A Saiyan In The Multiverse

Chapter 4

After a half hour has pa.s.sed, there was a knock on the Hokages" office door.

Jiraya: Hey gramps, what was so important that you had to call me in? Me and Minato were discussing some crucial strategies for the next mission.

Namikaze Minato: h.e.l.lo Sandaime-sama.

Uzumaki Kushina: Hey old man, how are you? Hey who"s this little cutie? Huh, he has a tail.

Sage: h.e.l.lo. (I made a small bow to the people who just came in)

Like my previous action, everyone was stunned as well.

Jiraya: Oh. So, this is why you called me in gramps? (Jiraya looked at me with inquisitive eyes). Can I see the brat a little closer?

Kaien & Satsuki: Please do.

Jiraya picked me up, looked me in my eyes and then started to examine my tail.

Sage: (The moment Jiraya grabbed and squeezed my tail) Stop!

Like before I let out my aura and gave Jiraya a blood thirsty look. Jiraya quickly let go of my tail. Everyone in the room was startled by my aura, no matter how small, simply because of my age. I was put down on the floor.

Jiraya: (With his hand on his chin) Hmm, I can see why the brats" parents were concerned. This kid is abnormal, and it"s not just the tail. Though his tail is his sore spot. Let me summon f.u.kasaku-sama, maybe he can sense the power this kid is holding. Kuchiyose no Jutsu (A cloud of white smoke filled the room and a small toad stepped out)

f.u.kasaku: Jiraychan, I was in the middle of a nap, why did you call for me? Oh, this doesn"t seem to be a normal gathering, if you"re gonna have the Hokage himself present.

Jiraya: f.u.kasaku-sama, I called you here to see if you can see through this weird kid here. (Jiraya pointed at me)

f.u.kasaku: Hmm, well I sense little to no chakra from him, but his vitality is almost overbearing for one so young. Let me have a closer look at "em. (f.u.kasaku hopped over and began to examine me)

It"s not that I don"t like being looked at or being examined, but the moment my tail is squeezed just makes me furious, but can anyone blame me? Having a full tail is new to me. As much as I"ve shown my aura when my tail is grabbed, they should have learned already to not grab it. f.u.kasaku was not here for the first few times so, like the others he attempted to grab my tail. My eyes widened and my hair started to stand on end.

Sage: I said, STOP!! (I let my aura out once more, but I felt that this time my aura grew a little more. I made a full spin with f.u.kasaku still holding on my tail and I slammed him on the ground with a loud wham)

I can only guess that because of the repeated grabbing of my tail made me weaker so the intervals between grabs allowed me to recover. Even with this much weakening, recovering and my age, it must"ve activated my Zenkai boost. A Zenkai boost is an ability that is genetically exclusive to Saiyans. The ability is a genetic trait that allows a Saiyan"s power to increase substantially after recovering from near fatal injuries. Although minor, that would be my only explanation as to why my Ki increased much more during my visit to the Hokages" office.

f.u.kasaku: (Gets up slowly, while groaning and shaking his head). My, what a strong brat. I definitely felt his power there. I don"t think it was Senjutsu chakra but at the same time, it still felt that it was but on a much higher level, something purer, more primal.

Jiraya: f.u.kasaku-sama, I felt that the brats" strength somehow grew more since the time I grabbed his tail. I didn"t think his strength would be this much though.

f.u.kasaku: Jiraychan, next time tell me these things beforehand. So, the boy was born with this tail?

Kaien & Satsuki: Yes, he was.

While pondering, f.u.kasaku looked at me again and I scowled at him.

f.u.kasaku: I also have not heard of any child being born with a tail but there doesn"t seem to be any problems. He is healthy and strong. Train him well when he gets to be of age…

Satsuki: I"m sorry to interrupt you, f.u.kasaku-sama, but Sage has been training himself while he thinks we are not looking. At first, I thought that it was adorable because he was exercising just like when Kaien was exercising. I thought he was mimicking him. But then I noticed that his repet.i.tion was far beyond any normal adult. As for weights, he himself regulates how much he carries. He started with his toys then progressed to small stones, which I found in his room and some of his clothes pockets.

f.u.kasaku: Hmm. Not only strong but smart. Listen, let him continue but since he is still developing, he might not know to stop so a distraction might be required. Does he have a sibling or friends his age he can interact with?

Kaien: No, he doesn"t but we will try to keep him distracted.

Kushina: If you want, me and Minato can watch him every now and then.

Satsuki: That would be a huge help, thank you. (Mother made a small bow towards Kushina)

f.u.kasaku: Since that is settled, I will take my leave then.

Jiraya, Hokage, Satsuki & Kaien: Thank you, f.u.kasaku-sama.

A cloud of smoke appeared and the sage toad f.u.kasaku, was sent back to Mt. Myoboku. Minato, Kushina and Jiraya dismissed themselves. Only me, my parents and the Hokage were left in the office.

Hokage: Satsuki, Kaien, take care of Sage-boya, he will be a great pillar for Konoha one day.

Satsuki & Kaien: (While bowing) Thank you Hokage-sama.

My parents picked me up and exited the office. On the way home, my parents were gestating what was said and what they witnessed. I on the other hand needed to keep my exercises more secret, but I guess I can only expect little to no privacy after this meeting with the Hokage.