eyes) UCHIHA MADARA!!!

Sandaime: But he was killed by you Shodaime-sama, how can that be?

Hashirama: We never really found his body. Considering the years though, he should be dead.

Tobirama: Nii-san, that won"t stop him from taking in a disciple or followers within the timeframe.

Hashirama: Very true. So why bring this up?

Sage: Because if that person knows about our biju, which is the strongest of the nine, then whats to stop him from gathering the other eight? And if they do gather them all what is their plan? If they combine them they might bring out, uh, (Playing the fool) I don"t know, a Jyuubi or something? (Said while shrugging my shoulders).

All the Hokages faces were priceless at the moment. They were giving the "I see, said the blind man" look. Now that they know that the other villages don"t mean s.h.i.t, they can focus on bigger fish. Immediately they started a discussion amongst themselves.

Sage: Well it looks to me that you have much more to discuss, but you should tell lady Tsunade that you were somewhat revived. She can at least add to our strength as well if she were here and it would be nice for her to talk to family.

Minato: That is true. How about you ask Jiraiy sensei and take Naruto with you to bring her back?

Sage: That"s fine. I will. (With a smirk)

After I said that they also agreed. Now that they will look more for signs of missing Biju and the fact that Hashirama and Tobirama can look for themselves is a huge plus. Now I have an excuse to see my big breasted GILF angel. As I walk home I play out how our conversation would go in my mind but considering how she would see someone 1/3rd her age I do not see it going well. There is no harm in trying except for the ma.s.sive harm she can do but it would be a new experience to she if she can harm me. I went to Naruto"s house and again he wasn"t there. I waited until he came home from his date. I told Naruto what we were tasked to do. Since Naruto had the contract with the toads of Mount Myoboku, they can relay the message to Jiraiya. The good thing about this mission is that we will encounter Itachi. I want to see how his Genjutsu fairs against me. I menacingly rub my hands together at the thought.

I went home after bidding good bye to Kushina and Naruto. I went home to check up on my mother, cook for my parents and to explain the situation. At first my parents were extremely proud of me, being recognized by the Hokages, previous and current. The only thing that concerned them was that I was put in a position where I am a target for other villages. I never told my parents about the other villages being after me before so I thought with the situation the way it is they would understand. The next day Naruto told me that we will leave the next day waiting for Jiraiya. In the meantime we gathered our gear and supplies. Naruto practiced his sage mode and I tried pushing for a golden True Saiyan form. Maybe another fight where I let myself be damaged will give me the boost I need. The idea of having Tsunade hit me with her best after me fondling her came to mind but it will ruin my chances with her. I weighed my options and couldn"t come to a conclusion. The more I thought about it the more getting beaten up seemed to be the better option. I"m no m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.t, maybe through my blood now, but I would get to feel her up and I will power up. Jiraiya finally came and we started walking towards a last know location where Tsunade might be. Jiraiya warned us about her strength and personality as we walked along. I broke down what the situation with Konoha was to Jiraiya. At first he was shocked that the previous Hokages were resurrected through Orochimaru but was more stunned when I was able to release them from being controlled. As we reached the last known location and the search for the GILF was on.