A Saiyan In The Multiverse

Chapter 38

I came to a conclusion. I decided to not go after her. I weighed the pros and cons and there were too many cons. Other than her looks, which she can change, there is nothing else. She can no longer heal properly because of haemophobia, loves to gamble and only wins when s.h.i.t hits the fan and the glaring disparity in age, 16 (physically) and 51. Not to mention I am not even considering her wants or needs so I doubt she would see me in that way. I decided to at least let her hit me though for the Zenkai boost. Considering her strength to break Madara"s Susanoos" ribs she might just leave a bruise on me. We walked far, even though we didn"t have to and there is no rush, the day grew dark so we decided to stay at a hotel. In regards to the original story this should be around the time Itachi and Kisame snuck into Konoha looking for Naruto. I highly doubt they have the b.a.l.l.s to go after Kushina so Naruto would be the next best thing. So when Asuma, Kurenai, Guy and Kakashi confronted Itachi and Kisame they found out that Naruto was not in the village. After eating at a restaurant we went back to the back of the hotel to train a little. I noticed that Jiraiya was following a brunette, the same one that was hypnotized by Itachi to lure Jiraiya away. Once I saw them walking away I masked my presence to an almost nonexistent level. I let Jiraiya have fun while I also have fun.

Kisame: So this is the Jinchuuriki we are looking for Itachi-san?

Itachi: Yes, this is him.

Kisame: Should I cut his legs so he can be carried easier?

Itachi: No, he would bleed out and die before we can extract the biju.

Sasuke: You will be taking no one!

Now the hater enters the stage. Sasuke arrives, vowing to kill Itachi. To act on his promise, Sasuke prepares his Chidori attack, and lunges at Itachi. Itachi easily deals with Sasuke by grabbing and crushing his arm. Naruto observed the situation before moving. He knew I was here so he wasn"t worried but he at least wanted to get information by letting Sasuke attack. After a few seconds Naruto decided to attack. He went after Kisame. Naruto had none of his ninja tools with him so he decided to summon a toad.

Naruto: Kage Bunshin no Jutsu! (Shadow Clone technique!)

After the 20 clones were summoned they all ran in a circle around Kisame and observing his moves. Naruto had 3 attack while 5 in the back made summoning seals.

Kisame: Oh no you don"t.

Kisame swung his sword and destroyed 3 of the 5 clones, missing the real Naruto. From the attack Naruto felt what the sword did and completed his seals.

Naruto: Kuchiyose no Jutsu! (Summoning!) Gama thanks for coming.

Gama: Hey Naruto, what"s the issue?

Naruto: These guys are hear to take me, they beat down Sasuke. Be careful of the Uchiha guy"s eyes. As for the one in front of us, his sword drains chakra.

Kisame: Hooh, from a single exchange he already figured out what my sword does. Hey Itachi-san, he"s better than your brother.

Itachi: So it seems. (Turned to look at Sasuke) I thought that you would grow but you stayed as trash Sasuke.

Naruto put his hand on the back of Gama.

Naruto: Gama, use a water bullet.

Gama fired a water bullet infused with wind nature. Kisame blocked it with his sword but could not block it entirely so he was cut due to the splash damage.

Kisame: Little s.h.i.t.

Naruto stepped back and prepared more seals this time with kyuubi chakra. The wind releases were far stronger but all Kisame had to do was swing his sword to dissipate the attacks. With a loss of what to do…

Naruto: Now would be a good time to step in Sage-nii.

Sage: HAHAHA! And here I thought you were having fun.

Itachi & Kisame: WHAT!!!

Itachi: Bakana! (Impossible), how did I not detect him?

Kisame: How the f.u.c.k did he appear here? Itachi-san what the h.e.l.l is going on?

Kisame"s sword, Samehada (Shark skin), was a unique sword pa.s.sed down from generation to generation in the Kirigakure since the first Mizukage"s era. This sword chooses its master and with that kind of sentience and its ability to absorb chakra, it is also able to sense chakra.

Kisame: (Samehada p.r.i.c.king Kisame) Ow, what the f.u.c.k Samehada, what"s wrong?

Itachi: what"s wrong Kisame?

Kisame: Samehada is warning me to stay away from this guy. It feels like its" s.h.i.tting bricks just from this guys" presence. I never felt the Samehada scared before.

Itachi: Let me try him.

Sage: At least introduce yourselves, a.s.sholes. So rude.

I just stood there waiting for Itachi"s Dojutsu, eye techniques. After a few seconds I grew tired of waiting and walked towards them. Eye contact, line of sight, being overwhelmed by having foreign energy enter anothers body through the optical nerve and affecting the senses is the requirements of Dojutsu. With the small film of energy I cover myself with to erase my presense and my extreme amount of power, whether physical or mental, his Dojutsu became trash before me.

Kisame: Itachi-san, Itachi-san, f.u.c.king answer me! (Kisame turned to Itachi)

Kisame saw Itachi have his eyes wide, bleeding and gnashing his teeth. He then turned to me walking towards them in a calm imposing manner.

Itachi: (Finally snapped out of it). Let"s get the h.e.l.l out of here Kisame! What the h.e.l.l are you? (Said while shaking)

Itachi used Amaterasu but as soon as it appeared on my body I blew it away like I was blowing away lint from my shoulder. The flame could burn me but the small thin film of ki and chakra blocked it from touching me.

Sage: Me? What the h.e.l.l are you? You turn your brother into a heartless killer to upgrade his sharingan, kill your entire clan and parents because of the orders of a corrupt elder and being his only family left, abandoned him. Again, what are you?

Itachi: (Stopped shaking looks at the unconscious Sasuke). You don"t understand anything.

Sage: I do understand, otherwise, why would I know why you defected? Couldn"t you have told the Hokage to prevent it all? You could have been a pillar to bring konoha up but chose to wipe out your clan and leave your brother so he could, in turn, kill you. Pathetic and sad.

Itachi: So Danzo is dead?

Sage: Very much so. When it came to choosing your backer, you chose poorly. Now what, do you think you can come after Naruto without consequence? Let me give you and your organization a wake up call that your plans will fail.

I flashed and appeared in front of Kisame with a simple small uppercut motion I hit his abdomen, completely blowing away his mid section with the Samehada. I had no use for a sword that will not listen to or corrode from the over abundance of chakra and Ki. As the remains of Kisame fall to the floor I step on his spine and rip off his head, throwing it to Itachi. In a fast flicking motion I shake the blood off my hand.

Sage: (I flashed next to Itachi, grabbed his shoulder and whispered to him) Run along now, tell your leader he will be next and when he does come, his eyes will be mine.

Itachi disappeared without a trace leaving an unconscious Sasuke and a confused Naruto. Jiraiya finally came back from banging the brunette.

Jiraiya: (Looked at the dead body, then us). So, what did I miss?